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Chapter 299 Love is so serious

When I cross the Sahara Desert in winter and drink a big mouthful of sweet water, I will no longer love you.

-----"I am a male god monologue"

Zhang Xiaoxian finally woke up in the hospital bed. When he opened his eyes, the first person he thought of was Kim Taeyeon, and in a certain corner of time and space, the heart of the goddess Yoona was also aching.

At this time, everyone gathered around me in surprise: "It's great, I finally woke up."

"Zhang Xiaoxian, you bastard, wake up."

"Xiaoxian? I'm the elder brother."

"It's a good sign to wake up. It seems that the dangerous period has passed."

Zhang Xiaoxian rolled his eyes and scanned this unfamiliar room, which was filled with dazzling and empty whiteness. Here were Sika, Wang Jianchun, Brother Niu, and Zhang Xiaonian. Zhang Xiaoxian's brows wrinkled slightly, something was wrong, why was one missing?

Human beings exist, why can't they see the face they miss so much when they open their eyes?

Slowly Zhang Xiaoxian's brows knit together and a bad feeling welled up in his heart.

"Where is Wang Jianchun?"

Wang Jianchun was silent and seemed to be in a bad mood.

Brother Niu coughed dryly and looked away to escape.

"Sika, do you know where you are going? You won't answer me, right?" Zhang Xiaoxian sat up from the bed with difficulty. The pain in her chest made cold sweat break out on her forehead, but her eyes kept staring at Sika urging her.

Let her tell you the answer quickly.

The cold eyes seemed to freeze Sika, and Sika suddenly panicked: "She...she...she...ah." Sika hurriedly covered her mouth, tears welling up in her eyes. The more she wanted to scream,

I couldn't help but Sika's tears flowed more and more violently. Why did the two of them end up with such a sad ending, one dead and the other injured?

Seeing everyone's weird expressions, and now that Sika was crying like this again, Zhang Xiaoxian couldn't bear it anymore and roared: "Say it."

"Kim Taeyeon is dead."

Brother Niu, who had been sitting silently and motionless in the corner, stood up from his position when he heard Yuli calling.

He couldn't believe that such cruel words came from the mouth of his gentle brother Zhang Xiaonian. The blood in Zhang Xiaoxian's body seemed to have solidified and his body was so stiff that he could not move. He rolled his eyes and quickly scanned every familiar person in the ward. Jin Taeyeon hoped that someone would come forward.

It's a lie to say the least, but apart from the deathly silence there was only everyone's livid faces and Sika who was crying like a tear.

With a bang, Zhang Xiaoxian's brain was throbbing with pain as if it was exploding, and the muscles and meridians all over his body were twisted together. His originally pale face was now even more pale. Zhang Xiaoxian held his head in pain, and the veins on his temples pulsated.

, his face was twisted to the point of ferociousness: "You are talking nonsense, you lied to me, how could she die?" The ugly smile showing at the corner of his forced mouth made people feel that Zhang Xiaoxian was on the verge of collapse, and he could no longer force himself to rely on reason alone.

Accept this unacceptable answer.

Zhang Xiaonian crossed his arms and leaned against the wall with his eyes closed and answered Zhang Xiaoxian clearly: "Jin Taeyeon, she is dead."

"You're talking nonsense."

The decisive rebuttal made Zhang Xiaonian tremble and open his eyes. He was also startled. The dilated pupils of his brother who had never cried before were filled with tears. He angrily refused to listen to Zhang Xiaonian's words that Jin Taeyeon was dead. Zhang Xiaoxian

The twisted face shocked Zhang Xiaonian, but when he thought about Kim Taeyeon shooting him and still thinking about that ruthless person, Zhang Xiaonian became so angry that he went on to stimulate him: "I'm not talking nonsense, I saw it with my own eyes."

Her tomb. She is dead. Kim Taeyeon is dead, she is already lying in the soil!"

"Zhang Xiaonian, don't irritate him anymore." Brother Niu, who had already seen that Zhang Xiaoxian was insane, pulled Zhang Xiaonian and shouted angrily. He understood that Zhang Xiaonian was worried that Zhang Xiaoxian would also be angry with him for still thinking about Kim Taeyeon, but he shouldn't temporarily

Impulsively, she gave Zhang Xiaoxian such a heavy and cruel blow when he was already fragile. Kim Taeyeon shot Zhang Xiaoxian. Even so, how could Zhang Xiaoxian forget her for a moment? They had been in love for so long and had been so good.

How could Zhang Xiaoxian believe that the person he loved so much was dead? He must have rather hated him than believed that Kim Taeyeon was dead. However, Kim Taeyeon also loved Zhang Xiaoxian so much that she would rather kill him than

Let him belong to another person, although Kim Taeyeon's methods are very extreme. Although what he did is wrong, it is Kim Taeyeon who makes Brother Niu feel distressed.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoxian was stunned and didn't respond at all, while Zhang Xiaonian on the side was extremely angry.

Wang Jianchun couldn't stand it anymore and went up to comfort him: "Zhang Xiaoxian..."


The trembling words made Wang Jianchun's hand that was about to reach out to Zhang Xiaoxian suddenly stop. He frowned more and more as he looked at Zhang Xiaoxian and murmured to himself: "Is she dead? Is she dead?"

Regardless of Brother Niu's obstruction, Zhang Xiaonian answered with a sneer and said: "Look at your moral character, do you have any future? What's so good about that person who is tired of shooting? Zhang Xiaoxian, he doesn't love you. If he loves you, he won't treat you badly.

Shoot. She doesn’t love you.”

Zhang Xiaoxian, who lowered his head and looked dimly, suddenly had cold eyes. He burst into a mournful roar like a wounded trapped animal. He waved his arms wildly and swept the instruments around him to the ground. He pulled out the needle and pushed it to the infusion bottle. Ding Ling

The ground was full of broken glass and broken instruments. Sika held her head and screamed as Wang Jianchun hugged her into his arms. Brother Niu stood in front of Zhang Xiaonian for fear of hurting him from the flying debris. Through Niu

The gap in my brother's arms looked at the frantic Zhang Xiaoxian in horror, unable to suppress the fear in his heart. The pain radiating from Zhang Xiaoxian stretched out its sharp claws at the people in the room.

Because of Zhang Xiaoxian's violent movements, the white bandage wrapped around his chest slowly oozed red and fainted. The previous wound opened and he was unconscious. The pain of losing Kim Taeyeon was enough to cover up all the damage from the outside world or himself. Heart

The most vulnerable part was cut open, leaving a bloody opening that made Zhang Xiaoxian excruciating pain.

"Zhang Xiaoxian, don't stop, you're bleeding." Seeing his brother's blood, Zhang Xiaonian shouted in distress and almost rushed forward to stop his crazy behavior.

I don't know if Zhang Xiaonian's shouting had an effect, but Zhang Xiaoxian stopped moving while panting heavily.

"Zhang Xiaoxian..." Zhang Xiaonian called Zhang Xiaoxian's name and wanted to get closer to him to see how his wound was. However, before he could reach him, Zhang Xiaoxian stared fiercely at him. His footsteps paused, and a trace of light flashed across Zhang Xiaonian's eyes.


After Zhang Xiaoxian's random smashing just now, the ward was now in a mess. Zhang Xiaoxian also looked embarrassed. He gasped and held his sore chest hard. With red eyes, he squeezed out a sentence through his teeth: "I don't allow you to say anything anymore.

It's not bad at all. No one knows better than me. I know she loves me, and she loves me very much. She killed me because it was my promise to her. There is nothing wrong with it. She just wanted me to fulfill my promise to her.

That’s it. You only saw how cruel she was when she shot me. That’s because you don’t understand him.”

Zhang Xiaoxian fixed his gaze on Zhang Xiaonian, who was stunned by his firm words, and then said word by word: "Xiaoxian, don't be stupid. She loves you and will do this to you!?" Zhang Xiaoxian couldn't help but raise his voice as he spoke.

He roared, clenching his fists with both hands to suppress the anger that was about to explode.

"Because she loves me... In the end... she still couldn't bear to kill me. Why don't you understand?"

Zhang Xiaoxian held his head and wailed in pain, a sound that made people's hearts tighten suddenly, and an expression that was unclear when buried in his arms. The liquid flowing out of his eyes was Zhang Xiaoxian's tears. The warm liquid made Zhang Xiaoxian clearly feel that he was still alive.

Living, cruelly, made him realize that life was worse than death.

Why is he still alive, why is he the living person, and why does Kim Taeyeon not exist in the days after he survived? Has she really disappeared from this world? Zhang Xiaoxian can't believe it. If you don't believe it, there will be no more.

People will love him. No one will help him quietly after rejecting him. He will never work hard just to get someone's smile. He feels that no matter how hard it is, everything is worth it. Zhang Xiaoxian lowered his head and looked at his empty palms.

Hold. He tried hard to hold her hand until the end. Why did he lose the goddess Yoona and Kim Taeyeon? Why is this?

He was lost when he was in a coma. Zhang Xiaoxian's heart seemed to be empty. His eyes were staring and tears were streaming down his face. Zhang Xiaonian was so painful that his face was filled with tears. When had his brother ever cried like this?

No matter how angry she was, she felt distressed when she saw his lost look. She walked over to Zhang Xiaonian and sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out and touching Zhang Xiaoxian's cheek and crying, "Xiaoxian, don't hold it back, do you know? I really feel sorry for you like this."

I feel sorry for you. You are my most important brother. I don’t want you to have any more troubles." Only now did Zhang Xiaonian realize how deeply his words had hurt Zhang Xiaoxian. He pushed his brother to hell with his own hands. After learning that Jin Tai

Yan is already dead. Zhang Xiaonian is terrified just thinking about what Zhang Xiaoxian will do and what will happen. He loves Kim Taeyeon so much, and if he knew about Niu Gesi, he would definitely not be able to survive.

Zhang Xiaonian's face turned pale and he grabbed Zhang Xiaoxian's hand and said nervously: "Xiaoxian, you can't just think about it, you know? You still have a long way to go."

Zhang Xiaoxian gently withdrew his hand and looked outside and said calmly: "The road is too long... I'm afraid I won't be able to survive this long road... There may be many people on this road, but there are only a few."


Zhang Xiaoxian said these words calmly with an indifferent expression, which frightened Zhang Xiaonian. Because he felt disgusted with living like this. Without Kim Taeyeon, everything was meaningless, even the meaning of living. In the past, he always felt disgusted with life.

The domineering Zhang Xiaoxian now seems like a dead tree that has lost its nutrients and is just waiting to die.

"Go out. I want to be alone."

"Xiaoxian." Zhang Xiaonian's fearful voice became shrill.

"Get out." Zhang Xiaoxian pointed his hand directly outside and refused anyone to approach, even Zhang Xiaonian was no exception.

Brother Niu saw that Zhang Xiaoxian was very agitated. Zhang Xiaonian was also panicked and could only hold him down and lower his voice to persuade him: "Yan, he must be very confused now. Just let him calm down for a while. We can't help here."


"What are you talking about? I'm worried just because he's like this now."

"Don't worry, I will be guarding outside. If you are not tired, Wang Jianchun and the others are tired too. Go ahead, rest for a while, and let Zhang Xiaoxian calm down. I will always be outside." Brother Niu patted Zhang Xiaonian's back.


Zhang Xiaonian hesitated and nodded helplessly. Indeed, he would feel more relieved if Brother Niu was watching from outside.

After seeing off Zhang Xiaonian and Wang Jianchun who looked back three times, Brother Niu closed the door of the ward for Zhang Xiaoxian. Through the glass on the window, he glanced at Zhang Xiaoxian who was sitting on the bed in the ward and staring blankly outside. He frowned and looked away, leaning on

There was a pause on the wall in the corridor for a long time. He fumbled in his pocket and took out a pack of cigarettes. He took one and put it in his mouth. Before he lit it, he scratched his head and took it out from his mouth. He accidentally broke the cigarette.

Became two halves.

This chapter has been completed!
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