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Chapter 203 Perfume is poisonous (2)

I turned my longing into a pot of wine and drank one cup after another.

---Excerpted from Volume 2 of "Diary of a Goddess"

Zhang Xiaoxian's hot lips pressed against Jin Taeyeon's lips. She opened her eyes wide and had no time to dodge. Her ears were filled with Zhang Xiaoxian's breathing and Jin Taeyeon's own heartbeat. Jin Taeyeon seemed to be petrified and allowed Zhang Xiaoxian to do whatever he wanted.

ravaging her lips.

The fragrance on Kim Taeyeon's body became stronger as her body heated up. Zhang Xiaoxian, this cold and awkward person who made people feel cute, couldn't bear to let go. He couldn't help but hold the back of Kim Taeyeon's head to deepen the kiss, and his smooth tongue intertwined with Kim Taeyeon's.

Together, when they felt that Jin Taeyeon was showing signs of retreating, Zhang Xiaoxian sucked her hard so that she could not escape. Feeling that there was insufficient oxygen, Jin Taeyeon instinctively put her hands on Zhang Xiaoxian's chest to resist, but Zhang Xiaoxian grabbed her wrist and tried to pull her hand away.

Go down. If she kisses her again, she will definitely faint due to lack of oxygen. She doesn't want Zhang Xiaoxian to see such an embarrassing thing.

"I...I can't breathe."

Looking at Jin Taeyeon's red face with slightly squinted eyes, Zhang Xiaoxian let go of her, and the fresh air suddenly penetrated into her chest. Jin Taeyeon leaned on Zhang Xiaoxian's chest with some dizziness. She had no time to worry about any shame now, or to

Zhang Xiaoxian roared angrily, and then gave her an iron fist. All her thoughts were taken away because of the fierce kiss just now, and her brain went blank and temporarily relied on Zhang Xiaoxian to pant.

The atmosphere between them became subtle. The way Kim Taeyeon leaned in Zhang Xiaoxian's arms made her feel very comfortable. Lowering her eyelids, she could see Kim Taeyeon's white neck exposed to her eyes. She thought of touching her for the first time.

Her skin was honey-colored at that time, but now it is getting fairer. Perhaps this is her original skin color. She was often exposed to the sun in the mercenary group, so she appeared honey-colored. Zhang Xiaoxian couldn't help but press her fingertips on Kim Taeyeon's neck, smooth

The touch attracted her fingers.

His throat tightened, and Zhang Xiaoxian found that his voice was so hoarse when he spoke: "Don't wipe it, I like the taste of you."

The unreal voice murmured as if it was on fire. Jin Taeyeon's frozen eyes gradually became clear, and she clearly understood that she had actually actively leaned on Zhang Xiaoxian. Jin Taeyeon's cheeks felt like an electric shock and she left Zhang Xiaoxian. Zhang Xiaoxian still hugged her.

Holding her back, she and Zhang Xiaoxian looked at each other seriously.

Zhang Xiaoxian's eyes were very serious, and he looked at her very carefully. Jin Taeyeon, who originally wanted to push her away, pressed her hands against Zhang Xiaoxian's chest like a solid. Maybe she noticed a trace of hesitation in Jin Taeyeon's eyes, and Zhang Xiaoxian suddenly smiled gently.

It was like a heavy hammer hitting her heart, and Kim Taeyeon's face wrinkled up in pain.

"I won't wipe, please let go of me...Aren't you going to the company?" Jin Taeyeon was surprised to find that she could actually speak to Zhang Xiaoxian in a soft voice.

"Although I really want to be alone in the room with you, I am a responsible host, so of course I have to go to the company." Zhang Xiaoxian said and reluctantly pecked the tip of Kim Taeyeon's nose.

Jin Taeyeon frowned, but not because of disgust. She felt very strange today. The strangest thing was herself. The two of them stuck together like lovers early in the morning, but she could tolerate Zhang Xiaoxian's approach and touch again and again.

Was she too gentle today or was there something wrong with her? It cannot be denied that Zhang Xiaoxian was really gentle today. He did not tease her in any annoying way, and the words that came out of her mouth were as intimate as words of love.

"Let's go, it's getting late."

Jin Taeyeon pushed Zhang Xiaoxian tentatively, and this time Zhang Xiaoxian easily let her body go free.


There was a meeting in the morning, and when she was about to walk to the door of the conference room, Jin Taeyeon suddenly told Zhang Xiaoxian to go to the bathroom. Zhang Xiaoxian said that there was no need to report this kind of thing to her, and finally teased Jin Taeyeon and asked her if she wanted her to accompany her. Jin Taiyan was very angry.

Yan glared at Zhang Xiaoxian and went to the bathroom angrily.

She closed the bathroom door forcefully and locked it. Kim Taeyeon went straight to the water pipe. She turned on the faucet and water flowed out. She then slapped the cool water on her face.

Looking up in the mirror, she saw her abnormally red face, and Kim Taeyeon was breathing unsteadily.

Why is this happening? My body is very hot, and waves of heat rush to my abdomen. Is it because Zhang Xiaoxian was too close to me in the morning? This is not the first time I have been harassed by her... Why? It can't be that I am not satisfied with my desires. Kim Taeyeon knows

She herself has always been indifferent to that kind of thing. She has rarely even done it.

The heat in her body made Kim Taeyeon feel irritable. She didn't want to think too much and washed her face with cold water, hoping that the cold water could remove the abnormal redness on her face. However, Kim Taeyeon felt that it was of no use. The water droplets on her face seemed to be immediately absorbed by the abnormal body temperature.


She tried to take a few deep breaths and calmed her heartbeat without thinking about anything. When she felt that it was about the same, Kim Taeyeon wiped her face and walked out.

When they walked into the conference room, Zhang Xiaoxian and the others had already started the meeting. Kim Taeyeon walked over silently, sat down next to Zhang Xiaoxian, opened her notebook, and prepared to start recording today's meeting.

While others were discussing, Zhang Xiaoxian glanced at Jin Taeyeon who was standing aside and approached her and asked, "Are you okay?"

Just the breath hitting Kim Taeyeon's face made her heart tighten. Kim Taeyeon suddenly turned cold and growled in a low voice: "It's okay."

Although she tried her best to suppress her voice, the sound still reached everyone's ears clearly in this huge conference room. The discussants invariably closed their mouths and looked at Kim Taeyeon. Zhang Xiaoxian also widened his eyes. Not that it was.

Because Kim Taeyeon yelled at her, she felt that Kim Taeyeon was a little abnormal. Because she has always been very respectful to her outside, especially when there are people around.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Damn it... Jin Taeyeon cursed in her heart. Why could Zhang Xiaoxian's every move affect her emotions? Just asking her made her shake.

"It's okay... I'm sorry, I was too loud... Let's have a meeting." Kim Taeyeon lowered her head and did not look at anyone in the conference room.

The others looked at Zhang Xiaoxian with questioning eyes, but Zhang Xiaoxian had no choice but to nod and say: "Go on."

The meeting continued, and Zhang Xiaoxian observed Kim Taeyeon from time to time. Her body was tense and stiff, and her expression was not good. Is she uncomfortable? But her fingers were still moving quickly on the keyboard. What was that for?

. Or was it because of the kiss in the morning? But she didn’t resist it very strongly, right?

She kept thinking about Kim Taeyeon. After the meeting this morning, Zhang Xiaoxian didn't listen much, so she wanted to see the minutes of today's meeting but found that Kim Taeyeon disappeared again at some point.

Where did she run away again? Zhang Xiaoxian couldn't help but have a sinister smile on her face. She was like a dragon today but never saw its end. Okay, Kim Taeyeon, as a bodyguard and secretary, you actually left me behind. It's a shame that I'm still worried about you.

.Zhang Xiaoxian was furious and thought in his mind.

This chapter has been completed!
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