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Chapter 21 Charming Corpse

Lin Fei had a strong sense of danger. When the figure crawling out of the coffin released silver light, Lin Fei felt extremely dangerous, so Lin Fei entered stealth immediately.

The subsequent development of the matter also proved that Lin Fei's caution was correct.

The demon lord who could spray flying insects was obviously under control and was attacking other demons at the moment. Many demons were struck without even reacting, resulting in heavy casualties.

"This guy is crazy, kill him!" The other demons finally reacted and began to besiege the guy. As the saying goes, two fists are difficult to defeat with four hands. Soon, the demon lord was killed by the demons.

But obviously, this is just the beginning of the madness.

The figure in the coffin once again glowed with silver light, and then another demon lord went crazy and began to attack his own people.

After this demon lord, another demon lord continued to rebel.

Finally, the knowledgeable demon shouted: "This is the light of charm, the racial special ability of the succubus..."

"Impossible!" A demon lord immediately retorted angrily: "The charm of succubi also has limitations. The crazy lord just now is of the phantom demon clan, and any charm is ineffective in front of them."

"No matter what kind of trick it is, it must be the guy who climbed out of the coffin. If we kill him, nothing will happen!"

A demon lord shouted.

The next moment, it opened its own territory.

In this area, countless skeletons and zombies were rampant, but they attacked the coffin.

At this moment, everyone saw clearly that the person crawling out of the coffin was a mummy.

This mummy is extremely thin, but it is wearing a gorgeous long dress, and its cheeks are extremely thin. They are like an inverted triangle. It is as if all the skin is attached to the bones, which is weird and terrifying.

The most surprising thing is the pair of eyes of this mummy. They are actually glowing with silver. The silver that just flashed should be from these eyes.

"This is the lord of the ancient succubus clan. I didn't expect that she would hide here and turn into a mummy after her death. Don't be afraid. No matter what, this is a dead lord, so there is nothing to fear, and her domain is still there.

, maybe we still have a chance to conquer this area!" A demon lord made a greedy voice.

Indeed, it is not an easy task for a demon lord to consolidate a domain. Anyone who has the opportunity to get something for nothing naturally wants it, and if some quasi-lord-level demons are lucky enough to get an ownerless domain, their strength can also be directly

Fly up and become a domain-level lord in one fell swoop. It can be said that you reach the sky in one step.

Then all these demons showed greedy expressions and began to charge forward.

Lin Fei, who was sneaking, remained calm. He knew that things were not that simple. Sure enough, after a flash of silver light, the skeletons and zombies that initially rushed toward the corpse turned around and charged towards those corpses.

The devil pounced.

"Impossible, this charming corpse can actually charm all the summoned creatures of the dead? This is absolutely impossible!" The lord who opened the domain looked horrified.

It was furious, but it opened its field, jumped up at the same time, and used its powerful body to rush towards the charmed corpse.

But just as it was halfway through, a bone spear suddenly pierced its chest.

For a moment, the demon lord, dripping with blood and stabbed in the chest, looked back in disbelief, only to see a lord who had been fighting side by side before, staring at it expressionlessly. The bone spear was thrown by the opponent.


"Lord Bones, you...are actually also charmed?"

This demon lord refused to rest in silence, because after the bone spear pierced its body, it grew like iron thorns, growing countless small sharp bone spurs, directly pricking the demon lord's body into a honeycomb, and naturally killed him instantly.

As a result, many demons began to be wary of the demons around them, fearing that they would also be quietly charmed, and then attack them secretly. For a time, the scene fell into a very strange situation. The demons were wary of each other, but

I didn't dare to act rashly.

Just because they don't move doesn't mean that the charming corpse doesn't move either.

"Anyone who dares to disturb my sleep will be killed. Kill them all!"

A sharp and terrifying sound came from the mouth of the evil corpse, and then the demon lords who were charmed by it began to kill. After the death of these controlled lords, the evil zombie would immediately control another one. It can be said that it is invincible.

In this place, even if some demons see through the essence and know that they have to kill it to end it all, often, such guys are either killed afterwards or directly controlled by charm.

So in just ten minutes, the place was littered with corpses and flesh and blood. Almost all demons, including lord-level ones, died here.

This also includes some lords who own domains who want to burn the domain to fight for their lives, but often, as soon as they have this idea, they will be flashed by a silver light and immediately become the thugs of the charmed corpse.

Soon, the place fell into silence again. Except for the three charmed demon lords, all other demons died. The scene was simply more tragic and terrifying than hell. There was a thick layer of blood on the ground, exuding a strong

The smell of blood and stench.

During the whole process, Lin Fei did not show up. At this moment, he was floating quietly in the air, using his own domain to block the other party's detection.

There is no doubt that this dead ancient lord of the succubus clan is very terrifying and powerful. Almost no one can resist the "charming light" it releases. Once it is swept away, it will inevitably be controlled by it.

Because of his relationship with Alice, Lin Fei knew that this 'Light of Charm' was a natural skill of the succubus clan. Generally speaking, the stronger the succubus is, the stronger the light of charm they release. Once they are charmed,

If hit by light, there is a certain chance of being controlled by charm.

However, if the target's strength is too strong, the light of charm will not be able to take effect. Sometimes, even enemies of the same level cannot be charmed, otherwise the succubus clan would have become the overlords of hell long ago.

But obviously, that charmed corpse is a little unusual. The opponent's power is too powerful. The charming light can actually charm all lord-level demons, which is a bit powerful.

To be honest, Lin Fei himself did not dare to be irradiated by the silver light of charm. If he was controlled by the charm, he would basically die. Of course, maybe the runes of faith could help him resist, but the possibility of resisting it was only limited.

There is no chance of success, this kind of risk cannot be taken, after all, Lin Fei is not at the end of his rope yet.

After this period of observation, Lin Fei probably also figured out that the opponent's body must be very weak. The mummy looked very fragile at first glance, and the opponent's charming light was not perfect. If it was really powerful,

All the demons should be charmed and controlled instantly, and there would be no need for them to kill each other.

Therefore, the opponent's charm light has a limit on the number of charms. This is very important information. If the opponent's charm target reaches the upper limit, the charm light can no longer be used. Unless the charmed target dies, the charm target can be replaced.


This is a common problem with the succubus family's charm ability, even at the lord level.

Lin Fei knew this very well.

After observation, this charmed corpse can only charm three targets. If they are low-level creatures, such as skeletons and zombies, it can charm a large group at once.

In short, right now, the opponent's charm targets are full, and this is the best time to take action.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei slowly flew behind the charming corpse. This process was extremely slow. Lin Feifei also used the space of faith to isolate all his aura, so even corpses that were very sensitive to the aura of the living would not be able to fly.


From this point of view, Lin Fei's state of mind has grown a lot. Now Lin Fei can be said to be at the pinnacle of contractors. He has the ability to face any enemy.

You can see the enemy's weaknesses at a glance and then attack first.

While marching, Lin Fei slowly took out the Black Demon Thorn in his hand. If it was a head-on fight, the Thunder Sword would do its job, but if it was about assassination and attack, the Black Demon Thorn would be the best.

Slowly, Lin Fei got closer to the target and could see the appearance of this charming corpse completely. This was indeed a corpse. It should have lost its consciousness. Now it can move and attack enemies. It may be because of a trace of the corpse left behind.

Caused by the residual thoughts on the corpse.

From this point of view, this charmed corpse must have been an extremely powerful existence during its lifetime.

Lin Fei had heard the lava lord say before that the succubus clan was an extremely powerful existence in the ancient times of hell. Now it seems that it is half true. With such a lord, even those who have a domain,

You also have to admit your defeat.

So if Alice finally gets the legendary succubus mark, she might be able to reach such a height. If so, Alice will completely get rid of the role of a vase and become her most powerful helper.

Lin Fei is looking forward to it, but the current troubles have to be solved.

Finally, Lin Fei reached behind this charming corpse, but he took action without hesitation. With a swish, the black magic thorn glowed with a cold light and stabbed hard towards the opponent's back.

Any assassin must release murderous intent at the moment of attack, and Lin Fei is no exception. The next moment, the evil corpse clearly sensed the danger. At the same time, a demon lord it controlled suddenly exploded, turning into blood all over the sky.


"not good!"

When Lin Fei saw this scene, he knew that the other party was giving up a charm target so that he could release the light of charm on himself.


Lin Fei's attack speed increased, and almost at the same time that the opponent's eyes burst out with silver light, he sent the black demon thorn into the opponent's heart.

The feeling in his hand should be that it pierced the opponent. At the same time, Lin Fei also released the flames of the demon, but at the same time, he was also hit by a powerful thought. In just an instant, he lost all his senses.


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