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Chapter 37 Containment, Difficulty

(Little Eggplant has been struggling for a long time. It’s the fourth update today. It’s the fourth update. I’m begging for monthly votes and recommendation votes. If you have any, please throw them over. In addition, I noticed that some students voted for the update with 12,000 votes. Little Eggplant wants to cry. Tears, the possibility of changing to 12,000 tomorrow is too small. After all, Little Eggplant has to work and support his family, so he can’t work hard every day!)

"If the Queen of the Underworld finds you, she can kill you with just one finger. But if you notify heaven, my compatriots will come to rescue me. When the time comes, they can also rescue your friend's soul. I can even plead with the God King Angel in Heaven to let him personally resurrect your two friends!"

As if knowing Lin Fei's hesitation, the thought of War Angel Amt dropped a bombshell.

Lin Fei's mind raced and he calculated the benefits.

Naturally, Battle Angel Amt can say it, which means that he can do it. In fact, what the other party said is right. The probability of success in stealing souls by himself is indeed very low, and once discovered, , that is really certain death.

The last time he was able to break through the bloodline level with the help of the water of the Styx, and at the same time kill the son of the Sun God with the help of the water of the Styx, would never happen again.

Moreover, even if he is very lucky and successfully steals the souls of the crossbow man and the white robe, he still needs a powerful being who is at least an intermediate god to resurrect them. This is absolutely impossible for him to do alone.

How to choose, Lin Fei gradually made a choice in his mind. Although this gold-level hidden mission was dangerous, it was much easier than his previous plan.

Moreover, to leave the underworld, only you can do it. Passing through the River Styx without using the ship of the underworld is the biggest reliance you have.

"In that case, I will help you this time, and remember to fulfill your promise when it is done!" Lin Fei made a choice at this moment.

As soon as he finished speaking, the divine thought of War Angel Amt residing on the wings of the blood-stained angel fell silent, seeming to feel relieved.

The next thing is much simpler. Lin Fei needs to sneak out of the underworld and enter the area where the gods are in heaven.

Putting the blood-stained angel wings into the storage compartment, Lin Fei set out on his journey.

Originally, Lin Fei wanted to fly directly. In the six-winged state, Lin Fei's speed was extremely fast. It would only take a few minutes to reach the edge of the underworld.

But things went against expectations. As soon as Lin Fei made this plan, countless flying birds of the underworld appeared in the sky.

This kind of ugly monster that looks like a vulture or a harpy is larger than a normal person. They are ugly, but their eyes are staring, looking around.

Lin Fei seemed to have heard of this terrifying underworld bird occasionally. This terrifying monster should be under the jurisdiction of the Queen of the Underworld. At this time, she sent so many birds of the underworld to patrol the sky, it must be Suspicion arose.

Obviously, she also guessed that the blood-stained wings of War Angel Amt might not be able to break through the barrier of the underworld. It was probably just a cover-up, and the real purpose was to slip out of the underworld through other channels.

So, she took precautions.

In addition, the son of the Sun God has been missing for three days, which must have made Queen Hades suspicious, but it can only be judged as missing. The body of the Son of the Sun God was completely eaten by water ghosts. The other party may not have thought about the sun. The Son of God is dead.

However, Lin Fei also knew that the Queen of Hades was not a fool. Sooner or later, she would react. At that time, the son of the Sun God was chasing him, and this account would naturally be attributed to him. As long as a few things are taken into account carefully.

When I think about it, the Queen of the Underworld might think that she killed the son of the Sun God and at the same time reported a message for the war angel Amt. In this way, it would be an international joke for that terrible woman to let her go.

Therefore, Lin Fei should leave the underworld as soon as possible. The appearance of a large number of underworld birds in the sky is a sign of a serious situation.

If you can't fly, you have to use other channels.

Next, it is Lin Fei's old profession, sneaking and being an invisible person.

First of all, Lin Fei's escape plan was to follow the branch of the Styx River in front of him, so that he could definitely reach the edge of the underworld. After all, the entire underworld was wrapped in the Styx River.

However, Lin Fei gave up this plan after swimming in this branch for a day.

Only now did Lin Fei realize how small the branches of the Styx River he had seen before were. In the underworld, there are millions of such branches, all winding and twisting. Moreover, in some waters, there are monsters with a combat power of more than 3,000.

There are some monsters that even Hades, the King of Hades, has never seen before.

If that was the case, Lin Fei wouldn't be afraid. It would only take a little effort for Lin Fei to deal with an enemy with a combat power of 3,000. The most important thing is that when Lin Fei swam along the Styx River to a body of water, he couldn't see the depth here.

At the bottom, there was a huge dark water hole, several kilometers long and wide. From the Styx abyss that seemed to lead to the endless hell, Lin Fei felt a power that made him tremble.

Extremely dangerous, even the Queen of Hades is no different from an ant under this power.

The River Styx has existed for hundreds of millions of years, and even Hades, the Lord of the Underworld, doesn't know how many secrets are hidden in it.

Lin Fei hurried to the shore because he felt that if he had to pass through this terrifying underwater abyss, he would definitely encounter danger, and if this danger really came, he would definitely die.

The waterway cannot be used!

Neither flying nor water is possible, so the only option is land.

After slowly climbing up from the bottom of a cliff hundreds of meters high, Lin Fei hid behind a black rock, resting and looking at the entire underworld.

There is no doubt that it can be called a 'realm'. The area here is absolutely huge. In this underground underworld, countless mountains stretch into the distance, with countless cliffs and abyss between the mountains. If you are not careful,

You will fall into an abyss that no one can fathom.

And many huge and magnificent palaces, temples, staircases, etc. are also scattered all over the mountains, rendering the place extremely majestic and magnificent.

Naturally, there are roads in the underworld, which are also like spider webs. However, in some places, the roads are impassable and you even need to climb cliffs. If you are lucky, you can also find stone steps carved by skilled craftsmen on the cliffs. If you are not lucky,

You can only climb with bare hands.

On almost all roads there are underworld creatures.

Some are skeleton soldiers controlled by the Lord God of the Underworld, giant devil eagles, or death Medusas, but in addition, there are more ownerless monsters.

There are countless zombies, ghosts, skeletons, scavenging giants, and flesh-eating giants.

And Hades.

This Hades is the signature monster of the underworld. The lowest level has only one head, while the intermediate has two heads, and the high-level is naturally a three-headed dog.

All Hades are as strong as calves, with gnarled muscles, and can spit out flames and fireballs from their mouths, which are very powerful.

At this moment, a Hades dog ran over from a distance. Lin Fei glanced at it, but hurriedly hid behind the rock and entered stealth while holding his breath and concentrating.

But after this Hades dog ran over, it suddenly stopped.

This is a Hades dog with one head. It is obviously the lowest type, but even so, its combat power exceeds 1200. The huge dog head is looking around vigilantly at this moment, snorting and sucking in the air.

It seems that something has been discovered.

Lin Fei, who was hiding behind the rock, felt his heart skip a beat.

Dogs have a very strong sense of smell, and this Hell Dog is even more so. Lin Fei had seen before that this Hell Dog was wearing a collar, and it was obviously tamed.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand that these must be the minions sent by the Queen of Hades to find her.

In other words, the Queen of Hades may have noticed herself. The bird of the underworld in the sky and the dog of Hades are enough to tell this. She wants to find herself and kill her. It is that simple. More importantly, on land

, the Queen of the Underworld must also have set up a dragnet to find herself. This is a huge trouble.

Let's just say that this underworld dog is probably just a patrol. If it finds the target, it will definitely notify other underworld troops to come.

Lin Fei secretly took a look, but noticed that there were many complicated underworld runes on the underworld dog. And the next second, the underworld dog suddenly turned its head in the direction where Lin Fei was hiding, and let out a sound in his throat.



Lin Fei knew in his heart that after all, this was in the underworld, and his aura of living beings was still too strong, especially under the nose of this underworld dog with a keen sense of smell, so how could he not be discovered.

Immediately, Lin Fei had made a decision in his heart, but he rushed out like lightning, and before the hell dog let out a huge howl, he stabbed it with the violent thunder sword.


It's almost to the extreme. The Hell Dog is not a soft persimmon to begin with. It devours souls, devours skeletons and even gnaws on zombies. It already has a violent personality and can hurt people with its claws and teeth. But at this moment, it has no time at all.


Its heart and spinal cord were directly chopped into pieces by Lin Fei's sword. Without even a scream, the hell dog fell to the ground and lost its breath in an instant.

Now that Lin Fei wanted to kill someone violently, his speed and attack power would definitely not be resisted by ordinary people. Even a secondary god would find it difficult to survive Lin Fei's assassination.

After killing the Hades with a sword, Lin Fei looked around carefully, then hurriedly dragged the Hades' body behind the rock, and then cut open the Hades' head with a sword.

Lin Fei found a strange-looking skeleton inside, which looked like a kettle. It was hollow and contained a lot of smelly liquid.

"The flame bones of Hades can be offered as sacrifices to the gods at the sacrificial altar. The liquid in the flame bones will be dyed when exposed to the air, and it is also a very valuable fuel."

Lin Fei tried to drop a drop of the liquid inside, but it burst into flames in mid-air, like gasoline, even longer and more violently than gasoline.

However, the level of this kind of flame is not high, so it can be used against low-level enemies. However, if it is at the level of a sub-god, then the flame is not nearly as hot.

Lin Fei put these things away, thinking that he could collect some more. Then he would find an altar and redeem some God of War skills, which would also be considered as adding some trump cards to himself. (To be continued)

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