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Chapter 28 The Second Mission Chain

~Date:~October 22nd~

(Double list on the homepage? Little Eggplant read that right. I feel very happy now. In the past, I could only look up at the Gods pp. Now I can also use the promotion to double list, so I ask for votes to continue to be popular!)

The Alloy Alien Queen lived up to Lin Fei's expectations. It ran rampant in the U-shaped spacecraft and wiped out some extremely terrifying black water creatures. There were many monsters here that Lin Fei had never heard of. If the contractor dealt with them,

It is absolutely troublesome, but for the Alien Queen who has 100% alloyed her body, it is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.{/Update uploaded by book friends}

As Baozi said, the Alien Queen is really a bug-like existence in this mission world. Lin Fei also had mixed feelings about this. What he was happy about was that he had such a powerful existence under his command, and he would have an absolute guarantee in future missions.

The main force in melee combat is that Lin Fei and others have analyzed this mission. Assuming that there is no Alien Queen, it will definitely be a dangerous and time-consuming task for them to really clear out the black water creatures in the U-shaped spacecraft.

, being able to complete the task within the overall mission time limit is already risky. In other words, if there is no alloy alien queen, they will have to go through a difficult battle, and may be injured or even die, but because of the alien queen, all this is possible.

Escaped, this obviously does not comply with the unspoken rules of the mission world.

As the saying goes, one wave of injustice comes after another, and there will definitely be trouble in the mission world in the future.

But even so, Lin Fei is not afraid. Where there are challenges, there are opportunities. Ever since he entered the world of the Demon Chapter and became a contractor, he has not taken the ordinary path. If he is as honest here as in the real world, I guess Lin Fei will

It is impossible for Fei to achieve such an achievement now.

Let what is coming come!

After spending a day, the Alloy Alien Queen finally cleaned up all the black water monsters in this giant spaceship. It itself has evolved into an alloy form, exuding a heavy and chilling metal atmosphere. In addition, its appearance

A small change has also occurred. Instead of increasing in size, it has become a little smaller. But it is also more than three meters tall and has a strong sense of power. Even the metal walls of the spaceship are helpless with strong acid. If it exerts a claw,

.You can also tear off a small piece quickly.

After killing all the monsters, Lin Fei naturally received the reward of the 'side mission'.

"Side mission: Starship, complete, get reward, control of U-shaped spaceship, get 2000 team points as reward."

When Lin Fei saw the prompt, before he could get excited about getting those 2,000 team points, he was choked back by the next prompt.

"Trigger the second task chain: Origin Star!"

"Mission requirement: Take a U-shaped spacecraft to the home planet of the Engineers and rescue the 100 Engineer survivors trapped in the immortality cabin!"

"Mission completion conditions: Rescue the survivors of the Engineer family. Each person will receive a time reward of 500 hours and a points reward of 5,000 team points. For each engineer survivor who dies, 50 team points will be deducted."

"More than half of the survivors of the engineer family have died. The mission has failed and all team points earned will be deducted."

"The U-shaped spacecraft automatically activates the navigation system and reaches its destination, the Origin Star, in 31 hours!"

Seeing that this was almost a mandatory mission, Fei was certainly not excited, especially after the mission failed, but all the points they had earned would be deducted. If that were the case, their trip would have been in vain.

As the captain of the team, Lin Fei has control over the team points. He checked and counted the 1,200 points obtained by killing three members of the FB team and the 2,000 points obtained by completing side tasks. Currently, he has a team of 3,200.

Points, if this second task chain fails, all these hard-earned points will be cleared away. This is not what Lin Fei wants to see.

And now the spacecraft is automatically heading towards the Origin Star, which means that this mission must be carried out whether it is willing or not.

"Isn't it just a task? Just do it!" Lin Fei discussed with the others and made up his mind. After all, after completing the task, 5,000 team points will be earned, and then he can buy the best products in the team store.


Because time was tight, Lin Fei discussed the next plan with his teammates. The captain and crew members who followed Lin Fei on the ship were also arranged by Lin Fei at this time, that is, they were familiar with the various operations of the spacecraft.

It was left to Xiao Kai to manage the matter. After all, the survivors had been saved and they were leaving. They couldn't do it without learning how to pilot this spacecraft.

The captain obviously played a role in this matter. He had driving experience himself, and with Xiao Kai's help, he quickly became familiar with the operation method of this U-shaped spacecraft. At this moment, he was fiddling with it with excitement.

In his words, being able to pilot a spacecraft that surpasses the technological level of mankind for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, his life is considered worthwhile.

After Xiao Kai retrieved the information about the 'Origin Star' from the spacecraft, Lin Fei looked at the planet on the fully virtual image and remained silent.

There is no doubt that this is a very huge planet, roughly ten times larger than the Earth. Similar to the Earth, more than half of the area here is covered by blue background. According to the data on the spacecraft,

In a certain area of ​​the largest continent, a green dot is flashing, which should be where the survivors of the Engineer clan are. What makes people feel numb is that the rest of the entire planet represents 'danger' signals.

red dot.

"What's going on with those red dots?" Lin Fei asked.

Xiao Kai was not very familiar with the machines of the Engineer family. After playing with them for a long time, he said: "According to the records in the spacecraft, those should be aliens, and they are the most terrifying fourth-generation aliens!"

Soon, Xiao Kai pressed a button, and a virtual image of a fourth-generation alien appeared in front of everyone.

"It's exactly the same as the one in the fourth part of the Alien movie series!" Gu Xiaolin said after looking at the virtual image.

At this time, Li Chunan said: "The Iron-Blooded Clan also has a trial for hunting this kind of monster. It is called the 'Elder Trial' on the Iron-Blooded Star. That is to say, if a qualified Iron-blooded warrior wants to be promoted to become an elder of the Iron-Blooded Clan, he must

I needed to hunt this kind of alien. At that time, my strength was far less than that of challenging this kind of monster. But according to my observation and analysis, the strength of the fourth generation alien should be weaker than the first and second generation aliens, maybe between 1500 and 1600.

But their advantage is very obvious, that is, they no longer need to reproduce in a parasitic way, but can give birth naturally like humans, that is, viviparous, so pay attention to their number!"

When Lin Fei heard this, he secretly felt a little ashamed. In this mission, his understanding of aliens was actually not as good as these two women. But the fourth generation of aliens are indeed very powerful. From the movie, the aliens can slap the alien queen to death.

You can see it above.

The situation should be relatively clear now. According to the information Xiaokai retrieved from the spacecraft's memory computer, the entire incident should have happened like this.

The engineer family has been working on the study of 'black water', a substance that can cause genetic evolution. After they failed to use themselves as experimental subjects, they created 'human beings' that can adapt to the evolution of black water. But in reality, this is equivalent to

It opened a Pandora's box of disaster.

With the deepening of research, the engineer family created a stable and relatively perfect biological evolution of the alien, and cultivated three generations of aliens.

But at this time, they overestimated their control ability, and the catastrophe of the Engineers began. In an accident, the third generation of aliens went out of control. They parasitized some human samples created by the Engineers, and hatched a large number of third-generation aliens.

'Engineers', that is, ordinary aliens. Using their powerful hand-to-hand combat capabilities and cruel characteristics, the aliens quickly captured the home planet of the Engineer family, and some of the engineers left their hometown in a spaceship. Among them, Lin Fei was on a u

The X-shaped spacecraft was one of them, but later the black water leaked, causing the engineers to abandon the ship and escape.

On the Origin Star, there are also some survivors left. They hide in heavily defended bases, rely on sleeping cabins to extend their lives, and wait for the rescue of their compatriots.

This time, Lin Fei and the others' target was the 100 survivors of the engineer clan.

Of course, the Engineers did not give up resistance during this process, but the aliens outside did not stop the pace of evolution. It was only after the fourth generation of aliens appeared that they began to reproduce in large numbers. With their strong combat power, it was reasonable for the Engineers to perish.

Hit, because at this time, no matter what they do, there is nothing they can do to stop the alien army.

After seeing this historical information, everyone couldn't help but feel numb. But when they thought that this spaceship was about to go to the planet that was already occupied by aliens, it was not just as simple as being numb.

"I said, why don't we go?" said the fat man who had just recovered from his serious injury. The wound on his arm had been covered with secret medicine and it was now 90% healed. In half a day, he should be able to return to his original appearance. However, the fat man seemed to have also been affected.

The monsters of the Black Water were frightening, especially the most powerful alien family in the Monster of the Black Water series.

"Of course you can, but then we will lose the points we have obtained before, and the mission world will not let you go just because you gave up a mission. Maybe there will be more terrifying missions waiting for you later, and this time we

It's not about fighting the aliens, it's just about saving people. Although there is danger, the difficulty is within control!" Lin Fei suddenly wiped out any luck and hope in Fatty's heart.

"Just go, whoever is afraid of you!" The fat man seemed to be willing to risk it all, but everyone who knew him well knew that he was bluffing.

"Fortunately, we now have the Alloy Alien Queen. If we encounter trouble, we can use it as a melee tank, and the others can attack from a distance. With the Alien Queen on our side, our pressure will be less!" Crossbow Man also said at this time, as a long-range

The attacker, however, knows how much good melee combat can help him.

The plan was set for the time being, and time passed quickly. After a few people had a good sleep, they could already see the huge planet from the window. (To be continued...


This chapter has been completed!
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