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Chapter 85: The beautiful style of painting

Since the last outing plan was a success, the princess was full of confidence, so she came to ask Yan Ruocheng again today.

"Sister Ruoli!"

Yan Ruocheng, who was drinking tea, was suddenly punched in the back by her, almost spitting out the tea. Huang Tanyue's behavior has become more and more rude recently, maybe because she has become more confident and often goes to look for her.

Yan Rongyan chatted and asked him to practice some simple martial arts with him.

"Your Highness, why do you have so much time to come here to see this villain today? Aren't you going to chat with your Lieutenant General Yan?" Yan Ruozhen said jokingly, rubbing the sore back she slapped.

"I've already talked to him. Sister, I brought some delicious nectarines as tribute. They're very sweet. You can try them." Huang Tanyue handed her a large basket of nectarines, a little grateful.

Enqin said.

Yan Ruocheng narrowed her eyes. Although Huang Tanyue occasionally brought her delicious food to try, the portion this time was a bit large, at least ten kilograms, which was like a portion for two people.

"Tell me, Your Highness, what else do you want me to do for you?" she asked tentatively.

"Hehe, the one who understands me is Mo Ruocheng. It's like this. I've been chatting very smoothly with Vice General Yan recently. Although it's not a special hit, we can still talk to each other. I've made an appointment with him to go there next week.

I'm playing in the city, but my palace exit token was confiscated by my mother, and the eldest brother has not been in the palace recently, so..." Huang Tanyue said enthusiastically.

"So?" Yan Ruocheng asked lightly.

She held Yan Ruocheng's arm, rubbed her cheek against it, and then said, "So I want you to go to the second prince and ask for a palace exit token."

"Hey, you know it won't be easy for me," Yan Ruocheng sighed helplessly after hearing this.

"Don't sigh. If you and the Second Emperor are so in love, he will definitely lend it to you. Don't tell him that I want to borrow it. Don't let him know that I want to go out for a walk in the city. Okay.

, just help me?" Huang Tanyue said coquettishly.

Yan Ruozhen had no resistance at all to her coquettishness. He touched her head and agreed with a smile: "Okay, I'll go borrow it for a while."

At night, Huang Chenling usually stayed in the study and read books. In addition to busy with some official duties during the day, she was pestered by Wang Xiulin, and she only had her own private time at night.

Yan Ruocheng sneaked into his palace. She found out the location of his study and knew that the guards only stood in front of the door. The rest of the place was more relaxed than in the previous mansion. Especially at night,

There are only two guards on duty.

She nimbly took advantage of the guards not paying attention and slipped straight to the side window of the study. After gently pushing the window open, she climbed through the window and climbed in as usual.

The candlelight in the study was dim. The window she came in was next to the corner of the bookcase, and there were several rows of bookcases in front of it.

Huang Chenling was holding her chin with one hand and resting her other hand on the book, dozing off tiredly.

Yan Ruozhen walked up to him and waved to him, but he still hadn't woken up, obviously very sleepy.

She didn't wake him up first and took a look at what books he was reading. She really knew nothing about his hobbies and had never heard him say anything. After all, he didn't tell her everything.

She gently removed his hand, picked up the book and flipped through it. Huh? This is an ancient medical book on how to record various rare and difficult diseases. Some of the words are quite abstruse, but she understands a little bit about them.

What he was reading was a record of how birthmarks were formed. She hesitated and looked at Huang Chenling.

Could this guy be suspecting that the birthmark on my face is fake? Could it be that he started to doubt me at the creek last time?

While she was deep in thought, Huang Chenling woke up and when he opened his eyes, he saw her holding his book and flipping through it.

He was startled for a moment, thinking he was dreaming, but when he saw it again, it turned out to be her!

There was no movement from the guards outside, so she probably climbed in through the window secretly.

He didn't call her out immediately, but continued to pretend to be sleepy to see what she was going to do.

Yan Ruocheng put the book back and saw that he hadn't woken up yet, so she planned to push him to wake him up, but when she reached her hand in front of his face, she saw graphite and a writing brush, and something popped into her mind.

He immediately picked up the brush, dipped it in ink, and prepared to write on Huang Chenling's handsome face.

Huang Chenling immediately opened her eyes and looked at her, just in time to catch her.

She just held the brush like this, stunned.

"What do you want to do with the brush?" Huang Chenling said before she could.

"Little, little man, I'm just dipping my toes in the ink and planning to write."

"Writing? Okay."

Huang Chenling took the brush in her hand, hooked her hand and said, "Move your face over here."

"No, Second Prince, let's forget it this time." Yan Ruocheng knew very well that he wanted to practice painting on her face.

"Hurry up. Don't let me say it a second time."

Huang Chenling calmly put on a look like "If you don't come over, you'll be punished" and waited for her.

Yan Ruozhen curled her lips and reluctantly put her head over. Huang Chenling was a little interested. He held up her chin with his big hand and drew on her face with a brush, as if he was drawing some description.


She just felt the cool strokes of the brush, not sparing any corner of her face. She could imagine that this guy planned to paint her face as black as charcoal.

"Okay, just keep looking like this and go back." Huang Chenling put away her pen, very satisfied with her masterpiece.

Yan Ruocheng didn't know what he had painted her into, so she didn't care about showing off her face, it was more important to do serious things.

"Second Prince, I came to you quietly because I want your help with something." She said straight to the point.

"Hehe... let's hear it." Huang Chenling chuckled a few times and covered her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Something happened to the villain's old father in his hometown, and he needs to go back. However, the eldest prince has not returned from the palace recently, so I hope the second prince can borrow a palace leaving token for use so that the villain can leave the palace and go home.

Just a trip and I'll be back soon." She made up a more reasonable reason. She thought she could evade his suspicion, but who knew.

"Token to leave the palace?"

"Well, it's a token to leave the palace."

Huang Chenling narrowed her eyes and exposed her lie in a second. She touched her chin and said, "Do you know that the palace exit token is a symbol of privilege and can only be used by the royal family. And you palace maids and servants want to leave the palace.

You only need to ask your master for an ordinary door sign or take a handwriting to register and then you can go out."

Yan Ruozhen smiled awkwardly. She was tricked by Huang Tanyue this time. Why didn't she know these regular rules?

"So, this girl Tan Yue is calling you over again, so that you can come to me and ask for this exit token." Huang Chenling knew who the mastermind was as soon as she guessed.

"Actually, the princess was afraid that you wouldn't give it to me, so she asked the villain to borrow it."

"Of course not. You go back and tell her never to leave the palace."

"However, the princess really wants to go out and play in the city. With Deputy General Yan here, she is not afraid of danger."

She didn't even say that sentence, but he guessed it anyway.

"It's because Vice General Yan is here that she is not allowed to leave the palace!"

"If the princess cannot get the exit token and uses other extreme methods to leave the palace, such as climbing up a high wall, she may fall and break her arms and legs, or if she goes out from the water channel, she will drown in the water channel.

If you hide in a wooden box and go out, you may be stabbed to death with a spear during inspection..."

"Are you helping her, or are you cursing her! The more you say it, the worse it gets..."

Huang Chenling couldn't stand her scaremongering. If she thought about it carefully, Huang Tanyue had indeed been a lot bolder recently than before. However, if her brain was not flexible, she might really do the stupid things Yan Ruocheng said.

He hesitated for a moment, then thought of a comprehensive plan, and said: "I can lend her the palace token, but I have to accompany her that day."

Yan Ruozhen said hoarsely: "If you go with her, she will lose interest. She just doesn't want you to go with her, so she asked the villain to borrow it."

"Okay, then don't let her see her and follow her."

Yan Ruocheng held his forehead and didn't know what to say. It seemed that he doted on his sister to the point of perfection.

"I forgot to tell you that the ink on your face is not ordinary ink. I specially asked people to develop it and it will not fade away when wet. If you don't wash it off, it will probably not fade in a few days." Huang Chenling joked.


"Scared? No? Why didn't you tell me earlier! I want to leave first!" Yan Ruocheng believed it and hurriedly climbed out of the window.

Huang Chenling stopped her again: "Where is the palace exit token? You haven't taken it yet."

"Come and get it tomorrow."

After saying that, he left with an arrow.

Yan Ruozhen ran back to Huang Fengmo's palace, and it happened that Huang Fengmo came back and summoned her urgently.

Before she could wash her face, the guards took her there.

"Ruocheng, don't you want to see me? Why are you covering your face with your hands?" Huang Fengmo asked doubtfully.

He had not seen her for some time when he was out of the palace doing business. When he came back, he suddenly wanted to see her. But she seemed to know what he was thinking, so she covered her face with her hands.

"Young man, you haven't washed your face... I'm afraid it might frighten you, Your Highness, so I'd better let you wash your face first."

How could she explain this? Her entire face was covered in ink, as if someone had drawn talismans on it, and she didn't know how it was painted.

"It's not necessary. How dirty can it be? Open your hands. I want to see your face."

Yan Ruocheng was extremely helpless. Why did Huang Fengmo come to see her face at this time? Maybe God was playing tricks on her. She was so unlucky.

"..." She was speechless.

"If you don't open your hands, I'll be angry." Huang Fengmo said deliberately.

Yan Ruocheng had no choice but to obediently move his hand away, displaying Huang Chenling's masterpiece.

"Wow! What happened to your face? Pfft! Hahaha..." Huang Fengmo was shocked at first and then laughed.

Half of her face was painted completely black, and a big tortoise was painted on the other half, with two big characters written on her forehead: "Smellful."

Looking at Huang Fengmo smiling so hard that his teeth can’t even see his eyes, one can imagine how funny his painted face is.

"Your Highness, can I go wash my face?"

"Haha...cough, why did you do this?"

How could she tell him that this was the style of the second prince's painting?

This chapter has been completed!
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