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Chapter 264 Taeyeon is sad

Take off your hypocritical face, I think it looks better that way.

--"Taeyeon's Diary"

"How can you still be fake? It's okay to be hypocritical!" Zhang Xiaoxian finally couldn't help it anymore.

The butler's face changed slightly, and Zhang Xiaoxian didn't give him a chance to speak: "Have you seen this? This is an invitation letter from your master to us. At worst, we won't go in!" Zhang Xiaoxian raised the corner of his mouth with a sneer, and gently gave it to him with his hand.

The invitation fluttered and landed at the butler's feet. The butler looked at Zhang Xiaoxian coldly, as if in confrontation, with sharp eyes. This shrewd and capable woman in her forties stood in front of Zhang Xiaoxian with an upright body. Zhang Xiaoxian smiled and turned around to leave.

"Please stay." The voice coming from behind was calm, not the butler's.

Zhang Xiaoxian stopped and looked back to see a woman bending down to pick up the invitation letter at the butler's feet. She straightened up and reached up to dust it off before opening it. During this period, she quickly raised her eyelids to look at Zhang Xiaoxian and smiled lightly at the invitation letter: "Zhang Xiaoxian."

Please come in, sir." "Sunny." The housekeeper gritted his teeth and growled out the woman's name.

Just glancing at the butler, his expression stiffened and he stopped unwillingly. Zhang Xiaoxian, who noticed this situation, couldn't help but feel shocked. Everyone here gave him a bad feeling. They didn't look like servants from ordinary rich families. From their appearance

Their expressions, eyes, and physical qualities are almost the same as those of well-trained troops. They are now playing a certain identity. Maybe they are doing this to defraud people who come to get money and fall into the trap. However, the woman named Sunny in front of her was given to Zhang Xiaoxian.

The feeling is even more different. He looks quiet and stable like the surface of a lake, but he has explosive power in his body, as if he wants to hide something. He is trying his best to suppress the strength in his body. It is indeed right to bring a gun. Just now Zhang Xiaoxian pretended

It was not a last resort for Zuo to get angry and leave. He just couldn't let Tan find a gun from his body. He also understood that the other party would not let him and Wang Jianchun leave easily like this, but he just concluded that if they really

If you have a purpose, you won't attack at the door. It is common for you to attack the prey only when it is in a position where you can be sure of hunting.

Zhang Xiaoxian did not expect sunny's sudden appearance, nor did he expect that she would give up the search so easily. But thanks to his appearance, Zhang Xiaoxian was able to avoid being searched, because once a fight broke out, he and Wang Jianchun would not be able to keep up. Zhang Xiaoxian was deeply trapped.

In a fog.

When I walked in with Wang Jianchun, I realized that they were not the only ones here. Many people had already arrived. The atmosphere was similar to that of a cocktail party. Elegant music, exquisite food, fine red wine, luxuriously decorated house, and now the relaxed atmosphere was different from the outside.

It was different at that time. Zhang Xiaoxian relaxed but did not completely let go of his vigilance. They were really all giants in the business world. Zhang Xiaoxian spotted Song Qian's figure in the crowd. Song Qian seemed to have seen her too. Zhang Xiaoxian was stunned when he saw him.

Come towards yourself.

Surrounded and protected by several women, a beautiful woman in a luxurious dress slowly walked down the spiral staircase covered with red carpets. The satin-smooth sky blue dress tightly wrapped her slender body, criss-crossing

The shoulder straps reveal her fair skin. She is of mixed race, with tall plaid features, brown curly hair shawl, deep-set eye sockets, a tall nose, light green eyes, and a very charming face. She is a rare beauty.

The three people closest to her could see her clearly. When she came down from upstairs, most of the women were stunned. She exuded a noble and charming temperament. Because she was so beautiful, she looked like a painting.

, cannot bring any sense of substance to people.

"Miss." At this time, the woman named Sunny appeared. When one of her feet fell, Sunny stretched out her hand. She put her hand in Sunny's hand and stepped down the last step. Without a moment's pause, Sunny let go.

Got her.

She gently picked up the goblet with a smiling hand and said: "I have no other intention of calling you here today. It is just for the sake of better cooperation with each other in the future. This cocktail party will enhance the opportunity to get to know each other. If there was anything abrupt about what I did before,

Place, I’m sorry.”

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Youli?" She introduced herself last night and raised a glass to face Wang Jianchun Taimei, but the three of them noticed at the same time that Youli?'s eyes were fixed on Zhang Xiaoxian, and her self-introduction seemed

I said this specifically to Zhang Xiaoxian alone.

"Pfft." Suddenly laughter came from the side. Zhang Xiaoxian glared angrily at Hei Yao, who was holding the wine glass and suppressing laughter until his shoulders were shaking.

"I think we are overthinking it. It was a lie that she held a cocktail party to enhance our relationship, but the actual purpose was to pick a husband, right? I just realized that all the people here today are women." Wang Jianchun said with a evil smile and a malicious expression.

He poked the livid Zhang Xiaoxian with his elbow. It seemed that Zhang Xiaoxian also noticed this.

"She has been looking at you. Do you think she has a crush on you? How can this be possible? If Kim Taeyeon knew about it, she would definitely sweep her beautiful face into a hornet's nest and not be able to see anyone in the future, right?"

"It's none of my business." Zhang Xiaoxian said angrily.

"Why is it none of your business? The beauty fell in love with you at first sight."

"If I had known this, I wouldn't have come. It's so boring." Zhang Xiaoxian felt angry that he had been tricked. It made him nervous. It turned out to be a false alarm caused by the other party's pretentiousness. Zhang Xiaoxian, a woman and a beauty, could see it now.

He felt that they all looked the same and couldn't tell the difference between beauty and ugliness, but they were even more uninterested. He didn't want to be messed with by anyone. Zhang Xiaoxian didn't want to cause trouble. After finally getting Kim Taeyeon, he didn't want any misunderstandings to occur in the process. However, communication continued

All the hard work and patience put in since has been wasted.

Yuli? Walked towards them, her smile filled with confidence seemed to have not been hit or setback. But this is of course, she comes from a good family, looks good, and has a good background. She must have grown up in pursuit and glory.

Yes. But we have met too many rich ladies like this. Yuli is not the only woman to Wang Jianchun and Zhang Xiaoxian, let alone the most special one.

"I think you three are the most special among the women here." She came over with a fragrant fragrance and stood in front of the three women with her proud breasts puffed out.

The three older women were a little ashamed. A woman of Western descent was so bold and forthright in expressing her interest in the three women present.

Wang Jianchun said, "Miss Youli is very beautiful, but I already have a lover who loves to cry. He will be sad if he knows about it. Miss Youli must also disdain a woman who pretends to be someone else in her heart, right?"

"I'm sorry that I can't respond to the lady's favor." Zhang Xiaoxian spoke expressionlessly while meeting Yuli's eyes.

When Wang Jianchun and Wang Jianchun heard the same rejection from Zhang Xiaoxian, they thought to themselves: Maybe this woman should be angry.

Unfortunately, she didn't. She stood quietly, and the coldness in her eyes disappeared in an instant. She stared at Zhang Xiaoxian for a few seconds with sharp eyes that seemed to be able to penetrate everything. Then she suddenly lowered her head and smiled, then whispered to herself

Saying: "Looks like I'm impatient."

With that said, she drank the wine in the glass, handed the empty glass into the hands of Sunny who was standing aside, turned around and went upstairs without paying attention to the other people present.

"Everyone, please excuse me." Sunny said and immediately left the scene.

"Beauties have a bad temper." Wang Jianchun chuckled.

"It's just that I'm afraid things won't be that simple." He then said, holding the wine glass thoughtfully.

Zhang Xiaoxian also knew that it was not that simple. They might just stand still and plot their next plan. The Lanhua matter was not yet clear.

"No, I still have to go back first..." Zhang Xiaoxian was flustered for no reason. This feeling made him very uneasy. Since the other party has left, it is meaningless to stay here just to delay time. He must rush back to see Kim Taeyeon now.


"Now?" Wang Jianchun was shocked.

"Yes, now. Let me drive your car. Tianqi, please send Wang Jianchun back."

"I know." He replied.

Asking Wang Jianchun for the car keys, he knew that the opportunity was to fly out of Hui Chang. He looked desperately in his eyes. He ignored the astonished looks from everyone in the venue and returned to his heart.

"Is anyone waiting at home?" he asked calmly without looking at Wang Jianchun.

"I have a troublesome and willful lover." Wang Jianchun replied with a faint smile. Only Kim Taeyeon could capture his heart.

Kim Taeyeon, who was unconscious on the bed, woke up faintly. When she opened her eyes, she saw the ceiling and the dark sky outside. The pain coming from her neck made him want to touch it with his hands, but he found that he couldn't move. Her hands and feet were

Her body was tied up. Her thoughts went back and she recalled that he was knocked unconscious by Zhang Xiaoxian after entering the room.

"Zhang Xiaoxian..." Kim Taeyeon shouted Zhang Xiaoxian's name, and after waiting quietly for more than ten seconds, the room was still quiet and no one responded to her.

Immediately, Kim Taeyeon's face turned pale and her eyes widened, unable to accept it: "You lied to me, you lied to me..." Kim Taeyeon said to herself painfully, she still left without her knowing, and where did she go?

?She didn’t promise that he would take her with him wherever he went, but Zhang Xiaoxian actually knocked him out and left on his own.

"Ha..." A laugh escaped from her pale lips, as hollow and feeble as a dying person. Kim Taeyeon didn't know why the spacious room became so empty without one person. The air was so cold that it hurt her bones.

Once you fall in love with someone, it is easy to believe it, and once you believe it deeply, you will be deceived. Kim Taeyeon has always believed that if you don’t get close to and understand others, you will not be deceived, and the pain of disappointment will never come. But she was wrong

.He foolishly believed in Zhang Xiaoxian, and the reason was actually love?

After calming herself down, Kim Taeyeon sat up from the bed with difficulty. There was a teacup on the table not far from the bed. With her hands and feet tied, Kim Taeyeon could only let herself roll off the bed to the ground, and her elbow hit the ground hard.

Kim Taeyeon was hit hard.

Kim Taeyeon couldn't move her hands and feet freely. She could only move by crawling. It was very difficult and slow. She was so embarrassed that sweat dripped down her chin and onto the floor. The sweat seeped into her eyes and stung Kim Taeyeon.

Yan couldn't wipe it off with his hands and could only shake his head and blink his eyes. Now he was full of grievances and resentment towards Zhang Xiaoxian. Trust and disappointment were just the distance between turning around. Zhang Xiaoxian only wanted to protect Jin Taeyeon and forgot about himself.

Doing this will only make Kim Taeyeon's trust in him disappear completely. Kim Taeyeon, who doesn't easily trust others in the first place, will find it difficult to open her heart again after being deceived once.

Finally, they moved to the legs of the table. Kim Taeyeon used her shoulder joints to support her and managed to stand up a little. She turned around and leaned on the legs of the table tiredly. She touched the table with her back because the water glass on the table was filled with water.

The weight shook a few times but did not fall off. Kim Taeyeon leaned hard again, and the table shook violently. The cup finally fell to the ground with a crisp sound and broke. The liquid in the cup splashed everywhere and wet Kim Taeyeon's face.

The clothes splashed water on her face.

Turning around, Kim Taeyeon used two fingers to pinch the larger fragments on the ground. Since she couldn't see the situation behind her, several times, Kim Taeyeon's fingers were pricked by sharp glass points and she retracted her hand like an electric shock. After several efforts and attempts, Kim Taeyeon

Yan finally picked up a piece of broken glass, then raised two fingers to touch the rope and cut it bit by bit.

There wasn't much room for her fingers to move. Kim Taeyeon couldn't cut the rope to a large extent, and she couldn't use the strength at the base of her two fingers. In a moment of anxiety, Kim Taeyeon pressed so hard that the edge of the glass suddenly sank into the flesh of her fingers, and blood started to pour out.

Warmth flowed from the wound and dripped down between the wounds.

Jin Taeyeon's hands trembled in pain and could hardly hold the pieces together, but when she looked up at the time, Zhang Xiaoxian hadn't come back so late. He was very worried. He was so anxious that he could not wait for Zhang Xiaoxian to appear in front of her right away. She didn't have extra time to stay, she had to

He immediately saw Zhang Xiaoxian. Kim Taeyeon was afraid of staying at this moment. What awaited Zhang Xiaoxian was the danger in the next second. Thinking about this, Jin Taeyeon became even more anxious and endured the pain and continued to cut the rope. Every time the moving fragments would scratch his wound

, several times Kim Taeyeon was so painful that she couldn't help shaking the pieces and falling to the ground. She spent a long time picking them up and starting again.

Kim Taeyeon was sweating profusely and staring at the corner with her eyes, moving her hands mechanically, the blood dyed the rope red, and the red liquid merged with the water stains on the ground to turn into a large pool of faint red. Her

Her eyes were cold and her fingers were so numb that she could no longer feel the pain. Kim Taeyeon's eyes held deep resentment towards Zhang Xiaoxian.

Why did she do this? Even Kim Taeyeon felt crazy. Why did she feel heartache? She had completely experienced the feeling of heartache when she was by Zhang Xiaoxian's side. If she didn't feel heartache, she wouldn't be in a hurry to find Zhang Xiaoxian. Everything that Kim Taeyeon used to be is now beyond recognition.

, just because of a woman named Zhang Xiaoxian, her black and white world was turned upside down. She felt that part of her body was gradually losing her soul.

It took Kim Taeyeon nearly half an hour to cut the rope bit by bit with broken glass. She quickly untied the rope around her ankles without caring about her injured and bleeding fingers. She had been tied up for a long time.

Both of his feet were numb. When he stood up, he couldn't support his body and stumbled to the ground. Ximo could only rub his numb ankles, and he stood up immediately after gaining some intuition.

This chapter has been completed!
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