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Chapter 151: Rescue People

The woman from the Red Mansion led them towards the center, and Yan Ruocheng heard An You's cry for help from afar.

"Help -! I told you I'm not him, I really don't know what you are talking about? Help -!"

Anyou was tied upside down to a balance beam, and the pool below was full of ferocious piranha. Hanging on the other side of the balance beam was a sandbag of the same weight as Anyou. It was just that the hemp rope tied with the sandbag was in the right direction.

He was burned bit by bit by the candle. Once the hemp rope was broken, he fell straight into the pool and became the food of the piranha.

"Xiaoyou——!" Yan Ruozhen clearly saw his critical situation, and regardless of the situation, he ran over with an arrow.

"Hey! Wait a minute! Don't be impulsive...!"

Huang Chenling wanted to call her but it was too late, she had already run over and was the first.

Just as she ran over, the hemp rope of the sandbag was burned by the candle. As soon as the sandbag fell, An You's side quickly went down. Yan Ruocheng, regardless of the consequences, flew over and grabbed the other side of the sandbag with both hands.

The hemp rope only relied on her whole body to hold on to the other side, so that the balance beam did not fall into the pool.

Although she was temporarily balanced, she was still above the pool water, and her situation was more dangerous than Anyou. At least Anyou was tied up, but she firmly grasped the hemp rope with her bare hands and bore her own weight.

"Help -! I'm about to fall -!" Then, she shouted louder than An You.

"..." Huang Chenling held her forehead there, unable to look at her anymore.

The woman from the Red Mansion smiled and said to Huang Chenling, "Your little girl is really impatient."

"Let's get there quickly, she won't last long." Huang Chenling urged her.

"Even if we rush over, the leader will not let them go easily." The woman from the Red Mansion warned.

After Huang Chenling listened, she thought thoughtfully.

On the balance beam in the hall, An You and Yan Ruocheng had already developed into a quarrel.

"What's the point of running here? You couldn't save me, but you caught up with me yourself. Are you stupid?" An You said angrily.

"If I hadn't pulled the hemp rope here, you would have fallen down and fed the pomfret, and you would have made sarcastic remarks to me!" Yan Ruocheng said a little angrily.

"What happened? Why did they say that I failed my mission and should be punished? You know these people, why are you trying to drag me into trouble? Even though I am the adopted son of your distant relative, you don't need to push me like this.

Go to hell!" An You said angrily to her.

"It's not me who got you involved! You have a twin brother who is a member of this organization. They recognized the wrong person and arrested you." Yan Ruozhen explained.

"I have a twin brother? Where is he now?" An You asked in surprise after hearing this.

"We'll talk about it after we're rescued. Save your energy, I'm almost out of strength to hold on to this hemp rope." Yan Ruozhen's hand was almost numb when he caught it.

"Ruocheng, hold on tight! Don't let go!" Huang Chenling arrived and called her from below.

"Hurry up and tell them to move this balance beam back!" Yan Ruocheng shouted from above.

"You still haven't ordered them to release him!" Huang Chenling said to the woman in the red building.

The woman in the Red Mansion was unmoved. She crossed her arms and said, "I can't decide this. I'll wait until the leader comes out."

At this time, a person walked out from a certain room. This person was dressed in armor-like black clothes and also wore a mask, but the mask looked much more advanced. He should be the leader here.

He walked up to Huang Chenling and immediately knelt down to salute him: "Senior, please see His Highness the Second Prince."

Huang Chenling recognized his voice and knew his identity. This person was Yan Yiyan, a personal guard on the left side of the emperor's uncle.

The woman from the Red Mansion quietly observed their conversation and looked at Huang Chenling silently.

"No courtesy, please release the person above quickly." Huang Chenling ordered him.

Yan Yiyan waved his hand to the attendant to let him go.

After Yan Ruocheng and An You were rescued from the balance beam, they both sat on the ground weakly, resting in shock.

Huang Chenling followed Yan Yiyan into the room to discuss secret matters.

Yan Ruozhen took a rest and wanted to go find Huang Chenling. However, the woman from the Red Mansion stopped her with her hand and said, "Don't run around. Sit down and wait here."

"I won't run around, I'm just looking for the second prince." Yan Ruocheng refused and pushed her hand away.

The woman from the Red Mansion stopped her again and said, "He is discussing things with the leader. You can't disturb him."

Yan Ruozhen had no choice but to turn around. She was worried that Huang Chenling had gone to discuss the assassination of Na Xiao. She didn't want him to do such a cruel thing.

"You seem to have a good relationship with that second prince." The woman from the Red Mansion walked up to her and asked deliberately. She took off her mask with one hand and looked at her face.

"Why would he like your appearance?"

"The second prince and I talk about our hearts and not our appearance. Why can't you like me?" Yan Ruocheng asked.

"Well, if it were me, he would also be interested in me." The woman in the Red Mansion said thoughtfully, showing an unusual smile.

Yan Ruozhen felt that she wanted to take advantage of Huang Chenling, and guessed that this woman from the Red Mansion probably knew that Huang Chenling was the second prince, and wanted to get some benefits from her.

"You have to ask him." Yan Ruocheng replied unhappily, walked back to An You and sat down.

"Sister Ruocheng, what did you say just now? You seem very angry." An You asked curiously.

"I didn't say anything. It was all nonsense." Yan Ruocheng answered casually.

"You said I have a twin brother, does he look exactly like me?" An You asked back to the topic.

"They are exactly the same. He is injured now and is still resting in bed. Do you want to see him?" Yan Ruozhen touched his head and said.

An You rested his head on her shoulder and said calmly: "For so many years, I have never thought that I still have relatives in the world. Of course I want to see him." Although he said it lightly, he couldn't hide it.

Mood of joy and excitement.

"However, I don't know if he wants to see you. Huan, this guy is very mysterious." Yan Ruozhen said, holding his chin.

"Is his name Huan? Hehe, why is the name just one word?" An You became more and more interested in Huan.

"Ask him slowly when you see him." Yan Ruocheng chuckled lightly and said.

They waited outside for about half an hour before Huang Chenling came out.

On the return journey, Yan Yiyan personally escorted him and carried Huang Chenling on his back. Yan Ruocheng was not allowed to approach Huang Chenling at all.

She and An You were both at the very back. Huang Chenling hadn't even looked at her since she came out, only talking and laughing with Yan Yiyan.

If Yan Yiyan wasn't a man, she would really be jealous.

After returning to the red building from the secret passage, Huang Chenling said to Yan Ruocheng: "You go back first, and you are not allowed to follow me again." Her tone was more commanding.

Yan Ruozhen asked displeasedly: "Second Prince, where are you going?"

"Don't ask, just leave quickly." Huang Chenling waved her hand, indicating that she was going to be driven away.

Yan Yiyan ordered the two followers: "Take them out."

The two attendants went over and pushed Yan Ruocheng and An You out.

"I don't want to leave. Second Prince, please let me follow you." Yan Ruocheng spared the follower and went over to hold Huang Chenling's hand. Unexpectedly, before she could walk over, she was caught unawares.

The woman in the Red Mansion who leaned behind her hit her dizzy point with a palm and fainted.

"If you don't knock her out, it will only get in the way." The woman in the Red Mansion explained simply.

"..." Huang Chenling looked at the fainted Yan Ruocheng and said nothing. She allowed her followers to carry her away.

The attendant sent Yan Ruocheng and Anyou to the alley and left. Anyou didn't dare to be rash and sent Yan Ruocheng back home, so he carried her back to his residence first.

At dusk, "Huh? Hiss..." Yan Ruocheng gradually woke up.

"Are you awake?" An You came over and helped her up.

"Oops...who knocked me out!" She said angrily, pressing the sore back of her neck.

"It's that delicate-looking woman from the Red Mansion. I saw that she knocked you out with one quick strike, which was quite powerful. I want to imitate her," An You said jokingly.

"Then do you want to learn the meteor hammer now?" Yan Ruocheng clenched his fists and said angrily.

"Oh, it's useless for you to be angry now. It's already dusk and it's getting dark soon. I don't know where your second prince has gone? Save your anger." An You comforted her.

"I'm so angry! No, I have to go back to the house immediately and tell the eldest prince." As she said that, she hurriedly got out of bed, her head was still a little dizzy, and she sat back down.

"Look at you, you can't even stand. Let me carry you back and take care of my brother." An You had already made up his mind.

"If you come back with me, where is Uncle Amber?" she asked.

"He went to hang out with old friends at the hot springs, and he won't be back for the next few days." An You explained as he carried her on his back.

Yan Ruozhen didn't think much, just lay on his back and let him carry her back.

In the mansion, Huang Fengmo asked worriedly when he saw her being carried back, "What happened?"

An You put her on the chair, bowed to Huang Fengmo and said, "I see the eldest prince, let her explain everything to you slowly." After saying that, he stepped aside.

"Ruozheng, how come you were carried back? Are you injured somewhere?" Huang Fengmo didn't wait for her to answer, but he had already looked over her whole body to check where she was injured.

"It's okay, Your Highness, don't worry, I'm just a little dizzy. Well, this is my distant relative, called An You. I want him to stay here for a few days. Your Highness, can you approve it?" Yan Ruo

She held his hand and made a sincere request.

"Okay, prepare a guest room for him." Huang Fengmo agreed immediately and asked his servants to prepare it.

"Well, thank you, Your Highness." Yan Ruocheng thanked him with a smile.

"You, come back to your room with me, and tell me slowly what happened?" Huang Fengmo doted on her very much. After saying that, he reached out and hugged her whole body into his arms,

Sitting on his lap and letting his servant push the wheelchair, he led her towards his private room.

This chapter has been completed!
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