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Chapter 275 I Can't Live Without You

If you don't believe in love, it's because you have never truly loved.

--"Taeyeon's Diary"

At this moment, Kim Taeyeon only blames herself. She regrets why she didn't go somewhere by herself?

Why not go with Zhang Xiaoxian? No matter what happens, at least the two of them are together. If...if the person in the elevator is Zhang Xiaoxian, maybe she will be the one who survives. Why did she push herself into the elevator?

.The happiness that was finally obtained was lost in such a short period of time?

In the darkness, tears overflowed from Kim Taeyeon's eyes. She sat on the ground and her tears were uncontrollable, like broken beads. Her world was well loved. If she loses Zhang Xiaoxian, there will be no more in her world in the future.

Color. How will she face the goddess Yoona?

The thing that hurt Zhang Xiaoxian the most was the hurt. Even if Zhang Xiaoxian never told her, Taeyeon knew how much of a blow she had given her. Her arrogance made it so late that she still had no time to say "I love you" to Zhang Xiaoxian.

She spent every minute and every second of suffering in the darkness. Kim Taeyeon didn't know how long she had been waiting, and she didn't know what time it was. With every second that passed, Kim Taeyeon felt that something in her body was slowing down.

Slowly passed. She thought exhaustedly, Zhang Xiaoxian, maybe I will take a step ahead of you. If you are also waiting for me down there, if you are alive, you will live well in the future.

"Is there anyone? Is there anyone alive? Zhang Xiaoxian? Kim Taeyeon?"

Suddenly Wang Jianchun's anxious shout came from outside the elevator. Kim Taeyeon suddenly became energetic and got up from the ground and slammed the elevator door: "Wang Jianchun, Wang Jianchun, I'm here."

Wang Jianchun outside heard Kim Taeyeon's voice and shouted to the rescuers in surprise: "In the elevator, go and save people, go and go."

After a period of noisy sounds, Kim Taeyeon finally saw the first glimmer of light and breathed fresh air after several hours.

"Taeyeon." Wang Jianchun pushed aside the rescuers and rushed forward to reach out to Kim Taeyeon.

Kim Taeyeon grabbed Wang Jianchun's hand and was stunned when she pulled her out.

Most of the building that was originally good has collapsed. It seems that it was not easy for Wang Jianchun when she came in. There were a lot of dust on her suit. There was dirt on her trouser legs and shoes. Then her colleague was also rescued. Wang Jianchun

She looked into the dark elevator and asked Kim Taeyeon, "Where is Zhang Xiaoxian?"

When asked, Kim Taeyeon quickly ran towards the ruins behind her. Wang Jianchun grabbed her and said, "Where are you going? You are injured." Wang Jianchun looked at Kim Taeyeon's broken nails, bleeding forehead and bloody hands.

Her heart trembled, and she could almost guess what Kim Taeyeon did in the elevator. She must have been desperately trying to get out.

"I'm going to find Xiaoxian!"

"I'm going to find it." Wang Jianchun yelled. When Kim Taeyeon said that Zhang Xiaoxian was still upstairs, Wang Jianchun felt like a heavy hammer had hit his chest. She didn't dare to speculate about the scene in front of her.

"I am the only one who is most familiar with the structure here. I can go there. I must find him." After saying that, Kim Taeyeon ran deeper into the place without looking back.

There are broken cement boards and bricks all around, and some cement boards even protrude from the ceiling. All Kim Taeyeon can think about now is what Zhang Xiaoxian said to her before the building was okay. She said that no matter where she was,

She can be found anywhere.

I will also look for you. I will definitely find you. Wait for me, Zhang Xiaoxian.

Among the ruins, Zhang Xiaoxian was pressed under a cement slab. A water pipe burst somewhere and sprayed water on her body. There was already a river of blood under Zhang Xiaoxian...

Kim Taeyeon was stumbling as she ran, her shirt stained red by blood could no longer tell the original color, and her blood-soaked hair was messy and dirty and stuck to her face. She was running desperately just to give Zhang Xiaoxian a second of life.

He will be fine, Zhang Xiaoxian will be fine, she is my Kim Taeyeon's woman. She is the woman I fell in love with. Only I can take other people's lives, and no one can take anyone away from me.


She started to separate from Zhang Xiaoxian on the tenth floor, so Zhang Xiaoxian could only be on the tenth floor. She stumbled and almost rolled, and Kim Taeyeon stepped onto the stairs that could collapse at any time. She was on every step.

Leave drops of blood behind.

Even though her physical strength had reached the limit, Kim Taeyeon still didn't stop. She could clearly feel the lack of oxygen in her lungs and was dizzy. Her feet were still climbing up layer by layer like a machine. She opened her mouth and gasped heavily. The whole floor felt like Kim Taeyeon was

All I could hear was my own panting like a wild animal.

She didn't know which floor she had climbed to. Kim Taeyeon keenly heard the sound of running water, and her heart suddenly became heavy. Kim Taeyeon was driven by a kind of force to find the source of the sound. As Kim Taeyeon got closer and closer, her breathing became heavier and heavier.

It was getting harder and harder, and I was breathing rapidly, as if I had asthma. I held my chest and moved slowly while holding on to the wall.

Kim Taeyeon was startled when she reached the entrance. She stepped on a puddle of water. She looked down and saw that the blood all over her body was frozen in place. The dirty water flowing out from inside was mixed with darker colors, like poisonous vines.

It seemed as if countless hands were surrounding Kim Taeyeon and tightly grasping her feet, trying to move forward but unable to do so.

Kim Taeyeon raised her eyes and saw the figure under the cement board inside.

"Zhang Xiaoxian..." She shouted and rushed forward. The burst water pipe instantly wet Kim Taeyeon's whole body. The water mixed with the soil and splashed, making the mud all over Kim Taeyeon's pants. Although she couldn't see clearly the appearance of the people in the ruins,

Kim Taeyeon is sure that this person is Zhang Xiaoxian.

Zhang Xiaoxian's eyes were tightly closed and half of his body was soaked in the water. The lifeless appearance of the cement board on his back made Kim Taeyeon's teeth chatter: "Zhang... Zhang Xiaoxian..." She quickly squatted on the ground and hugged her from the water.

Zhang Xiaoxian's head was raised, frightened tears were rolling in her eyes, Zhang Xiaoxian's mouth and nose were bleeding, Jin Taeyeon's hands were trembling and she kept wiping her in panic, calling Zhang Xiaoxian's name: "Zhang Xiaoxian... Zhang... Zhang Xiaoxian...

No, don't...open your eyes...open your eyes quickly and look at me."

"No, ah, ah..." Kim Taeyeon was wailing heartbreakingly and crying. It was no longer clear what was tears and what was water sprayed from the burst water pipe. Her hair and clothes were tightly attached to Kim Taeyeon.

There was no reaction on Zhang Xiaoxian's body and face. Perhaps it was because he had been immersed in the water for a long time. His whole body was as cold as if he had been dead for a long time. It was so cold that Kim Taeyeon felt like she was trapped in an ice cave.

Who could possibly associate that person who stood at the top with a kingly demeanor with the woman in front of her, Zhang Xiaoxian, whose face was pale and on the verge of death? She breathed and rubbed Zhang Xiaoxian's hands to warm her body. Jin Taeyeon couldn't imagine what it would be like if Zhang Xiaoxian

What will she look like if she really dies? Will she go crazy... The days to come will be so long, and the pain of losing Zhang Xiaoxian will definitely torture her day and night, seep into her skin, penetrate into her bones, and erode her entire body until

The pain was so intense that he was tortured like this...and the torture continued. He would not stop until he died.

"Taeyeon... cough cough..." Zhang Xiaoxian reluctantly opened his eyes and weakly called out Jin Taeyeon's name.

"Zhang Xiaoxian, are you awake?" Kim Taeyeon shouted in surprise with a smile on her face and tears falling heavily.

Compared with the water sprinkled on her body, the water droplets falling on her face at this moment were very warm. In the darkness, Jin Taeyeon listened to Zhang Xiaoxian's doting smile and said: "Are you crying?"

"I was crying."


Zhang Xiaoxian said that on purpose, because usually Kim Taeyeon would get angry whenever she said that. She hoped that Kim Taeyeon's mood would get better, but she didn't expect that Kim Taeyeon would admit it so straightforwardly this time. Darkness Hidden

They couldn't see each other's expressions, so they could only touch each other with their hands.

"How long do you want me to worry about you? Asshole, I have never met someone as annoying as you in my life..." Jin Taeyeon said painfully with her lips against the back of Zhang Xiaoxian's hand. If possible

She really wanted to selfishly choose to never meet Zhang Xiaoxian, so that she would not worry about her and suffer from her injury.

"Sorry, it's my fault."

"What's wrong with you? Are you okay?" Zhang Xiaoxian's fragile voice made Kim Taeyeon's heart tighten again.

"Well... it's not good... my ribs may be broken." She never told Kim Taeyeon that the pain was so unbearable now that even breathing made her teeth chatter in pain.

"I will rescue you now."

Kim Taeyeon grabbed the edge of the cement board with both hands and roared from her mouth. The veins in her arms immediately popped out.

So heavy...

But there was no way to let go. If he let go, the cement board would hit Zhang Xiaoxian's body. Clenching his teeth, Jin Taeyeon used all her strength to lift up a small gap. The injured hand was stained red and the cement board could hardly be felt.

own hands.

"Forget it, Taeyeon, please leave quickly. This building may collapse for the second time at any time. It is no longer viable."

"Don't say that." Jin Taeyeon angrily stopped Zhang Xiaoxian from continuing. She couldn't bear to listen to Zhang Xiaoxian's sad tone. She knew that Zhang Xiaoxian was sad not only about the injuries on her body, but also that such a situation happened to her proud job.


"It's not your fault, it's not your fault. I believe you, Zhang Xiaoxian. Someone must have done it on purpose." In order not to continue to make Zhang Xiaoxian despair, Jin Taeyeon didn't know where the strength came from, and she shouted and lifted up the cement board, "Boom!"

With a sound, this huge cement stone lay in the water.

Not caring about resting, Jin Taeyeon took one of Zhang Xiaoxian's arms and put it on her body, squatting down.

"Taeyeon, what are you doing?" Zhang Xiaoxian asked in panic.

"Stop... say it." The veins in her temples bulged, and Kim Taeyeon struggled to lift Zhang Xiaoxian up on her back, and she glided out of the water step by step.

"That's enough. Put me down." Zhang Xiaoxian shouted in pain.

Only when he walked out of the darkness did Zhang Xiaoxian see clearly the battered and bloody Kim Taeyeon. His resolute side face was staring firmly ahead as if Jin Wang was there. Let Jin Taeyeon do this, Zhang Xiaoxian would rather be left behind, so high.

Does Kim Taeyeon need to carry her down the floor step by step? She can't do it. She can't watch Kim Taeyeon suffer for her. She is the one who wants to protect Kim Taeyeon. However, she has never been able to protect her.

You can imagine the burden that the tall Zhang Xiaoxian felt lying on the slender Kim Taeyeon. Zhang Xiaoxian could feel that Jin Taeyeon's legs were shaking. Her bravery made Zhang Xiaoxian feel distressed.

"If both of us are going to die here, why don't you let me go and live alone." The last way to express love to Kim Taeyeon is... let go.

Kim Taeyeon took a big breath and then laughed: "What are you talking about...you never know how important you are to me. That's right, I have never told you. I will never give up, even if I climb, I

I have to crawl and carry you out." Kim Taeyeon crookedly walked down the stairs, holding Zhang Xiaoxian tightly with both hands. She was always ready to support Zhang Xiaoxian even if she fell.

"Does your body hurt?" Kim Taeyeon asked.

"It doesn't hurt." Zhang Xiaoxian squeezed out two words through his teeth.

Jin Taeyeon's expression became distorted. She knew that Zhang Xiaoxian was afraid of worrying her, so she endured it. Her ribs were broken, how could it not hurt when she was still staggering while carrying her on her back?

The two of them stopped talking. Jin Taeyeon could feel Zhang Xiaoxian's heartbeat, and Zhang Xiaoxian could also feel the hot breath emanating from Jin Taeyeon's body. These were proof that they were still alive.

Although it was difficult to carry Zhang Xiaoxian on her back, Kim Taeyeon felt very calm. Every step she took, she felt as if she and Zhang Xiaoxian had been together forever. Maybe in the eyes of outsiders, their relationship was not blessed, but who cares about them...

...She doesn't care, and she believes that Zhang Xiaoxian must not care either.

One of them didn't notice that Kim Taeyeon stepped on the wrong foot, almost falling down along with Zhang Xiaoxian. Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon, who was born in a mercenary group, reacted quickly and grabbed the remaining escalator with one hand and stabilized Zhang Xiaoxian with the other hand.

Hearing Zhang Xiaoxian's gasp, he hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, it hurts, doesn't it?"

"No, it's okay." Zhang Xiaoxian, who couldn't see Kim Taeyeon, was so painful that his whole face wrinkled together. He said it was okay because he didn't want Kim Taeyeon to worry.

Wang Jianchun was still spinning around in the ruins like a headless fairy fly. He was not familiar with the terrain of this building and made a lot of mistakes. What surprised her was that Kim Taeyeon, who was so seriously injured, could run like this.

Quickly, he wanted to catch up but found that Kim Taeyeon could no longer be seen. He actually lost her. But today, Kim Taeyeon looked like she was frantically looking for Zhang Xiaoxian regardless of her own safety.

"Did you think I would say that?"

The sudden question made Kim Taeyeon stunned for a moment and she looked up at Zhang Xiaoxian's gentle eyes.

What does it mean? Jin Taeyeon can't understand. Zhang Xiaoxian was still so cold just now, and his cruel words hurt her. But now he looks at her so tenderly, letting her be as gentle as he usually wants.

Hearing a small sound, Wang Jianchun listened carefully and recognized that it was the sound of footsteps coming from upstairs. He quickly rushed upstairs and bumped into Jin Taeyeon, who was struggling to carry Zhang Xiaoxian downstairs. Zhang Xiaoxian was seriously injured and was half dead.

Lying on Kim Taeyeon's back, both of them looked miserable. I never expected that Kim Taeyeon could carry Zhang Xiaoxian down from such a high floor.

"Let me carry him." Wang Jianchun said as he stepped up the steps. Looking at Zhang Xiaoxian, he was already in a semi-conscious state, and Kim Taeyeon was also exhausted. After all, he was injured after being locked in the elevator for so long.

He rushed upstairs in a hurry and now carried Zhang Xiaoxian down again. He must have reached the limit physically and mentally. He was almost the same height and body shape as Zhang Xiaoxian, so it would not be so strenuous if he carried him on his back.

This chapter has been completed!
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