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Chapter 72: Don't Hunt for Herbs

"Your master is very safe. You don't have to worry about him being in danger." Huang Chenling skipped the point and simply explained it to her. Basically, it was the same as not saying anything.

Yan Ruozhen frowned and stared at him slightly. He clearly didn't intend to tell her everything, so she simply asked: "Second Prince, why don't you tell the important point? Why would an assassin come to kill you?"

"This has nothing to do with you. Are you asking too many questions? As a servant, you should not interfere with your master's affairs." Huang Chenling began to distance the two of them again, deliberately avoiding it.

"So, as a friend?" Yan Ruocheng said softly, looking at him with sincere eyes.

Huang Chenling turned her head and said calmly: "We are not friends."

Yan Ruozhen curled her lips boredly, he had already said this, and she had nothing to say.

When the carriage arrived at Huang Fengmo's residence, Huang Chenling didn't say another word. Yan Ruocheng got out of the car alone. She thought he would help her, but who knew, he didn't. What about the gentle treatment before?

She limped helplessly to the back door, and when she looked back at the carriage, it had already moved forward.

"It's hot and cold, so hard to grasp..." She looked at the carriage going away and whispered to herself.

After that day, she never had the chance to see Huang Chenling again. Even when she went to his house in person, the guards told her that he had been out for a while and was not in the house.

Another month later, the Holy Emperor arranged for the two brothers Huang Fengmo and Huang Chenling to go back to the palace to live for a while, and some elite servants were also selected to follow them into the palace to serve. Yan Ruocheng was the only one chosen by the medical servants.

On this day, she got acquainted with the medicine-gathering maid in the palace pharmacy, and made an appointment to go to the mountain behind the palace to pick some seasonal snakeberries.

"Wow, there are a lot of snakeberries here." Yan Ruozhen happily held the small basket and actively picked it. He planned to use it to refine a new ointment to treat boils and heat poisoning.

"Pick slowly, don't be in a hurry. This area is behind the palace. No one will come here at this time. In addition to snakeberries, there are also wild strawberries and wild strawberries over there. Together, they can be used to prepare medicine. It is also very effective.

Not bad. "The palace maid Xiaoqiu said while picking.

"Then I'll go over there to pick some wild strawberries, Penghuan first." Yan Ruozhen said as he looked at the place where there were more wild strawberries.

"You have to be careful, snakes occasionally appear in this area." Xiao Qiu, the palace maid, reminded her.

"I know, I'll be careful."

Yan Ruocheng took the basket to the deeper bushes to pick. Just as she squatted down, a small black shadow jumped from the bushes like an arrow under her dress, scaring her.

Jumping, the whole person bounced up.

After taking a closer look, it turned out to be a frightened little hare that kept jumping into her feet.

"Oh my...what are you afraid of? Little rabbit?" She picked up the little rabbit at her feet and coaxed her.

Then, an arrow flew past her eyes with a whoosh, knocking off the mask on her face, and narrowly missed hitting her head. The arrow flew into the tree trunk next to her.

"It's you!" A loud and domineering female voice came from the dense bushes on the other side, and Wang Xiulin walked out with a bow and arrow.

"Meet the princess, little man!" Yan Ruocheng saluted her politely.

Wang Xiulin looked her up and down, then looked at the mask on the ground, looked at her sharply, and said, "Sure enough, you are brother Feng Mo's ghost doctor. Why don't you dare to admit that you are the ghost doctor?"

Yan Ruozhen pretended to be stupid and said: "The villain does not deny that he is a ghost doctor."

"You obviously hide it every time and don't let me see your appearance, but you don't dare to admit it!" Wang Xiulin approached to confront her.

"It's been so long, I don't remember that time anymore. Princess, why are you here?" Yan Ruocheng changed the subject to avoid getting entangled with her.

"I'm hunting, give me the little hare in your hand!" Wang Xiulin didn't bother to argue with her and ordered the little hare in her hand.

"No, what does the princess want with this little hare?" Yan Ruocheng protected the little hare and refused to give it to her easily.

"It's my prey! It's none of your business, just bring it to me!" Wang Xiulin reached out and grabbed the rabbit.

Yan Ruocheng pushed her away, stuffed the little rabbit into the nest of her clothes, and said protectively, "This little hare is still young. Princess, please let it go, okay?"

"I want to stew it and eat it! Give it to me!" Wang Xiulin was deliberately trying to get in trouble with Yan Ruocheng and went against her.

"No! Princess, please think twice! If you do one good deed every day, you will accumulate good deeds and become virtuous." Yan Ruozhen did not show any weakness.

"Will you give it to me or not? Believe it or not, I will ask someone to punish you!"

"I believe it! But Little Tutu is innocent. Princess, please show mercy!"

The two of them were tugging and tugging next to the bushes, not wanting to give in to each other, and they stopped until another figure walked out of the bushes.

Huang Chenling saw that Wang Xiulin, who had gone to pick up prey, had not come back for so long, so she came over to take a look. Unexpectedly, as soon as she came over, she saw Yan Ruocheng and Wang Xiulin struggling with each other.

"What are you doing? Stop! Stop messing around!"

He went over and separated them and stood between them.

"Brother Chenling! She stole my prey and refused to give it to me!" Wang Xiulin angrily chopped off his feet and pointed at Yan Ruocheng.

Huang Chenling looked at Yan Ruocheng, but Yan Ruocheng completely ignored their existence and walked aside to release the little hare, letting it escape quickly.

"Why are you here?" Huang Chenling asked helplessly.

After the little hare fled away, Yan Ruocheng replied: "Reporting to the second prince, I came to the back mountain to pick some snakeberries with the maid from the imperial pharmacy."

"Do you know that the back mountain is the private land of the palace, where servants like you come? Get out of here!" Huang Chenling deliberately pretended to be a prince in front of Wang Xiulin and faced Yan Ruocheng, and drank without giving any face.

scold her.

"Yes, get out of here, little guy!" Yan Ruocheng nodded knowingly, picked up the basket, and originally planned to leave, but she saw that Huang Chenling also had a bow and arrow on her body. She didn't want him and Wang Xiulin to be together.

People continued to hunt.

So, she mustered up the courage, turned back, held the basket, smiled at them and said: "Second prince, princess, why don't you stop hunting? There are a lot of fresh snakeberries here, why don't you experience picking them with me?"

Snakeberry fun, right?”

For a moment, there was silence.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Why should I go picking snakeberries with you?" Wang Xiulin displeased and slapped the basket in her hand away, and the snakeberries in the basket were scattered on the ground.

Yan Ruocheng lowered his body to pick it up and said insistently: "Snake berries have the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, dissipating blood stasis and swelling, cooling blood and stopping bleeding. The medicine is mainly used to treat fever, epilepsy, colds, dysentery, jaundice, red eyes, aphtha, etc.

Sore throat, gills, boils, snake bites, metrorrhagia, bruises and swelling. In addition to snakeberries, there are many other useful herbs growing here, why don’t you come and learn about them too?”

"Brother Chenling, leave her alone, let's go." Wang Xiulin couldn't listen to a word, walked back to Huang Chenling, hugged his arm, and wanted to leave coquettishly.

Huang Chenling was dragged by Wang Xiulin and was about to leave. However, after taking a few steps, he stopped and said, "Xiulin, let's pick some snakeberries too. Didn't you say that the emperor's uncle had boils again recently?" I have a swollen disease and am irritable all day long. I can make some fresh medicine and make it into medicine. Maybe the effect will be better."

Wang Xiulin heard that he was favoring this ghost doctor, and felt more and more unhappy, but he did not dare to show it, and deliberately cooperated and said: "Okay, just think of picking it for his foster father." Then he went to Yan Ruocheng and ordered: "Hey !Take us to pick it! We want the freshest ones!"

"The area over there is the freshest, just pick whatever you want." Yan Ruocheng pointed to a place casually and let them go.

Wang Xiulin snatched her basket and dragged Huang Chenling over to pick it. Yan Ruozhen stood far away and peeked at their situation from time to time.

After picking for a while, a grass snake stretched out from the grass and bit the back of Wang Xiulin's hand. "Wow! Brother Chen Ling, I was bitten by a poisonous snake!" She pressed the small wound on her hand and hurriedly gave it to Huang Chen. Ling looks.

"What kind of snake bit you?" Huang Chenling checked her wound. It didn't look like a poisonous snake bite.

"How do I know what kind of snake it is? Why don't you take the drug quickly? I'm starting to feel dizzy and have difficulty breathing! Please help me suck out the poison quickly!" Wang Xiulin said weakly, exaggerating his symptoms and pretending to be poisoned.

"If a poisonous snake bites you, you can't suck it with your mouth!" Huang Chenling refused. He remembered the correct way Yan Ruocheng had treated the wound bitten by a poisonous snake before, and immediately shouted to Yan Ruocheng: "Ruocheng! Ruocheng! Come and take a look! Xiulin was bitten by a poisonous snake!"

Yan Ruocheng heard his shouting from afar, and quickly came over to take a look. There was no abnormality in the small wound on the back of Wang Xiulin's hand, except for a bit of swelling and a small amount of bleeding. He checked his pulse again. He chuckled and said, "It's not poisoned, it's just a wound." A grass snake bit me. Apply some snakeberry and it will be fine."

"Will you be cured? I obviously feel dizzy and have difficulty breathing. I may have been poisoned and it may have attacked my heart." Wang Xiulin questioned Yan Ruocheng's diagnosis and retorted.

Yan Ruozhen picked up a snakeberry and crushed it, then applied it on the back of her hand and explained: "Princess, you are scaring yourself. Apply it and it won't hurt. Relax, it'll be fine." .”

Wang Xiulin felt that if he agreed with Yan Ruocheng's statement, he would be embarrassed, so he shamelessly acted shamelessly and deliberately pretended that his hand hurt even more after applying the medicine.

"It hurts like hell! If you don't understand, don't mess with it! Brother Chenling, she made my hand hurt so much!"

"Impossible! Princess, are you lying?" Yan Ruocheng exposed her ugly appearance with one word.

Wang Xiulin suddenly became angry and slapped Yan Ruocheng, saying fiercely: "How dare you question this princess! What is your identity? You are just a humble slave!"

"Xiulin! That's enough! Stop messing around!" Huang Chenling couldn't stand it, so she stood in front of Yan Ruocheng and began to protect her.

"What nonsense am I doing? Brother Chenling, why are you protecting her? Come here! Don't stand on her side!" Wang Xiulin became even more angry and jealous when he saw Huang Chenling standing in front of Yan Ruocheng. Fa roughly stretched out his hand to pull Huang Chenling over.

For some reason, Yan Ruozhen couldn't help but stretched out her hand to hold Huang Chenling's arm and refused to let go.

This chapter has been completed!
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