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Chapter 10 Corpse

Chapter 10


Lin Fei and Li Chunan searched the base as planned, but the process did not go smoothly because there were very few people in the base, and some places had iron doors with electronic locks that made it impossible to pass through. It can be said that this time the search did not achieve the intended results.

, but at least Lin Fei had a certain understanding of the structure of the entire base. The several employees of Dürer Company he met along the way were all ordinary humans with a combat strength of about 15 to 25, and they did not look like contractors.

In order to obtain information, Lin Fei directly summoned Alice, intending to use her charm ability to directly obtain the information he wanted to know from the base staff. After Alice appeared, he originally complained that Lin Fei had not summoned her for so long.

, but after seeing Li Chunan on the side, Alice endured the dissatisfaction in her heart, but in front of Li Chunan, she deliberately made an extremely charming expression against Lin Fei's body, so angry that Li Chunan almost used

The iron-blooded wrist knife in his hand chopped Alice into pieces...

These minor conflicts did not affect the subsequent actions. After Alice easily charmed a base staff member, Lin Fei got some information he wanted to know.

For example, because a set of excavation equipment has broken down, in order to ensure the amount of ore being mined, the employees here are now working in the mines, so there are no people in the base.

As for the previous maintenance engineers in the base, the staff member's statement was completely different from Hunter's. In other words, those engineers did not have their contracts expired, but just like the plot of the novel mentioned by Li Chunan,

He disappeared mysteriously, and the place of disappearance was in the mine. There was a lot of taboo about this matter in the base, and no one wanted to mention it. In addition, Lin Fei also asked about the Hunter, and it was just as he guessed

, the people in the base only know that the other party is the manager here, but they don’t know that the other party is a robot at all.

"It seems that the boss of Dürer Company attaches great importance to this robot. After all, people can betray him, but robots cannot betray him. And the disappearance of the last wave of engineers must have been blocked by Dürer Company, because it would affect them.

Mining, just according to the logic of the novel, the disappearance must be a precursor to the coming disaster!" Lin Fei looked at Li Chunan and said, the latter also nodded.

This was all the staff member knew. Then Lin Fei asked Alice to remove the charm at the appropriate time. By then, the staff member would have no memory of this period at all.

Fatty had secretly contacted him several times, and Hunter seemed very concerned about the lack of people among them. Fatty could only say that the two of them had gone to the toilet, but asked Lin Fei and Li Chunan to rush back as soon as possible.

Now that we have a clear understanding of the surrounding environment and know that most of the people in the base are in the mine, there is no need to continue to explore. After all, even if there are contractors from other teams here, they are probably in the mine.


However, Lin Fei still planned to let Alice continue to investigate. Lin Fei also had a set of iron-blooded camouflage clothes in his hand. At this time, he gave it to Alice to equip. In this way, she could use the camouflage clothes to hide her body and dock.

The investigation down there was extremely beneficial.

Everything was arranged. When Lin Fei and Li Chunan arrived at the No. 4 maintenance workshop, Fatty was arguing with Hunter about something. There were several huge machines on the side, and the covers of some machines had been removed.

Seeing Lin Fei and Li Chunan walking over, the fat man shouted: "Look, they are back. I told you that they just went to the toilet and got lost. After all, it is our first time to come to this ghost place, and you

The crappy spaceship we arranged almost killed us, I haven’t settled the score yet!”

Fatty is an official in the real world, so his eloquence can be said to be the best among these people. In the past, it was all his ramblings that delayed Lin Fei and the others until they came back.

Hunter also saw Lin Fei and Li Chunan rushing over, but he nodded and said: "The cause of the accident is still under investigation. It is not yet clear whether it was the cause of the spacecraft itself. After all, it may also be man-made sabotage. If it is true,

If that’s the case, the company will still hold the saboteurs accountable!”

This is obviously a confrontation with the fat man, which means that the driver and co-pilot have seen no one alive or dead, so if it was man-made sabotage, you guys are the most suspects.

The fat man was so angry that his face was livid. He wanted to say something else, but Lin Fei had already answered.

"Okay, we will finish our work as soon as possible!" Giving Fatty a look, Lin Fei ended the argument between the two.

Seeing Lin Fei and Li Chunan come back, Hunter just nodded and smiled, and then stood quietly aside without saying a word. This made Fatty even more unhappy. Now that such a guy is here, they can't even chat.

"Is this guy an overseer?" The fat man seemed to dislike Hunter and muttered in a low voice.

Lin Fei and the others are maintenance engineers, and their job is to repair malfunctioning machines. This knowledge has long been poured into their memories when they entered the mission world. Therefore, they are relatively skilled in repairing these malfunctioning machines.

Inspect and replace parts.

The machines placed here are very huge, and the troubleshooting work alone is quite time-consuming. For more than an hour, several people who worked together finally repaired a machine properly and replaced the faulty parts. The fat man got into the machine and started it.

After a while, it is now working normally.

"Story mission: 'Repair Machine' is completed, each person will be rewarded with 35 hours, and the team leader will receive 200 team points. This mission can be completed multiple times!"

As the first machine was repaired, several people got this reminder.

Obviously, repairing one machine counts as completing a mission, and there are several others here. If they are all repaired, it can be considered a good source of rewards.

At this moment, Lin Fei suddenly discovered that Hunter, who had been standing on the other side, had disappeared.

"Then the grandson ran away? When did it happen?" After the fat man heard about it, he was also a little shocked. He had really devoted himself to the role of the maintenance worker just now and didn't even notice when the other party left.

"Maybe it was because we were working normally, so you left by yourself!" The crossbow man said at this time. His hands were stained with some oil, and he didn't know where to put his hands.

At this time, Xiao Kai and Baozi, who were about to inspect another machine, seemed to have discovered something, and asked Lin Fei and others to go over. But when they all went over, they were horrified to find that there was a person huddled in a machine.

In other words, it was a corpse, because this person must have been dead for a long time, and the pungent smell of putrid corpses was very obvious.

"Judging from the degree of decomposition of the body, it has been dead for at least a week!" Gu Xiaolin, a police officer by profession, said with certainty at this time. She asked Xiao Kai and Baozi to help pull the body out and place it on the ground.

Although the death of the deceased was horrific, the clothes he was wearing could still be seen, which were also the uniforms of Dürer Industries.

"Do you think this guy is one of the missing maintenance engineers?" The fat man suddenly thought of a possibility. As he spoke, he squatted down and began to rummage through the corpses without feeling disgusted.

As a result, he actually found several things, including an identification card, a video recording device, and a metal watch.

When the fat man touched the metal watch, he was stunned. Then he raised his head and said to everyone: "Damn it, do you think it's weird? This guy is actually a contractor!"

That metal watch is a storage item, and naturally only contractors can own this kind of thing. The fat man took out many items from it, and the possibility that the deceased was a contractor is already certain.

But, how could a contractor die in a machine lid? When did he enter this mission world?

This is all a puzzle.

Xiaokai was very interested in electronic instruments, so he directly picked up the video recording instrument to study it, and finally told everyone that it was a portable camera with a large-capacity memory card inside, which should store some images.

And soon, the identity of the identity card was confirmed by several people, because there is equipment to verify the identity card.

"Solan Thor, employee of Dürer Industrial Company, occupation: mechanical engineer!"

When this string of information appeared, several people were able to confirm that this person was the engineer who had disappeared before, and that the other person was a contractor just like themselves.

Xiao Kai quickly retrieved the data from the recording equipment and played it back. At this time, you could see a black figure and a voice that sounded very desperate and panic appearing on the small screen.


"My teammates are all dead, and I should be soon too. I have told them a long time ago that those Asian monkeys are unreliable, but it is too late to say anything now. We were tricked by them. If things could happen again, I would definitely do it again."

Kill those bastards with your own hands!" In the video, the speaker said desperately.

"Those Asian monkeys want to take advantage of those things in the mines. I curse them all to die in there. Those bastards..."

What followed was a period of crazy cursing that lasted for barely a minute before stopping.

At this time, there seemed to be a terrifying roar in the distance in the video, and the person in the video began to gasp and run. The picture was dim and shaky, and almost nothing could be seen clearly. After that, the person seemed to see something

A machine, but he opened the machine, got into it himself, and finally closed the cover of the machine.

The video disappeared at this point. The painting behind was completely dark, and only a few gasps and groans due to pain could be heard. After that, these sounds gradually became quieter, and finally became quiet.

Lin Fei remained silent. The things in the video seemed a bit incomprehensible, but in fact they conveyed a lot of information.


This chapter has been completed!
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