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Chapter 60: Facing the Enemy and Beauty (Part 2)

Yan Ruozhen lowered her head and secretly glanced at his figure. He squinted at her, stopped, and said: "Brother, can you lend me this ugly pig-headed medical servant for a while? I

I think her massage is pretty good. I’ve been experiencing some soreness and discomfort in my shoulders recently and I’d like her to give me a massage.”

"Okay, Ruocheng, you can go back to his place with Chen Ling for the time being, serve my imperial brother well, and work hard." Huang Fengmo said happily.

Although Yan Ruozhen was extremely happy, he did not dare to show it obviously. He just nodded and said respectfully: "I will definitely serve the second prince well. Your Highness, please rest assured."

"Let's go, you're talking so much nonsense." Huang Chenling said, and without waiting for her, she put on her crutches and strode away.

Yan Ruocheng saluted Huang Fengmo and hurried away, following the footsteps of Huang Chenling's guards, staying far away from him and following behind several of his guards.

When he walked out of the gate and went down the stone staircase, Yan Ruocheng thought that he could turn smoothly and did not need help. Plus there were several strong guards behind him, so he didn't care whether he would have an accident.

Unexpectedly, when Huang Chenling turned down the two stone stairs, her foot slipped, and she accidentally dropped the dog and rolled down. Seeing this, the guards behind naturally rushed down to help others, but unexpectedly, another one

People skidded, and several people fell on top of Huang Chenling. Several people fell into a ball.

Yan Ruocheng also walked down in a hurry. At this time, her feet slipped on something. When she lowered her head and looked down, she found that there were mung beans scattered on these stone stairs. It was clear that someone had deliberately poured mung beans here to trick people into falling.

. She immediately became angry. Such an obvious method of harming people, it goes without saying that it was probably a good thing Qingheya asked the maid to do.

Huang Chenling accidentally sprained his injured foot again, and was squeezed by several guards. He looked a little in pain. He gritted his teeth and hugged his leg and did not dare to move. Yan Ruocheng rushed to his side in a hurry, and the guards didn't even dare to move.

Don't dare to touch him even a little bit.

She lifted him up slightly and touched his injured foot lightly, which made him tremble in pain. She first asked the guards to carefully carry him back to the carriage.

"Second Prince, which part of your foot feels the most painful?" She got on the carriage, came to his side, and asked worriedly.

Huang Chenling leaned against her shoulder trustingly, and she naturally put her arms around his waist. He endured the pain and said, "Let the carriage drive away first."

Yan Ruocheng nodded, leaned over and went out, asking someone to drive the carriage away.

The carriage quietly left Huang Fengmo's mansion. Qingboya's maid felt that her mission was completed and returned to Qingboya.

In the moving carriage, Huang Chenling consciously placed her injured leg on Yan Ruocheng's thigh and asked her to slowly check and feel the injury. She gently squeezed his foot bowl, and he immediately felt tight in pain.

He shouted to stop: "Ah! It hurts...it hurts..."

Yan Ruozhen frowned slightly and sighed: "Second Prince, it seems that the foot bowl has been twisted again. I will help you rub it to see if it has shifted."

As soon as Huang Chenling heard her say this, she immediately prepared herself for pain and bit her sleeve consciously.

Yan Ruocheng couldn't help but smile when she saw how well-behaved he was this time. Huang Chenling saw that she was still laughing at him, and said unhappily: "I've been hurt again, and you still make fun of me.


"I was made to laugh by the Second Prince's cuteness. Don't worry, I will try my best not to hurt you." She said with a smile.

After saying that, she held his ankle with one hand and pushed the sole of his foot suddenly with the other hand. Huang Chenling also thought that she really didn't cause any pain. Who knows, the push made his whole body tense up with pain.

body, shouting: "Wow! You are lying!"

"Okay, it's just a little pain anyway. It's okay now." Yan Ruocheng patted his shoulder and said comfortingly.

Huang Chenling reached out to hit her on the head in displeasure, and said in a coquettish tone: "It's okay, your head hurts me, why don't you rub it for me."

"Okay, okay, little one, please rub it now." She coaxed him, but she only rubbed his exposed five toes.

It made Huang Chenling feel painful and itchy all of a sudden. He hit her on the head again and said, "Why are you only rubbing your toes?"

"It's because your ankle was twisted just now. It's probably swollen now. Rub your toes to help clear your tendons. It will be easier to remove the congestion and reduce the swelling after you return home." Yan Ruocheng explained helplessly.

"You have to take good care of me. What happened just now was probably a good thing that woman did." Huang Chenling couldn't help but vomit about what happened just now. He didn't need to look for evidence to guess that Qingboya did it.

"Second Prince, you are too careless. It has already set a precedent for a villain to be beaten." Yan Ruocheng said with a chuckle.

"I didn't expect that she would be so bold that even I would dare to mess with her. I will never let her go!" Huang Chenling said angrily.

This chapter has been completed!
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