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Chapter 24 Basic Melee Combat

It was still the same room. Lin Fei stood there for a while before reacting.

This is no longer Goldsmith Town.

The tragic skinned trainer and the haunted little house are all in the past. When the mission world of the Demon Chapter is reset, such tragedies will continue to happen.

At this time, Lin Fei suddenly had a strange feeling. What is real? Is it the real world or this room?

Soon, Lin Fei gave up this idea, because no matter what he thought about now, the conclusion he drew was not true. This issue could only be left to be considered later.

Lin Fei habitually called out the 'clock' and checked his time. There were still 34 hours and 29 minutes on it. Obviously, it exceeded Lin Fei's previous expectations. He thought that he would not be able to complete this task this time.

The reality is that not only did he complete the mission, but he also successfully recognized the profession of thief. In addition, he also obtained a lot of equipment.

It can be said that it was an unexpected bumper harvest.

At this moment, Lin Fei noticed that there was an exclamation mark flashing in his sight.

In fact, this prompt had already existed, but Lin Fei didn't pay attention to it. He remembered that he suddenly had a realization when he was fighting Heleni, and then this prompt appeared. At that time,

Because we were engaged in a life and death battle, we had no time to think about it at the time.

Now that he has returned to the room, Lin Fei naturally has time to check.

After opening this prompt, there is only one record on it.

"Contractor No. 1065, after a life-and-death battle, he realized the passive skill 'Basic Melee' on his own. The current skill level is 3."

A very brief tip, but quite valuable.

Lin Fei quickly called out his attributes, and sure enough he saw that among his skills, in addition to 'Stealth (Level 1)' and 'Sneak Attack (Level 1)', there was another 'Basic Melee (Level 3)'


Unexpectedly, the insights gained in battle can also give him a skill, which is an unexpected surprise. But Lin Fei didn't know that it is extremely difficult to obtain this kind of passive skill. The same type of skill, if you hang

In the auction house, he can buy a high price that he can't imagine, and only level 1 skill books are sold. If you want to upgrade to level 2, or level 3, you must understand it yourself.

Lin Fei walked to the chapter on demons in the center of the room and opened the pages.

"Scene: Chapter 1, Chapter 7 of the Demon Chapter, main mission: Supernatural events in Goldsmith Town, completed, 75% completion, task time 4 hours and 49 minutes, reward 12 hours (already rewarded), additional additional hours based on task completion

Reward for 12 hours (not claimed).”

"Kill level 4 kobolds, number 7, reward 105 minutes (already rewarded)."

"Equipment obtained (white quality): Sturdy Eagle Leather Armor (already equipped), Sturdy Snakeskin Leggings (already equipped), Mushu Shield, Apprentice Sword, Iron Helmet, Widow's Skinning Knife, Recruit's Badge


"Get equipment (blue quality): Wolf Slayer Dagger, Friendship Guardian Dagger."

"Get the rune: Skinner (the rune in the lower left corner)."

"Other experiences: Obtained the Thief Professional Certification and learned the skills 'Stealth (Level 1)' and 'Sneak Attack (Level 1)'."

"The mission has been cleared!"

On the pages of the book, the mission status, rewards and items obtained were clearly listed. Among them, some of the equipment was already equipped by Lin Fei, but some were obtained from the corpses of those who chased his contractors. Lin Fei also

Didn't have time to take a closer look.

But obviously, some of them can be used by Lin Fei, and some can't.

Just like the Mushu shield, it can gain up to 29 points of defense when equipped. However, this piece of equipment cannot be equipped by Lin Fei, a thief.

In addition, there are apprentice long swords with a damage range of 13-22. These two-handed swords cannot be used by thieves.

Apart from these, Lin Fei can use other things.

The 'Recruit's Badge' is an accessory, white in quality, which can provide 15 extra points of health. Lin Fei wore this accessory directly.

Now Lin Fei's blood volume has increased from 80 points to 95 points.

After that, Lin Fei picked up the iron helmet and the widow's skinning knife.

The iron helmet, the best in white quality, provides 15 points of defense. Like the previous leather armor and leather leggings, the helmet automatically changes to a suitable size after being put on the head. Lin Fei tapped it with his fingers and felt

It's quite solid.

Equipped with this helmet, Lin Fei's defense power is directly increased to 55 points. This kind of defense power, even if a kobold can knock out Lin Fei's health, will never exceed 20 points.

And that 'widow's skinning knife' is much better than the ordinary dagger used by Lin Fei now. The damage of an ordinary dagger is 3-9, and due to previous use, the durability has been reduced by more than half, and the attack of the widow's skinning knife

It has reached 5-11, which is obviously a level stronger than the dagger.

As for the blue-quality ‘Wolf-Slaying Dagger’, it cannot be used temporarily because it requires 15 points of agility. However, as long as it is upgraded to another level, Lin Fei can use this blue-quality weapon.

Finally, Lin Fei picked up the 'Guardian of Friendship'. This short sword was used by Heleni. It can be said that the name of 'Guardian of Friendship' is 'deserving of its name'.

"That woman who is not good at words uses this sword to protect Adler Feod and their friendship!"

Thinking of the woman who risked his life for friendship, Lin Fei sighed. You know, the other party died in his own hands. But having said that, if it happened again, Lin Fei would fight with all his strength. This is reality.


Looking at the attributes of this dagger, Lin Fei smiled.

"Guardian of Friendship, one-handed sword, quality (blue), one-handed damage 10-15, requires 13 agility points, durability 35, blue quality additional attributes: after equipped, it can increase the defense of surrounding teammates by 5 points."

On the hilt of this dagger, there is also a line engraved on it: "To Adler Feod's best friend-Heleni!"

Lin Fei happened to be able to use this sword at the moment, so he threw the previous dagger directly to the auction house and put a good price on it. As for the last item, the Skinner Rune, Lin Fei didn't know what to do yet.

He planned to look through Kane's notes later.

Now, Lin Fei is holding the Widow Skinning Knife in one hand, and the Friendship Guardian in the other hand. On his feet are blue-quality light leather boots, and he is wearing leather armor and leggings inlaid with iron plates.

, and also wore an iron helmet that could cover most of his face.

The attack power has been improved, the defense power has been improved, and there is also the passive skill of close combat. Now Lin Fei really wants to test his own strength.

Anyway, it has only been more than 4 hours since he entered the mission world. Lin Fei entered the mission world at 7:36 pm in the real world. Now it is just after 2 am, so there is still plenty of time. More importantly, Lin Fei entered the mission world at 7:36 pm in the real world.

Fei doesn't want to sleep at all.

After experiencing the somewhat tragic mission in Goldsmith Town, Lin Fei wanted to vent at this moment.

It was mentioned in the chapter on demons that the 'room' where the contractor lives is an absolutely safe place. Moreover, it is not limited to living here, the room also has many additional functions.

For example, training room.

Although this 'room' does not seem to have any doors or windows, in fact, as long as you perform a few operations in the book "Devil's Chapter", you can open a door on the smooth wall.

On the other side of the door is the training room.

Of course, training in the training room is not free. The time consumption here is twice that of normal conditions. In other words, training in the training room for 1 hour will reduce Lin Fei's clock by 2 hours.

For contractors whose time is life, this is definitely considered a ‘luxury’ consumption.

Lin Fei did not hesitate. He opened the door to the training room and walked in. Inside, there was also a "Trainer's Book" with a list on the first page of the book.

"1, melee type, 2, spell type, 3, summon type, 4, crossbow type, 5, demon type"

Lin Fei thought for a while, but chose the first type, melee combat.

After selecting, the pages of the book will automatically turn. Soon, the turning of the pages will stop, and the opened pages will list detailed information, all of which are melee-type 'trainers'.

The so-called trainer is a simulated 'person' who can fight with the contractor in the training room to improve the combat level of the contractor. Although there are many skills that can be learned in the world of the Demon Chapter, but how to polish them

Practicing skills to maximize combat effectiveness requires repeated practice, so there is a training room to hone skills and combat levels.

Lin Fei glanced at the information and began to search. The trainer's level was high or low, because it was based on the attributes of the contractor. Therefore, the most sensible thing was to choose someone who was lower than his own level or at a similar level.

Trainers. Of course, if you are particularly confident in your own strength and lively, then that is a different matter.

"Left Ear, level 3 warrior, attack 35-55, HP 430, defense 67, four attributes (strength, agility, physical fitness, intelligence): 15, 7, 12, 3, equipment: trainer's sword, stable protection

Armor, stable leggings, stable boots, spiked gauntlets, ring of life. Winning rate assessment: 35%!”

"Shadowwind, level 3 assassin, attack 27-42, HP 230, defense 41, four attributes (strength, agility, physical fitness, intelligence): 8, 16, 10, 3, equipment: trainer's dagger, light hand crossbow

, light leather boots, snakeskin armor, snakeskin leggings, armored shoulder pads, ring of life. Winning rate assessment: 32%!”

These are the two trainers Lin Fei found. Their levels are higher than his own, and their four attributes are stronger than his own. The subsequent winning rate evaluation is his chance of winning against these trainers.

Obviously, no matter which one he faced, Lin Fei's winning rate was not high. But Lin Fei made an astonishing move at this moment.

"Select the left ear, Shadow Wind, to train, and set the training mode: non-death mode. If the blood volume is lower than 3 points, the training will be forced to stop..."

After this command was given, the trainer's book closed automatically, and at the same time, two coffin-like wooden cabinets slowly rose up on the floor of this circular room with an area of ​​about 200 square meters.

Soon, two people walked out of the two wooden cabinets.

One is a strong man wearing iron armor and holding a two-handed sword, and the other is a slender woman holding a dagger in one hand and a wooden hand crossbow in the other.

As soon as these two people came out, they pounced on Lin Fei opposite. @ws

This chapter has been completed!
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