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Chapter 21 Mandatory Tasks (3)

Before the three-headed dog came out, Lin Fei had carefully observed the terrain of the entire arena.

There are several huge stone piers here that can be used for shelter, and they are also the only site advantage he can take advantage of.

Apart from that, Lin Fei didn't have any advantage at all.

The disadvantages are numerous.

Just now, Lin Fei got the hint. This three-headed dog called "Goleers" is level 12, with a blood volume of 1900 points and a defense of 115 points. In terms of defense alone, it is almost the same as the defense of the warrior One-Handed Ax.


In terms of level, blood volume and defense, Lin Fei has no advantage. And these are only things that can be seen. In addition, there are also things that cannot be seen temporarily.

With such a huge size, it must be quite powerful, at least twice as powerful as my own, or even more. Its speed is not known yet, but I think it won't be too bad.

The most important thing is that the three-headed dog's back is burning with flames, and every breath has a strong smell of sulfur. In addition, Lin Fei also noticed that the three-headed dog's saliva seemed to be like gasoline when it fell to the ground.

, it burned.

This is definitely not a good sign.

Therefore, Lin Fei did not plan to attack first, but waited.

He had to judge the opponent's speed. If he didn't have an advantage in speed, then his mortality rate in the first game would be as high as 80%.

The three-headed dog seemed to be somewhat intelligent and did not pounce first.

It also felt danger from the seemingly weak person in front of it. Especially since there was a faint terrifying aura coming from the other person. This aura was very familiar to the three-headed dog.

Finally, a minute later, the three-headed dog, which was unable to hold on in the confrontation, took the lead and pounced on him, striking down hard with its huge claws.

When Lin Fei saw this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

I won the game just now.

Although in the blink of an eye, the opponent's sharp claws struck in front of him, this speed also made Lin Fei feel a little relieved.

This three-headed dog is very fast, but it is still not as fast as myself.

Therefore, competing for speed is the only advantage you have if you want to win.

Suddenly dodging to the side, Lin Fei directly summoned Alice.

Alice is extremely mobile, so she can help in this kind of battle. However, the Suture Corpse Soldier cannot. Although it has high attack and strong defense, its speed is too slow. Even if it is released, it will only be used as a living target.


As soon as Alice appeared, she jumped up and, together with Lin Fei, launched a pincer attack on the three-headed dog.

At this time, Lin Fei's "intermediate melee combat" played a great role. If not, even with extraordinary speed, he would inevitably get hit.

And just as Lin Fei had deduced, the power of this "Gollers" is very strong. With one claw, the wind will cut the surface and the earth and rocks will be torn apart. If it hits the body, most of the health will be wiped out in one blow.

If you were hit in a vital part, one blow might be enough to kill you.

Therefore, Lin Fei focused on hiding and attacking only incidentally. So he fought with Gollers for five minutes, but only hit the opponent less than seven times. Fortunately, with the blessing of the bleeding skill, it also wore down the opponent's 300 points.

Point blood volume.

But several times, Lin Fei was in danger. If Alice hadn't interfered from time to time, he might have been defeated.

Fortunately, with Lin Fei's restraint, Alice can hit the opponent frequently, and the damage she causes is higher than Lin Fei's.

The remaining blood volume of the three-headed dog is 1100 points.

Lin Fei stepped out with his right foot, turned around sharply, and using his inertia, struck the dagger hard and stabbed the three-headed dog in the side ribs.


The heavy attack skill launched a huge force and exploded directly, knocking the three-headed dog aside a meter away.

"A heavy hit causes 59 points of damage!"

Seeing this, Lin Fei continued to attack and followed up with a roll. The cursed magic blade in his hand struck from bottom to top, taking away 50 points of the three-headed dog's health again.

After these two blows, Lin Fei had to run away. As soon as he took a step away, the earth and rocks where he was standing were already broken. The broken rocks splashed on his body and hurt.

Some blood volume has been reduced. Although the amount is not large, it is not a good thing to accumulate too much. Fortunately, the self-healing of the Angel Ring can restore the blood volume from time to time, otherwise Lin Fei would not be able to be so relaxed.

At this moment, one of the heads of the Zi-headed Dog suddenly opened and sprayed out a stream of flames towards Lin Fei.

This was extremely sudden, and the flames carried saliva that looked like gasoline, directly drenching Lin Fei. Looking at the area ten meters behind Lin Fei, he was already showered in a sea of ​​fire.

The three-headed dog was quite excited to see that the strange move was effective, but soon, it was surprised to find that the guy who should have been burned to coke turned into dozens of burned crows.

, scattered and flew away.

Immediately afterwards, a dagger pierced the head of the three-headed dog from top to bottom.

Lin Fei was also shocked and broke into a sweat at this moment.

His body was sneaking behind a stone pier dozens of meters away. At this moment, the one attacking the three-headed dog was his own "mirror image."

Although he had been guarding against the three-headed dog for a long time, he was still hit. The flame spit was extremely sudden, especially because of its high speed and wide attack range, so Lin Fei had no time to dodge.

He had no choice but to use a crow as a substitute. But even so, the flames still caused considerable damage to Lin Fei.

Not only that his blood volume had been reduced by 180 points, but he was still being burned by the flames. Lin Fei was in unspeakable pain at the moment. He had no choice but to send the mirror to bear on him while he tried to find a way to remove the continuous burns.

This first battle was so dangerous. If Lin Feiqi hadn't used all his tricks, he would have been sprayed to death just now. Although he escaped, the next battle would be even more dangerous.

The first life-saving skill "Crow Substitute" was still on cooldown. To use it again, you had to wait for five minutes. And within five minutes, Lin Fei was not sure that he could dodge that fire skill again.

It seems that how to defeat the three-headed dog while breathing flames is the difficulty in this first battle.

Using the self-healing function of the ring to restore his blood volume, Lin Fei was thinking of countermeasures. Over there, the three-headed dog had smashed the mirror image into pieces with three strikes, five divided by two, and then looked up to the sky and sprayed out that terrifying force towards Alice.


Alice hurriedly flapped her wings and hid away, but she still got a little bit of kerosene on her clothes, and her clothes were on fire. If she hadn't torn the ignited clothes apart and discarded them quickly, she might have followed Lin Fei's footsteps.

At this time, Lin Fei naturally went to take a peek at Alice's spring light. He discovered that this time the one spurting out flames was another dog head.

"This Gollers has three heads. Could it be that it can only spit out the flame three times?"

Looking at the hot gas and sulfurous smoke coming out of the mouth of the dog head that was already spitting out flames, Lin Fei immediately felt that his judgment might be correct.

Without this fire-breathing skill, Lin Fei would be absolutely sure to kill the opponent at close range.

Therefore, the most urgent task is to find a way to consume the flames of Gorlers' last head.

But, what should be done?

Lin Fei quickly sorted out the skills he had mastered, "Crow Substitute." It was obviously the best choice, but it could not be used again for the time being. Although the mirror image was not bad, its actual combat ability was worse.

It will be directly beaten to death, and it will not be able to trigger the opponent's fire attack at all.

As for letting Alice put herself in danger again, Lin Fei felt that it was too unsafe. If Alice made a mistake, he would regret it to death.

Since you can't rely on your own skills to seduce the opponent to perform fire attacks, you can only resort to the next best thing and start with the three-headed dog.

Lin Fei looked over again and saw that the demon's left eye was wide open. If it hadn't been for the Dark Cloud Cloak, Lin Fei's left eye would have burst out with a red glow like a blazing flame.

This demon's left eye is not only a symbol of the demon's bloodline, but can also greatly improve Lin Fei's eyesight.

Just like now, Lin Fei saw that the skin under the three heads of the three-headed dog was a little weird.

Two of the dogs that had been sprayed with flames had loose skin under their heads and swayed significantly when moving, as if they were empty bags. However, the skin of the other dog that had not been sprayed with flames was slightly bulging, like a bag filled with liquid.

Like blisters.

This discovery made Lin Fei ecstatic. The slightly bulging skin would never have been discovered without careful observation. Thinking about it, it must be the oil sac used by the three-headed dog to store kerosene. The first two heads were sprayed out due to the

The other dog head has not sprayed flames, so the oil bladder is full.

Looking at the sway of the oil sac, Lin Fei speculated that the skin must not be too thick. If he hit the right spot with all his strength, he would definitely be able to pierce the oil sac.

Once the oil sac is broken, the three-headed dog will no longer be able to spit out fire, and he will be able to deal with the opponent.

After such calculations in his mind, Lin Fei felt confident, but without any hesitation, he put away the cursed magic blade, holding only the heavy hitting dagger in his hand, and then ran away from behind the stone pier where he was hiding.

And out.

The three-headed dog was looking around for Lin Fei. When it saw Lin Fei running out, it roared wildly and pounced on him.

Lin Fei was not afraid of close combat at all. After dodging the opponent's two sweeps relatively easily, Lin Fei bowed, then put one hand on the ground and suddenly jumped away, like a fish swimming upstream.

He jumped over a distance of four to five meters and was immediately under the three-headed dog.

When he looked up, he saw that the oil bag of the third dog's head was on top of his head. Lin Fei held the dagger in his hand and used his shadow attack skill to stab it hard.

This time Lin Fei used all his strength. Now Lin Fei's strength was really not small. In addition, the dagger was sharp, so with a thud, like a sword entering leather, the three-headed dog's oil bag was stabbed twice by Lin Fei.


The three-headed dog howled, and Lin Fei felt a large amount of greasy liquid spurt out from the oil bag, directly covering his head and face.


Lin Fei was so happy that he didn't even look carefully at the damage indicator of the previous hit. However, the three-headed dog was hit so hard that it suddenly jumped up and led Lin Fei into the sea of ​​fire over there...!

This chapter has been completed!
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