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Chapter seven hundred and thirty eight concubines

After some discussions between Zhang Tinglan and Jiang Baili, the army reorganization plan was basically finalized. The first 13 divisions were used as field divisions, with one division and three regiments. They were also equipped with an artillery regiment equipped with 54 105mm howitzers, and two high-altitude howitzers.

The total number of artillery batteries and other ancillary troops will be about 16,000.

In fact, this kind of organization has been proposed by the Fengjun Army a long time ago, and the previous divisions were also organized in this way. However, due to the great changes in combat tasks, it is sometimes necessary to temporarily organize the canceled brigades.

However, this time, since the overall situation has been basically determined, the field troops only need to be responsible for the outside, so the organization is completely fixed. As the main force against the Russian and Japanese land threats, the 2nd, 6th, and 7th divisions are stationed in Outer Mongolia. The third division is stationed in Outer Mongolia.

The 4th, 11th, 12th, and 13th divisions are stationed in the three eastern provinces and the Yalu River line. The 5th and 8th divisions are stationed in the Far East, and the 9th and 10th divisions serve as reserve forces and are stationed in Fengtian.

As for the First Division, it is somewhat special. It was awarded the title of Guards Division, and its troops were expanded into a large organization of three brigades and nine regiments. It is mainly responsible for the defense tasks in the Beijing-Tianjin area.

This is also the result of Zhang Tinglan's lesson learned. When the country has not yet been unified and foreign threats are still there, the capital must be heavily garrisoned to ensure security.

After the country's situation is completely stabilized, the First Division may make adjustments. According to Zhang Tinglan's idea, he wants to build the First Division into Fengjun's mechanized force and serve as the country's most powerful iron fist. But this is not available yet.

Financial resources can only be considered as an idea.

In addition to these thirteen fully-established divisions, other units will be reduced to varying degrees. The second-line local garrison force has a total of seven divisions, one division in each of the three provinces of Shandong and Henan. Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai have arranged two divisions.

, as an economic center, this force is still slightly weak. Zhang Tinglan also placed the newly established 1st Marine Division in Hangzhou, which can also defend Shanghai.

The Marine Corps is a force that Zhang Tinglan has been planning to build since last year. With the unification of most areas in the country, in the foreseeable future, the main mission of the Marine Corps is to recover the lost islands and cooperate with Japan, Britain and France.

Fighting in Southeast Asia, such battles are inseparable from the Marine Corps.

Moreover, Zhang Tinglan was very knowledgeable in placing this purely offensive force in the Yangtze River Delta. According to common sense, this force should actually be placed in Fujian to attack Taiwan. However, Zhang Tinglan did not do this.

In fact, deep strategic considerations have been revealed here.

If you want to regain Taiwan, who would foolishly land on Taiwan? Just attack Ryukyu directly. In comparison, Ryukyu is smaller in area and less difficult to attack. At the same time, Ryukyu is strategically located far above Taiwan. As long as it is captured

Ryukyu. Taiwan does not need to be fought at all, it will definitely return to China's hands, so Zhang Tinglan placed the Marine Corps in the Yangtze River Delta.

In addition, there are two garrison divisions placed in Hunan and Hubei. The purpose is also very simple, which is to protect this important industrial town in the central part and to stabilize the central part.

In addition, six basic divisions and six quick strike divisions are also organized and trained. Each of the six basic divisions only retains more than 6,000 people and only one infantry regiment. However, the rest of the artillery and other technical arms are with the front line.

The troops are almost there.

But this basic division is also very knowledgeable. Each chief officer will be assigned two deputies. If a war breaks out, one regiment can become three regiments, inflating quickly like a balloon, and they can be deployed as quickly as possible.


These six basic divisions are usually stationed in areas close to railway lines such as the Central Plains and Jiangnan. They participate in protecting local security during normal times. During wartime, they are rapidly expanded and maneuvered quickly.

As for the six rapid strike divisions, they are designed to deal with areas such as Southwest China and Guangdong and Guangxi. These areas are relatively remote. It would be too expensive to mobilize large armies. Moreover, in terms of combat effectiveness, most warlords are scum, so there is no need to spend too much money.


Three of these six fast strike divisions are trained according to mountain troops. Each division has about 8,000 people. It must be equipped with capable equipment, move quickly, and have strong strike capabilities. Normally, one division can easily defeat a Turkish emperor, and two or three divisions can easily defeat it.

Have the ability to control a province.

After this reorganization, the National Defense Forces and Army have a total strength of about 350,000, and can quickly mobilize 200,000. Judging from the current situation, it is basically enough. With the development of the economy and changes in the security situation

, and can be expanded appropriately.

After all, as a large country with a population of more than 400 million, it is not too much to maintain an army of one or two million. Having more troops can not only be used as a deterrent, but also to solve some employment problems, which can also be regarded as a way out for ordinary people.

"I would like to say that the organization of the army is basically like this. The navy and air force still have to face some challenges. The navy has to be divided into two fleets. One is called the Bohai Fleet. It is based in Luda, Weihaiwei and other places to defend Beijing, Tianjin and other areas.

Industrial zones in the three eastern provinces. The second branch will be placed in the Yangtze River Delta area, as the East China Sea Fleet, and the defense area will be on the southeastern line."

"Well, let's organize the navy like this for the time being. But after we can build warships, we will need to expand a South Sea Fleet and a North Sea Fleet. One will be placed in the south and the other will be placed in Vladivostok. Only in this way can we build a great sea wall."

Jiang Baili also nodded in agreement: "The air force's problem is more serious. We currently have about 700 air force fighters, which seems to be far more than Japan and more than Russia. But because our territory is vast, we have many areas to guard. The air force

It also has to shoulder the task of coastal defense, so it must be expanded vigorously, at least to 1,500 aircraft, or even 2,000 aircraft. However, considering cost issues, it is not necessary to equip all the aircraft with new ones. The best fighters are given to the front-line troops.

Old aircraft can be reserved for second-line pilots, but the number of air forces must be guaranteed."

This is also the difference between the air defense of big countries and that of small countries. Small countries can build small and sophisticated air forces, but big countries absolutely cannot and must ensure sufficient numbers.

"Brother Baili has a good idea, let's follow this idea."

"I'd like to say that this army will cost a lot of money. After deducting the more than 200,000 people who originally joined the army, more than 100,000 people will be added. Some of them can be recruited from the direct army, but a large number will also need to be recruited.

In addition, the original soldiers in each province will also be demobilized. This is not a small amount of money. The cabinet only promised to give 50 million, and the shortfall is at least 30 million. In addition, there are weapons procurement costs. I estimate that even 100 million is impossible.


The army is a tiger that swallows gold. Even if it is not reorganized, spending money is like water. This is just the army. When the Mackensen is renovated and the aircraft carrier fleet is pulled out, it will simply be a waste of money.

"Brother Baili, various privileges have just been withdrawn this year. After next year, the financial gap will be greatly made up, and the investment in the military will also increase. As for the gap this year, I will find a way to ensure that important events will not be delayed.


When Jiang Baili heard this, he immediately laughed: "I knew that any trouble would be solved by Zhu Yan's hands. The ability to turn stone into gold is not nonsense!"

Jiang Baili said goodbye with a smile, and Zhang Tinglan also showed a wry smile. Of course, he did not have the ability to turn stone into gold. He just knew the general trend of history and could find opportunities to make money. The Great Kanto Earthquake in Japan is getting closer and closer. This deal is indispensable.

The money will be spent on the Japanese.

It seems a bit unpleasant to make a fortune by yourself when there is a big earthquake, so I will simply donate three to two hundred to the Japanese. Then I will light candles in the park and silently wish them to be strong!

In fact, when driving away Fred, Zhang Tinglan had already buried the idea of ​​using the earthquake to make a fortune. Now that the funding gap is so big, it seems that he really needs to take advantage of the Japanese.

Just when Zhang Tinglan was planning how to make money, Jiang Baili had already announced the reorganization plan. Unexpectedly, all the senior generals in Fengjun were in trouble. This military reorganization was completely different from previous military expansions. Jiang Baili had already announced the reorganization plan.

The principle is clearly stated: troops must be deployed in different places, and generals and soldiers are not allowed to belong to the same province or region.

In addition, officers at all levels must be rotated regularly, and they cannot stay in any unit for more than two years. There is no doubt that doing so will completely break the situation of returning soldiers to generals, and no one can even think of building a small team.

There are many people who wonder about this arrangement. If you lead your troops well, why should they be rotated regularly? What should you do if your combat effectiveness drops? What should you do if your command is not satisfactory?

Of course, these are the reasons that can be told to the outside world. There are more people who are already building their own small circles. As a result, their sweet dreams are suddenly broken. Of course, they cannot accept it. Therefore, people go to Jiang Baili and Yang Yuting every day.

He went to find Sun Anhu and even found Zhang Tinglan directly.

But Zhang Tinglan is so cunning. At this time, he will never cause trouble for himself. Whether he can figure it out, he must obey the arrangements honestly. Zhang Tinglan ran to Miyun Villa early. As early as two years ago, the family was going to Beijing.

came, but happened to catch up with the rebellion, and several months passed until the agreement with Japan and Britain was finally finalized.

But it happens to be early summer at this time, with warm sunshine, green grass, a gentle breath of air, and fragrance everywhere. Of course, this is only temporary. With the development of industrialization, the good air in Beijing will not last long.

If there is more, then take advantage of the good times and enjoy them more.

Zhang Tinglan personally brought the family over. After not seeing each other for a few months, Da Ya had grown a lot taller, but her face was still plump and pink, as if she could squeeze out water, and her big eyes were twinkling.

Flashing, full of spirituality.

When she first met Zhang Tinglan, she was still a little unfamiliar, but when Zhang Tinglan personally led a little pony and let the little girl ride on it, heading towards the villa, the little girl was immediately overjoyed, her bright eyes tight.

He stared at the dog-like pony in front of him, it was like a living treasure.

Zhang Luying was also interested in the little pony. It was not easy for Zhang Xueliang to come back from Europe. Naturally, he wanted to take Yu Fengzhi and his children over for a good reunion. When he saw Zhang Tinglan carefully decorating the Miyun Villa, Zhang Xueliang also changed his mind without hesitation.

occupied a courtyard.

He just robbed the house and forgot about other things. Zhang Tinglan also teased: "Han Qing, it's not that I didn't prepare for my eldest niece. It's just that you are too careless as a father."

Zhang Xueliang snorted, picked up Zhang Luying, let him ride on his shoulders, and said with a smile: "Baby girl, daddy will ride on you as a horse, what do you think?"

Zhang Lvying immediately smiled, and Zhang Xueliang bumped his shoulders deliberately, and Zhang Lvying's laughter became even clearer. Yu Fengzhi was a little annoyed: "Han Qing, don't always spoil your children, otherwise you won't be able to control them."

On the contrary, Zhou Xinyao smiled slightly: "They are busy with work and don't get to see their children much throughout the year. We can't just talk harshly, let them have fun."

"Hey, people say that fathers are strict and mothers are kind, but here we are, where women are put in a bad light. They are just trying to take advantage of their children!"

Zhang Tinglan and Zhang Xueliang ran at the front with their children, while Zhou Xinyao, Yu Fengzhi and others followed behind, accompanied by Zhang Zuoxiang, Hua Futian and others.

Zhang Zuoxiang couldn't stop smiling on his face along the way: "It's like a dream to get to this day. Fengzhi, although we are two families, we are actually one family. If anything happens in the future, you can come to me directly.

If Han Qing dares to act recklessly, I will serve him according to the family law."

Zhang Tinglan led the pony and her daughter to the front of the villa. This villa was built during the Manchu and Qing Dynasties. Due to the reference to Western-style architecture, the whole villa looks full of foreign style and has a strong oriental style. There is a fountain in the middle of the yard.

, and there are two rows of fish tanks that are as tall as one person, with huge koi carps swimming back and forth.

"Da Ya, what do you think of these fish?"

Da Ya thought for a long time, tilted her little head and asked: "Is it delicious?"

When Zhang Tinglan heard this, she couldn't laugh or cry. She didn't expect that her daughter was still a big foodie, so she smiled and said, "Of course it's delicious. Dad will make you a sweet and sour fish!"

Da Ya nodded proudly, and Zhang Tinglan didn't care whether he burned the harp or cooked the crane. Sure enough, he took action himself, picked the biggest and fattest one, and made a large plate of sweet and sour fish. The whole family ate very happily.

In the evening, Zhang Zuoxiang called Zhang Tinglan over. The two men sat opposite each other. Zhang Zuoxiang was still smoking his cigarette. After a while, he said: "I'd like to say that you are also the vice president. Putting aside that good-for-nothing Li Yuanhong, this country is all up to you."

After all, dad shouldn't say anything, but it's not good to leave some things hanging."

"Dad, what are you always talking about?"

"Of course it's your family matter. I'm satisfied with Xinyao as my daughter-in-law, but having just one daughter-in-law is a bit inappropriate, right? Sun Liechen told me about Xianrui, and he has long been tied to you.

You're quite a bit older now, so it's not good to delay. Besides, I heard that Girl Qiao has been with you for many years. In the first few years, you were still young and just for fun. I don't want to say more. Now that you have reached this status, it's better to do it as soon as possible.

Take it home, otherwise it won't look good if there are any changes."

Zhang Tinglan also nodded hurriedly: "Dad, if I hadn't been busy with one thing, I would have wanted to talk to Xinyao a long time ago, but I was just afraid of breaking her heart!" (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, novels. Better updates faster!

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