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Chapter 325 It turns out that (1)

It's no secret that I like you. I know I'm not worthy of you, but I still want to love you like this.

---"Taeyeon's Diary"

"Taeyeon, I want you to do me a favor. Xiaoxian is in big trouble now! If this trouble is not solved, Xiaoxian will die!"

This is the first time that goddess Yoona has spoken to Kim Taeyeon like this.

Kim Taeyeon quickly said: "What are you busy with?"

"I'm going to leave Xiaoxian for a while, please promise me to make Xiaoxian like you! I know you have Xiaoxian in your heart!"

Yes, Kim Taeyeon has Zhang Xiaoxian in her heart. She doesn’t know when this started, but she feels like she can’t lie to herself.


At this time, goddess Yoona grabbed Kim Taeyeon's hand and said solemnly: "Promise me? I will take you into another space. Everything in this space is illusory, but people are real.

Yes! Now Xiaoxian is staying in fantasy mode! I have given him medicine, which makes him fascinated, but I don’t want him to continue like this! I can’t explain this clearly yet, but you will understand later


.Because of this, Kim Taeyeon agreed to the goddess Yoona, and now Kim Taeyeon knows that she seems to be leaving. Their story is coming to an end, but she really doesn't want to leave Zhang Xiaoxian like this.

A phone call came and Kim Taeyeon hung up the phone in a hurry.

"Who's calling?" The phone was taken away, and Kim Taeyeon asked lightly with cold eyes.

"It's your brother."

"What's wrong with him?"

Stretching out his arms around Jin Taeyeon's waist, Zhang Xiaoxian took Jin Taeyeon into his arms and sat on his lap: "How about you go away and hide for a few days?" He buried his face in Jin Taeyeon's hair, Zhang Xiaoxian absorbed the scent of him.



"Big brother is coming."

"Are you asking me to hide because he's coming?"

"Then how about we hide together?" Zhang Xiaoxian murmured in a low voice while kissing his skin while brushing away Kim Taeyeon's scattered hair on her neck.

"It's impossible to hide from him forever."

"I know I have made you feel wronged, but you still don't understand my brother's temper. Although he seems to be a very gentle and weak person, he is also very scary when he gets angry. I don't want either of you two to get hurt.

, you are all very important to me," Zhang Xiaoxian coaxed softly.

"No, I want to see him." Kim Taeyeon hates this feeling of being invisible. The relationship between him and Zhang Xiaoxian is open and honest. What's more, Kim Taeyeon knows in her heart that escaping is not their only solution.

Seeing his lover's resolute and stubborn look, Zhang Xiaonian was stunned and suddenly shook his head and laughed.

"Okay." He believed that his lover could resolve the misunderstanding between him and his brother.

"You will stand by me."

Although he also feels uneasy, Zhang Xiaoxian finds it cute that Kim Taeyeon is becoming more and more dependent on him.

"Of course."

From South Korea to China, he stayed in a hotel for one night. He didn't look worried until he stood in front of Zhang Xiaoxian's house, because he thought that Zhang Xiaoxian would definitely hide Kim Taeyeon after he called him. After all, Kim Taeyeon had shot someone.

The misunderstanding that hurt Zhang Xiaoxian was that one was his brother and the other was his lover. Their identities were not simple. If a fight broke out, no one would be able to take advantage.

Thinking it was easy, he pressed the doorbell and waited until the door opened. When he saw the person appearing at the door, he screamed and his hair almost stood up in fright.

How come it was Kim Taeyeon who opened the door? Looking at Zhang Xiaoxian standing behind Kim Taeyeon, I exclaimed in my heart, it's over, it's over.

"He..." Zhang Xiaonian pointed at Kim Taeyeon and looked at her still unable to organize her thoughts.

"Brother, stop standing outside, come in and talk later." Kim Taeyeon and Zhang Xiaonian stood blocking the door, which was not an option.

After listening to Zhang Xiaoxian's words, she knew that he meant it to her, so Kim Taeyeon stepped away from the door.

In the living room, Kim Taeyeon brought out four cups of coffee from the kitchen. The first cup was handed to Zhang Xiaonian. The bottom of the cup made a crisp sound when it hit the glass table. It was particularly loud in the quiet space, and it was not light or heavy.

In Zhang Xiaoxianhe's heart, Zhang Xiaonian's eyebrows were raised slightly, and his raised eyes met Kim Taeyeon's.

After finishing the order, Jin Taeyeon lowered her eyes and placed the remaining coffee in front of Zhang Xiaoxian. The last cup was placed on the table. Jin Taeyeon sat next to Zhang Xiaoxian.

The living room was very quiet. A strange atmosphere flowed between the four people. The sound of breathing and heartbeat could be heard clearly. The worst life was actually for Zhang Xiaoxian and the other two people. They were also unable to guess in this deathly silent space.

What are the lovers beside Toru thinking? Their silence will only make the atmosphere more tense. The two of them looked at each other, hoping that the other person could speak first to break the silence.

"The current situation..." Zhang Xiaonian spoke. As soon as he spoke, everyone couldn't help but feel their hearts in their throats.

His sharp eyes swept over each of their faces until they finally settled on Jin Taeyeon. Zhang Xiaonian opened his mouth and his voice froze: "What do you want to tell me about the current situation? Is it a ghost that I see or is it because my brother Zhang Xiaoxian has a problem with me?"

It is unforgettable to find another person who looks similar to him, or..." Zhang Xiaonian spoke faster and faster, and his anger became more and more intense. Just when he was about to explode, Kim Taeyeon suddenly looked up at Zhang Xiaonian


"It's me who's still alive, brother."

The temperature in the room suddenly cooled down to below zero, and he was shaking with excitement, but he didn't dare to be seen by Zhang Xiaonian, so he could only shake his shoulders.

Well...well done. The last word "big brother" was simply a challenge to Zhang Xiao's bottom line.

Zhang Xiaonian's ugly expression was frozen on his face, and his glaring eyes burst out with ferocious flames. The tips of his hair were trembling, and the bones and joints clenched into fists were creaking. It could be seen that he was trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart, but there was still anger in his chest.

As it continued to expand, they could all feel that Zhang Xiaonian was in the crater and might erupt at any time.

"Kim Taeyeon." Zhang Xiaonian roared and quickly pulled out a gun from his waist, aiming the black muzzle at Kim Taeyeon's eyebrows.

Zhang Xiaoxian's heart suddenly clenched together. The situation changed so quickly that Zhang Xiaoxian and Qi Qi didn't expect it. They didn't even see clearly how Zhang Xiaonian pulled out the gun from his waist.

As for Zhang Xiaonian, who had gone berserk, Kim Taeyeon always remained silent, neither arrogant nor impetuous, neither dodging nor hiding.

"Kim Taeyeon, why do you have the nerve to appear here with my brother? How can you have the nerve to call me big brother? Have you forgotten what you did to Zhang Xiaoxian? Have you really forgotten the harm you did to him? Even if you

You can forget it, but I will never allow it. Why are you alive? Why are you still alive when you died two years ago?" Zhang Xiaonian's hand holding the gun was shaking with emotion. Zhang Xiaoxian and Zhang Xiaoxian were afraid that he would lose control if he couldn't control it for a moment.

Pull the trigger carefully.

Zhang Xiaonian's eyes turned red with anger. He couldn't believe that a man who had been dead for two years had resurrected in front of him, and was sitting face to face with him as if nothing had happened. His calm expression had not even changed. Zhang Xiaonian became more and more worried.

I am getting more and more confused as to what went wrong.

"Kim Taeyeon, you shouldn't be here... I will send you to where you should go now." Why is Kim Taeyeon the person in front of him now? Who will tell him? The heavy blow made Zhang Xiaonian's eyes unfocused and he lost his calmness.

He pulled the trigger from his waist.

"Brother, don't." The muzzle of the gun was slightly lowered. Hearing Zhang Xiaoxian's sorrowful voice, Zhang Xiaonian's pupils shrank and he came back to his senses. He saw Zhang Xiaoxian standing in front of Jin Taeyeon, holding the muzzle of his gun.

"Get out of the way" Zhang Xiaonian got angry.

Zhang Xiaoxian remained motionless and refused to move away from Kim Taeyeon, which made Zhang Xiaonian feel angry, anxious and sad: "Am I, the brother, not as good as a man who can shoot you cruelly?" Zhang Xiaonian roared.

, his sad and pale voice echoed over the big house.

Zhang Xiaoxian also felt uncomfortable. He knew that he had hurt his elder brother, and he did not want to make him sad.

Suddenly, Kim Taeyeon's calm and cold voice came from behind Zhang Xiaoxian, "Zhang Xiaoxian, get out of the way."

Zhang Xiaoxian turned around in surprise: "Taeyeon."

Jin Taeyeon lowered her eyes and emphasized: "Get out of the way." His eyes firmly told Zhang Xiaoxian to let him solve the problem on his own.

Helpless, Zhang Xiaoxian could only get out of the way. But he couldn't relax, not even for a moment, for fear that something might happen to Kim Taeyeon.

"The person you are trying to embarrass should not be your brother."

"Ha, it's embarrassing? You said I'm embarrassing him?" Zhang Xiaonian couldn't help but sneer after hearing Kim Taeyeon's words.

"He is your important brother, but to me, he is also my most important partner. You shouldn't blame Zhang Xiaoxian, and you shouldn't hate me."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Xiaonian couldn't understand what Kim Taeyeon wanted to say.

"The difference between our identities is that you are his relative and I am his lover. No matter how I hurt him, it is between me and my lover. I do not want him to be my brother, nor do I want to be his brother."

.Since my appearance does not endanger your family relationship, how can you be so tense with me? I am just my lover Zhang Xiaoxian, and I have a conflict. And you, the elder brother, have no reason to interfere with our 'couple'.

Isn’t there a saying that it’s difficult for an upright official to deal with household chores? And our household chores are just excessive."

Zhang Xiaonian was dumbfounded. Why did it come out of his mouth as if he was meddling in his own business and not worrying about it in the first place?

Zhang Xiaoxian was even more surprised. He had always known that Kim Taeyeon was eloquent, but he didn't know that she had reached the level of proficiency. He admired her so much, and he loved Kim Taeyeon even more.

"Kim Taeyeon, you are so good at using strong words to reason." Zhang Xiaonian said this, but his tone was no longer as strong as before.

Kim Taeyeon smiled and raised her lips: "No, I'm not trying to force my words. I'm just explaining to you, brother. I hope you won't make a big mistake by shooting me impulsively."

This chapter has been completed!
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