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Chapter 18 Lin Fei's Wrath

Chapter 18 Lin Fei’s Wrath

(Third update, Little Eggplant strongly urges you to subscribe!)

Lin Fei, who has an iron will, is rarely frightened by something, but this time, he was really frightened. So much so that the moment he saw that person, he subconsciously stopped breathing.

Then, Lin Fei became extremely angry, and this kind of anger could not be suppressed at all. In an instant, Lin Fei's momentum surged out, forming an extremely powerful murderous aura. The other two seniors changed their colors directly, and both showed shocked faces.

And the contractor with the stubble was sweating profusely.

Lin Fei was so angry that he let out his murderous intent, which shocked the other three people.

"It's amazing. How many people has this guy killed? How can he have such strong murderous intent?" Mike, the black man, had a strange look on his face, while Jin Riyue, apart from being surprised at the beginning, muttered in a low voice: "Huh,

Is this a deliberate demonstration? It’s just a small trick!”

The original strength of these two people belonged to the sixth level of the Brood. Although they were surprised, they stopped there. The contractor with a stubble didn't even dare to look at Lin Fei, for fear that the other party would rush over and directly attack him.

Kill yourself. In his understanding, people with such murderous intent are already like gods and demons.

However, Lin Fei's murderous aura went away just as quickly as it came.

In an instant, Lin Fei's expression became calm, and his fierce murderous aura also disappeared. The transition between movement and stillness was very sudden, as if one second it was thunder and lightning and strong winds, and the next second it had disappeared and the sun was shining brightly.

High lighting.

In fact, Lin Fei suppressed the anger in his heart, and obviously, the reason why Lin Fei lost his composure was definitely because he saw someone worthy of making him lose his composure.

However, Lin Fei did not walk over, or even look over again.

The gaffe just now was not wise. Lin Fei knew clearly that others might notice it, but now, it must not be exposed anymore. This is the mission world. Contractors present can form alliances because of interests, and they can also form alliances because of interests.

betray each other, or even become hostile and fight. Don't let others see the relationship between that person and yourself, so that you can protect her secretly.

But Lin Fei couldn't figure out why she was in this place, why?

Everything Lin Fei did before was so that she could live the life of an ordinary person, so that she could grow up without worries, so that she could fall in love, get married, have children, and then have a family full of children and grandchildren.

But now, everything is ruined!

If possible, Lin Fei really wanted to vent his resentment, but he knew that there would be no benefit in doing so.

No matter how she entered the world of the Devil Chapter and became a contractor like herself. This is already a fact and cannot be changed. All she can do is to protect her as before.

Lin Fei sat on a stone platform and said nothing. He did not explain much about the "murderous intent" just now. The black men Mike and Jin Riyue only regarded them as contractors of the fifth level of strength.

Show off your strength.

Next, the contractors woke up one after another. The first five contractors, including Lin Fei and others, were all seniors, so they did not panic, but quickly became familiar with the environment. Starting from the sixth one,

This is the kind of shouting and screaming scene that newbies experience when they enter the mission world for the first time.

The sixth person to wake up was a muscular Russian. This guy was over 2 meters tall and had a very strong body. From the opening of his chest shirt, you could see his strong chest muscles and thick body hair.

He woke up, showing a kind of surprise and confusion. When he saw Lin Fei and the other five senior people sitting on a stone platform, he asked.

"What is this place? Who are you?"

No one answered him, and there was no prompt for this mission, so talking now is a waste of time. Moreover, in the eyes of senior people, even the fifth person who woke up, who was estimated to only have the strength of the lower three levels, would not be interested in this kind of thing.

Newcomers also have a sense of superiority.

And this sense of superiority makes them not want to talk at all.

The strong Russian man looked around, and when he saw the people on the ground, he said: "Are you kidnappers? Chechnya? If so, then you bastards have messed with the wrong person!"

As he said that, he walked towards a senior man with an angry look on his face.

And this senior man was the fifth to wake up, and he just had a sneer on his face at this moment.

When the strong Russian man walked up to this man, he would reach out to grab him and interrogate him. Perhaps this grumpy Russian has always had this attitude towards others.

But just like what he said just now, it's just that this time he messed with the wrong person.

Although he was facing only a contractor from the lower third level, it was not something he could fight against with the physical fitness of an ordinary person.

The contractor seemed to be interested in showing off his strength in front of the four 'seniors', but he sneered and hid back. He didn't use any skills, but just relied on his strengthened body to directly kick him.


This kick was extremely fast. Although the strong Russian man blocked it with both arms, he only heard the sound of bone cracking. The strong man who looked like a polar bear flew backwards and fell backwards. Then, he was hit hard.

On the ground.

"I'll teach you a lesson. Don't mess with me before you understand everything. Besides, can I be messed with by a guy like you?" The senior man retracted his foot and said coldly.

The force of his kick was equivalent to that of a world champion kicker, with a force of at least 300 kilograms. No matter how strong the Russian man was, he would not be able to withstand such an attack.

At that moment, the strong Russian man was covered in cold sweat, and his left arm was bent in a weird shape. However, this guy was tough and did not say a word.

However, he became much more honest next and stopped making any noise. Because this kick let him know that something was beyond his imagination. The person opposite looked much smaller than him, but he had extremely strong strength.

, and this power is enough to kill himself.

In order to survive, he could only keep quiet.

Immediately afterwards, the seventh contractor woke up.

This man was also very strong, but he was an Asian. After he woke up and looked around, he also had a puzzled look on his face. Then he saw the Russian guy lying on the ground and was stunned.

This Asian was obviously much smarter, and he didn't even speak. Although he was full of doubts, he knew that he had to figure out the situation here first.

Soon, the eighth, ninth, and all the thirteen contractors woke up one after another. Some of these people screamed wildly, some shouted for the police, and some even cried bitterly. Of course, some were silent.

He spoke and looked around with vigilant eyes.

Lin Fei didn't care about the actions of these people. Although he showed an attitude that it had nothing to do with him and didn't even look at the newcomers, in fact, all his attention was focused on 'that person'

On the body.

At this time, the eleventh person who woke up, a man with tattoos on his arms and a ruffian face, had just finished shouting. When he saw everyone taking care of themselves, he looked around randomly. When he saw someone lying on the ground

Several women showed a hint of lust in their eyes.

"Hey, no matter where this is, even if it's a prison, as long as there are women!" The man laughed, then stood up and looked at several women. When he saw a girl lying on her side on the ground,

Then he let out an exaggerated cry.

The girl was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, with slim curves, and her hair was draped over her fair and jade-like cheeks. She was lying on the ground motionless. The tattooed man's eyes widened, and he actually walked towards the girl.

Obviously, he has bad intentions.

"What are you going to do?" It was the Russian lying on the ground who spoke. Although his arm was broken, he was the only one who spoke to stop the tattooed man at this time.

The tattooed man was startled at first when he heard a thunderous scolding, but when he saw clearly that it was the Russian lying on the ground with a broken arm, he let out a disdainful laugh.

"Why do I need to talk to a cripple like you?" After saying that, he walked up regardless.

The Russian got up from the ground, first looked at the five people who woke up first with scrupulous eyes, and then walked towards the tattooed man. Although the Russian had a broken arm, he was in extremely good shape.

Well, with a strong sense of justice, he stepped forward in two steps, used his other good hand to grab the tattooed man's neck, and threw him aside.

"Taking advantage of others' danger and acting like a villain, I despise this the most. Get out!" The Russian's action just now seemed to have pulled his injured arm. His face was wincing in pain, and he was sweating coldly.

The tattooed man got up from the ground and cursed twice, but he really didn't dare to fight with this tall Russian, but he showed a vicious look in his eyes.

But he didn't know that the Russians' actions indirectly saved him, otherwise he would be dead by now.

Lin Fei's fingers that he had just clenched slowly relaxed at this moment, and a lot of powder slowly spilled out from his palm. Looking at the hard rock next to his palm, it turned out that someone had given it to him at some time.

He broke off a piece forcefully. The powder in Lin Fei's hand was used to crush the stone with his fingers alone.

If the Russians were just two seconds slower, Lin Fei would not be able to help but take action.

No one paid much attention to this incident. Soon, the remaining people woke up one after another, but the girl behind the Russian was the seventeenth to wake up.

After she opened her eyes, she sat up suddenly and looked around with wide eyes. Her beautiful eyes were full of doubts and panic.

For a person who suddenly saw such a weird scene after waking up, this reaction was quite normal. However, she did not make a loud noise, she just recalled something, and then she clenched her fists in front of her to protect her.

Start looking around.

When the last newcomer woke up, a pleasant bell rang.

Everyone turned their attention to the direction from which the sound came, that is, the seventeenth girl who woke up.



This chapter has been completed!
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