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Chapter 282: Unexpected events

"I'll ask my servant to make jelly cake for you to eat. It's sweet and sweet. You should like it." Huang Fengmo said coaxingly.

"Haha, no need, I'm not a child, but whatever cakes you want to eat, Your Highness, I'll make them for you." Yan Ruocheng said with a smile.

"With you by my side, it's the best sweet pastry." Huang Fengmo made a funny remark.

Yan Ruocheng sounded a little embarrassed and quickly helped him bandage it.

"The bandage is ready. Your Highness, I have to go back."

"Leaving so soon? Why don't you take a walk around with me?"

Huang Fengmo didn't want her to run away so quickly. In the past few days, she had taken the opportunity to run away as soon as she helped him apply the medicine.

"I'm going to buy some toys with Xiao Ling later. He likes that little toy stall, and it's usually during this time that he comes to open the stall. If you delay the time, you won't be able to touch it." Yan Ruocheng found another excuse to open the stall.

Slip away.

"Then let me go too. Anyway, I also want to visit the market." Huang Fengmo held her little hand and stood up.

"How can this be done? There are assassins around who want to harm Your Highness. What if there are assassins when you go out? Your Highness, you'd better not go to a crowded market." Yan Ruocheng shook his head and said.

"It's safe enough if I disguise myself as a woman." Huang Fengmo said confidently.

"This is indeed a solution." Yan Ruocheng agreed helplessly.

In this way, Huang Fengmo disguised himself as a wealthy lady and followed Yan Ruocheng back in a carriage.

"Mom, are you back?" Xiao Ling flew into Yan Ruocheng's arms as usual. Yan Ruocheng naturally hugged him immediately. He stretched out his head from her chest and looked at the women's version who came in behind.


Xiaoling pointed at him very curiously and asked, "Mother, who is this eldest sister?"

"He's my friend. You can call him Sister Mo." Yan Ruocheng introduced awkwardly.

"Hello, Xiaoling." Huang Fengmo looked at him, and the gentle smile in Mo Che's eyes became stronger. This child looked exactly like Huang Chenling when she was a child.

"Hello, Sister Mo, come in and sit down." Xiao Ling lay on Yan Ruocheng's shoulder and received him very friendly.

"Xiao Ling is so good. I brought this for you to eat. Your mother said it is your favorite food." Huang Fengmo handed him a large bag of candied haws.

"Wow! Mom, you have made a rich friend! Thank you, big sister!" Xiao Ling was so happy that she hugged the whole bag of candied haws and smiled so hard that she couldn't close her mouth.

"Okay, if you have candied haws, you will smile like a little fool." Yan Ruocheng kissed his cute little face and said helplessly.

Several people came to the hall, but Xian Jian was nowhere to be seen. He usually sat here drinking tea at this time.

"Xiao Ling, where has your wise uncle gone?" Yan Ruocheng asked.

"Uncle Xian? After he received a letter from someone just now, he hurried out with the medicine box." Xiao Ling told her the situation.

"Letter? You and Sister Mo are playing here." Yan Ruozhen handed him to Huang Fengmo and went to ask the old housekeeper Fu Bo.

"Uncle Fu, did Brother Xian say where he was going? I'm a little worried." Yan Ruocheng asked.

"Miss Yan, the young master didn't say anything, he just ran out with a somewhat uneasy look on his face. I couldn't catch him even if I wanted to," Uncle Fu explained.

"Okay. I understand." Yan Ruocheng began to walk back with some worry.

"What's wrong? You look so worried?" Huang Fengmo asked with an uneasy look on his face when he saw her coming back.

"Brother Xian may have been deceived. I'm a little worried. Recently, some people always come to the drug store for no reason to find trouble. They don't say that the medicine is expensive, but they falsely say that the store sells the wrong medicine. I want them to go to the Yamen.

If you confront me, just run away without a trace." Yan Ruocheng slowly told the matter and discussed it with Huang Fengmo.

"That's right, it may be a good thing done by colleagues. Have you offended the nearby drugstores of your colleagues?" Huang Fengmo said analytically.

"I originally thought so, but after sending people to inspect the surrounding pharmacies for a few days, other pharmacies have more business than us, so how could we offend other pharmacies?" Yan Ruocheng said, scratching his head.

"Then has he offended anyone recently?" Huang Fengmo asked.

"I don't know, Brother Xian didn't tell me everything." Yan Ruocheng shook his head and sighed.

"How about I send the shadow guards to find him and come back. If he is in the city, it should be easy to find him." Huang Fengmo said.

"That's not okay. The Shadow Guards are here to protect you and cannot be distracted to do other things." Yan Ruocheng said with some disagreement.

"What is the Shadow Guard?" Xiao Ling suddenly interrupted and asked.

"Xiao Ling, don't interrupt." Yan Ruocheng stared at him slightly in annoyance.

Xiao Ling was a little scared and didn't dare to speak out, and shrank towards Huang Fengmo.

"Ruocheng, I know you are worried, but don't get upset, and pay attention to your tone of voice." Huang Fengmo held Xiaoling in his arms, pampered him, and said to Yan Ruocheng.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Ling, mother has a bad temper again, I'm sorry." Yan Ruozhen realized that he had unintentionally frightened Xiao Ling again, and immediately said softly.

"It's okay, mother, please continue to discuss. I shouldn't interrupt. I believe Uncle Xian will be back soon." Xiao Ling said sensibly.

"Xiao Ling, you are so good, please don't imitate your mother's bad temper." Huang Fengmo touched Xiao Ling's head and said instructingly.

"Well, listen to Sister Mo." Xiao Ling nodded innocently. Huang Fengmo saw in him that he was cute, kind and yet smart.

Afterwards, Huang Fengmo sent the shadow guards out to find Xian Jianlu without telling Yan Ruocheng.

Soon, the shadow guards brought back Xian Jianluo who was knocked unconscious.

"What? What happened?"

Xian Jianluo was beaten to the point where his head was bruised and bleeding, and he looked embarrassed with his clothes in disarray.

The shadow guard explained the situation to Huang Fengmo, saying that when he discovered Xian Jianque, he was in a dilapidated and uninhabited house.

No one was found in the abandoned house, so it was probably the work of enemies.

Yan Ruozhen took care of Xian Jian's injuries, but Xian Jian'er was still in a severe coma. She waited by his bed without any emotion, holding his hand tightly.

Huang Fengmo came in and patted her shoulder lightly and said, "Xiao Ling is folding Ankang Qianhe by himself in the room. He said that if he folds a hundred pieces, his uncle Xian will wake up. Don't worry so much."

Yes, he will definitely wake up."

"That silly boy, if a hundred Ankang Qianhe are useful, I don't have to worry so much. The location of the injury on Brother Xian's head is the main acupuncture point, and he was hit hard many times. I don't know if he will

He will wake up, and I don’t know how to treat him? I’m so useless. I’ve studied medicine with him for so long, but it’s still so useless... Wuwu..." Yan Ruocheng said more and more, his mood became...

The lower I got, the more tears came to my eyes at the end, and I couldn't stop talking.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'll ask Dr. Li from the palace to come out and treat him. Dr. Li is very skilled in medicine. He must have a way. Don't cry, don't worry." Huang Fengmo held her in his arms and coaxed her gently.

Let's talk.

That night, Xian Jianlan showed no sign of waking up. Instead, his face became much paler and his breath became much weaker.

Yan Ruozhen was so frightened that she gave him acupuncture to save him. Huang Fengmo asked the shadow guards to rush to the palace to pick up Dr. Li.

The guards dispatched by Huang Chenling came back to report that they had discovered Huang Fengmo's shadow guard, who returned to the palace and took Imperial Doctor Li away.

"What happened?" He was worried that something might have happened to Huang Fengmo. He was a little uneasy, but Wang Xiulin was pregnant now, and he couldn't leave her casually, in case she found out that he was gone.

Well, her bad mood would affect the fetus. She could only send guards out of the palace to contact Huang Fengmo.

Dr. Li was brought to them by the shadow guards in confusion.

"Doctor Li, please help me save him. The main acupuncture point on his head was severely hit and his life is in danger now." Yan Ruocheng said urgently with tears streaming down his face.

"Li Yuyi, please think of a way to save him quickly." Huang Fengmo said from the side.

Although Dr. Li didn't know what was going on, it was very serious when he heard that the main acupuncture points on the head had been severely damaged. He immediately opened the medicine box and took out some special acupuncture equipment and other small needles.

He hurried over and helped the injured to receive medical treatment.

"Miss Aruo, please come and help. We need acupuncture at the same time to save him." Dr. Li took out three long needles and said to Yan Ruocheng.

"Okay, I'll help." Yan Ruozhen wiped her tears with her sleeves and went to help. However, her worry made her hand holding the needle tremble. When she thought that Xian Jianluo would not be able to be saved at any time, she

I couldn't help but the tears rolled down my face again.

Upon seeing this, Huang Fengmo came over, held her trembling little hand, and said comfortingly: "Cheer up, if you are not accurate with the needle now, you really can't save people. Ruocheng, don't let him live up to his expectations of you."

, if you study medicine next to him, wouldn’t you be able to save people in times of crisis? You can’t back down now. Cheer up and cheer up!”

"We have to hurry up, Miss Aruo, you really have to grasp the acupuncture points accurately. There can be no mistakes." Dr. Li also said seriously.

Yan Ruocheng took a deep breath, wiped away her tears, nodded, and then said: "I, I can, I will definitely save him... Doctor Li, let's get started."

"You can do it." Huang Fengmo slowly let go of her hand. Her hand seemed to feel his strength and it really didn't shake anymore.

Dr. Li nodded and began to slowly insert three large silver needles, one at each of the three life and death acupuncture points, and then instructed Yan Ruocheng which acupuncture points needed to be inserted.

Yan Ruozhen followed his instructions and hit the acupuncture points accurately one by one.

As the two of them cooperated with each other in applying acupuncture, Xian Jianlan's breathing became even and stabilized.

After an hour of repeated acupuncture, Dr. Li performed some special procedures on Zhun Xianjian's head wound, allowing the congestion to slowly flow out.

Finally, Xian Jianlu was rescued from the hell gate. However, he was still in a very weak state and was fine for the time being.

This chapter has been completed!
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