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Chapter 120: Theory of the Flower Picker

Huang Fengmo patiently listened to her scolding and asked with a smile: "Are you thirsty? Why don't you drink a cup of tea and talk slowly."

Yan Ruocheng said everything she had been holding back in her heart. Seeing that he was calm after listening and showed no sign of anger, she squatted down awkwardly and asked him quietly: "Why don't you move toward the other party?"

The villain is angry? The villain treats you so rudely, don’t you think there is something wrong with the villain’s mind?”

Her words made Huang Fengmo laugh, "Hey...you are acting like you are sick, and you are very sick. However, I like you very much. The more you act like this, the more I like you. Maybe I

He is also sick, and it is more serious than you."


"..." This time, she was really speechless.

But it was Huang Fengmo's turn to say: "I understand you, you don't want to hurt me, that's why you are so avoidant and don't please me. Just because you do this is exactly the opposite of the women around me.

, they will use various methods to please me and make me feel that they are very good and perfect. Once they have a relationship, they will rely on this relationship to get more benefits from me, and I will also

I find it extremely boring, as you said, it’s either kissing or hugging, it’s not interesting at all!”

It turned out that his thoughts were the same as hers. She no longer had to hide so much and asked directly: "So, does His Highness still plan to continue to get along with this villain like this?"

"Now that I've said it frankly, I can do whatever I like, and I won't care about how you feel. I just like it." He said with a smirk.

"Your Highness, are you so domineering?" she asked a silly question.

"I'm not being overbearing, I'm just prescribing the right medicine according to your symptoms."

"Hey, it's getting very late. If you don't go back to sleep, it will be dawn. Stop discussing this so-called illness or not. I will help you back to your room."

It was pointless for Yan Ruozhen to keep broaching this topic with him. His mind was more delicate than hers, and nothing could be hidden from him.

"I can't move my legs at all, so you have to carry them on my back."

"No way, the villain just stepped on it."

"It's serious even if you step on it. Can't you see the bleeding? Ouch, it hurts..."

"Okay, stop pretending, just let the villain carry it."

"Not only do you have to carry it, but you also have to sleep next to me."


The next day, the carriage set off early in the morning. Yan Ruozhen sat sleepily in the carriage and took a nap. Huang Fengmo put a pillow on her thigh and dozed off.

In the afternoon, we finally arrived at the next city - Muyu City.

The responsible officials came to receive them and took them to the prepared mansion. Everyone was finally able to have a good rest.

Huang Fengmo was scheduled to have a dinner party or something, so he had no time to spend time with Yan Ruozhen, who was enjoying the hot spring pool of the mansion by himself.

Muyu City is a famous hot spring holy place. The spring water is naturally not muddy and the temperature is moderate.

"It's so comfortable!" Yan Ruocheng soaked in it and didn't want to come out.

Her clothes were hung casually on the screen. Suddenly, a black shadow flashed past, and all the clothes disappeared. She herself didn't know it and continued to soak in the warm water and enjoy the time.

When she was done soaking, she came out of the pool and was about to get dressed, only to find that all the clothes on the screen had disappeared, leaving only a note that read: This thief is here for a visit!

"Who is it? Why did you steal my clothes? How can I get out!" She began to look around in a panic to see if there was anything that could cover her.

In the entire hot spring pool, except for a large screen, there are only rockery rocks for scenery. There are no usable ones at all, not even two leaves.

She was like a blind fly, and she didn't know what to do. She was naked like this. What if someone came in and saw her?

After a moment, a figure actually came in in a wheelchair. It turned out to be Huang Fengmo alone. He planned to take a dip in the hot springs and then rest.

Yan Ruocheng quickly jumped back into the hot spring. The movement was too big and the soles of her feet were unstable, causing her to turn over on her feet.

As soon as Huang Fengmo came in with his wheelchair, he saw a strange scene she had created. The water spray was like drizzle, and even he got wet.

"..." He didn't know how to react to her at the moment, and he didn't expect that she would sneak in here and soak in the hot spring alone.

Yan Ruocheng climbed out of the water and coughed a few mouthfuls of water. She did not dare to face him directly and hid in the water, hoping that the mist on the surface of the water would block her.

"Are you okay?" Huang Fengmo pushed the wheelchair closer and asked.

"It's okay! Your Highness, can you do me a favor?" She heard his voice approaching, and quickly took a few steps forward to distance herself from the distance between them.

"You don't have to be so afraid. I won't peek at you. You really should report it to me at least. The more I indulge you, the more unbridled you will be." Huang Fengmo turned around in the wheelchair and vomited at her.

"Your Highness, uh, I would like you to borrow some clothes for me to use." She requested awkwardly.

"What?" Huang Fengmo couldn't hear clearly and she spoke a little softly.

"The villain's clothes were stolen by a big thief. He also wrote that he was going to visit here. The piece of paper is over there on the screen." She had no choice but to tell him loudly.

"Huh? Isn't that right?" He pushed the wheelchair to the screen to take a look. Someone really wrote a piece of paper. It seemed that as the officials said, flower pickers were everywhere, which was why he was sent here.

"Your Highness? Can you lend it to me quickly? I feel a little dizzy after soaking in it for a long time." Yan Ruocheng shouted again over there.

"Okay, you put on mine first. I left it by the pool. Come and get it yourself. I turned around and didn't look at yours." Huang Fengmo put the clothes he brought by the pool and turned around.

He passed the wheelchair and turned his back to her.

Yan Ruozhen hurriedly walked over from the water, couldn't wait to get her clothes, and wanted to quickly hide by the rock and put them on. The more impatient she became, the more she accidentally hit her toe on the side of a stone pillar, which hurt her.

"Oops!" he yelled, and he walked in a single hop. He didn't even take two steps, but the sole of his foot slipped and he fell down. Bang! Another voice: "Wow!"

"What are you doing?" Hearing her screams, Huang Fengmo couldn't help but turned around to take a look.

Fortunately, the clothes were scattered on her body, covering most of her body. She was still lying on the ground in pain, unable to move.

"Hey... the little man's head..." The ground was too hard, and she was hurt from the fall. Her back hurt, and the back of her head hurt even more.

Huang Fengmo shook his head and reminded: "If you don't put on clothes, you really can't blame me for overthinking."

"Young man, go right now!"

Soon, Yan Ruozhen came out after putting on her clothes. His robe was very long and it was completely dragged on her body. She was petite and looked a little cute.

"Hehe, you are dressed very cutely. Let me draw a picture later." Huang Fengmo said jokingly.

"Your Highness, stop joking after the villain has become like this. The guards sent by the officials are not strict at all. How could a flower-picking thief get in so easily?" Yan Ruocheng said angrily.

"The reason why I was sent here this time is that there are a lot of flower-picking thieves in this city. Girls are killed almost every day. Fortunately for you, it was just your clothes that were stolen." Huang Fengmo said helplessly.

"Why don't the Yamen arrest people? Don't the Yamen do anything?" she asked.

"They have done their work; uh, but there are so many flower-picking thieves that they are almost flying all over the sky. There is not enough manpower, and I am also worried about how to solve this problem?"

"Just ask the imperial court to send people over, or recruit people from within the city. These are the solutions."

"Who doesn't know how to do this? The problem is that the court refuses to send people. If we want to recruit people in the city, the Yamen doesn't have enough funds to hire people."

"Then what should we do? Let the flower-picking thieves be so rampant?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she was hit in the back of the head by a small stone that flew from nowhere.

"That's right! It's just that rampant." A frivolous male voice passed over her head.

This masked man flew up and jumped on top of the highest rock scenery, standing with his hands on his hips. This man's hair was curly, with sandy golden hair, and he did not look like a native.

"The flower-picking thief! Someone is coming! Arrest him--!" Yan Ruocheng ignored him and called for someone to arrest him.

This person took out the bellyband he had just come for and threw it hard on her face. He was very calm and scolded loudly: "Your bellyband has extremely poor taste and aesthetic taste, and it is very dirty. I have never seen such a bellyband."

Ugly, with such a sloppy bellyband, are you a woman? You dare to wear such a filthy bellyband to see others."

"Pfft! Hahaha..." Huang Fengmo couldn't help but laugh after hearing this.

Yan Ruocheng was so angry that he took his bellyband and climbed on a lower rock, reasoning with him: "You are the pervert who came to steal my clothes now, why do you have the right to come back and scold me? The bellyband is comfortable to wear."

That’s it, you care about my taste and aesthetics, it’s none of your business!”

"You ugly girl, what you say is wrong. A good bellyband is an indispensable artifact for women. Just like you, you are as scary as a dominatrix. Fortunately, you still have a small figure. If you match it with

As for the silk bellyband, it is quite beautiful and attractive to people. If you don’t want the man in a wheelchair next to you to look down on you, just buy some bellybands as soon as possible. I am kind-hearted and want to tell you.”

The man in front of him crossed his arms and explained.

"You——!" Yan Ruocheng was annoyed by him and didn't know how to reply.

"Farewell, my hero, I will guide you here, see you later! Big girl with a bad bellyband!" The masked man said arrogantly, then disappeared into the night sky with a whoosh.

After the person left for a while, the guard came and ran in and asked: "Your Highness, did someone break in?"

"It's okay, all of you, please step back." Huang Fengmo winked and asked the interfering guards to go out.

"Yes, I am resigning."

Yan Ruocheng twisted his bellyband angrily and wanted to follow him out.

"Ruocheng! Where are you going? I have something else to tell you." He pushed the wheelchair over and took her hand.

"Your Highness, do you also want to make fun of the villain?" She turned around and asked with her cheeks puffed up.

"No, I won't laugh at you like this. I laughed just now. There's no need to laugh for so long now." He said to her deliberately angrily.

"Your Highness!" she said, stamping her feet.

"Don't be angry. Push me back to the side room and we can discuss it slowly. At most, I will give you money tomorrow to buy a better bellyband."

"Stop broaching the topic, Your Highness——!"

This chapter has been completed!
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