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Chapter 237: The poor and cowardly bandit haunts

"Where did Ruocheng go? She hasn't come back for so long. I want to look for her." Seeing that Yan Ruocheng hadn't come back yet, Wu Yangjun was worried that something had happened to her and wanted to go to the creek to look for her.


But she was stopped by Hua Qingcheng in her arms and said: "No need to look for her. I just saw the second prince following her. I guess they had a quarrel over something. Didn't you notice that Ruocheng was unhappy today?" Hua Qingcheng observed.

To speak in detail.

"No wonder I feel like something is wrong with her. It turns out you can see it too," Wu Yangjun said.

"Let's let them have a good chat and don't bother us." Hua Qingcheng looked in the direction of the stream and shook her head.

"Yeah, okay." Wu Yangjun also nodded.

The two people next to each other in the creek were already fighting on the water.

Yan Ruocheng pushed Huang Chenling into the water because of her disagreement, and Huang Chenling also pulled her down.

She was so angry that she splashed water all over his face, and Huang Chenling retaliated by splashing water all over her face. However, his fingers were longer and he grabbed a little more sand. Sand filled Yan Ruocheng's eyes.

"You got sand in my eyes!" She angrily turned around and washed her eyes.

Huang Chenling took the opportunity to approach her and said gently: "Let me see."

"You don't have to do it!" She pushed him, but he stood firm and couldn't push her away. Instead, he hugged her body.

Yan Ruocheng changed from pushing him to beating him, and Huang Chenling let her beat him until she was enough.

She beat her arms until her arms were sore, and then she stopped. She didn't resist anymore and just let him hold her like this.

The cool breeze blew over, and the two of them got wet. They also felt a little cold standing in the stream.

Huang Chenling simply picked her up and walked towards the carriage.

Yan Ruocheng was scolded and beaten, and tired, so she just leaned in his arms and stayed quietly, breathing heavily and not moving.

When passing by Hua Qingcheng and the others, Huang Chenling simply said: "Ruocheng, I'll take her back. You can continue the outing without disturbing me."

After that, everyone watched helplessly as they got into the carriage and left.

In the carriage, Huang Chenling took out the spare cloak from the secret compartment under the stool and covered her body to keep her warm.

Yan Ruocheng threw the cloak back to him angrily and said, "Put it on yourself. Be careful and wait for the wind and cold. Then the princess will have a chance to take care of you."

"Why are you so angry? Just put it on." He put it on her again angrily.

Yan Ruocheng still didn't cover her body, so he simply covered her body with his hands on her body.

"Cover it for me." He said a little angrily.

"Do you know how annoying you are right now!" She turned her face away and muttered sullenly.

"I haven't even gotten married to Xiulin yet. You need to take back your anger and become docile. Don't treat me so harshly." He sighed.

"Huh!" She said with a straight face and stopped answering.

The carriage drove to a bamboo forest, and suddenly several bandits with big swords ran out.

Maybe these bandits saw that their carriage was more luxurious, so they rushed out to block the road and rob it.

In order to follow Yan Ruocheng, Huang Chenling did not bring any guards, and the groom did not know martial arts.

"Everyone, come down! We are just robbing wealth, not life!" the stupid leader of the bandits shouted, holding up a big knife.

The coachman was held hostage by them, and Huang Chenling and Yan Ruocheng had no choice but to get off the carriage and take a look at the situation.

"Brother, looking at how noble this young man is, he must be very rich." A ruffian with a crew cut said to the leader with a sly smile.

"That's not right. This young man is dressed luxuriously. Look at that ugly girl. She is dressed in ordinary clothes and looks very ugly. Maybe they have swollen faces and are pretending to be wealthy people. That's for sure." The other one is thin.

The buck-toothed bandit expressed another opinion.

"What are you talking about? Look at how much money he has, and you will know whether he is rich or not." The leader stood in the middle and said neutrally.

"Why don't you take out all the money bags?"

Huang Chenling even forgot to bring her money bag when she came out. She was really relieved.

Yan Ruozhen reluctantly gave them his money bag first.

Since Huang Chenling hadn't given it to him yet, the knife pointed at him and said fiercely: "Don't play around, hurry up and get the money bag."

"I forgot to bring my money bag with me, and I don't have a dime on me now," he said honestly.

"We didn't bring a money bag, you think we are fools! Just take off all our clothes and we can search everything!" the ruffian with a flat head said angrily, and approached the two of them with a big knife.

Huang Chenling aimed at the little bandit's knife-holding hand, pulled the cloak over his head, and quickly snatched the big knife from his hand. Instead, she held the little bandit hostage.

"You are just asking for money. I said I have no money, but you don't believe me. If you insist on me taking off my clothes, I won't take them off. Put down all the knives quickly and retreat! Otherwise, I will let him see blood." He

Said threateningly.

These bandits were timid, and when they heard him say they saw blood, they backed away obediently.

"Don't put down the knife yet!"

When he was not on guard, the little bandit used his best trick of "monkey pinching a peach" and pinched Huang Chenling's peach downwards with his dirty hands, so hard that the peach juice could be squeezed out.


Huang Chenling was so painful that tears burst out of her eyes, and she even dropped her knife. She folded her legs, bent over, and kept jumping.

The little bandit wanted to kick him, but was stopped by Yan Ruocheng who was next to him. With her rare agility, she subdued the little bandit and pinned him to the ground.

He said domineeringly: "I don't want to kill anyone, so don't force me."

Perhaps her appearance and eyes were so terrifying that the bandits were so frightened that they actually dropped their knives.

"Xia Xia, we really just want some money. We all have a family and children. We haven't eaten for a few days, so we came out to rob. If you have money to give, please give it to us and do a good deed.

." The leader clasped his hands and said pleadingly.

The more Yan Ruocheng looked at it, the more he felt that these people didn't look like bandits, so he asked curiously: "You guys have hands and feet. If you go to the city to find a job, you can make money. How dare you say that you have the upper hand?"

Gaotang, there are children down there, but they are so lazy that they only come here to rob them. What are you thinking?"

"Nvxia, you don't know something. The city is cleaning up poor people who don't have land deeds and whose household registration is unknown. We also wanted to go back to the city, but we were not allowed. We had no choice but to live here in the mountains. We were forced to do so.

." The leader said with a sigh.

"Then you can go back to your original place of residence." Yan Ruocheng asked.

"That place is gone long ago. We all escaped from the country's subjugation. We finally came to live in this city. It was a good life, but it was all because of the second prince who wanted to check the household registration and drive people away, making it impossible for us to make a living. And

If you don't have enough money, you can go to another country and end up becoming a bandit now." The leader became more and more angry as he spoke.

It seemed that the culprit was Huang Chenling's random idea, which he did not expect would involve so many innocent people.

She looked at Huang Chenling, who was still holding her legs between her legs and looking embarrassed.

She was not in the mood to go back with him anyway, so she said: "Take us to your den of thieves to have a look. The young man next to me is kind-hearted. He donated a sum of money to poor people when he saw it. But

You just injured him, should you do something, apologize to him, and please him at the same time?"

"Uh, yes! Yes, yes! The heroine is right. It's all our fault for being eager for money and accidentally injuring the young master. Please come with us. My residence is at the top of the mountain. Please come with us." The leader thought for a moment.

, I think Yan Ruocheng’s words are credible.

Yan Ruozhen let go of the little bandit, and did not go over to help Huang Chenling, but glanced at him and said, "Master, why don't you follow me?"

Huang Chenling gritted her teeth and said, "At least come over and help me, it's still very painful."

Yan Ruocheng asked the groom to stay where he was and waited, and went over to help him walk.

The bandits took them for three sticks of incense before arriving at a pile of huts made of rotten bricks and tiles. There was a wooden fence around the outside, and a few children in shabby clothes were playing hide-and-seek. There were several children in the house.

An old man and a few women were sitting inside picking wild vegetables.

"Nvxia, this is where we live. There are no extra stools inside, so let's just stand and talk." The leader said helplessly.

Without saying anything, Yan Ruozhen took out an eight hundred tael banknote from the secret compartment of the sole of his shoe, handed it to him, and said, "I'll use this money to buy some help at the suburban inn. The child should also wear more clothes."


Huang Chenling continued: "I will report your situation to the official who checks the household registration. I believe there will be other improvements soon."

"It's hard to say. The second prince is very barbaric and unreasonable. How could he listen to the words of a lower-level official?" the leader shook his head and said.

"Who are you talking about being barbaric?" Huang Chenling said angrily. Before she could finish speaking, Yan Ruocheng covered her mouth with her hands. She said on his behalf: "It may not be impossible! He knows the people around the second prince.

Rely on them to persuade you, and they will definitely be able to help you, so don’t worry.”

"Let's stop talking here. There's no need to send us off."

"Then please walk slowly, thank you. Do you remember the way down the mountain?",

"Remember, no need to send it away."

So, Yan Ruocheng supported Huang Chenling and walked away.

Coming and going, Huang Chenling didn't even sit down, and his peach was getting more and more painful. What made him sullen the most was that Yan Ruocheng hadn't cared about his injury until now. She couldn't see him walking.

Is it so strange?

He stopped immediately and asked angrily: "Don't you see that I'm still hurting there? Why don't you check the injury for me? Ignore me!"

"I'm not ignoring you. If I ignore you, I won't support you." She said unreasonably.

"Check it for me now!" he ordered.

"What are you checking for? I'm not your medical servant. If it hurts, just walk a few steps back to apply medicine, and you're still standing talking nonsense." She said angrily, deliberately irritating him.

"You!" Huang Chenling was so angry that she pointed at her, her fingers trembling several times.

He reluctantly walked on by himself, Yan Ruocheng followed closely behind him, and then he unfortunately stepped on a big trap and fell down. Yan Ruocheng tried to hold his hand, but the strength was not enough, and she also fell.

Go down.

This chapter has been completed!
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