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Chapter 107 Medusa Treasury (1)

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These two cards are a green card and a white card respectively. The green card is naturally the most common card, that is, the green card No. 013, 'Jason Fossey, the Man Who Killed the Man with a Hundred Men'. Lin Fei has heard of those three contracts.

Authors have discussed that this card is a very crucial card in the green deck. It is expensive and its importance is self-evident.

When it comes to how to collect cards, Lin Fei also feels that among the four color decks, the green deck is the easiest to collect, and now Lin Fei has the most green cards in his hand. Naturally, he needs to

They mainly collect green cards. And I believe that most of the contractors on this island of evolution do the same.

Lin Fei received the green card No. 013, "Jason Forsythe, the Man Who Killed One Hundred Men" in the card set booklet, and then looked at the second card.

"White card, No. 051, Jason's hockey mask. The white card can use the 'reveal' and 'card' commands."

The so-called 'revelation' and 'carding' means that a prop that was originally a white card can be truly revealed. In addition, a real prop can also be 'carded' into a card.

Lin Fei had never tried it before, and he just happened to try it at this time. But he grabbed this white card and said softly: "Show me!"

In an instant, with a bang, the card in Lin Fei's hand burst into a cloud of white mist. When the white mist dissipated, the card in Lin Fei's hand turned into a hockey mask.

This thing was exactly the same as the one Jason wore on his face. Lin Fei looked at the properties of this mask and was stunned.

"Jason's hockey mask, blue quality, defense: medium, can cover the face, after wearing it. Increases strength by 5%, has the effect of hiding the breath!"

No wonder Jason appears silently every time. It turns out the root cause is here.

There is no doubt that this mask is very practical, especially for Lin Fei. The increased extra strength can increase his attack power, and the effect of concealing the breath is an excellent attribute, which can be used in conjunction with the stealth technique.

The possibility of the enemy discovering Lin Fei is even lower.

In short, this is an extremely practical prop. Lin Fei thought about it. But he did not intend to let Jason's hockey mask get stuck. Instead, he put it on his face. In this way, Lin Fei's combat power rating also improved.

A little further, reaching 425.

"Would I become a double-faced person like this?" Lin Fei thought to himself at this time. Then Lin Fei walked over and picked up the severed arm that Jason had just chopped off. He took out the arm from the opponent's hand.


"Jason's machete is damaged and cannot be jammed!"

Lin Fei shook his head and took off the mask on Jason's head. The result was still a message of damage and inability to be stuck. Obviously, in the battle just now, it may have been damaged by his own lightning storm, so it could not be stuck.

In addition, these two items were damaged and their basic attributes were missing, turning them into scraps.

After throwing away the two useless things, Lin Fei went over and looked at the contractor who had just been hit by a broken leg and fell to the ground. The latter was lying on the ground at the moment, his waist was twisted in a weird way, and blood kept coming out of his mouth. He was already

After dying for a long time, one of the three contractors dropped a red gene card. Lin Fei went over to take a look and saw that it was No. 084 'Poisonous Scorpion Tail'.

Contractors, like monsters, do not 100% drop cards after death. In fact, these contractors died at the hands of Jason. Lin Fei estimated that maybe the monsters here killed and fused with the genetic red of the contractors.

Cards can also achieve evolutionary effects.

At this time, a reconnaissance crow sent by Lin Fei sent back a picture. A few hundred meters away, a group of contractors were approaching the Crystal Lake.

"Maybe he is also planning to attack Jason in order to obtain the card!" Lin Fei thought to himself, feeling that he should leave, but he quickly rushed into the dense forest by the lake, and disappeared in a moment.

A minute later, five contractors appeared by the lake, all with extraordinary momentum. If you use the combat power probe to check, you will find that the combat power scores of these people are over 250 points.

The five contractors frowned when they saw Jason's body on the ground. A contractor holding a green longbow said: "They got there first. It seems that the last time Jason was killed was just ten minutes ago."


"Hey, there's nothing you can do. Just wait. Jason's refresh time is 24 hours. Let's just wait here to avoid having anyone come here to pick up the leak!" Another contractor said.

"Look, there are three corpses of contractors here. Hey, judging from the wounds and the way of death, they should have been killed by Jason. So how did Jason die in the end?"

"Obviously, someone was following these three people, waiting for Jason to kill someone, and then struck him by surprise, and then killed Jason. And there should be at least two attackers. Jason's body showed signs of being burned by electricity. The attackers

There must be a mage who is good at electric attacks. In addition, Jason's arms, shoulder wounds and head were all chopped off with sharp weapons, so the other attacker must be a powerful melee professional!"

Among the five contractors, a young man about seventeen or eighteen years old said that he was the smartest among the five, so his words were immediately recognized by the other four.

It's just that they never imagined that this seemingly reasonable imagined result was far different from the actual situation.

At this moment, Lin Fei was traveling alone in the dense forest. After wearing "Jason's Hockey Mask", Lin Fei's concealment skills reached an incredible level, just like at this moment, Lin Fei was squatting under a tree while sneaking.

On the tree branches and tens of meters away under the tree, several beasts did not even notice Lin Fei on the tree.

A few minutes ago, Lin Fei discovered this battle. The protagonists were a group of black wolves and a huge basilisk.

This black wild wolf is bigger and bigger than the forest wolves Lin Fei has seen. Its fur is dark and shiny, like a pine branch, and it looks very hard. The four fangs on the top and bottom of its mouth glow with a cold light, and its single combat power rating reaches

It took about 55 minutes. If the number of these wild wolves reaches a certain level, they are quite a deterrent.

However, the opponent of the wild wolf is even more terrifying. It is a huge basilisk with a combat power rating of 289. It is as thick as a bucket and more than thirty meters long. It is often just a stranglehold, and a black wild wolf will

He was strangled to death, his bones and tendons were broken, and his death was miserable. Lin Fei observed for two minutes that seven or eight black wolves had died in the hands of this green snake.

At this time, the dead black wolves would all drop red gene cards, but the big snake swallowed them all, and every time it swallowed a card, its scales thickened by one point, and it also

It has long pine needle-like hair like a wild wolf, which looks extremely weird. In addition, the sharp teeth in its mouth will also increase, and its combat power rating will increase accordingly.

This big snake is actually fusing the gene card of the wild wolf. Obviously, on this island of evolution, not only contractors can evolve, but monsters can also evolve.

The basilisk's combat power rating has been increased to over 300 points, and the wolves have been basically wiped out. Seeing this, Lin Fei sneaked down secretly, saw the opportunity, and released the basilisk on the head of the basilisk.

Lightning storm.

There were continuous loud crackling sounds, and the completely unprepared basilisk was struck immediately. Under the stranglehold of the lightning storm, the hard scales on its head suddenly shattered, and blood and flesh flew everywhere for a while, but this basilisk's body was quite powerful.

Unexpectedly, he was not killed at once. At this moment, Lin Fei had already rushed forward and used Falling Feather Slash to chop off the head of the basilisk.

"Your Feather Slash number has been increased to 20."

With a roar, the huge snake head rolled down, and the headless snake body struggled for a while, knocking down some trees by their roots, and then gradually fell silent.

Two cards fell out of the snake, one green card and one red card. The green card was No. 027, 'The Tyrant Violent Basilisk in the Forest', and the red card was the red gene card of this basilisk, No. 028 'The Violent Snake'.


Lin Fei did not have these two cards before, so it can be said that he has made a profit. Naturally, Lin Fei does not plan to fuse any cards now, because fusing gene cards will destroy the original bloodline of the contractor. Just like, if Lin Fei melts

If he gains the "Violent Snake Form" or 'Jason's Immortality', then Lin Fei's own fallen angel bloodline will also change. Although his combat power may increase, it will also cause Lin Fei to lose some of his original abilities. This will

This kind of exchange was not worth the gain, and besides, Lin Fei didn't realize that these two gene cards were stronger than his own fallen angel bloodline.

Therefore, it is the contractor's decision to fuse or not to fuse gene cards. The reason why Lin Fei did not fuse gene cards was because he did not find a card worthy of fusion.

Putting the two cards away, Lin Fei continued to move forward. The Fallen Island was very vast, and Lin Fei was currently only active in a small area.

After walking forward for a while, Lin Fei's reconnaissance crow discovered the situation again.

At the edge of the dense forest, close to the edge of a huge rock mountain, Lin Fei was sneaking and hiding behind a tree, looking at a huge rock building in front of him.

Beside the rock building, there was a wooden sign with the words "Treasure House of Medusa" written on it. Beside the wooden sign, there were several groups of contractors sitting or standing.

Lin Fei was certain that these waves of contractors probably didn't know each other. It was more like they were waiting for something here.

The strength of these several waves of contractors was much stronger than the ones Lin Fei had encountered before. There was a group of four people wearing silver armor and holding broad-bladed swords. Their bodies were emitting a soft light all the time.

, the combat power of these people, the lowest is over 290, and the highest is almost the same as Lin Fei's 400 combat power.

There is also a wave of three people, also wearing armor, but their bodies are even bigger, with an average height of more than 2 meters, they are all big and round, some have red skin, some have slightly cyan skin, wearing very rough and violent armor, with the weapons in their hands

The weapons are huge and fierce, and they are all heavy weapons such as serrated swords and fang axes. Obviously, the evolutionary direction of these people should be the fusion of orcs and hell tribes, full of violence.


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