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Chapter 157: Her tricks to coax people

"Alas!" Yan Ruocheng sighed, and simply changed from kneeling to lying on the ground. She felt that instead of being afraid of him like a little quail, it would be better not to let him curse him happily, so she did

He took a position that would make him get shot while lying down, and let him spray him with saliva.

"What are you doing? Have you started pretending to be dead before I even scolded you?" Huang Chenling frowned and asked as she looked at her act of committing suicide.

"I'm waiting to be scolded by you. I don't have anything to explain. I just don't like being followed by guards. I just like to sneak away alone. However, letting a row of guards follow me out, it can be seen that the second prince

You really want to protect the safety of the villain. The villain feels very happy. He has been extremely happy since he went out. Therefore, he is very happy to be scolded by you, the second prince. The villain lies here and listens attentively." She said willfully.

He spoke directly while coaxing him skillfully.

Huang Chenling narrowed her eyes and thought: This girl has become smarter again, and she has another trick to coax people. If you spare her this time, she will be just as disobedient next time. If it doesn't work, you have to punish her.

He thought for a while, then lay down on his side without a word, with his back to her. He didn't scold her, didn't pay attention to her, and allowed her to lie down as long as she wanted.

This time, it was Yan Ruocheng's turn to frown, looking at him lying on his side completely ignoring him, feeling bored.

She crawled quietly beside his bed, hooked her fingers on his back, and asked softly: "Why are you ignoring him?"

"..." Huang Chenling remained silent.

Seeing that he didn't respond, she got up and wanted to touch his hand. Huang Chenling refused to let her touch his hand and immediately retracted her hand.

"Are you going to sulk at the villain?" Yan Ruocheng puffed out his cheeks and said.

Huang Chenling simply pulled up the quilt and covered the side of her face so that she couldn't even see it.

Depressed, Yan Ruozhen lay down directly, pulled away the quilt, got close to his handsome face, and called him softly: "Second Prince...Second Prince..." Seeing that he had closed his eyes, he pretended not to hear,

She changed to calling him by his first name: "Chen Ling... Chen Ling... Chen Ling..."

Then she used a more appropriate expression for him: "My dear, please pay attention to me. I surrender. I will listen to you from now on. At best, I won't sneak away next time."

He still didn't want to talk to her, and Yan Ruozhen couldn't bear it anymore. She lowered her head and gently bit his earlobe.

Huang Chenling felt a little sore and shrank her neck. She kissed and licked his earlobe while the iron was hot, and also learned to suck it while kissing it.

Finally, Huang Chenling was so angry that she couldn't help but speak out. She pushed her forehead and said angrily: "You don't admit your mistake and you still use this method to bully me. Who gave you the courage?"

Yes, you are so bold."

"You gave it to me." Yan Ruocheng behaved as soon as he got an advantage.

She put her arms around his neck, pressed against his shoulders, hugged him and said, "My dear, are you still angry with me now?"

"I'm so mad at you."

Huang Chenling hugged her whole body into the quilt, covering the two of them and making love to each other.

After a round of kissing, "Second Prince, I'm going out to cook some medicine. Don't play too much, or you will be discovered by the princess." Yan Ruocheng got out of the quilt and said.

"Okay, Xiulin is over there at the hot spring pool. Don't go over there when you go out, you know?" Huang Chenling hooked her finger and said.

"I obey, little man." She took his finger with her backhand and kissed his ring finger affectionately.

"Humph, do you really like to use the customs of your village?" Huang Chenling liked her kissing his fingers like this, but her mouth was not forgiving.

"In fact, every time you kiss, the villain will transfer his luck to you. This is also the meaning of the custom."

"You're spreading bad luck. Oh, it's okay if you don't say it. When you say that, I feel pain in my ankle again, and also here. Are you really not harming me?" Huang Chen

Lingzhuang teased her in pain and said.

"It's annoying. When we were playing just now, the villain paid special attention to you, so he didn't hurt you. Okay, stop making trouble, the villain is really going out. Second Prince, just have a good rest.

." She didn't believe his blackmail. She covered him with the quilt and kissed his forehead gently.

She suddenly remembered that Wang Xiulin had kissed him on the forehead like this before, so she added an extra form, even kissing the tip of his nose.

"Second Prince, can you not let the princess kiss your forehead?"

"What's wrong? Do you care about this too?"

"Of course I care."

"If you care, it doesn't matter if you are hugged often."


She was indeed struck by what he said and was speechless for a moment.

"You, if you can't exercise self-discipline yourself, don't expect me to show you the self-discipline. Besides, if I don't give Xiulin a little sweetness occasionally, she will bite you even more. Anyway, I am sacrificing myself by doing this.

A little bit of color has protected you, so you should be grateful." Huang Chenling explained rationally.

"Okay, I know, I won't say anything anymore. Take my leave." Although what he said made sense, Yan Ruozhen was still a little unhappy. Recently, she found that her tolerance was particularly small when it came to Wang Xiulin.

After Wang Xiulin took a bath in the hot spring and passed by Huang Fengmo's wing, she thought of something and went in to have a chat with him.

"Brother Fengmo, what are you doing?" She walked in with a smile.

Huang Fengmo was painting a painting. When he saw her coming in, he immediately put the painting away.

Wang Xiulin was one step ahead of him and saw a woman drawn in the scroll.

"Xiulin, why did you come to see me?" Huang Fengmo asked nonchalantly.

"It's okay, I just want to come over and see Brother Fengmo and have a chat." She went over and sat at the table. Pointing at the scroll, she asked: "Brother Fengmo, what are you drawing? Can I take a look?"

"It's nothing, I'm just practicing my brushwork and scribbling, don't look at it." Huang Fengmo took the scroll into his arms, wheeled the wheelchair and put it back on the desk.

Wang Xiulin watched him wheeling his wheelchair like this and asked curiously: "Brother Fengmo, is your foot injury better? I heard from brother Chenling that your foot was injured by a trap when you came here.

It's been a while and you still can't walk?" She calculated the time and said speculatively.

"It still hurts a little, so I can't walk. It's okay to be in a wheelchair now. It's quite comfortable anyway." Huang Fengmo came back and told her.

"Brother Fengmo, just be lazy if you're lazy. Sitting still is not good for your health. Wounds will also heal slower. Why don't you let me give you a foot massage? I've read some medical books recently and it's quite effective.

, can soothe the meridians and bones." Wang Xiulin actually came to see him for the purpose of borrowing his soles to practice massage. She planned to use it on Huang Chenling, but after the last failure, she needed to find a test subject for testing.

First, I pressed the person's feet, but she refused because they were dirty. So, she approached Huang Fengmo.

"Foot massage? Hey, no need. I'm itchy, so you'd better ask Chen Ling to do it for me." Huang Fengmo naturally refused. He didn't know if Wang Xiulin could do it even if he wanted to massage it.

Find Yan Ruocheng alone.

"Brother Fengmo, don't you believe in my skills? I have really practiced for a long time this time, so just let me press it. Okay? I want to give it a try. Just press the acupuncture points on the soles of my feet, and there will be no

What's the damage?" Wang Xiulin used her coquettish skills and clung to him to fool him.

Hearing the word "injury", Huang Fengmo began to think quietly. He was thinking: If the sole of his foot was injured by Wang Xiulin, he would be able to pester Yan Ruocheng. Recently, his injury has healed a lot, and she

Like a monkey who has taken off his rope, he runs to Chen Ling all day long. Even if he is not Chen Ling, he is in charge of the flower picker, but as the master, he is at the bottom of the queue.

Fortunately, the flower-picking thief escaped yesterday consciously, and he didn't have to resort to tricks to drive him away. However, if he hadn't been seriously injured, it would have been really difficult to deceive Yan Ruocheng. In order to have her by his side, I had to go through a lot of trouble.


"Okay, I'll let you give it a try. I'm ticklish, so don't press too hard. It's best to press harder." Huang Fengmo said intentionally.

Wang Xiulin didn't understand what he meant. Anyway, it would be best if he was willing to be a test subject.

"Brother Fengmo, don't worry. I will control the strength very well. After all, I have practiced regularly. Which of your feet is not injured?"

"Just this one."

"Well, I'll help you take off your shoes, you don't have to move."

Wang Xiulin obediently put his feet on his thighs and helped him take off his boots, revealing his white socks.

When she was about to pull off the white stockings, Huang Fengmo pressed her hand, stopped her in time and said, "No need to take off the stockings, just press them like this." Since the stockings were under the stockings, his foot was also bandaged.

What was injured was just a scratch on the sole of the foot, which had just scabbed over, but still applied medicine. He said this to avoid Wang Xiulin knowing better and not daring to do anything.

"Click it like this?"

"Yes, this should make it less itchy. Just follow your usual practice. You should also remember the locations of the acupuncture points on the soles of your feet."

"Of course I remember, uh, lend me that writing brush." ​​Wang Xiulin looked for some tools to replace the usual small wooden stick.

"What do you use the brush for?" Huang Fengmo asked with some confusion.

"This is how it works, brother Fengmo, I'm going to start." Wang Xiulin swung the brush in his hand, grabbed the tail of the brush, and stabbed it towards the Yongquan point on the sole of Huang Fengmo's foot.

She usually used a copper foot model to practice, so the force was quite strong. Although Huang Fengmo knew that it was forceful, he didn't expect that she was so forceful. Suddenly, there was a strong throbbing pain in the sole of the foot.


When Yan Ruocheng walked nearby, he heard a familiar scream coming from his wing.

"What is the eldest prince doing again?"

She walked quietly and quickly, slipped to the back window of the wing, and took a look inside.

Seeing Wang Xiulin stabbing the soles of his feet with a brush, Huang Fengmo screamed repeatedly without resisting and allowed Wang Xiulin to continue.

"..." Yan Ruocheng peeked out of the window and couldn't help but put her hand on her forehead. She was thinking about whether she should go in and stop Wang Xiulin's operation, but if she went in, she would offend Wang Xiulin. Besides, look.

Huang Fengmo looked like he didn't know if it was voluntary or not. He didn't resist.

She thought it was better not to meddle in other people's business. After all, they were sworn brothers and sisters. No matter what, Wang Xiulin would not hurt Huang Fengmo.

This chapter has been completed!
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