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Chapter 127 Immortal Village (1)

Yoona immediately said: "Gui Guzi is no longer here, but this fortune teller has a lot to do with Gui Guzi!"

"Oh", Zhang Xiaoxian was full of interest.

"He is Wang Yaofeng, Guiguzi's direct disciple!"

"Wang Yaofeng?" Zhang Xiaoxian's name sounded very strange. He really came from the same school as his master.

Zhang Xiaoxian was counting his fingers to calculate how old Wang Yaofeng was, but it was really old, and what’s more, he was taught mathematics by Aunt Wang next door, so he could only sigh: "This person has lived for such a long time, he is either a monster or a demon."

!", I thought to myself: How great it would be if I could live as long as him!

Knowing what he was thinking, Yoona smiled and said: "Actually, his longevity is also due to his ability to endure loneliness! He stayed in the valley for thousands of years, drinking nectar and eating the earth's energy. What ordinary people can do?"


Zhang Xiaoxian thinks this is not bad, he just thinks that it is lonely and boring to stay alone in the valley, hidden from the world, but if there is someone to accompany you, it will also be a fairy-like happy thing!

He found Wang Yaofeng more and more interesting, and secretly thought that if he could meet this old longevity star, his life would not be in vain. If he could learn some methods of self-cultivation from him, he might be able to live for hundreds more years.

Isn't that also very good?

Thinking of this, he wished he could fly to see Wang Yaofeng.

"Yooner, you and I will go find him now!"

But Yoona said: "There's no rush! Why don't you finish the cup of tea slowly first!"

Zhang Xiaoxian knew that Yuner must have a point in what she said, so he followed her and slowly tasted the tea. As the tea was in Zhang Xiaoxian's mouth, he felt more and more that the tea had a unique flavor, and thought to himself: "Yooner asked me to

Drinking this tea, could it be that it was developed by Guiguzi? Can drinking it prolong life?" He felt a little childish when he thought about it. This tea was naturally picked from the mountain village, but it had nothing to do with Guiguzi.


As for Wang Yaofeng, he only came out in recent years. Seeing the world changing so fast, he sometimes secretly sighed: "The world is impermanent!"

As for why he came to see Zhang Xiaoxian in person, the matter gradually became clear.

Zhang Xiaoxian and Yuner set out on the road. Yuner said that when going to Wang Yaofeng's home, he could not drive or use his super powers. This made Zhang Xiaoxian feel strange, "Does this make Yuner more sincere?"

Yoona looked at her and frowned, "Well, actually, this has nothing to do with sincerity! It's just that I want Xiaoxian to take a walk on this mountain road and take a look at the scenery here, which is also very good!"

Zhang Xiaoxian was anxious in his heart, but he didn't pay attention to the beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers. He saw the surrounding mountains, lofty mountains, and cuckoos wailing. It seemed a bit lonely, but the light mist in the mountains was like a fairyland. It was really good.

The air was also extremely comfortable. Zhang Xiaoxian took a long breath and said with a smile: "I finally understand. In those fairy tales, all the immortal cultivators are in this valley. Look, this really looks like being in a fairyland.

Ah! Yoona, you are right, we should walk slowly for such a beautiful scenery!"

At this time, a loud singing voice came from the valley, which was full of joy. Zhang Xiaoxian listened attentively, as if he heard: You are the wind blowing from the mountains, carrying the fragrance of earth, hehe, the yellow plum smells good.

, so sweet, in heaven and on earth...

"Singing folk songs! This is really interesting!" Zhang Xiaoxian heard that it was a man and a woman singing folk songs due to each other. The singing was floating in the valley and was very sweet. The atmosphere in the singing had a strong local flavor, which was very beautiful.

"Xiaoxian, don't you think that tea is delicious? Where did these tea farmers who sang folk songs get it?"

"Oh, that's it! It seems that only the deep mountains and forests, close to nature, have the best taste!"

Looking from a distance, I saw some men and women wearing simple national costumes and big hats picking tea. They all had beautiful smiles on their faces and seemed to be very leisurely and at ease.

Zhang Xiaoxian thought to himself: Although my hometown is also in a mountain village, it does not have the fairy spirit here! It seems that this is indeed a good place, and Wang Yaofeng really knows how to choose a place! It seems that this person is really not simple at all.


"Yooner, look at the people here. I feel like they are completely different from people in big cities! Look at them smiling so happily, as if they don't feel tired at all!"

"Yes, these people all believe in Taoism! They believe that life should be simple and simple! Maybe this is why they look different from those people in big cities who are busy all day long for life and survive for life!


Zhang Xiaoxian also thinks what Yoona said is reasonable. Think about it, if a person lives for life all day long, works hard every day, and is not satisfied with his desires, how can he feel happy? How can he feel relaxed?

Woolen cloth?

Zhang Xiaoxian thought about the issue of faith again. Faith is a spiritual world and a kind of spiritual sustenance. But now many people have long put faith aside and don't know what it is.

"Yes, some people now think that belief in God is a ridiculous thing! What kind of faith is there!" Zhang Xiaoxian smiled half-heartedly, which could be regarded as his powerlessness over some things.

After walking along the mountain road, we arrived at a small mountain village. There are no high-rise buildings here. They are all wooden houses and there are many thatched huts. These houses are all very elegantly built and well-proportioned. Not far away, a man in white clothes

The woman was shaking a sieve in front of the door. There were some sesame seeds in the sieve. Shaking the sesame seeds again and again, the dust mixed with the sesame seeds was sifted out.

At a glance, Zhang Xiaoxian felt as if he had returned to a rural countryside, but when he felt different, the buildings here were different from the ordinary rural houses today. It was more like an ancient mountain village.

He just felt that this was so wonderful. He remembered Lu You's poem: "Is this another village with hidden flowers and bright flowers?"

Just when Zhang Xiaoxian was sighing, a loud laughter sounded in his ears, and this laughter attracted Zhang Xiaoxian.

He looked closely and felt that this man had an extraordinary appearance. Although he looked a bit old, his complexion was quite good. Who was this man?

"Zhang Xiaoxian, you are fine!"

Zhang Xian was startled and thought to himself: "Is this person Wang Yaofeng? If not him, how would he know my name? Why did he say I'm fine? Have I met him before? No way!"

"Zhang Xiaoxian, don't you recognize me! We've met before! We've met a long time ago!"

This chapter has been completed!
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