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Chapter 6 (2): Touching Porcelain (Part 2)

Yan Ruozhen first walked up to the old woman lying on the ground and asked pretending to be curious: "Auntie, what are these spices usually made of to make them so bright red?"

The old woman said impatiently: "This is my family's secret spice, how can I tell you!"

Yan Ruocheng chuckled and said confidently: "If you don't tell me, I can smell something in it, such as the smell of other carnivores. And the color is so bright red because it uses aniseed, pepper, and cinnamon.

, cloves, pepper, tangerine peel, wood incense, angelica root, fennel, galangal, licorice, nutmeg, amomum villosum, etc. It is definitely a very good spice, but it is a pity to pour it on the ground, it is such a waste."

The old woman thought that Yan Ruocheng was being frank with her, and echoed, "Yes, my spices are full of ingredients, and you can smell its fragrance from a radius of ten miles."

Yan Ruocheng nodded and continued: "Yes, you can smell its scent within ten miles. There is no reason why the horse can't smell it if it is so close? Is this strange?"

As he said that, he dipped a little in his hand, walked to the black horse, stretched out his hand to let it smell it, and the horse naturally took a few steps back.

"See? This horse generally doesn't like to smell pungent meaty odors. It will automatically back away when it smells this smell. How can it automatically bump into it?" She proved this point calmly.


The old woman was unconvinced and said: "Nonsense, this woman was riding so fast that she hit my trolley."

Yan Ruozhen asked the foreign woman: "Were you riding very fast at that time?"

The foreign woman glanced at the people around her and said, "You also saw that there are many people coming and going here. How can I ride fast?"

The rough man started to incite the crowd again, shouting from the side: "I guess these two women are a team, and they come to bully others together without losing money. Don't listen to her sweet words. The evidence is that the horse kicked the cart and overturned it."


The crowd started talking and started pointing at Yan Ruocheng and the foreign woman. The foreign woman planned to use a whip to clear the way, but Yan Ruocheng held her hand down and smiled at her, signaling not to be impulsive.

Turning around again, she continued to say to everyone: "Everyone knows that the horse kicked the cart. Please tell me why the horse's feet can't get any spices on it, and the cart fell in the wrong direction. It couldn't have fallen forward like this, right?

, unless it is man-made that it could be like this.”

The rough guy just wanted to fool the crowd and shouted: "Where's the evidence? Where's the witness? You're just trying to help this woman quibble with the facts! Everyone present saw her horse hit the cart."

The old woman also shouted: "Surround the two of them, they are all in the same group, don't let them go."

Yan Ruocheng held his forehead, pointed at the booing people and said, "Isn't the evidence in your hands? Let's go and smell the smell on their bodies. It's exactly the same as these spices."

The crowd began to believe Yan Ruocheng's words and all approached the few people to listen. Yan Ruocheng took advantage of the crowd's distraction and quietly pulled the foreign woman and left the scene with the dark horse.

The two came to a small bridge, and the foreign woman shook off Yan Ruocheng's hand and said, "Thank you for what you just said."

"You're welcome. I was just minding my own business. You should be more careful next time. There are quite a few people in the village who commit fraud like this." Yan Ruocheng reminded her.

"Yes, I understand." The foreign woman replied lightly and pulled the dark horse away.

Yan Ruozhen didn't pay attention to anything, and turned back to look for the village chief's house. However, as soon as she turned around, she saw a few strong men, pointing at her fiercely and shouting: "It's her! That ugly girl is over there, here.

I'm going to teach her a lesson!"

No, they couldn't find a foreign woman to vent their anger on, so they looked for her to open fire. That's okay, so what are you looking at? Just run! After she complained in her heart, she started running quickly.

Several strong men ran quite briskly. Yan Ruocheng was carrying a medicine box on her back. She was out of breath and scared to death. It would be strange if she was caught and not beaten to death.

She ran and shouted: "Help! The strong man is going to chase the ugly girl! Help--!" The shouting spread throughout the street.

Huang Fengmo was at the second floor window of the restaurant when he heard Yan Ruocheng's ghostly screams. Looking out the window, she was running desperately through the street below, followed closely by several strong men who were furious with anger.


"What is she doing? She causes trouble when she comes out..." He held his chin, teased her, and ordered the guards, "Go out and save her."

The guard nodded and took action. Yan Ruocheng ran to a dead end and was desperate.

"You, you guys, don't come here! Or I'll be rude! Don't think I'm easy to bully. You chased me for a few streets, it's just too much!" She ran to the wall and gasped, holding on to the wall, and said angrily.

Several strong men pressed their fists and approached her. As they walked, they said threateningly: "It's a good thing you are so ugly. When we fight, we will never hold back. This is what you will get for meddling in other people's business. We will make you grow ugly."

Take a moment to remember."

"You forced me, and this is what you get for bullying ugly girls." Yan Ruozhen took out self-defense itching powder from his sleeves and sprinkled a large amount on them. Anyone who is contaminated by itching powder will feel itchy all over the body.

Incomparable, it can't be washed off and it will last for several hours.

The guards arrived just in time. As soon as she spread out, even the guards behind were infected, and everyone in the audience was scratching their hands and feet.

In Room 1 of Yipin Chaxiang Building.

Huang Fengmo stared at Yan Ruocheng who had been tickling him since he was rescued, and said with a bit of blame: "Didn't I tell you to treat Chen Ling? Why are you being chased by several strong men on the street?

, and you did it like this, even my guards were implicated by you."

After he finished speaking, he glanced angrily at the guard standing next to him who was also tickling, and sighed helplessly.

Yan Ruocheng lowered his head, knowing that he was fooling around this time and was seen by his master. He said with a little embarrassment: "Your Highness, I have diagnosed and treated the second prince. He has applied ointment and it is nothing serious. What happened just now

It's my fault for being nosy, that's why I'm like this, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause you any trouble."

This chapter has been completed!
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