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Chapter 307: The two set off together

After a few days, Yan Ruozhen was sure that Huang Chenling's injury was not serious and he could set off on his way.

"Girl, you can take these dried salted fish and some dry food and eat them on the road. Be careful and don't meet bad people again." The old woman said kindly and handed the packed dry food to Yan Ruocheng.

"Auntie, thank you so much. There is some money here. You can use it as a token of appreciation for taking care of us for so long." Yan Ruocheng thrust a thousand taels of silver notes into the aunt's hand.

"No need, girl. Saving people is just a matter of hands."

"Use, use, must use. Auntie, just take it. Buy some delicious and durable clothes. Don't work so hard. Take care of yourself!"

Yan Ruocheng and the aunt were still giving in to each other about the banknote. Huang Chenling thought she was too negligent and walked over. She pushed the banknote to the aunt with her big hand, held Yan Ruocheng's small hand, and said to the aunt with a smile: "

Please accept my wife's wishes well. Otherwise, my wife will not be happy."

"Hey, okay then, you have to protect your wife well and don't let her worry about you anymore." The aunt nodded, had no choice but to accept the banknote, and warned Huang Chenling worriedly.

Huang Chenling said with a bright smile: "Of course, I won't let her worry anymore." After saying that, she held Yan Ruocheng's little hand tightly.

Yan Ruozhen and him looked at each other and smiled kindly. After the two said goodbye to the old woman, they set off towards the woods to the north. They could reach the carriage station through the woods.

However, the two of them walked for most of the day and still had not left the woods. They imagined that the woods were even bigger.

Huang Chenling's arrow wound was still not healed. After walking for a long time, the wound was wet with sweat, and she stopped because of the stinging pain.

"What? Is the wound hurting?" Yan Ruocheng asked worriedly when he saw that his face was a little uncomfortable.

Huang Chenling took a break and said, "It's okay, let's keep walking. If we don't hurry up, it will be dark soon."

"It gets dark when it gets dark. Let's not rush in such a hurry. Let's find a place to rest and spend the night before rushing on. You are still injured, so don't be too tired." Yan Ruocheng said advocating.

"Okay, I will listen to my wife." Could it be that Yan Ruocheng loved him so much, and Huang Chenling was naturally very obedient.

"Don't say the word "Niangzi" randomly, otherwise I won't let you do it." Yan Ruocheng said duplicitously, feeling very happy every time she heard him call her "Niangzi".

"Hey, you can't even scream, you're stingy!" Huang Chenling pouted and said.

"Let's go, if we don't find a place to rest, I'm afraid it's going to rain." Yan Ruocheng pointed at the dark clouds floating in the distance in the sky and said in warning.

"It's really unpredictable. Why didn't Auntie help us prepare umbrellas? Instead, she gave us dried salted fish." Huang Chenling said vomiting.

"Okay, don't be nagging." Yan Ruocheng dragged him and slowly looked for a place to stay.

After burning incense, they found a shabby house. It had been abandoned for a long time and no one probably lived in it.

"You should be able to stay here for one night." Yan Ruocheng observed and said.

Huang Chenling covered her nose and said, "Wow, there's so much dust here and so many spider webs. I wonder if there are any venomous snakes, rats or the like? How can I sleep?"

Yan Ruocheng looked at him, narrowed his eyes and said: "The emperor who came out of the palace now has thatch to cover his head and is not exposed to the cold rain. It's considered good. If you still think it's dirty, just clean it up.

Can stay one night.”

Huang Chenling still felt very dirty. She touched the dusty old table with her fingers and immediately wiped her fingers clean.

"Okay, just stand there and don't move. I'll clean a stool and let you sit outside while I clean up the room." Yan Ruocheng said with a sigh.

"No, as your husband, I also want to help." Huang Chenling said reluctantly.

"Your hand is not healed yet, so you will only become more and more helpful." Yan Ruocheng quickly wiped a stool clean, moved it to the side outside the door, and helped him go out and sit down.

"Sit here obediently and look at this bag of dried salted fish. If you are hungry, eat dry food by yourself."

"You think of me as Xiao Ling." Huang Chenling said boringly.

"Hey, Xiaoling is more obedient than you." Yan Ruocheng said, covered his mouth with a handkerchief, and went in to clean up.

Huang Chenling sat outside until a drizzle gradually began to fall.

"It's raining. I can wash my hands." Yan Ruocheng came out dirty and used the rainwater to wipe her hands.

Huang Chenling put her head around to see how the house was being tidied.

She had been working on it for so long, only cleaning the location of the broken table and some of the empty ground next to it.

It was his turn to squint his eyes, look at Yan Ruocheng and ask: "Are you sure you have taken care of it carefully?"

"What else do you want? I'll clean the table here with my bare hands, and the two of us can lie down and sleep for the night. Don't be so demanding, and you're not sure if there are snake nests in the haystacks next to you, so I'll leave it like this.

Okay." Yan Ruocheng said reasonably.

"Okay, you're really good." Huang Chenling couldn't help but complain to her.

It rained from drizzle to thunder and heavy rain outside. At dusk, Yan Ruocheng lit a fire on the vacant ground next to it to avoid getting cold after nightfall.

"Would you like to grill a strip of dried salted fish?" Yan Ruocheng asked.

"You can eat it, I don't need it." Huang Chenling shook her head and said.

"I wonder if anyone from the palace came to see you?" Yan Ruocheng asked curiously while grilling salted fish.

"There must be some, but they haven't found this place yet. It's best not to find me so quickly. I want to be with you longer." Huang Chenling said while lying on her stomach.

"Why don't you really want to eat salted fish?" Yan Ruocheng said in a nonchalant manner.

"At least you answered me that I want you to be together longer. If you continue to eat dried salted fish, sooner or later you will dream of turning into salted fish!" Huang Chenling said.

"Hahaha, it tastes delicious. You should try it." Yan Ruocheng tore off some dried fish and handed it to him.

"No, don't take it over, it will stink when you smell it." Huang Chenling covered her nose and shook her head.

"Smelly yet fragrant, that's the charm of salted fish. Come on, try it." Yan Ruocheng sat on his lap, hugged his neck, and said teasingly.

Huang Chenling took the opportunity to kiss her and said jokingly: "Haha... Then your charm is almost as good as salted fish, which makes me sink deeper and deeper into the situation where I can't extricate myself."

Yan Ruocheng bit out the dried salted fish, brought it to his mouth playfully, and said, "What if you try this taste now?"

"Humph, naughty boy!"

Under Yan Ruocheng's playful temptation, the dried salted fish gradually disappeared into Huang Chenling's mouth. After eating, she felt salty and thirsty. After that, the two of them went out to drink rainwater to quench their thirst.

In the palace, the imperial guards sent out still had no news about Huang Chenling.

Wang Xiulin was arguing with Huang Guiyuan, insisting that he find Huang Chenling and come back immediately.

"Father, I don't care! If I don't find Brother Chenling back, I will go on a hunger strike."

"Xiulin, if you wait patiently, there should be news back soon. I have sent people to the tribes on the border to inquire. Even if they arrest people, they will definitely send people to negotiate terms." Huang Guiyuan calmly said


"Then why haven't we seen anyone coming for so long? Could it be that they have been transporting Huang Chenling for so long and they haven't arrived yet? Or they simply didn't catch Brother Chenling and let him escape. He is still outside and unable to come back."

Wang Xiulin analyzed it.

"This is also possible. Let me increase my manpower and go out to catch him. Don't worry so much. Your health is important and you should take good care of yourself." Huang Guiyuan said.

"Father, last time you asked me to lie to Brother Chenling that I was pregnant, I almost exposed the secret. Fortunately, you found a fake imperial doctor and lied to him that I had a miscarriage, making him think that I was always pregnant because of my miscarriage.

I feel depressed after giving birth. However, I can’t stop drinking these tonics to regulate my body. I find it very unpleasant to drink." Wang Xiulin said with a frown.

"How can you do it if you don't drink? At least you have to show it to others so that Chen Ling doesn't doubt you." Huang Guiyuan said in disagreement.

"Now that no one else is in the palace, I don't need to be so cautious." Wang Xiulin said puzzledly.

"You are now a queen, and the concubines in the harem are eyeing you. Even if I help you, I can't help you so many times. In the end, you need to control the harem by yourself. You still have to show off and be foolproof.

The whole process, so no one will catch you." Huang Guiyuan explained.

"Father, you are right, let me continue acting, alas!" Wang Xiulin said helplessly.

Huang Fengmo was at the back window and overheard their conversation. He originally wanted to eavesdrop on Huang Chenling's affairs, but he didn't expect that he found out that Wang Xiulin had been pretending to be pregnant.

If Huang Chenling knew about this, he would definitely put aside everything to get Yan Ruocheng back to him.

Huang Fengmo had a flash of selfishness and decided to keep this matter secret.

Night, in the big yard.

"Where did mother go? She hasn't come back for so long." Xiao Ling asked, holding her cheek and facing the night sky.

"Your mother should have gone to do some things. She will come back by herself after she is done. Don't worry." Xian Jianlu held up his crutches, walked slowly to him, touched his head, and said.

"Uncle Xian, how do you know so well?" Xiao Ling asked puzzledly.

"I know her well. After all, we have been together for so many years. Xiaoling, don't you think your mother is very lucky? Rather than saying that she encountered any trouble, it would be better to say that she would be more likely to encounter any good things.

Okay." Xian Jianlan explained.

After hearing this, Xiaoling recalled and nodded, saying: "Well, mother, she is indeed very lucky. She often picks up a few pennies when she goes out on the street, and when she buys groceries, she coaxes people to pay less.

Give her a few cents, and when selling medicine, if the customer praises her enough, she will be given a few more pennies without any change."

Xian Jianlan was amused by him and said, "Hahaha, so this is how your mother saves money."

At this time, Yan Ruozhen's nose felt itchy for no reason, and she sneezed a few times.

"Are you catching a cold?" Huang Chenling hugged her tighter and asked.

The two squatted on the table, hugging each other and dozing off to warm each other.

This chapter has been completed!
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