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Chapter 294 Taeyeon's Revenge

When the world gets old, you will still have me.

---"Quotations of Zhang Xiaoxian"

He took out what looked like a bug from under the table.

Zhang Xiaonian shook his head and smiled. An angry and disdainful smile.

"Eavesdropping device." Brother Niu answered affirmatively.

"She's gone, and her luggage is gone too." Brother Niu suddenly smashed the bug in his hand.

"You mean the bug was placed, and then she heard our conversation, right?" After speaking, Zhang Xiaonian couldn't help but hold her breath and looked at Brother Niu's serious face and nodded heavily, and she suddenly panicked.

God: "What should I do now?"

"I'll chase her and I can catch up."

On the day of the wedding, many people with social status came to the church. It was obvious at a glance that this was another luxurious wedding banquet. It was just that the pastor of this church was not so relaxed. It was not because it was her first time to host such a large wedding banquet.

Weddings, to say the least, she has hosted them twice, but the process left her with unforgettable memories and shadows, so much so that every time she encountered a similar situation, she couldn't help but

Think the worst.

"Uncle." A black luxury car suddenly stopped outside the church. The bride Yuli shouted in surprise and ran towards the car while holding up the skirt of her wedding dress.

Zhang Xiaoxian and Wang Jianchun stood together and watched the car door open. Several bodyguards got out from above and were supported by a man with Korean characteristics. He had a narrow nose and a high bulge, a medium build, and his hair and eyes were very light in color.

Dan. He looks ordinary, but his whole body exudes an aura that makes people feel oppressive.

"Yu Li." The man with gloomy eyes smiled and stretched out his arms to him after seeing Yu Li running toward her. Yu Li jumped into his arms, and the two hugged each other intimately.

Youli took Li Datong and excitedly introduced him to Zhang Xiaoxian.

"Zhang Xiaoxian, this is my uncle."

"Mr. Li Datong, I am honored to meet you." Zhang Xiaoxian greeted Li Datong generously and appropriately.

"Is it time for you to change your mind about me?"

Zhang Xiaoxian was stunned for a moment and then smiled and said, "Uncle."

"Haha..."? Li Datong laughed heartily, and Yuli held her arm with a shy look.

Zhang Xiaoxian raised the corner of his mouth in agreement with them, and looked at them deeply with dark fluctuations in his eyes, as if he wanted to tear the two smiling faces in front of him to pieces. Do you feel happy? But your happiness has been mine for a long time.

And the culprit of the misfortune. At this time, Zhang Xiaoxian is suppressing himself. There is no need to rush, because everything that should come has come, and then everything will come to an end today. This is a bloody wedding.

"Youli, please go in with your uncle first." Zhang Xiaoxian said to her gently.

Youli nodded sweetly and helped Brother Niu Li Datong into the church. But after they left, Zhang Xiaoxian immediately put down her fake smile and asked Wang Jianchun: "Is everyone ready?"

"Well, I'm already waiting for the order."

"Very good." Zhang Xiaoxian replied harshly.

In the hotel, Kim Taeyeon leaned against the bedside and wiped the pistol in her hand over and over again, which had been stained with the blood of countless people. She wiped the dark gun body until it was shiny. Her face was expressionless and indifferent, and her slender hands

Holding the wiping machine in action.

She raised her head. She glanced at the time and murmured lightly: "It's time..." Then Kim Taeyeon turned over and got out of bed, grabbed the suit on the sofa, put it on, put the gun on her waist, opened the door and left.

The pastor walked out of the church from behind. The darkness in the audience made her feel nervous. It was not that she had never seen so many people before, and it was not that she had never seen such a formation before. Those two experiences had already taught her the overwhelming feeling at this time.

Momentum. The pastor prayed in his heart, hoping that this would be an ordinary wedding. She just wanted to host an ordinary wedding.

Outside the door of happiness weaved with flowers, Zhang Xiaoxian gently held Yuli's hand and pulled her into the door of happiness with a smile. Everyone in the audience applauded. They thought Zhang Xiaoxian's smile was happiness. Only those sitting in this group

Wang Jianchun in the middle understood that Zhang Xiaoxian was laughing because her revenge was about to succeed, and the church today would be stained red with blood.

The newlyweds stood in front of the pastor, and Youli was in a happy mood. Her dream would finally come true today. She will soon be Zhang Xiaoxian's wife. This cold and excellent man is hers, as long as it is what she wants.

There's nothing you can't get.

Taking a deep breath, the pastor began to ask questions: "The groom, Zhang Xiaoxian, are you willing to marry..."

"shut up."

"Oh my God!" The pastor, whose nerves were tense and his heart was hanging in his throat, finally yelled without any image after the sudden cold voice.

Everyone's eyes were drawn to the door. Wang Jianchun couldn't help but be shocked, and Zhang Xiaoxian's face suddenly turned pale as he looked at Kim Taeyeon who appeared at the door of the church.

Why. Why why is she here? Zhang Xiaoxian's heart was shouting at herself.

Kim Taeyeon fixed her eyes on the newlyweds not far away in front of her and lost all emotion in an instant. It turned out that this was really a wedding, and everything was fake. The panic that flashed in Zhang Xiaoxian's eyes seemed to Kim Taeyeon.

It was her guilty conscience after being discovered by herself. Do you also know your guilty conscience? Zhang Xiaoxian and Kim Taeyeon wanted to viciously roar out her anger and curse the couple in front of her, but the fact of being betrayed stuck in her throat like a fish bone.

It made Kim Taeyeon feel sick.

"Kim Taeyeon...why are you here? Didn't Zhang Xiaoxian break up with you?" Yuli, who thought Jin Taeyeon was here to cause trouble, instantly distorted her expression.

The pastor almost fainted, because he knew that Zhang Xiaoxian was the groom in front of him, and Kim Taeyeon must be the man standing at the door of the church. I am really not suitable to be a pastor... The pastor thought in his heart and retired sadly. It doesn't matter, anyway.

...Anyway, according to the previous two situations, the groom will definitely be snatched away...

After hearing Yuli's sharp question, Jin Taeyeon turned her face to Zhang Xiaoxian, and Zhang Xiaoxian's lips tightened. Jin Taeyeon's heart suddenly felt as if a sharp blade had been inserted into it and blood was oozing out. She snorted and asked with a sneer: "

When did we... break up?"

"..." Kim Taeyeon's sudden appearance confused Zhang Xiaoxian, and her plan was disrupted. Not only could she not attack Li Datong now, but if something unusual about him aroused Li Datong's suspicion, Kim Taeyeon might become a target.

, Zhang Xiaoxian did not expect that the two of them would meet in this situation. He looked at Wang Jianchun, and Wang Jianchun spread his hands helplessly. In this situation, she could not take Kim Taeyeon away at all.

Kim Taeyeon said in a long voice as if she suddenly understood, and then said: "Did you decide this unilaterally? Have I agreed to break up with you? Why do we need to be happy when we are together, but you have to be alone when we are separated?

What about making a decision?”

Her sneer and malicious ridicule in her words deeply hurt Zhang Xiaoxian's heart. But he knew very well that he had hurt Kim Taeyeon, and how could Kim Taeyeon forgive her if she saw her wedding to someone else.

With everyone staring in silence, Kim Taeyeon raised her feet and stepped slowly towards Zhang Xiaoxian. Every step she took was so hard and hard, her black leather shoes stepping on the red carpet strewn with petals. Zhang Xiaoxian became more and more...

The pained expression on Kim Taeyeon's face almost made her laugh out loud. It's so ridiculous. Who is she acting for now?

Kim Taeyeon stopped when she passed by the bride's attendant. The child was holding a red velvet box and looked at her with innocent eyes. Kim Taeyeon walked over slowly and took the box from the child's palm, opening it and shining brightly.

The diamond has a cold luster, and the ring that represents eternity and love lies in the box, silently mocking Kim Taeyeon.

It clicked shut, and the sound made Zhang Xiaoxian's heart skip a beat as she watched Kim Taeyeon put the ring away and hold it in her hand.

"Kim Taeyeon, what did you do with my ring?" Yuli's sharp voice echoed over the church as Kim Taeyeon took away her wedding ring.

Youli's harsh voice made Kim Taeyeon unbearable. What was originally hers, what became hers? From the beginning to the end, Zhang Xiaoxian stood there without any intention of explaining anything. I thought she and Zhang Xiaoxian were in love, but now Kim Taeyeon

She couldn't help but have doubts about what she had always believed in. What was love, and who was she loved by? It was just an illusion after a show, thinking that it was love, and it was only in the end that she was told by the facts that everything was just her self-righteousness.

For a long time, in the quiet church, under the witness of God, Kim Taeyeon asked Zhang Xiaoxian in a calm and clear voice: "Zhang Xiaoxian, do you still remember what I once said to you?" She slightly raised her cold and arrogant chin and sprinkled water through the window.

The sunshine on Kim Taeyeon surrounded her in a warm golden color.

Suddenly, Jin Taeyeon's eyes turned cold, a hundred times colder than before. Zhang Xiaoxian was stunned. Both of them remembered... If you dare to betray me, I will kill you.

".I'm not..."

"I want you to keep your promise to me now."



"Zhang Xiaoxian."

With a ferocious expression and an angry roar, Kim Taeyeon took out the pistol from her waist and aimed it at Zhang Xiaoxian, who opened her eyes wide and pulled the trigger without any hesitation. The muzzle of the gun was still smoking, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder. The audience was in chaos.

The people who came to watch the ceremony fled in all directions. Wang Jianchun shouted and ran towards Zhang Xiaoxian in anger, but the people running out for their lives blocked his progress like a savage beast. He was caught in the crowd. He could not advance and retreated.

No. Zhang Xiaoxian's upright figure staggered on the stage. A hole was opened in her chest, and the cold wind was pouring into it. The pain was so painful that her internal organs were twisted together. Looking into Jin Taeyeon's eyes, there was no complaint, only regret. Jin Taeyeon

Zhang Xiao stopped her from finishing what she said.

Xian wanted to explain to her that he had not betrayed her, no, she was the only one he had always loved.

She really shot him. Kim Taeyeon was panting heavily with difficulty breathing. Zhang Xiaoxian tried desperately to say something to her, but bright red blood spurted out of her mouth. She was originally handsome and energetic, ready to be a groom.

At this time, the man was covered in blood; he was carried to the ground in a state of embarrassment. Next to him, Youli held her head and screamed. Wang Jianchun was also shouting desperately, and Zhang Xiaoxian’s voice was hoarse. On the dress, on the carpet, there were white

The wedding dress was all stained with Zhang Xiaoxian's blood. The decorations placed around it were knocked around by the people who escaped. The happiness door was knocked down, and the flowers on it were trampled to pieces. What was left was a mess, like

Kim Taeyeon and Zhang Xiaoxian’s love ending.

"Kim Taeyeon, I will kill you...you...actually..." Yuli's eyes turned red with anger.

This chapter has been completed!
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