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Chapter 37 Death

Seeing the bone-breaking stick flying towards Somra like a meteor, the violent bear felt relieved.

He is confident that this blow is enough to kill his opponent instantly.[]

Because it is attached to one of his right arms, with one blow, even a tenth-level contractor with full health and 50 defense points can instantly kill him.

"Death, Somra!"

Seeing Somla's horrified look, Bao Xiong let out a chuckle, but because of the severe exertion, he actually coughed up a ball of blood, but even so, Bao Xiong still had a smile on his face.

It's just that fate seems to have played a joke on the violent bear.

Just at the moment when the bone-shattering club, which was as powerful as a bamboo and carried the power of breaking the sky, was about to kill Somra, a bolt of lightning as thick as an arm struck the bone-shattering club.

With a loud noise, the bone-breaking stick was moved out of its orbit and flew past Somra's head. The latter's ears were directly blasted into pulp by the powerful air wave.

But Somra did not die.

Seeing this scene, the violent bear's eyes widened, but then he calmed down surprisingly. The lightning just now was undoubtedly sent by the Titan. In addition, the violent bear also saw a titan walking over quickly, and threw the rope.

Mulla was behind him.

"What a pity, it's just that little bit different!"

Bao Xiong looked extremely calm. He shook his body, coughed up a pool of blood again, and then sat directly on the ground.

"Human life is destined by God. Since God prevents me from passing this test, there is nothing I can do about it. It's just a pity that I can't see Xiaoguan get married and have children!" Bao Xiong let out a sigh of relief, and he suddenly felt,

The horned helmet on his head was extremely heavy, weighing him down so much that he couldn't breathe.

So, the violent bear stretched out his only left hand that could move and took off the horn helmet.

The helmet was taken off, revealing a young but resolute face.

"It's much easier now!" Bao Xiong grew angry.

There is no doubt that Bullbear is quite handsome. This image actually does not match his nickname, but Bullbear just likes him.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, a fierce name alone cannot guarantee that he can survive. Therefore, after entering the world of the devil chapter, the violent bear has been fighting hard. With his considerable strength, he established a

The team also made a few dead friends. Unfortunately, those friends died in the last mission.

"This time, I'm afraid it's my turn!"

In the distance, Somra's army has slaughtered all the troops of the violent bear. At this time, there is no way to recover.

At this time, Bao Xiong could hear the sounds getting closer and closer behind him, but he did not look back. Everyone knew that it no longer mattered whether he looked back or not at this time.

"Just die. Fortunately, I saved a large amount of money for the two of them, which should be enough for them to use for a lifetime. Moreover, I also asked the thief. With his character, he will definitely help me, right?"

Thinking of the thief, Bao Xiong smiled.

"That guy will definitely survive. Although I'm a little reluctant, I still think that guy can survive."

The voice behind him stopped, and soon a strong wind came.

Feeling the strong wind, Bao Xiong smiled: "Damn, I really want to smoke at this time..."

The smile remained the same, but Bao Xiong couldn't say the rest of his words.

Because, a Naga snake girl waved a sharp sword behind him and chopped off the violent bear's head. The blood was scattered on the yellow sand, so bright and so red.

The sunshine that day was very good. It was neither dazzling nor hot. On the contrary, with the gentle breeze, I could feel a hint of timid warmth.

Lin Fei looked at the girl opposite who was eating ice cream, and his heart seemed to be filled with sunshine.

After returning from the Demon Chapter World, Lin Fei returned directly to the real world. In the last mission, there were so many killings that even a mind like Lin Fei could not adapt.

It was just that at that time, in order to rush for time, it was expanding and developing all the time, so it ignored the bloody things. Looking back afterwards, Lin 28 only felt a sense of nausea and depression.

Those zombies were okay, but the dead spearmen, marksmen and crusaders were all human beings who were no different from themselves in appearance, speech and behavior.

But these people were living warriors one second, and turned into mutilated corpses the next.

Lin Fei is not afraid of fear. Continuous missions have made his body stronger and his will stronger and tougher. However, Lin Fei is still a human being. As long as he has flesh and blood, there will be pressure.

And now, watching Li Chunan eat cold drinks is a way to relieve stress. In this way, he can temporarily forget everything about the world of the devil chapter and temporarily relieve his tense nerves. This time, it was Lin Fei who took the initiative to knock on the door of Li Chunan's house and invite him.

She came out for a walk, and the latter reluctantly agreed. There happened to be an ice cream shop at the door of their community, so the scene before her happened.

Lin Fei said nothing, and neither did Li Chunan.

She didn't know that Lin 28 just wanted to watch her eat quietly. At this moment, this young girl who had just begun to have a love affair just lowered her head and ate the ice cream, and used it to hide the blush on her cheeks.

Lin Fei can be said to be a well-known figure in school. He is young, handsome, knowledgeable, and most importantly, very stylish.

Although Lin Fei was not deliberately reticent and deliberately cool, it is no exaggeration to say that these factors combined can definitely kill all innocent girls.

Li Chunan is also a girl. Although her family suffered a big change, she is still a girl.

Therefore, the charm that Lin Fei exuded inadvertently attracted her deeply.

Normally, there are boys who ask her out, but she never agrees. But this time, she followed Lin Fei out of the house by a strange combination of circumstances, and even felt a little secretly happy in her heart. Of course, as this

Young girls will also find some reasons for themselves for this kind of behavior.

For example, if he is a teacher, it is not good to refuse. Another example, if he is a teacher, it is normal to go out with him.

Of course, Lin Fei was completely unaware of these girls' thoughts.

He just wanted to sit quietly and watch Li Chunan eat, it was that simple.

After finishing the ice cream, Lin Fei looked at it and said, "What else do you want to eat?"

"No more, Teacher Lin!" Li Chunan wiped the corners of his mouth lightly.

"Then, let's go back!" Lin Fei stood up to pay the bill, but he didn't see a hint of despair in Li Chunan's eyes.

Even when he sent Li Chunan, who had been silent and didn't want to talk to him, back home, Lin Fei didn't realize what he had done wrong.

Men can be so careless sometimes.

After a good sleep, Lin Fei was woken up by a phone call in the afternoon.

When I turned on the phone, I saw that it was a fat man.

After the call was connected, the fat man only said one sentence.

"The violent bear is dead!"

Chapter of the Devil, Fatty's Room Information This time, there was one less person present than in the previous two days. Even Gu Xiaolin and Luo Xin, who did not have a close relationship with the violent bear, were silent at the moment.

Everyone has survived forced missions, so they naturally know how difficult they are.

It can be said that luck accounts for a large part of being able to pass mandatory tasks.

Of course, there are people who are lucky and there are people who are unlucky. Bao Xiong is one of them. To be honest, Lin Fei doesn’t think Bao Xiong will die in the compulsory mission. He even said that many people who are doing it, including himself, are in the compulsory task.

The death rate in missions is higher than that of violent bears.

The other party is a veteran who has experienced many missions and possesses top-notch equipment and life-saving skills.

This guy who was called a strong man in the lower three floors actually died like this?

And it was so silent. If it weren't for the relationship between several people here and the violent bear, no one would have known that there was such a person in the world before.

"Is it really quiet?" Sitting there with one-handed axe, he suddenly said something.

The fat man nodded, surprisingly silent. Even if he was used to seeing death, it would still be a little hard to accept if this kind of death happened to his friend. Even though the violent bear could not be called a real

friends, but at least they are all acquaintances.

This was a silent gathering. From beginning to end, Lin Fei didn't say anything because he couldn't think of what he should say.

Remember the dead? Lin Fei doesn't know how to do it, and he doesn't think it's necessary.

Then remind the living people to pay attention? It seems to be unnecessary. In the world of the devil chapter, everyone knows to be careful in everything.

Therefore, Lin Fei didn't say anything, but after he left, he took out the note that Bao Xiong gave him before the start of the third mission. Then he found a house based on the address above.

This family was immersed in grief at the moment. Lin Fei easily found out from the enthusiastic neighbors that there were three people in this family. The man was found dead in the alley next to the door of the house in the early hours of last night, with his head cut open.


Lin Fei knew that the person who died was the violent bear.

He also had a wife and son at home. I heard that the woman had fainted from crying several times, so she was sent to the hospital, but Lin Fei did not see her.

After returning home, Lin 28 only told Fatty about this matter. Because of Fatty's official status, taking care of the orphan and widowed mother was a piece of cake, so Lin Fei saved a lot of trouble.

Afterwards, Lin Fei met Bao Xiong's son, who was a very cute boy. Lin Fei lied to him that he was his father's friend, and then gave the boy a lot of toys he bought.

Looking at the smile on the boy's face, Lin Fei knew this and let it end like this.

Next, Lin Fei decided to enter the fourth floor. Since he had to go sooner or later, he might as well go early.

Through Hao Beibei, Lin Fei also knew that when entering the fourth level, you actually have to go through a mission, which is a kind of 'screening'. In fact, Hao Beibei said that the lower three levels are among the senior contractors.

, has a very interesting name called "Kindergarten"

The meaning was very clear. Lin Fei sneered at this, secretly thinking that even if it was a kindergarten, the senior contractor would have walked out of it.

So on the third day after the mandatory mission, Lin Fei was fully prepared and chose to enter the fourth level of the brood.!

This chapter has been completed!
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