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Chapter 1 Countdown to the Collapse (1)

The process of transmission was extremely silent, and then there was a sudden noise.

"Dr. Lin, your documents have been lost!"

A voice directly woke up Lin Fei. At this time, Lin Fei found himself standing in a corridor. A white man in guard uniform walked over enthusiastically and picked up the documents scattered on the ground.

To be honest, Lin Fei was stunned for a second or two before he could react. After all, he was in the devil's space one second, and he was here in the next second. There was no excess in the middle. The most important thing is that Lin Fei

Fei never had any precedent of talking to plot characters when he first entered a mission.

"Thank you!" Lin Fei said subconsciously.

At this moment, Lin Fei noticed that he was wearing a white coat, and there were two pens hanging on the chest pockets. There was no doubt that he should have been assigned a certain identity for this mission, but he didn't know what the mission was yet.

World. While talking, he was still observing his surroundings.

The guard opposite showed a smile: "You're welcome, I think you are too tired and should go on vacation!"

The guard handed the compiled documents to Lin Fei. At this time, Lin Fei saw a badge on the chest of the other person's clothes, which looked like a black eagle with open wings, and below it there were several English abbreviations 'S.H.R.E.L.D.

Lin Fei also smiled back, then walked forward with the document under his arm.

In fact, Lin Fei doesn't know where he should go. So far, he has always looked at Bendong's mission with a blank look. Of course, it's not that he doesn't know everything. Now Lin Fei can at least learn from the guard uniform he just wore.

And I can see some clues about this mission from the work badge on my chest.

His work card has his photo and name on it. The identity assigned to him by the mission world is "Dr. Lin" and the work card also has the words "S.H.R.E.L.D" on it.

What does S.H.R.E.L.D mean? Lin Fei is quickly retrieving his sutra memories.

Soon, Lin Fei had the answer!

"Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Bureau, the abbreviation S.H.R.E.L.D, which is...the famous Avengers?" Lin Fein was able to react to the English abbreviation at once, and this was thanks to Li Chunan, who spent those few days in the real world.

In addition to spending time with Lin Fei, I just stay at home and watch various movies, including this one, The Avengers.

At that time, Li Chunan also forced Lin Fei to familiarize himself with some plots in the movie, but he did not expect that he would use them so quickly.

Lin Fei remembered that when he was teleported into the mission world, he was with other teammates, but now he is alone, and he is not in a closed environment to let the contractors familiarize themselves with the mission world and release the mission. This shows that this mission

The start is different from before.

Lin Fei occasionally heard about similar mission starts.

Normally, when the contractor enters the mission, he will be placed in an independent environment, and will not be arranged to contact other plot characters until the mission officially begins. But there are exceptions, such as this kind of direct entry into the open environment

, the start of direct contact with the plot characters, even if it is an alternative in the mission start, is relatively difficult. After all, if the contractor is slow to react on the spot, it may lead to some unpredictable consequences, such as being discovered by the plot characters.

And this time, the members of the team should have been dispersed. Lin Fei slowly walked forward, took out the Iron-Blooded communicator, and quietly contacted the others.

The feedback Lin Fei received was what he expected. People in the team had been assigned various identities, but they were not newbies, so they did not show their feet in front of the plot characters. Of course, Lin Fei couldn't help them at this time, so he could only

Take care of yourself.

It was obviously not appropriate for people to discuss together at this time, so Lin Fei just asked the others to wait and see what happened, first find out the situation, become familiar with their identities, and then find an opportunity to meet.

While talking quietly on the communicator, Lin Fei suddenly heard someone calling him from behind. When he looked back, he saw a man wearing a white coat like himself looking at him in front of an open door.

"Dr. Lin, the conference room is over here. Did you forget that you have a meeting to attend?"

The man's expression was a little surprised and a little reproachful, as if he was saying, how could you forget an important meeting?

Conference room?

When Lin Fei thought about the pile of documents held in his elbow, he became a little enlightened, so he quickly made an expression like he was dizzy with work, and then walked over with a smile.

"Sorry, I was a little confused just now!"

After walking into the door, Lin Fei saw that it was a rectangular conference room, and many people were already seated. Lin Fei deliberately let the person who called him go in front, and then followed him to the back of the conference room.

Everyone here is waiting, and it seems that the person presiding over the meeting has not arrived yet, which gives Lin Fei some time to think.

Immediately, Lin Fei read the document in his hand. The content was a very complex and profound report on the research on the use of special energy. Although Lin Fei was considered a highly educated person, he couldn't help but be a little confused at this time. Moreover.

What surprised him was yet to come. The report was signed by himself. Now, Lin Fei was really afraid that he would preside over this meeting. If that was the case, the secret would be revealed.

You must know that S.H.R.E.L.D is a very strict organization. If they suspect someone is a spy, it will be troublesome. Lin Fei is not afraid of anything else. The mission situation is still unknown. It is definitely not the case to cause trouble rashly.

A smart choice.

We still have too few things to master. It's like being in a dark house, not knowing what's ahead or what traps there are, and this is often the scariest thing.

At this moment, Lin Fei hoped that the mission prompt would appear earlier, so that at least he would not be blinded.

Soon, the conference room slowly filled up with people, and then a nervous-looking man also wearing a white coat and glasses walked in.

"Everyone, we have made great progress in the research on the Universe Rubik's Cube. All this is inseparable from your efforts. This eternal energy body will be used in various fields, energy, military, everything we can think of can use it.

to provide clean energy, but twenty-four hours ago, the energy magnetic field of the Universe Rubik's Cube suddenly became extremely unstable, and this situation is getting worse. I ask you to transfer all the data immediately and wait for the director's next order.


After saying that, the man walked out.

In just a few words, Lin Fei had already clearly seen the name on the other person's badge.

"Dr. Selvig? If I remember correctly, he should be Ch Four'l. The main person who studied the Cosmic Cube. Later, he was controlled by the Asgardian Loki and was used to use the Rubik's Cube to open a teleportation

The door allows aliens to invade Earthshackles...So, this is the base at the beginning of the movie?"

Lin Fei was stunned at this time.

He remembered very clearly that according to the plot of the Avengers movie, Loki, an Asgardian, will come here through the Cosmic Cube, and then take away the Cube, which will cause a violent explosion, and the entire base will collapse due to the explosion.

, sinking into the ground.

Dr. Selvig just said that the energy magnetic field of the Cosmic Cube suddenly became extremely unstable, which is a sign that the villain Loki is about to arrive.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei was not surprised but happy. At least, he knew where he was and what might happen next. This was much better than the previous situation where his eyes were completely blank.

As for the big villain Loki, he is said to be an Asgardian in the movie. Lin Fei knew that he was a protoss in Nordic mythology. Of course, the most famous among the Norse protoss are two people. One is their main god, O.

Din, the other one is one of the members of the Avengers, Thor.

Naturally, being able to become a god must have great power, and Loki is naturally no exception, otherwise he would not be able to become a great villain.

According to the plot, Loki will take away the Rubik's Cube, and then the base will collapse, and then the plot of the Avengers will really unfold.

At this time, Lin Fei had returned to his office, and at the same time, the task prompt that Lin Fei had been waiting for arrived.

"Mission scene: Avengers, start!"

"The mission has no time limit!"

"Task completion conditions: Complete all seven task chains. Task chain trigger conditions. Only by completing the upper level task chain can the next link of the task chain be triggered. It cannot be completed by jumping!"

"Task completion reward: 3,000 team points will be awarded, and each team member will be awarded 300 hours!"

"The first task chain is now released: Team Reunion!"

"Task chain content: You need to join up with other surviving team members as soon as possible. Only after all non-dead members have joined together, the first task chain is completed, and then the second task chain can be started."

"Restrictions on the first task chain: The identities of the characters in the plot must not be discovered. All team members must not leave the base before reuniting. Contractors who violate the restrictions of the above two rules will be directly eliminated!"

Seeing this mission prompt, Lin Fei frowned and secretly thought it was a fluke. Fortunately, he didn't do anything extraordinary before, otherwise he would have violated the first restriction.

Obviously, this is the first time he encountered this strange mission mode. Different from the previous open-ended missions, this mission is more like a prescribed script. Each stage must complete the tasks of each stage, and the set tasks must not be violated.

rules, otherwise the consequences will be death.

For no reason, Lin Fei felt a sense of urgency in his heart. He immediately contacted Li Chunan, Fatty and the others, and it was obvious that others had also received the same mission reminder.

"I don't think there's any difficulty in this matter. If the mission doesn't let us reveal our identities, we can pretend to be grandsons. If we don't leave the base before rendezvous, we won't leave. What's the big deal!" The one who spoke was the fat man. This guy obviously hadn't done anything yet.

Find out what's going on, otherwise he won't say that.

This chapter has been completed!
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