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Chapter 9 Lin Fei's Decision

As soon as Lin Fei finished speaking, several missions related to Tristram were displayed on the Devil's Chapter.

These tasks are arranged according to difficulty. The most difficult one is 'Kill Griswold'.

"Mission: Kill Griswold and kill the undead hiding in Tristram. You will receive a 48-hour time reward and a random piece of blue quality equipment that matches the contractor's current level. Mission

If it fails, 48 ​​hours of the contractor’s time will be deducted, and one piece of any equipment on the contractor’s body will be deducted.”

Obviously, the rewards of this mission are quite attractive, but the punishment for failure of the mission is also very heavy. The most important thing is that Griswold is quite strong. If he is not a particularly powerful contractor, he will not accept this kind of mission.


Lin Fei naturally didn't know either, so he continued to look down.

"Task: Zombie Killer, kill all the zombies that appear in Tristram. The reward for completing the task is 24 hours, and a basic skill book. If the task fails, the contractor will be deducted for 24 hours."

Lin Fei continued to skip, because this task must be to kill all the zombies, remember, all of them. Therefore, once a zombie dies for other reasons, it means that it is impossible to complete, and no one is a fool, so

This task has never been taken over since it was released.

Lin Fei quickly scanned these tasks, and finally found a suitable task.

"Task, turn over the corpse, task difficulty (low), you need to enter Act 1, Chapter 6 of the Devil's Chapter, find Werther's body in Tristram, and turn over him. After that, you will get a 1-hour reward.

Return to Werther's Foot and hand it in, and you will get an additional 2 hours. If the mission fails, 2 hours will be deducted from the contractor."

This task is also ignored by no one, because almost all the contractors who come to Tristram will turn over Wirt's body. No one can guarantee that they will be the first to turn over it when the mission world opens. If someone has turned over the body before

, then this task is simply an impossible task.

In addition, the rewards for this task are pitifully small, which may be why no one cares about it.

Lin Fei knew that all mission worlds would last for thirty days before being 'reset'. Just like Werther's corpse, if someone had turned it over, the second person would have to wait thirty days to turn it over.

days after 'reset'.

After finding a suitable task, Lin Fei began to plan for the next step.

"Raise my level to level 1!" Lin Fei said in a deep voice at this time. Soon, the time on his clock decreased by 24 hours, and there were still 11 hours and 14 minutes left.

In an instant, Lin Fei was shrouded in a golden light, as if bathing in the spring breeze, and his whole body felt indescribably comfortable. After a while, the light disappeared, but Lin Fei silently meditated on his attributes and checked his current status.

"Contractor No. 1065, human blood, male, level 1 (it takes 35 hours to upgrade to the next level), health value: 40, other attributes: strength 5(3), agility 7(3), physical strength 4(3)

), intelligence 5(3), normal male attribute standards in parentheses, skills: none, occupation: none...get 5 freely allocated attribute points."

Seeing this, Lin Fei smiled.

"Sure enough, it is the same as what was said in the book. No matter how injured the contractor is, he will be healed when he upgrades. Every time he upgrades a level, his strength, agility, physical strength and intelligence will increase by 1 point. In addition, he can also get 5 free attributes.

Point. According to the standard of a normal person, assuming I add these 5 attributes to my strength, then my strength will reach 10 points. Compared to the standard of 3 points for ordinary people, isn't it more than three times stronger?"

Lin Fei himself was startled. He took a closer look and found that each of these four attributes had its own purpose. 'Strength' undoubtedly determines the direct damage that can be caused. It can be lifted

Heavier objects. 'Agility' determines speed, precision and hit. 'Physical strength' determines vitality. Finally, 'Intelligence' allows the contractor to learn magic, and also determines the magic value and magic attack power.

How to add free attribute points is definitely a question worth discussing. But for Lin Fei, he only knew what he was suitable for, so he almost did not hesitate to add 5 attribute points to strength and stamina respectively.

Up, the strength increased by 2 points, and the physical strength increased by 3 points.

In an instant, Lin Fei felt that the dagger in his hand seemed to be much lighter.

At this moment, Lin Fei's attributes became: strength 7(3), agility 7(3), physical strength 7(3), intelligence 5(3), and his blood volume was directly increased to 70 points.

Strength determines the physical attack power, and physical strength determines the health and blood volume. In the next plan, both of them are extremely important. As for why not add all 5 attribute points to a certain attribute, Lin Fei naturally has considered it.

, because, of course, doing that can instantly improve a certain attribute to a very high stage, but this is not a game after all.

To die here is to really die, so Lin Fei chose a safer method.

He still remembered his mission and that his benefactor Li Xuecheng had a daughter that he needed to take care of, so he couldn't die yet.

In addition, Lin Fei's own agility value is very high, which should be more than enough to cope with the upcoming plan. As for intelligence, Lin Fei has no interest in magic or anything like that.

Next, Lin Fei held the dagger tightly, and then casually threw Werther's Foot on the ground. As for the leather armor, it could not be equipped due to level restrictions. In the end, Lin Fei temporarily threw it in the room.


At this moment, Lin Fei went into battle lightly. He took a deep breath and accepted the task of 'turning over the corpse'.

"The mission was successfully accepted, Contractor No. 1065. You can choose to be teleported to the mission scene immediately, or be forced to teleport in after one minute!"

"Enter now!"

Lin Fei said expressionlessly.

Next, a magic circle appeared under Lin Fei's feet, and a burst of white light flashed, and Lin Fei disappeared into the room.

The next second, Lin Fei smelled the familiar smell again, decay, stench, and his eyes were filled with darkness. But this time, his mood was completely different from the last time, even though it was only more than two hours apart.

Lin Fei was very lucky. He was in a remote place outside Tristram Church. Twenty or thirty meters in front of him was Werther's body. Naturally, the skinned zombie was also lying there.


Although he accepted the task of 'turning over the corpse', Lin Fei did not really want to complete this task. This time, Lin Fei's real purpose of coming was to find the undead 'Griswold'.

He was betting that the two senior men would not leave immediately after failing to complete the task of rescuing Kane. Because Lin Fei had heard someone in front of the church using shouts to lure Griswold out, so this

It means that the two senior people have companions, and they are definitely not weak, otherwise they would not be able to hold off Griswold. And since they are so strong, how could they let go of killing Griswold?

Opportunities for virtue.

Using yourself to save others, Lin Fei believed that he would do the same thing if he were in his place.

After all, if Griswold is killed, a lot of good things will be dropped, especially since they did not complete the mission of rescuing Kane this time. If Griswold can be killed, then the previous losses will be reduced.

It’s nothing.

From the time Lin Fei stepped into the portal and left, to the time he came back again, less than eight minutes had passed, so Lin Fei believed that those senior people had not killed Griswold yet. If he was lucky, maybe he could

Grabbed some pieces of equipment.

Since he has already offended the other party, Lin Fei doesn't care about offending him one more time.

This chapter has been completed!
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