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Chapter 139: I want to eat spicy food

"Why did you bring poison on you? What are you going to do?" Yan Ruocheng had an ominous premonition and asked him anxiously.

"What else can we do after the medicine has been spilled? Fortunately, the wind has not escaped us yet." Huang Chenling said a little helplessly.

As soon as he said this, a strong wind blew up, blowing away even the little bit of white powder on the ground.

Huang Chenling was afraid that the powder would blow towards Yan Ruocheng, so she pulled her back a few steps and pressed her nose, including hers.

Seeing how cautious he was, Yan Ruocheng must have guessed that this bottle of poison was very toxic, the kind of poison that can kill people.

She squeezed his arm and asked, "Second Prince, who are you planning to kill? Bring this poison with you."

"Are you overthinking it and using it for self-defense?" Huang Chenling said quibly.

"If you want to defend yourself, just use a small poison. You were so nervous just now, so it must be highly poisonous." Yan Ruocheng didn't let him quibble and pressed to the end.

"In short, you are just overthinking, and it is not what you think. I can't take any of those herbs of yours. Any ones that may be contaminated with poisonous powder must be destroyed." Huang Chenling did not explain so much to her and pointed to the table.

The medicinal materials above said.

"How can that be done? These are very expensive. What kind of poison did you get from the bottle just now?" Yan Ruocheng changed the subject again.

"I will pay for your medicinal materials. Don't ask questions. Destroy all these medicinal materials and tools first to avoid harming others." Huang Chenling took out two handkerchiefs from her body, handed one to her, and covered one herself.

own nose and mouth.

"This handkerchief seems to belong to a villain." Yan Ruozhen was diverted by the handkerchief, and she didn't even remember when she gave it to him.

"Isn't it the one you left in the morning? I was afraid that Xiu Lin would see it, so I took it with me. Hurry up and seal your nose and mouth, and go over to collect the medicinal materials." Huang Chenling took the handkerchief and tied it for her.

The two of them worked together to collect the medicinal materials and sweep the pavilion floor clean.

It was time to completely burn her innocent medicinal materials. She watched in vain as he threw away the unused medicinal materials as garbage and destroyed them with fire. They were burned until there was no residue. She felt really distressed.

He couldn't help but stretched out his foot and angrily stepped on Huang Chenling beside him.

"Oops! What are you doing?" he asked in pain.

"Spare your anger for the medicinal materials! Help them avenge them. They were burned by you for no reason, and even the medicine pestle that the villain is used to..." she murmured to herself.

"I bought them all new ones for you, why bother? Let's go." After he finished speaking, he turned around and left.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"Find a place to hide before anyone finds you." He said angrily, and stretched out his hand to pull her with him.

The two quietly walked out of the backyard door and walked side by side on the street, like a couple.

"Second Prince, where are we going?"

"Go to eat. Go to the small shop where I fainted from eating last time."

"Huh? I don't want that small shop anymore, it's too tonic." She thought of Shibian Tonic Decoction and couldn't help but shake her head.

"I just want to take a tonic. Didn't you say that you have back pain after having sex with me? Some tonic soup will be just right. It will make you more energetic." Huang Chenling deliberately pointed the reason at her, but it was actually him.

I feel pain in my waist and need to replenish my body.

Yan Ruocheng blushed a little as he listened, and asked to save face: "This, this is just nonsense made by a villain. I don't have any back pain at all. Stop talking nonsense. Besides, how can you do that kind of thing often?"

Huang Chenling liked to see her shy look. He stretched out his hand to cup her beautiful chin and said with a wicked smile: "I will take you to have a touch-up because I love you. Otherwise, you will be like a salted fish and ugly."

You’re so old, I don’t even want to touch him anymore. Hehe..."

"Bad guy!" Yan Ruocheng yelled at him.

"Hahaha..." He smiled even more joyfully.

There were very few people in this small shop tonight. The boss was idle and took the initiative to greet them and said enthusiastically: "Two guests, what do you want to eat? Do you want to try the shop's special stir-fry and Shibianjiudan soup?


"Boss, don't you only have Ten Whip Soup here? Why did it change from Ten Whip and Nine Bile Soup? There are nine more gallbladders?" Yan Ruocheng asked puzzledly.

"Hahaha... It's the same, it's just a gimmick to make customers think that this soup is strong, nourishing and easy to attract people." The boss explained honestly.

"Boss, just order all the best side dishes in your store and the tonic soup. If it's not enough, we will order more, along with a bottle of wine." Huang Chenling glanced at her and ordered with the boss.

Place an order.

After the boss left, Huang Chenling asked Yan Ruocheng gently: "Have you tried the Shibian Soup in this store, does it taste good?"

"Cough, cough..." She drank tea, coughed a few times, turned her head away awkwardly, and said, "It's just average. Clear soup is better."

"Did that flower picker order it for you on purpose?" he asked, provoking trouble.

"It's not intentional. He's actually not too bad. He's just letting the villain have a taste." She said it a bit to help Huan.

"Why do you always speak for him? I wanted to ask you before. Is there anything he could use to catch him? If you hadn't insisted on being caught in the middle, I would have asked someone to put him in jail, and he could still be lying there so freely.

Sleep in the guest room." He said a little unhappy.

"If the second prince is willing to tell the villain about the bottle of poison just now, then the villain is also willing to tell you why the villain must protect him?" Yan Ruocheng thought for a moment, holding her cheeks, slyly


"If you say that, even if you have a certain relationship with him, I will put him in jail as soon as I get back." Huang Chenling did not want to accept her pressure.

"Eh? Uh! Second Prince, how could you come here like this? Don't you want to know the secret? You told me your secret, and I can tell you too." She tried to seduce him again.

"I don't want to know anymore. Anyway, your reasons are boring. I guess after hearing this, I want to arrest him and put him in jail even more." Huang Chenling said pretending not to care.

"Why don't you tell me?" She asked to no avail and lay on the table in a dull mood.

After all, she was so intimate with him that her back hurt, but he still refused to be honest with her, and she suddenly felt a little chilled.

At this time, the boss came with hot and spicy dishes, braised fish head with stewed tofu, spicy fish slices with bamboo shoots, stir-fried shrimp with padi padi, etc. As always, everything was hot.

"Sir, please use these first. The soup will be served later."

"Well, okay. Yes, boss, make her another simple and light tofu and fish soup. I'm afraid she will get angry." Huang Chenling thoughtfully ordered the boss.

"Okay." The boss nodded and did as he was told.

Yan Ruocheng was a little ungrateful. He had already taken the chopsticks and ate the shrimp stir-fried with chilli padi. ​​It was the spiciest of all the dishes.

She couldn't eat spicy food, but the thought of him refusing to tell her the truth made her feel chilled, so she wanted to eat spicy food to relieve the cold.

"You don't eat too spicy food, don't you? Have a cup of tea." Huang Chenling poured several cups of tea for her and handed them to her.

She didn't answer and just ate by herself. While eating, she said angrily: "My heart is too cold. If I don't eat something spicy, I'm afraid I'll be chilled to death by your words."

He understood the implication of her words as soon as he heard it.

Huang Chenling sighed, followed her example and ate the spiciest shrimp pellets, and stopped talking.

Yan Ruocheng saw that he was also eating, so she put another dish instead of eating it with him. Huang Chenling followed her with a grudge, and continued to eat with her. She ate frantically, and he continued to eat too.

In the end, it was so spicy that their eyes were red, with tears rolling down their faces, their heads were sweating profusely, and their whole bodies were hot. They were like two fools who were not used to spicy food, fighting over spicy food without giving up.

"Cough! Cough cough cough..." Huang Chenling finally choked on the spicy food.

"Hmph! Haha...cough! Cough cough cough!" Yan Ruocheng wanted to laugh at him, but after laughing for a few times, he choked even more from the spicy food and even tried to finish the pot of tea.

"If you can't eat spicy food, don't force it for me." Huang Chenling scolded her.

"Are you fine? You can't eat spicy food either." She dismissed.

"Sir, your ten whip and nine gallbladder soup has arrived. Drink it slowly. I'll make sure you finish it. You'll be full of energy." The boss was very good at timing. When the dishes on the table were all eaten, he poured out the soup.

Come up. Put down a large bowl of soup, clear the dishes and leave.

"Do you dare to drink it? I'm afraid that Second Prince you will faint after drinking it?" Yan Ruozhen said provocatively, looking for trouble.

"Whether you're dizzy or not, you'll know after drinking it. You should look after yourself first." Huang Chenling started to spoon the soup.

Each person shared a bowl. His bowl was a little more, while hers was only half a bowl.

Yan Ruocheng was a bit desperate but refused, so he spooned more and fed it to him angrily.

Then, he was spinning and fainted.


Fortunately, Huang Chenling didn't drink and immediately went over to help her up. She already had two nosebleeds.

Later, Huang Chenling hugged her and stayed at a hot spring inn guarded by a doctor for one night instead of returning home.

Yan Ruocheng was diagnosed and treated by a doctor and found nothing serious. It was just a deficiency of fire attacking the heart. To put it simply, it was because the deficiency was not replenished and if it was overreplenished for a while, you would faint.

The next day, "Huh? Where is this?" She woke up hazy, her head still a little dizzy.

She squinted her eyes sleepily and looked at the warm water and mist around her. She was soaking in a slightly warm hot spring water. The water temperature was just right, making her soaking very comfortable.

She leaned back in extreme relaxation, and it was obvious that someone was surrounding her behind her. She woke up, turned her head and looked around. Huang Chenling's eyes were closed, and her handsome and resting face was reflected in front of her eyes.

Her hair was long, her eyelashes were thin and dense, and her facial features and skin tone made her look like a fairy in a painting. Coupled with the effect of mist, she couldn't help but open her mouth.

Why is this man so charming and enviable to others no matter when and where he is exposed to a little mist?

Huang Chenling's hand couldn't help but scratch her waist, and she looked down.


The two of them stayed completely naked in the hot spring water.

"What's the noise about? The ghost was screaming early in the morning..."

Huang Chenling was awakened by her, hugged her tightly and said lazily.

"Why is this villain soaking in the hot spring like this?" she asked stupidly.

"..." He didn't answer, just stared at her like she was a fool.

This chapter has been completed!
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