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Chapter 132: Ambush in the Woods

Early the next morning, I received the order from the Holy One. Huang Fengmo needed to leave early and return to his hometown. Therefore, the servants packed their things and set off immediately.

"Are you leaving?" Huan appeared next to Yan Ruocheng again and asked quietly when he saw her packing her bags.

"Yes, His Majesty wants the eldest prince to go back and resume his life. Naturally, I will follow him," she said helplessly.

"You can leave later, as long as he goes back." Huan dug out her clothes again.

"Stop talking nonsense, how could he ask me to leave later? I wish I could go there right now." Yan Ruocheng couldn't help but rub his forehead as he remembered how he had caused Huang Fengmo's misfortune to happen last night.

"What if I said there was a way? Would you leave later?" Huan said in a nonchalant manner.

"You'd better not! It's definitely not a good idea. Don't stop me from packing my clothes, let's go..." She didn't think he would have any good ideas at all, he would just torment people.

"Don't leave, I still need your help." He said coquettishly.

"You should find someone else to help you. I will never help you again! Get out." She pushed him out of the door in annoyance. Then she looked back at the window, thinking that he would not give up and try again from the other side.

Jumped in, luckily not.

At noon, the carriage set off.

The carriage was covered with a thick quilt. Due to Huang Fengmo's injury last night, he had to sit softly. He also forced Yan Ruocheng to hug him while sitting.

"Your Highness, does your waist still hurt when you hold it like this?" Yan Ruocheng checked his waist. Although the sprain last night has been treated, it still needs massage.

Huang Fengmo pretended to be in pain and said coquettishly: "It hurts, it hurts so much, please use less force."

"Well, okay, please be gentle..." Feeling guilty, she served him particularly tenderly.

Huang Fengmo cried out pain again deliberately: "Ouch, my foot hurts too, I need to rub it."


Yan Ruocheng was a little absent-minded, because she left early before she could tell Huang Chenling. Huang Chenling also went out to do errands early in the morning, and she couldn't find him at all.

She kneaded and kneaded, and directly held his swollen toe with her hand to squeeze it.

"Ouch...ah! It hurts!"

When she heard Huang Fengmo scream in pain, she came back to her senses.

"Eh? Your Highness, please bear with the pain. This toe also needs to be rubbed to remove the swelling." She covered up her mistake and said nonsensically.

Huang Fengmo didn't pay attention to this, but instead acted coquettishly to her more and more.

The carriage came to a road in the woods, and bursts of smoke suddenly floated out from the woods.

"Everyone, be careful! This fog is deceptive!" The leading guard noticed something was wrong and shouted to warn others.

The carriage stopped, "What happened?" Huang Fengmo asked the guard.

"Reporting to Your Highness, there is a strange fog outside, and I am worried that someone is ambushing me nearby." The guard came to report the situation.

"You stay where you are and inspect the surroundings. Don't get separated."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The guards obeyed the order and looked around cautiously.

Yan Ruozhen was worried that if there was really an ambush, these guards would not be able to cope with it.

"Your Highness, there is no way to stay still like this. If dozens of killers rush out, we will be in trouble."

"I know, but let the carriage run now. I don't know if anyone has set a trap in front of me. Let's just wait and see what happens." Huang Fengmo said calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen men in black descended from the top of the tree and from the sky, throwing smoke bombs as they descended.

The scene was filled with thick smoke, and it was impossible to see the figures in front of them.

The guards were slashed one by one by the men in black. One of the men in black rushed into the carriage, but there was no one in the carriage.

Yan Ruozhen and Huang Fengmo had already escaped from the carriage while taking advantage of the thick smoke, and the two of them ran into the woods.

However, Huang Fengmo was hampered by his foot injury and could not run very far. The two of them hid by the nearby bushes. She was not brave enough to use her own bait. She planned to use the troops to stop them and the water to cover them up.

"Your Highness, there is some stun powder here. Once the man in black discovers it, he will throw it towards the person's face and he will usually faint." She first carried the stun powder with her and gave some to him.

Huang Fengmo remembered that he always fainted for no reason when talking to her. It turned out that she used this kind of powder. He said angrily: "It turns out that you usually use this to deal with me. You are not allowed to use this powder in the future."

Use it, or I won’t spare you.”

"Your Highness, now is not the time to talk about this."

Just as they were whispering, a man in black noticed something suspicious near the bushes and slowly approached. Yan Ruocheng felt that someone was coming.

Take out three poisonous needles from the hidden pockets of your clothes. There are small poisonous needles on them. If you are stuck, you will be locally anesthetized and sore, and then you will feel dizzy, vomiting, fever and other symptoms.

When the figure was about to push away from the bushes, she ignored the situation and flew the needle as fast as possible. "Oops!" The person made a familiar voice.

Yan Ruozhen raised her head to see who it was, and it turned out to be Huan. Unfortunately for him, all three of her needles pricked him in the arm.

"I came to save you, but you pricked me with flying needles!" He pulled out the three needles on his arm and said angrily.

"I'm sorry, how did I know you were here!"

Before they finished their conversation, Huang Fengmo shouted: "Be careful behind you!"

Another man in black threw a knife at them, hugged Yan Ruocheng, and lifted her up, just in time for her to kick the man in black in the head.

"What kind of needle did you use to prick me? Why is my arm so weak?" Huan asked angrily.

Yan Ruocheng held his forehead and explained sheepishly: "It's an anesthetic needle with a small poison."

The man in black attacked again, but Huan had one hand weak, so he had to let her take the other hand, and the two of them worked together to fight.

"My hands are weak, come and protect me."

"Huh? How to protect me?"

"It doesn't matter to you, it's up to you."

Yan Ruozhen was forced to continue flying needles, but her poisonous needles were very effective. The movements of the men in black who were hit by the flying needles were all slowed down. Huan was eliminated one by one in this way.

"Hahaha! Huan, it seems that my flying needle is super useful." When Yan Ruozhen was getting carried away, suddenly, a man in black appeared out of nowhere and stabbed her with a knife.

"Hiss!" Huan Qianjun blocked her with his body in time. The knife stabbed his stomach, "Huan——!" After Yan Ruozhen flew all the poisonous needles towards the man in black, he worriedly supported him.

"I can't die...well!" He forced a smile, but then he spit out a mouthful of blood and knelt on the ground.

"It's weird that he can't die!" she said worriedly and angrily.

"Hey, are you worried about me? Hum, just kiss me and it'll be fine." He endured the pain and said with a smirk.

After laughing, he continued to fight with the remaining men in black.

"No, this is not the way to go. What should I do?" She tried her best to think of ideas. There were still five men in black, and Huan was injured again.

The needles she didn't have were ready to use, but only a few packets of itching powder were still unused.

By the way! Itching powder! How could she forget that the most powerful thing about itching powder is not that it is sprinkled on the body, but that it is sprinkled directly into the eyes, which is enough to make people itchy to death.

Holding a bag in one hand, she went over and took the opportunity to fly one by one into the eyes of the man in black. Soon the remaining men in black were rolled on the ground by her insidious trick.

"If you don't want to go blind, you should leave quickly and find a water source to wash your eyes." She kindly reminded him and helped Huan away.

Huang Fengmo and others escaped from the woods and returned to the city mansion to recover from their injuries.

In the side room, Yan Ruocheng was carefully sewing the stab wound on Huan's stomach. Although he was given anesthesia, he still felt the pain of every stitch.

"If you feel pain, just scream out. There's no point in holding on." She saw that his head was covered in cold sweat, but she just didn't moan.

"Hiss! You... it will help if you sew faster. Have you ever used a needle and thread to sew so slowly!" He gritted his teeth and mocked her unrepentantly.

"I'm trying to help you sew to look better, so as not to make the scars look ugly in the future." It is true that Yan Ruocheng rarely uses a needle to embroider, and now she is sewing flesh, so she can't be blamed for the slow sewing process.

After a long time, after the last stitch was done, Huan slumped down with some exhaustion. Yan Ruocheng helped him apply Jinchuang anti-inflammatory medicine and bandaged it.

"Lie down and rest well, and don't get out of bed in the past few days, lest the wound in your stomach will open." She warned, and then packed her things.

Huan grabbed her wrist and said weakly: "If you don't stay and take care of me, where are you going?"

"I still have to go treat the guard's injuries. Be good and I'll be back in a while." Yan Ruocheng coaxed him like a child.

"If you don't behave well, just kiss me and I'll behave." Huan said deliberately.

"No kiss. Stop making trouble and let go. I really want to go out." She refused as always.

At this time, Huang Chenling, who was standing outside the door, pushed the door open, came in directly, grabbed Yan Ruocheng's other wrist, and said domineeringly: "If she wants to kiss, she will only kiss me, the prince. Please save it."

Come on, flower picker."

Huan was obviously not happy immediately, and said sarcastically with a sullen face: "Kissing you, the prince? You are taking advantage of the privileges you have as a prince to occupy her. When she was almost stabbed by an assassin just now, where were you? What did you do for

I don't think she has done anything."

After hearing this, Huang Chenling's face became even more gloomy than Huan's. When she wanted to argue with him again, Yan Ruocheng shook off their hands and said, "That's enough. The guards outside are still injured and need treatment. Stop talking about it."

Don’t let go!”

After she finished speaking, she hurried out and carried the medicine box on her back.

"Hey, wait for me!" Huang Chenling also chased after him.

"Second Prince, you are busy with work, so don't follow the villain." She said as she walked.

Huang Chenling wanted to take two steps faster to stop her, but because the place where she was stabbed last night was still hurting, he took a big step and hit the painful spot, giving her a real blow. He originally wanted to

Xiaosha stopped him, but changed his posture to bend down and support the wall.

Seeing his strange movements, Yan Ruozhen guessed that he was still in pain. Feeling a little embarrassed, he approached him and asked in a low voice: "Second Prince, are you still in pain?"

Huang Chenling pulled her to the wall and pushed her against the wall.

Yan Ruocheng thought that he would scold him for what happened last night, so she half-closed her eyes slightly, waiting for him to scold her.

Huang Chenling kissed her pink lips gently and said, "Why don't you come and follow me? Don't stay with Huang Fengmo. There are always assassins targeting him recently. It's very dangerous for you to follow him."

Yes, I don’t know when something will happen again.”

Yan Ruozhen shook his head and said with a smile: "I appreciate the Second Prince's kindness. I will protect myself well. Second Prince, don't worry."

This chapter has been completed!
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