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Chapter 44 Ground Thorn Meat Grinder

Chapter 44 Ground Thorn Meat Grinder

(On Saturdays and Sundays, we can only update twice a day. For those who voted for the update yesterday, I'm sorry for you. How about you vote for Monday or Friday next time?)

This time Lin Fei faced an attack with almost no dodge angle. There were more than a dozen arrows fired. These arrows blocked 60% of Lin Fei's dodge space, and there were still seven or eight others.

The attacks from the orcs and the two trolls filled up the remaining hiding space.

What does it mean that two fists are no match for four hands? This time Lin Fei truly understood. Sometimes, quantity determines strength.

Of course, Lin Fei can use the Crow Stand at this time, so that he can easily avoid this wave of attacks. However, in this way, there will be a 3-second 'disappearance' time. During this time, others cannot attack him, and

He can't attack others either. When the time comes, these swarming monsters will definitely interrupt Hao Beibei's spellcasting.

Lin Fei naturally wouldn't let this happen, so he couldn't use his substitute skills, nor could he retreat, he could only carry it head-on. At this moment, Lin Fei was wearing a set of armor, which was enough to withstand ordinary attacks, but he would still be hit by

Damage, like the piercing ability of some arrows and the power attack of the Troll, this set of armor can't save your life at all.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei sighed secretly, but instantly activated the 'Black Feather Eye'.


Two pairs of black wings suddenly stretched out, blocking all the monster attacks. Lin Fei seized the opportunity and struck out like lightning, killing more than a dozen monsters.

With the Black Feather Eyes activated, Lin Fei's various abilities increased dramatically, and he blocked the monster's charge. Within ten seconds, in front of Lin Fei, there were already piles of corpses of various monsters.


However, there was an arrow stuck in Lin Fei's shoulder, and there was a bloodstain on his cheek, which was scratched by the orc's iron knife. In addition, the clothes around his waist were also cut open by a sharp blade, and there was a faint trace of blood seeping out.

.But even so, Lin Fei still did not take a step back.

It can be said that this is the first time that Lin Fei has faced so many enemies. Even with superhuman reaction nerves, it is difficult to respond to all attacks. Therefore, Lin Fei can only be selectively injured. In fact,

The environment that Lin Fei was in at this moment was quite suitable for defense. It had some meaning of 'one man can guard the gate and ten thousand men can't open it', but even so, Lin Fei was a little overwhelmed. You can imagine what would happen if this was in an open place.

What is the result?

Lin Fei didn't even need to think about it. If he was really in an open place, the situation would definitely not be like this now. At that time, he would not be able to withstand the impact of thousands of level monsters.

"Okay, Lin Fei, get away!" At this time, Hao Beibei's voice finally came over. Lin Fei, who was struggling to hold on, felt something in his heart, but he quickly jumped back.

As soon as Lin Fei, the stumbling block, disappeared, all the monsters rushed towards Hao Beibei like a tide.

The latter raised his staff and saw a dazzling green light flashing. The stone steps on the ground collapsed and turned into a mud-like substance. Half of the monsters on the opposite side were trapped in it. And the next second, Hao Beibei

He roared again, and from the mud, countless sharp thorns more than one meter long suddenly appeared.

The thorns seemed to be rows of sharp teeth that were constantly twisting, chewing and biting these monsters. I saw the sharp thorns directly piercing the monster's feet, thighs, and belly, and blood and flesh flew everywhere for a while, and it was tragic.

Called Lianlian.

This scene can be said to be extremely shocking. As far as the eye can see, the ground is like a large meat grinder. Three to four hundred monsters died tragically on the spot due to the continuous stabbing on the ground. Especially the dozen or so huge trolls were directly killed.

The continuous spurts of ground thorns were pierced into holes, and the brains and intestines were all drained, turning into piles of rotten meat in an instant. The remaining monsters were finally frightened out of their courage and began to retreat. There were no orcs and food without the commander.

It would be weird for a human-monster not to retreat after seeing nearly half of his companions dead and his morale plummeting.

Killing hundreds of people with one skill is the ability of a magician.

At this time, Lin Fei and Hao Beibei both heard a prompt: "The battle of Moria, one of the factors that interferes with the plot, the removal of 'excess trolls' has been completed. There are two factors that need to interfere with this battle, and it has been completed so far.


When Lin Fei and Hao Beibei heard this, they both laughed, secretly thinking that this was a blind cat encountering a dead mouse, and they accidentally solved a factor that could really affect the main plot.

Hao Beibei was breathing heavily at this time, looking like she had exerted too much force, but she said to Lin Fei: "Hey, this is luck. Go and collect all the trophies you can pick up. We have to leave here as soon as possible.

Those monsters might come again!"

After saying that, he threw a ring to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei took a look and said, "Good boy, Hao Beibei really has something good on her. This ring is actually purple quality and has 300 storage compartments. It is definitely the best of the best."

Lin Fei was not polite at the moment, but he put the ring on his hand, stepped forward and began to collect the trophies dropped by the dead monsters. At this moment, Lin Fei still did not react to Hao Beibei's large-scale killing magic attack just now.

I came back to my senses. I secretly thought that if these magicians use this kind of large-scale attack magic to waste time, they will definitely be good at it. This move just now killed at least more than 300 monsters, including goblins.

The orcs and the dozen trolls.

Lin Fei had killed nearly 30 monsters before and knew that the reward time for killing these monsters was 30 minutes for trolls, 1 hour for orcs, and 3 hours for trolls.

Calculating based on this ratio, Lin Fei's time reward he just received is already more than 30 hours, so Hao Beibei's is ten times that of himself, which is more than 300 hours.

One magic requires more than 300 hours. It’s so easy to make time!

Lin Fei felt a little regretful at this time, secretly wondering why he didn't develop in the direction of a mage at that time. After all, no matter how strong he was in melee combat, he couldn't kill so many monsters at once. Of course, this was just a thought, after all, melee combat was suitable for Lin Fei.


He was thinking randomly in his mind, but his hands were not slow at all. As long as they were trophies that fell on the ground, Lin Fei would pick them up without missing a beat and throw them into the storage ring. In just five or six minutes, Lin Fei would put the things away.

Most of it was removed. Hao Beibei's somewhat pale face over there also improved a lot. Faintly, the roar of the orcs came from the abyss again. Hao Beibei hurriedly said to Lin Fei: "Hurry up, those monsters are coming again."

Well, we have to run away this time!"

So Lin Fei and Hao Beibei turned around and started running.

Halfway through, the two exchanged opinions, that is, among the monsters they faced just now, the dozen or so trolls were things that needed to be eliminated to interfere with the mission. And this was only one of the two factors that could give an impression of the normal progression of the plot.

So, where is the other factor?

Lin Fei and Hao Beibei thought of a possibility at the same time, and that was the Balrog.

The last factor must be on the Balrog.

Regarding the magic just now, Hao Beibei told Lin Fei that it was a move he created by mixing earth magic and water magic. Hao Beibei gave it a very popular name, called 'Earth Spike Meat Grinder'.

Can kill ground units in a large area.

It's just that this magic is not something that ordinary contractors can cast. Ordinary mage contractors have limited mana. Even if they just release ordinary 'fireballs', they can only release 10 to 30 in a row depending on the strength of the mana.

A mage who can release 30 fireballs in a row is already quite powerful. And according to what Hao Beibei said, his move "Ground Stab Meat Grinder" requires the same amount of mana as it would take to release 100 fireballs in a row.

, no wonder, even a master like Hao Beibei would feel weak after using it.

Gradually, the screams of the orcs gradually weakened, and finally they could no longer be heard. Obviously, these monsters began to die down.

"What to do next? Go find the Balrog?" Lin Fei said with a smile, but Hao Beibei was just about to speak, but was stunned for a moment. Then he quickly used his staff to draw a few magic words in the air, and saw the air rippling.

, a mist appeared. In this mist, it was like a display screen, showing a picture at this moment.

This picture shows a quaint door opening and a group of people walking in. You can see that these people include humans, dwarves, elves, wizards and hobbits.

There is no doubt that this is The Fellowship of the Ring.

When Hao Beibei saw this, he smiled and said: "The Lord of the Rings Expedition has entered Moria!"

Lin Fei was stunned and knew that Hao Beibei had released a monkey for exploration before. Obviously, this picture was the news from the monkey. In this way, the time left for the contractor was very limited.

"It doesn't matter, Moria is huge, and it will take several days for the Lord of the Rings Expedition to reach us. Let's go back first and dispose of the bodies of the orcs and trolls, so that we can try not to disturb the plot characters like the Lord of the Rings.

, As for the last factor that will affect the close combat in the plot, let the Onmyoji and the others do it well, I won’t do it just by asking us to contribute!”

With that said, Hao Beibei contacted the Onmyoji and the others through the radio and briefly explained the situation here, especially telling the other party that the plot characters had entered Moria. The latter naturally knew the urgency of the situation and passed a message

The news is that they found traces of the activities of two Balrogs.

Lin Fei and Hao Beibei looked at each other and secretly thought that they had guessed correctly, the Balrog was the second factor that needed intervention.

Two Balrogs, obviously this is inconsistent with the original plot. In the original plot, there was only one Balrog. But if there are two Balrogs at this moment, even with the wizard Gandalf, it is absolutely impossible for the Fellowship of the Ring to pass through here.

Through the radio, Lin Fei also confirmed the status of the torturer and the other two newcomers. They had already reunited with the female onmyoji and others, and there was no damage.

Lin Fei and Hao Beibei returned to the previous battlefield and began to clean up the corpses here. The cleaning method was also very simple, that is, they found an abyss and threw the corpses directly.



This chapter has been completed!
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