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Chapter 1 Entering the tribe for the first time

In the early morning, the warm sunshine is like golden rice grains scattered on the ground, and the grass that has just been watered has a refreshing fragrance. Just open the window and you can smell this fragrance. It enters the lungs like nectar and makes people feel happy.

The spirit is lifted. Older people will exercise outside at this time. At this moment, they are more energetic than those young people. Perhaps only after enough years of baptism can they understand some truths.

This includes cherishing time.

Obviously, Lin Fei does this very well. He does not rush into things when he washes his face, brushes his teeth and eats, but he will never waste time on clubbing, shopping and nightlife, and naturally he will not sleep in.

It had been some time since he moved to a new community, but this day was the first time Lin Fei and a neighbor met by chance on this occasion.

"Lin...Teacher Lin, why are you here?" Li Chunan was still dressed in the same youthful and pure manner, with earphones on his white ears. At this moment, he opened his already big eyes even wider out of surprise.

Lin Fei was also a little surprised. He just threw away garbage today, but he didn't expect to meet Li Chunan coming downstairs as soon as he went out.

It can be said that Lin Fei has such a thing as reflexes, but sometimes, it will occasionally miss the mark.

Therefore, Lin Fei was stunned when he saw Li Chunan. He should have foreseen this possibility a long time ago, but at this moment he could only smile and nod, trying to stir up his confused head as much as possible.

Of course, this confused state only lasted for a moment, and Lin Fei woke up.

"I just moved here some time ago, Li Chunan, do you live here too?" Lin Fei asked something that he thought was nonsense.

"Yes, it's upstairs, that's my aunt's house!"

Lin Fei and Li Chunan have a teacher-student relationship, and of course they can be considered brothers and sisters. In a strict sense, Lin Fei can be regarded as half of this girl's guardian (Li Xuecheng's will), but Li Chunan has no idea about this.

After chatting for a few words, Lin Fei found that he had nothing to say to the other party. Although he wanted to continue talking, the fact was that he didn't know what to say next, so he took the initiative to end the conversation.

"You want to go out, then go, the weather is indeed good today!"

Li Chunan politely said goodbye to Teacher Lin and walked down the stairs.

As for where Li Chunan was going, Lin Fei knew very well that a person's life circle, habits, and even where he often went to buy things and where to eat could all be traced. Lin Fei had already figured out this kind of life pattern of Li Chunan.

It's clear.

During this break, she usually goes to three places, one is the library, one is the swimming pool, and the other one is to accompany her friend Tian Ling, chatting, or hanging out.

These three behaviors are very safe. At least except for Lin Fei, no one else knows about Li Chunan's habits, so it is even less likely that some enemies will know about them.

Therefore, Lin Fei did not choose to follow her. He could not protect her opponent all the time. In other words, instead of wasting time following her, it would be better to find ways to kill potential enemies.

After throwing away the garbage, Lin Fei returned home, then took a look at the bright sunshine outside the window, and then chose to enter the world of the devil chapter.

There were four people sitting in Lin Fei's room at the moment. In addition to Lin Fei himself, there were Fatty, Gu Xiaolin and Luo Xin.

These three people can now be regarded as direct descendants of Lin Fei. Needless to say, Fatty, although sometimes he is a bit funny, his abilities are definitely not limited. Moreover, Lin Fei also discovered a very special characteristic of Fatty, which is absolute

Loyalty. In the real world, Fatty’s backer was also a high-ranking official. A few years ago, he encountered a huge ups and downs in the officialdom. Those guys who swore allegiance, and in the end, only Fatty was left. Even when that high-ranking official was at his most depressed.

At that time, Fatty also supported the other party with all his strength, so after this high official turned over, Fatty gained the status he has today.

From this point of view, although Fatty is cunning and wretched, he is still a man of flesh and blood. At least he can be like a fish in the officialdom and can be brothers with the violent bears and others in the world of the devil chapter. This characteristic is definitely the main reason.

In the former, he gained the trust of senior officials, while in the latter, he gained the trust of Lin Fei.

As for Gu Xiaolin and Luo Xin, because Lin Fei took them on the first mission, Lin Fei naturally became their support. And in a place where they can die at any time and are surrounded by danger, someone who can be relied on and is worth relying on

The significance of people to them is self-evident, so naturally they became Lin Fei's people.

Lin Fei did not hide the matter of Wang Xingang from these three people, because if he wanted to find Wang Xingang among the newcomers who had hidden their faces, it was not enough for him alone. But Wang Xingang could get that kind of identity in the real world

He and his status are by no means mediocre. So far, they have not found any clues about Wang Xingang.

Originally, Lin Fei wanted to ask the three of them to go on a mission. Unexpectedly, the fat man laughed and said: "Brother Thief, today I have to accompany the leader to inspect and hold a meeting. I will be back in the evening. Anyway, the time in the clock is enough for me."

Damn it!”

"I also have to go back for a meeting. Cases have been happening frequently recently!" Gu Xiaolin spread her hands and said to Lin Fei.

"Uncle, my dad wants to take me to tutoring!" Luo Xin said.

Lin Fei cursed secretly, saying that he would be fine if he dared. After the three people left, Lin Fei also considered a problem. Most of the contractors were afraid that they would not be able to leave life in the real world, even though the demon chapter was one of the things that kept them alive.

place, but the real world is somehow more important.

After all, there are relatives, friends, and everything familiar there. These things often become more precious after becoming a contractor, because without these, what is the point of being immortal in the world of the devil chapter? And the contractors work hard to increase the number on the clock.

If they perform dangerous missions in order to survive, then the main purpose of their lives is still because of everything in the real world.

If there is nothing worth cherishing, it is better to die!

So, what is my nostalgia? Is it the young girl in the morning? Or something else?

After a second, Lin Fei gave up this boring thinking. At least now, he knew what he was going to do immediately. After opening the task list, Lin Fei looked at the tasks above, and then took one of them.

Lin Fei also had a letter in his hand. In the wild boar lair, the orc thief Mokel asked him to deliver it to his wife in Orgrimmar. Lin Fei has not forgotten this matter. Now, he wants to

Take the next quest that leads to Orgrimmar.

A bright light flashed, and Lin Fei arrived in a dark place. At this time, the task prompt also appeared in front of him.

"Mission: Talagaman the Hungry. Kill this monster in the Raging Canyon. You will receive a 20-hour time reward. Mission difficulty: difficult! If the mission fails, 20 hours will be deducted!"

"Tip: Your bloodline is 80% human and 20% devil, so you cannot gain recognition from the tribe based on your bloodline and appearance. The possibility of being rejected and killed by the tribe is 99%!"

"Tip: Your current reputation in the tribe is: 0. Gaining enough reputation will allow you to be recognized by the tribe."

"Reputation permission list: Tribe reputation 0~50, hostile, will be hunted down if discovered!"

"Tribe reputation: 50~300, neutral state, does not actively attack tribe members, will not trigger hostility, but cannot receive help or trade in the tribe!"

"Tribe reputation: 300~900, normal state, does not actively attack tribe members, will not trigger hostile attacks, can get some help, but still cannot trade with tribe merchants!"

"Tribe reputation: 900~2100, friendly status, tribe members have a slight affection for you, can get a certain degree of help, and can trade with tribe merchants!"

"Tribe reputation: 2100~5000, respect status, tribe members are very fond of you, you can buy some rare equipment from the quartermaster!"

"Tribal reputation: 5000~10000, revered status, you can buy rare equipment and mounts from the quartermaster, and there will be huge discounts!"

"Tribal reputation: above 10,000 is a worshiped status. You can buy quite rare equipment, mounts and some other mysterious items from the quartermaster, and you can also get help from legendary figures!"

"Reputation can be improved by killing designated monsters, turning in specific items and completing special tasks. Attacking tribe members will reduce reputation!" @ws

This chapter has been completed!
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