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Chapter 179 I conquered you!

Zhang Xiaoxian just wanted to tease Goddess No. 2. He hadn't thought about what to do with him so quickly.

"Don't you want it? Master, why don't you come!" Goddess No. 2 roared.

"Do you think I don't dare? I just don't want to go so fast!"

"What you did is beyond your authority. Brother Niu sent me here to protect you, not to satisfy your evil desires!"

"Really?" Zhang Xiaoxian thought: "Okay, then I'll play with you again!"

After saying that, he kissed the face of Goddess No. 2 crazily. Strangely enough, Goddess No. 2 did not dodge or resist much.

Her eyes seemed to have become so cold.

Her body was half lying there, motionless. Zhang Xiaoxian stopped kissing her and said, "Forget it, go out!"

Zhang Xiaoxian doesn't like to force others to make things difficult for him. He understands that the most impressive thing about a man is not taking off a woman's clothes but the woman willingly taking off her clothes in front of him. Obviously, this is not what Zhang Xiaoxian wants.

Goddess No. 2 tidied up her clothes and looked outside the house. Zhang Xiaoxian looked at her back and shouted to her: "Stop!" Goddess No. 2 turned around and looked at him. Zhang Xiaoxian said: "Let me give you a name.

, you can’t always call yourself No. 2, I’ll give you a name, Leng Xue! I believe I can melt you!”

"Leng Xue, received!" Goddess No. 2 actually had a faint smile on her face and closed the door!

Zhang Xiaoxian thought: "She looks really good when she smiles!"

the next day.

"Master, wake up. I have prepared breakfast for you!"

"Oh..." Zhang Xiaoxian was very surprised. Why did she suddenly seem to be a different person? Why did her tone become so gentle, and why did she prepare breakfast for him?

"There is a meeting at 9:30, meeting with clients at 10:40, having dinner with Mr. Li at 11:20, and taking a 30-minute break at noon. I have to inspect the project at 2 p.m., and sign the contract at 3 p.m. At 4:10

Sub-meeting. Attend a business reception at 8pm. The above is the entire schedule for today."

Chief God No. 2 reported in front of Zhang Xiaoxian what he had to do today. Zhang Xiaoxian pressed his eyebrows. There were really a lot of things going on today. He raised his eyelids and glanced at Goddess No. 2. She still looked very calm.\

"It seems that you are completely adapted to it." Zhang Xiaoxian said sarcastically as she saw Goddess No. 2 coming with ease, her hands folded across her chest.

Goddess No. 2 pushed the frame with her middle finger and replied: "Isn't this what I should do?"

Zhang Xiaoxian stood up and walked to Goddess No. 2. Although she had no expression on her face, she still unconsciously raised her eyebrows when she saw Zhang Xiaoxian's face approaching her.

Zhang Xiaoxian felt that it was a bit strange that she suddenly changed so much. The doubts in his heart deepened, but in the past few days, the goddess Yoona and Ruyan seemed to have disappeared from the world. They were gone.

In the conference room, Zhang Xiaoxian was speaking in the middle, and Goddess No. 2 was taking notes with a pen at the bottom. From the corner of his eye, he saw Zhang Xiaoxian attending the meeting seriously. He listened carefully to his subordinates' reports and did not look at her at all. Why is this guy talking so much to everyone in front of him?

It's a different look, only he looks like a devil in front of himself. He actually did that kind of thing to himself. Thinking of what happened last night, Goddess No. 2 blushed with shame. Zhang Xiaoxian, a wolf in human skin, is disgusting...

Running around with Zhang Xiaoxian lets Goddess No. 2 know that she is really busy and has to contact many people throughout the day, so for Zhang Xiaoxian's safety, Goddess No. 2 has to be more vigilant to prevent her enemies from sneak attacks.

This is the last part of the day, a business cocktail party. As people continue to greet Zhang Xiaoxian, Goddess No. 2 is standing not far away with a wine glass in her hand. She looks bored. In fact, her eyes have not left Zhang Xiaoxian's body for a minute.


At this time, a small accident suddenly occurred. Lu Xiaoyu, who was wearing an evening dress, stepped on the corner of Zhang Xiaoxian's skirt when he walked past Zhang Xiaoxian. The wine in the cup spilled onto Zhang Xiaoxian's suit, causing a small commotion.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" The beautiful Lu Xiaoyu hurriedly helped Zhang Xiaoxian wipe the drink from his suit.

Zhang Xiaoxian has always been very gentlemanly towards ladies, so he waved his hand and said, "It's okay, you don't have to worry about it."

"It's all my fault for not being careful."

"I'll do it." Goddess No. 2 stepped forward and grabbed the hand that Lu Xiaoyu was wiping on Zhang Xiaoxian.

Goddess No. 2 smiled and nodded politely to her. Seeing her uncomfortable expression, Goddess No. 2 let go of her hand, took out a handkerchief, gently wiped Zhang Xiaoxian's suit, and said gently: "How can these little things make a beautiful woman so beautiful?"

The lady is trying to get involved. I can just be Yuan Lili."

That Lu Xiaoyu apologized repeatedly and left. Looking at her walking away, Goddess No. 2 lowered her eyes coldly.

After the show, Goddess No. 2 went to the parking lot to pick up her car. As soon as she opened the car door and heard a noise, she immediately turned around. Lu Xiaoyu appeared behind her at the venue.

"What, do you want to pay for my master's suit?" Seeing her, Goddess No. 2 sneered and closed the car door without any surprise.

Lu Xiaoyu snorted and mocked: "It's really ridiculous that a bodyguard should be a secretary."

"As long as I can protect the safety of my master, I can assume any identity. I didn't expect to meet a crappy female killer at the venue." Goddess No. 2 retorted with the same cold words.

Goddess No. 2's words suddenly made her expression distort: ​​"How did you find me? If you hadn't appeared to disturb me, Zhang Xiaoxian's life would have been mine."

"As long as I'm here, I won't let anyone touch her hair. How did I discover you? It's actually very simple. A pampered lady won't have calluses on her hands."

Goddess No. 2 passed under her open arms and suddenly stood up straight in front of her. The suddenly enlarged face made the female killer retreat unprepared. Taking advantage of her distraction, Goddess No. 2 stretched her arms straight towards her throat.

The female killer's throat tightened, and she was intercepted in a straight line by the arm of Goddess No. 2. It was like a running person who was suddenly strangled by a rope that appeared in her throat, causing a dull pain of suffocation. Although it was not like a tough and thin rope.

It could separate the head and neck, but it would also cause serious damage. The throat was a very fragile place. Her heart was churning, and she couldn't help but lie on the ground and retched.

Hearing the footsteps of Goddess No. 2 gradually approaching her, she raised her hand and threw a double-sided knife in her hand towards Goddess No. 2. Goddess No. 2 quickly dodged, and the double-sided knife flew past her cheek, cutting her.

The hair hanging down on her temples fell out, and the glass of the car behind Goddess No. 2 was shattered with a clang, and the car alarm sounded harshly.

"You have been fooled. When you go back, your employer may have suddenly died on the street." The female killer said with a laugh.

Goddess No. 2's gaze was sharp: "Are you" trying to trick the tiger away from the mountain? Damn it, you are so careless.

Goddess No. 2 had no time to deal with the female killer and ran to the car, opened the door, got in, stepped on the accelerator and sped away.

Driving to the door of the hotel, she saw a group of people gathered not far away. That was where Zhang Xiaoxian was waiting for her. Goddess No. 2's heart suddenly skipped a beat, she stopped the car and ran out. Her heart was beating wildly, and she had no time to think.

I understand why I feel so upset.

"Get out of the way." Goddess No. 2 pushed aside the crowd roughly, then froze.

Zhang Xiaoxian stood there calmly, with a man in black stepping on her feet, and beside her were four men who had been knocked unconscious.

"How dare you sneak up on me without even considering how much you weigh?" Zhang Xiaoxian said with an evil smile, while stepping hard on the man's back, causing him to tremble under her feet.

Humming a few times.

"Master..." Goddess No. 2 called Zhang Xiaoxian in a daze.

"Hey, my bodyguard, you came so slowly, I was attacked by a sneak attack." Zhang Xiaoxian turned around and joked with Goddess No. 2 with a smile.

Still thinking of joking with herself at this time, Goddess No. 2 looked Zhang Xiaoxian up and down. Except for the suit, which was a little messy due to the fight, there seemed to be no injuries.

Goddess No. 2, heartbroken, stepped forward and looked at the man on the ground who had been beaten so hard by Zhang Xiaoxian that his true appearance could not be seen, and whispered lightly: "It seems that the other person is worse off than you."

Originally, he wanted to complain that Goddess No. 2's tone was too bland, but when Zhang Xiaoxian saw the corners of Goddess No. 2's face that had no trace of raised lips, Zhang Xiaoxian laughed and shook his head.

"Leave it to the police."


Zhang Xiaoxian put away his feet and adjusted his suit. The person who attacked Zhang Xiaoxian was taken away by the police who arrived later. After calming everything down, Goddess No. 2 opened the car door and let Zhang Xiaoxian get in.

"Is the master injured?" In the room, Zhang Xiaoxian was changing clothes and asked Goddess No. 2, staring at her back.

Zhang Xiaoxian turned his head slightly: "Why, you don't believe in my strength."

"Or...are you worried about me?" Zhang Xiaoxian turned around and looked into the cold eyes of Goddess No. 2 and said with a smile.

Goddess No. 2 lowered her eyelids and spoke calmly: "After all, if the master is injured, it will only cause trouble to me."

"It turns out you were only worried that my injury would endanger your status as a special bodyguard."

Zhang Xiaoxian continued to change her clothes, as if talking to Goddess No. 2 or talking to herself. Goddess No. 2 who heard clearly remained silent.


This chapter has been completed!
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