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Chapter 752 Inflation promotes development

Needless to say, the importance of currency, and the Five-Year Plan, since it was created by the Soviets, has become a trump card for industrialization in most backward countries.

These two policies are all related to the lifeblood of China. All the officials present were sitting upright, and they were a hundred times more energetic, wanting to know what Zhang Tinglan was planning.

Because the matter was so important, even Li Yuanhong, who had always been regarded as a memorial tablet, came to the scene. In addition, Liang Qichao also attended the meeting on behalf of the National Assembly to facilitate future communication. Although Zhang Tinglan holds great power, he still has to abide by some rules and cannot act recklessly.

Regarding the issue of currency reform, the first person to speak was Prime Minister Tang Shaoyi, which was also his duty. Tang Shaoyi said very seriously: "Since the Republic of China, the central Bank of Communications, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and the Bank of China have successively issued bank bonds, and various places have also

China issued its own currency, and foreign banks also issued currency, plus silver taels, silver dollars, and copper coins. The entire Chinese currency market was very chaotic, and business transactions were extremely inconvenient. Everywhere one went, complex currency exchanges were required, which greatly

It has affected economic exchanges, so the government must take back the power to issue currency and establish a single central bank to assume the function of issuing currency."

Hearing Tang Shaoyi's words, each of these people felt awe-inspiring. This was not a small move. It is always easy to give out power, but difficult to take it back. No one is willing to give away the flesh and blood in their hands.

Finance Minister Wang Daxie who attended the meeting couldn't help but said: "Prime Minister, the currency does need to be reformed, but the differences between regions are too great, and the currency demand and circulation are also different. If they are all unified, it may cause inconvenience. It is better to reserve it for each bank as appropriate."

A little issuance power. They have also issued currency for many years and have rich experience.”

After Wang Daxie finished speaking, Tang Shaoyi said with a smile: "Minister Wang's consideration is very reasonable. Indeed, the situation in different places is different. How much currency should be invested needs to be considered. The central bank will be a government agency in the future and will open branches in various provinces.

Specializing in the management of currency business will ensure the stability of the currency supply."

When Wang Daxie heard this, he was immediately choked up. He made a lot of nonsense, the core of which was to preserve the issuing power of the bank, but Tang Shaoyi actually followed his words and wanted to strengthen the central bank. It was really the opposite.

However, since Wang Kemin and others were purged, a large number of Zhang Tinglan's cronies have been installed in the finance and banking sectors. Wang Daxie is an old man and has no ability to turn things around, so he can't fight for anything.

Tang Shaoyi continued: "After unifying banking powers, we plan to issue two sets of currencies, one is the Chinese gold dollar and the other is the Chinese silver dollar. China is a traditional silver-standard country, but currently all major countries in the world are on the gold standard.

In order to facilitate communication with the world, the single silver standard is no longer feasible, and the gold standard must be introduced."

At this point, Li Yuanhong, who had been closing his eyes to rest his mind, suddenly said: "Shaochuan, I'm afraid there isn't much gold produced in the country. Is it possible to adopt the gold standard?"

Tang Shaoyi smiled and said: "President, that's the old calendar. Now China's gold production is quite good, especially since it can import a large amount of gold from the outer northeast every year. I estimate that the gold reserves are enough. There is more."

Thank you very much, Vice President. If it weren’t for the bloody battle of the soldiers, I’m afraid we wouldn’t be in the situation we are in now.”

Tang Shaoyi did not tell how much gold there was, but everyone could tell from the slightly raised corners of Zhang Tinglan's mouth that the number was not too small.

In fact, including the Tsar's Gold, Feng Jun has accumulated more than 1,200 tons of gold over the years. This amount is almost the same as the reserves of China in later generations. To be able to do this, in addition to the fat of the Tsar's Gold,

The contribution of the outer Northeast is particularly huge, with an annual output of more than 100 tons, which greatly enriches China's wealth.

Of course, the Outer Northeast has not been directly integrated into China and is still an independent country in name. However, some daily necessities needed by the Outer Northeast are all supplied by China. Moreover, due to the war, the huge land does not have enough population, so China has immigrated to more than 100 people.

Ten thousand, the number of Chinese has exceeded that of Russians.

The fertile land around Jiangdong No. 64 has once again become a paradise for Chinese farming. It can be said that the so-called Far Eastern Empire is just a piece of skin. As long as the time is right, China can swallow it up.

Listening to Tang Shaoyi's introduction, Wang Yongjiang suddenly interjected: "Premier Tang, it is feasible to issue gold dollars and silver dollars, but these two sets of currencies must be separated. Only silver dollars are allowed to circulate in the country, and gold dollars can be used in international trade.

At the same time, private institutions are prohibited from hoarding gold."

Wang Yongjiang is Zhang Tinglan's most trusted person, and he has managed Fengtian Bank for many years. He is a recognized financial management expert. When he speaks, everyone naturally wants to listen.

"Currently, our country is facing dual fiscal and trade deficits, and a large amount of capital flows out every year. The two are contradictory and conflicting. To solve the problem, we must carry out drastic reforms, increase revenue and reduce expenditure, enhance exports, and balance trade. Such as the Central Plains

Land reform is an important measure to increase tax sources. However, at present, except for some raw materials and agricultural products, our country's products are not competitive internationally. However, they require a large amount of imports, and gold reserves must be used to balance trade. Once gold circulates in the market,

It will give speculators an opportunity to take action."

Wang Yongjiang is worthy of being an expert in financial management. He pointed out the problem in a flash. China is still in a relatively weak position in international trade. Once gold changes, it will be reflected in the domestic market, which will cause gold to be expensive and silver to be cheap.

At this time, it is easy for foreign forces to take the opportunity to speculate in gold.

Wang Yongjiang's idea is to separate the domestic and international markets. Gold will not enter the flow of people's daily lives and can only be used for international settlements and when people go abroad. This greatly reduces risks.


Tang Shaoyi also nodded frequently when he heard this. This move just made a big patch in this financial reform. Wang Yongjiang is indeed extraordinary.

After everyone's deliberations, the issue of currency reform was finally finalized. China abolished silver taels, replaced them with silver dollars, implemented a dual-track gold and silver standard system, and issued a unified Chinese dollar throughout the country.

It can be said that this decision completely ended the financial chaos since the Republic of China, greatly reduced the cost of commercial exchanges, and due to the strong central bank for regulation, it also maintained the overall stability of the currency. Moreover, the currency was unified.

, the people's hearts will be unified, the connections between various places will be closer, and the power and authority of the central government will be greatly increased.

After discussing this item, it took half a day, and everyone temporarily adjourned for dinner. According to past practice, these officials have dedicated chefs, and the various dishes are quite rich and exquisite, although they are not as good as those in the palace.

It’s a feast, but it also has a different taste.

But this time it was completely different. In the unified canteen, there were several pots of vegetables and a stack of trays beside them. Next to the trays, there were bowls and chopsticks.

"Idiot, what are you doing? How do you want us to eat? Can't we do it in front of a big basin?" Li Yuanhong asked with a smile.

"President, Chinese people like to eat and drink, especially those who are officials. Eating and drinking is a common social activity, but not much can be eaten on a table of food, and the rest is wasted. According to my idea, in the future, governments at all levels

In the canteen of the army, everything is eaten as much as possible, and no waste is allowed. Even if there is not much left in a meal, there are hundreds of thousands or millions of public servants, and there are 365 days in a year.

It’s a huge amount of money.”

While talking, Zhang Tinglan took the lead in demonstrating, picking up a tray, then placing a few small bowls, one bowl with rice, then a few dishes from a large basin, and finally took a bowl of soup.

When other people looked at it, some of them looked unhappy. The vice president has too many tricks and can calculate everything. I'm afraid it will not be easy for him to live under him in the future.

However, Li Yuanhong had a naive smile on his face: "I have to say that this is a good idea. I think at their foreign gatherings, they eat as much as they can. This is both economical and hygienic. I think it should be promoted across the country."

Tang Shaoyi served some dishes aside, and then said with a smile: "Not only do we need to promote it, I think we also need to set dining standards, refer to the local price level, and mix meat and vegetables, so that you can be full and nutritious. Don't be petty.

Looking at these things, our meal can save at least dozens of oceans. If the whole country is counted, it will be at least several million or tens of millions, enough to build two or three steel plants!"

These people all said this, and others did not dare to say anything more. However, the Chinese people have one advantage, that is, they change quickly. As the saying goes, if something is good at the top, it will be worse at the bottom. Facing a powerful figure like Zhang Tinglan,

It's best to listen honestly to whatever he's pushing and don't try to find any trouble.

Moreover, these practices are also beneficial. At least they can appear more friendly to the people in front of the people, and save those newspapers from finding trouble with themselves.

After preparing meals one after another, everyone sat aside. Zhang Tinglan and Wang Yongjiang sat across from each other.

"Mr. Minyuan, I just got a report from Chu Mingyuan, saying that although the land reform is going very smoothly, landlords are not actively investing in industry and commerce. Most of them choose to invest in government enterprises, and only a few choose to start a business. There are also a group of

People simply hang on to their savings.”

Wang Yongjiang also nodded: "This is foreseeable. These people are relatively conservative, and it is indeed difficult for them to invest."

"No matter whether they are difficult or not, we need investment and a large number of entrepreneurs. If they are all so conservative, we will not be able to do anything! If this makes me anxious, I will send the army to point guns at

Let them choose whether they live or die on their foreheads!"

Wang Yongjiang laughed loudly when he heard this: "Honestly, doing business requires talent, and you can't force it. But I have a way to stab people with a soft knife. We might as well issue more currency and keep it at 5% to 100% every year.

Ten-tenths of the inflation is higher than bank interest, so if they don’t invest, their assets will shrink, forcing these people to take out their money.” (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster.


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