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Chapter 299: Being put together by someone

After hearing this, Huang Fengmo said with a sweet smile: "How do you know what I want to ask?"

Yan Ruocheng said with a smile: "Your Highness, sometimes what you want to say will show on your face. I will know it as soon as I see it."

"Really? It's so easy for you to see through me."

"Hehe, just occasionally."

Huang Chenling held the door and walked out, and saw Yan Ruocheng talking and laughing with Huang Fengmo in the pavilion, acting a bit intimately.

He stood melancholy by the long and inconspicuous pillar, feeling gloomy and not daring to go over and disturb them. He was already so embarrassing last night, so he just made Yan Ruozhen pay some attention to him.

The high fever had not subsided, the wound was inflamed, and the wind and cold made his body temperature alternately hot and cold. He felt uncomfortable all over just standing, and he swayed and leaned against the fence in the exhausted air.

Xiao Ling ran over to play with a small wooden ball. When she saw him sitting uncomfortably by the fence, he went over worriedly and asked, "Uncle Handsome, why did you come out to enjoy the wind when you caught the cold?"

"It's okay, the room is too stuffy. I want to come out and bask in the sun. It can ward off the cold." Huang Chenling said casually.

"However, the sun is not strong today, and you are still wearing a thin undershirt and just a cloak. If your mother sees you, she will definitely scold you. Uncle Handsome, you'd better go back to your room and rest quickly.

"Xiao Ling frowned and persuaded.

"Your mother is chatting happily with Uncle Mo. She won't notice me." Huang Chenling sighed and said unhappily.

"Even if she can't see you, you can't keep blowing the wind like this. Don't think of it as a minor illness. If it can't be treated well, it will leave the root of the disease when it becomes serious." Xiao Ling continued to persuade.

"I didn't expect you to know a lot at such a young age. Okay, I'll go back to the room to rest. Don't worry. Let's go play." Huang Chenling said.

Xiaoling nodded and ran to play.

Huang Chenling walked back to the room slowly. Although Yan Ruocheng was chatting with Huang Fengmo, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Huang Chenling walking out, and he was still walking unsteadily.

She thought to herself: He walked out even though his steps were unsteady. The medicine last night didn't seem to be effective. He needed to make more medicine and give it to him.

In the afternoon, she boiled the medicine and took it to Huang Chenling's room.

He had already laid back on the bed and fell asleep. She carefully placed the medicinal soup on the table, trying not to make a sound.

There were beads of sweat on Huang Chenling's forehead, so she twisted a towel to wipe it away for him.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at him quietly, looking at Huang Chenling who was so uncomfortable, she felt a trace of bitterness in her heart.

After standing by his bedside for half a stick of incense, Huang Chenling woke up from the pain because she turned over and pressed the wound on her arm.

"Hiss..." He pressed the wound and gritted his teeth depressedly to endure the pain.

"Did you press the wound? Don't press it randomly." Yan Ruocheng hurriedly rubbed his arm.

"When did you come? Why don't you discuss the prescription with your Highness?" Huang Chenling said pretending to be indifferent.

"It's been discussed. You drink some medicinal soup and rest." Yan Ruocheng also pretended not to care.

Huang Chenling pushed herself up without letting her help her, and reluctantly sat on the edge of the bed.

Yan Ruozhen deliberately kept a distance from him and walked over to bring the medicinal soup and handed it to him.

Huang Chenling took the medicinal soup and drank it all in one breath. Because she drank it too quickly, she ended up choking and coughing.

"Cough, cough..."

Yan Ruocheng didn't say anything. After taking the bowl back, he helped him move his hands along his back.

Huang Chenling felt even more uncomfortable after drinking the medicine. She felt a little dizzy and had to lean on her shoulder. Her eyebrows were wrinkled and her parched and pale lips were tightened.

Yan Ruozhen put his hand to his forehead and felt it. His forehead was covered with sweat, and his asthenic fire was serious. He needed acupuncture to calm him down and fall asleep.

"You lie down first, and I'll give you acupuncture."

"No need." Huang Chenling was annoyed and lay back down, pulling the quilt to cover herself.

"Okay then, take your time and rest." Yan Ruozhen did not force him and continued to stay by the bed.

Huang Chenling closed her eyes, thinking that she would sit there for a while and then leave.

But Yan Ruozhen had no intention of leaving and remained sitting motionless.

He opened his eyes and asked displeasedly: "Why are you still sitting there?"

"I'm sitting here taking care of you. I can't leave you like this." Yan Ruocheng said calmly. He looked at it from the perspective of a doctor and a patient.

Huang Chenling closed her eyes again and said, "It's up to you."

During this period, Yan Ruozhen occasionally wiped his sweat and secretly administered a needle. He waited until his breathing stabilized and fell asleep before leaving quietly.

When it was time to hand over the prescription, Yan Ruozhen took a fake formula, packed it in a brocade box, and stood in the Shili Pavilion waiting.

Huang Fengmo asked Shadow Attendant to ambush nearby to ensure Yan Ruocheng's safety.

After waiting for two full hours from morning until now, there was no movement at all. Suddenly, a passing firewood seller came and delivered a letter to her.

The letter read: All the people in the yard have been poisoned, and they should be treated immediately with the Shizhuan Huishunyou Pill. If the formula is fake, after half a stick of incense, everyone will be poisoned and die.

Yan Ruocheng and the others immediately rushed back to the compound. As the letter said, everyone was poisoned and fell into a coma, including Huang Chenling and Xiaoling.

Huang Fengmo sent people back to the palace to find the imperial doctor who was best at poisoning, but Yan Ruozhen was confused and didn't know what to do.

"Ruocheng, you can use your own method to help them detoxify. Waiting like this is not an option." Huang Fengmo saw that it took a long time for the imperial doctor to arrive, so he needed to buy time.

"I don't know if I can do it?" Yan Ruocheng said without confidence. His whole body was shaking with fear. He was afraid that if he failed, Huang Chenling and Xiaoling would be killed, as well as other innocent people.

"You can do it. You have to believe in yourself. The toxicity won't be a problem for you." Huang Fengmo held her hands and said confidently.

"If I fail, it will be like I killed them." Yan Ruocheng shook his head and said.

"If you continue to waste time, I'm afraid that the imperial doctor won't be able to save them even if they come. It's better to at least neutralize half of the poison." Huang Fengmo said.

"Yes, I can't hesitate anymore. Now is not the time to be afraid. If I don't save them, they will really die. I have to work hard!" After Yan Ruozhen finished speaking, he slapped himself a few times to calm himself down, and then

Take their pulse and check for symptoms.

Everyone's face was pale, and they did not have the symptoms of turning blue or darkening their foreheads after being poisoned in the past. Their fingernails did not appear black, their skin color did not change much, and even their pulses did not look like Qijuemai. This made her uncertain whether they were the others.

He was really poisoned and was knocked unconscious.

Based on her own experience, she quickly went to the pharmacy and ground various herbs into powder according to her own ideas, and then made a potion for hanging.

The question now is who to find to test the medicine.

After all, it is a test drug, and if it fails, it will harm someone.

Just when they were hesitant, Huang Chenling held the door and walked out.

"Chen Ling?"

"Aren't you poisoned?"

Yan Ruocheng and Huang Fengmo looked at him in surprise at the same time.

"I don't know, what is poisoning? Am I poisoned?" Huang Chenling asked in confusion.

"We received a letter at Shiliting, saying that everyone in the yard was poisoned and needed to be saved with the Ten-turn Soul-Wandering Pill. Do you feel what you think?" Yan Ruozhen hurried over to help him.

"I don't know. I've been sleeping until now. I only feel a headache and hand pain, but nothing else." Huang Chenling shook her head and said.

"I'll help you in and take a pulse." Yan Ruocheng helped him in, and Huang Fengmo followed.

"The pulse is just a little weak. What should I do? I don't know if you are poisoned, and I don't know if I should give you this potion." Yan Ruozhen said with a frown.

"Then you can use it. Death is a relief anyway." Huang Chenling said nonchalantly.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Yan Ruocheng said angrily.

"Chen Ling, don't say such things, nothing will happen to the potion prepared by Ruo Li." Huang Fengmo said comfortingly.

"You guys are singing and harmonizing, so let me try the medicine. Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Huang Chenling said boringly.

"You're not allowed to say that, and I don't want anything to happen to you." Yan Ruocheng grabbed his hand and said.

Huang Chenling actually didn't feel that she was poisoned. She stretched out her hand and said, "Prick her. I won't embarrass you. I'm willing to do it. Hurry up!"

"Do you really think it will be fine? I'm not sure." Yan Ruocheng said fearfully.

"At least I'm fine now. Just go ahead and prick me. Don't be nagging. Is Xiaoling also poisoned?" Huang Chenling asked.

Yan Ruocheng nodded, and Huang Chenling said firmly: "Come down immediately, it's important to save Xiaoling, don't waste time."

"All right."

Yan Ruocheng took a deep breath, inserted the needle into his vein, and the medicine slowly flowed into his body.

"What do you think?"

Huang Chenling didn't feel anything and said, "I don't see any problem."

Yan Ruocheng took his pulse again, but there was no obvious change in the pulse condition.


"What's weird?" Huang Fengmo asked.

"If you are poisoned, your pulse will always beat differently as soon as the antidote is taken in, but there will be no change. Maybe you made a mistake from the beginning. I'm going to try something else." After Yan Ruocheng finished speaking, he ran away.

Got out.

Huang Fengmo also followed out, leaving behind a confused Huang Chenling.

Yan Ruozhen found medicinal powder to relieve dizziness and gave it to the fainted people. Sure enough, everyone gradually woke up.

It turns out that she was really tricked. No one was poisoned at all.

At this time, a voice came from outside the door and said: "It took me a stick of incense to realize that I was deceived, and you are still his disciple in vain."

A woman wearing a mask came in with Xian Jianlan.

"Brother Xian, are you okay?" Yan Ruocheng hurried over.

"I'm fine." Xian Jianlan walked over to meet her.

"What happened?" Yan Ruocheng asked in confusion.

"Let me introduce you. This is my junior sister named Yun Xi. She saved me." Xian Jianlu introduced her.

This chapter has been completed!
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