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Chapter 117 Pure Yin Body

After walking for a while, they came to a house. The house was huge. Zhang Xiaoxian thought that this was Lujiazhuang.

In a red building with white tiles, Wang Jianchun jumped onto the rubble.

Then he shouted: "Son, come up!"

Zhang Xiaoxian also jumped up and stood on the rubble.

Zhang Xiaoxian fell straight down in the yard.

Wang Jianchun walked carefully to the attic and said to Zhang Xiaoxian: "Son, if you fall in love with that girl later, tell your father and she will tie her up for you!"

Zhang Xiaoxian laughed secretly in his heart: "I didn't expect that I would become a flower picker when I came here! This is actually very interesting!"

He nodded, not knowing how happy he was.

With saliva on his fingertips, Wang Jianchun broke the paper in the first room with his skill. He looked inside for a few times before shaking his head and starting to walk towards the other room. Zhang Xiaoxian was wondering when he also imitated Wang Jianchun and looked inside.

, I saw that the girl looked extremely tough and had freckles on her face, so forget it.

Zhang Xiaoxian squinted one eye and looked in. After looking for a long time, he was puzzled. I only saw a little girl in red about ten years old. I didn't see any women who were suitable for sex. Could it be that... Zhang Xiaoxian despised

Looking at Wang Jianchun's smiling face, he asked in a low voice: "Godfather, you don't want to molest a young child, do you?"

Wang Jianchun glared at Zhang Xiaoxian and said, "Don't you know that little virgins like this are the most healthy?"

Zhang Xiaoxian was speechless. After all, he would never rape an underage girl after reading books for more than ten years.

"Keep this for now. Dad will find the right one for you first."

After saying that, Wang Jianchun tiptoed forward again.

After tearing through the third piece of paper, Wang Jianchun almost drooled when he looked inside. He pointed at the inside and whispered: "This is really good!"

Zhang Xiaoxian also looked in and took a look. Zhang Xiaoxian almost spat out blood.

Her skin is as beautiful as snow, like a lily blooming in the dark night. Zhang Xiaoxian can no longer find any words to describe this petite beauty.

"Idiot son, come and enjoy!"

Zhang Xiaoxian smiled and said: "It's better for you to go, this is not suitable for me!"

"Then, my good son, wait until daddy has finished his work and then find something else for you!" After saying that, he rushed into the door and knocked the woman unconscious with one palm.

Zhang Xiaoxian started walking around Lujiazhuang. It was really too big here. Zhang Xiaoxian almost got lost.

Suddenly he heard a heavy voice shouting: "Ouyang Feng!"

Zhang Xiaoxian thought: "No! The bitch was discovered by them!"

At this moment, he only felt his collar being grabbed by someone and floating in the air.

When Zhang Xiaoxian realized what he was doing, he was already at the edge of a vast patch of reeds, and the person who caught him here was Wang Jianchun, whom he recognized as his godfather. Zhang Xiaoxian pulled up his pants and shouted, "Godfather, I haven't finished it yet."

Wang Jianchun turned his back to Zhang Xiaoxian and said: "Damn Guo Jing, you ruined my good deeds!"

"Why haven't you done any of them?" Zhang Xiaoxian thought that he must have done a few in such a long time, right?

"How could it be possible? I did it three times! My internal strength has greatly increased now!"

Zhang Xiaoxian was startled and thought to himself: "How come this can also absorb internal energy?"

Then he asked Wang Jianchun: "Can this increase internal strength?"

"Of course, silly son! If the toad skill is combined with a woman's yin energy, not only will the skill be greatly enhanced, but it can also help us prolong our lives!"

Zhang Xiaoxian thought: "How come we didn't pay attention to this? This guy Yu Zheng actually wrote the Toad Kung Fu with such magical powers!"

"Now I am going to pass on 90% of my internal energy to you, and you can use this internal energy to open up your Rendu and Rendu meridians. Use this internal energy to shape the kidney source, and then consume the five internal organs' true energy, and I will teach you a trick to change tendons.

Cutting off the marrow** will turn you into a pure innate body."

Zhang Xiaoxian was fascinated by what he heard and shouted excitedly: "Okay!"

"This is just my wishful thinking. Whether it can succeed in the end depends on your own destiny. If it can really succeed, no matter what kind of famous weapon it is, it will be defeated by you in the future. You can also absorb their energy through intercourse with women.

Internal strength to achieve the goal of making progress without cultivating!"

"Son, are you ready? Let's start now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Jianchun grabbed Zhang Xiaoxian's arms and lifted him up with all his strength. His mouth began to breathe in and out rhythmically, and made a toad's cry.

To transport internal force, do you need to use toad skill? Just when Zhang Xiaoxian was wondering, a powerful impact force exploded from his body, dragging Zhang Xiaoxian high into the sky.

It turns out that Wang Jianchun used the huge thrust of the Toad Kung Fu to achieve the purpose of sending Zhang Xiaoxian high into the sky.

After throwing Zhang Xiaoxian into the sky, Wang Jianchun lay on the ground like a toad, his cheeks bulging.


Waves of air as sharp as a blade emitted from Wang Jianchun, cutting the surrounding reeds into pieces. Wang Jianchun opened his eyes angrily, and his feet had already scratched two deep gullies in the soil. Wang Jianchun stared closely after reaching the highest point.

The fallen Zhang Xiaoxian's cheeks swelled even larger.

Wang Jianchun jumped up, opened his mouth and blew out a stream of white smoke.

Wang Jianchun caught Zhang Xiaoxian, turned his hand around, and wrapped his legs around Zhang Xiaoxian like a snake. The two of them stayed in the sky like balloons, completely unaffected by gravity. Wang Jianchun used his arms to hold the vertebrae at the back of Zhang Xiaoxian's neck.

acupoint and Dashu acupoint, shouting: "Hold your breath, you can't breathe no matter what!"

Zhang Xiaoxian took a deep breath, not daring to let the breath out. He remembered that when he was in high school, he liked to stuff his head into the basin and compete with people in the dormitory to see who could hold his breath better. He was the winner in the end.

He remembered that the record at that time was three minutes, and he didn't know how long Wang Jianchun would have to endure.

Zhang Xiaoxian's nerves all over his body were shot up by a heartbreaking pain, and the back of his neck felt like being pricked by countless needles. He was so uncomfortable that he just wanted to end it all quickly. As the pain intensified, Zhang Xiaoxian felt that he was about to be split into two pieces by Wang Jianchun.

, and he still had to hold his breath, which made him even more uncomfortable. He just wanted to use hysterical screams to relieve the pain.

Wang Jianchun's face turned from red to sallow, like a starving man who had not eaten for several months.

With a "chi" sound, a bolt of lightning flew down from the sky and enveloped the two of them.

Wang Jianchun let go of his hand and raised his fingers to touch the Shinto, Shenzhu, Feishu, Gaoyu, Shentang and Xinshu points near the spine. At this time, blue light veins appeared on Wang Jianchun's face, and the light veins were like worms.

Climb over Wang Jianchun's neck, climb onto his arm, and then pass it into Zhang Xiaoxian's body along his ten fingers.

Zhang Xiaoxian's eyes opened even wider. What he felt this time was not pain, but unbearable pain that could not be expressed in words. He felt that there was a fire of desire burning in his heart.

How long will it take? Zhang Xiaoxian already feels that this is almost beyond the limit of his endurance.

Wang Jianchun's face turned from sallow to pale. At first glance, he looked like an old man who was about to hang up in his coffin. Only his eyes were still extremely energetic and as sharp as an eagle.

Wang Jianchun shouted like an angry lion, let go of Zhang Xiaoxian, grabbed Zhang Xiaoxian's waist, and turned Zhang Xiaoxian like a hot wheel. Zhang Xiaoxian was so dizzy that he wanted to say something but did not dare to speak, so he had to let it go.

Wang Jianchun was spinning, and all he could do was hold his breath.

This chapter has been completed!
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