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Chapter 311: He was caught in the tribe

A few days later, after Yan Ruocheng and others prepared their luggage, they set off again in a carriage.

After ten days of journey, we arrived at a large forest near the border.

They came to a stop near a creek, letting the horses rest and themselves resting their feet.

"The stream here is really cold." Yan Ruocheng walked over to the stream, squatted down and washed his hands, and said.

"There is a big iceberg at the end of the creek. Water flows down from there, but the water temperature here is a little low." Huang Chenling stood beside her and explained.

"It tastes a bit grassy and fragrant. You should take a sip and see." Yan Ruocheng held a little stream water, took a sip for himself, and gave Huang Chenling a taste as well.

Huang Chenling watched another mysterious figure flash past the rock in the distance, and was fascinated for a moment.

"What are you looking at? Is there anyone over there?" Yan Ruocheng looked in the direction of his distant vision. Except for rocks and trees, there was no human figure.

"Maybe I saw it wrong and thought someone was watching us over there," Huang Chenling said.

"Maybe it's some animals." Yan Ruocheng said nonchalantly.

"What are you doing standing over there? Come over here and help get something to eat." Na Xiao threw a potato to each of them, and said, "If you want to drink potato soup, just shave it off quickly."

So Huang Chenling and Yan Ruocheng also went over to help cook.

Somewhere in the forest, a woman wearing tribal clothes was secretly monitoring their movements.

After burning incense, their rice was cooked. Several people sat and ate slowly without warning.

When Huang Chenling was halfway through eating, she felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach and wanted to relieve herself.

He put down his bowl and chopsticks and suddenly stood up.

Yan Ruocheng asked: "What's wrong?"

Huang Chenling simply said: "I want to go there for convenience. You can continue eating and don't worry about me." After saying that, he walked to find some dense bushes.

The nearby trees were relatively shallow and could not block the whole person, so he walked farther and farther, and unknowingly entered the deeper forest.

"I don't know if he brought toilet paper, I forgot to ask him just now." Yan Ruocheng couldn't help but say while drinking the soup.

"If you don't bring it, just use leaves to solve the problem. For such a big person, do you still need to worry about such a small thing? When eating, don't talk about these unappetizing things and drink the soup quickly." Na Xiao was eating.

Said while vomiting.

"Yes, I'm too worried." Yan Ruocheng looked at where Huang Chenling was walking away. After taking a look, he continued to drink soup.

Huang Chenling finally found a suitable bush, and after making sure there were no animals around, she relieved herself slowly.

After he finished solving the problem, a thick wooden stick hit him hard on the back, knocking him unconscious.

Yan Ruocheng finished his meal and waited for a long time, but Huang Chenling didn't come back.

"I went to look for him, why didn't he come back after being gone for so long?" She started to feel worried and said.

"I'll go with you. After eating, we can take a walk." Na Xiao also followed. He actually just wanted to go there to see if Huang Chenling was really such a mistake in not remembering to bring the toilet paper. He wanted to take a look.

His embarrassment.

So, the carriage was left to be guarded by a servant, and the two of them went into the forest to look for Huang Chenling.

"Chen Ling, Chen Ling, where are you?" Yan Ruocheng looked around and saw no one, so he immediately called him.

"He didn't really forget to bring the toilet paper, and just to save face, he didn't say anything to us," Na Xiao said.

"Chen Ling is not that stupid." Yan Ruocheng rejected his opinion and said.

"Then where did he go? He can't be seen in the slightly lush bushes here. Oh, wow! Did you make a mistake?" Naxiao accidentally stepped on the dung on the haystack, causing all his feet to fall.

It's smelly.

"Who is so despicable to bury their excrement here so that I can step on them!" Naxiao angrily jumped to wipe the soles of his shoes and swore.

"This may have been left by Chen Ling, but who else?" Yan Ruozhen said speculatively.

She looked around carefully to see if there were any clues.

If you don't look carefully, you can't see two sliding marks on the grass. She analyzed it and continued: "Chen Ling might have been attacked by someone and then dragged away. Look at the grass.

There are two less obvious skid marks. They should have been left by his feet sliding across the ground."

"Then let's follow these two grass marks and look for them," Na Xiao said.

So, the two followed the clues left on the ground and found a big tree. They saw several footprints on the sand under the big tree, as well as horse hoof prints.

"Oops! He was kidnapped on his horse and ran away!" Yan Ruocheng said in a panic.

"Judging from the size of the footsteps, it seems that a woman abducted him." Na Xiao took a closer look at the footprints on the ground, which were similar to Yan Ruocheng's little feet, and said with judgment.

"It's a woman again. Why does this guy have so many beauties!" When Yan Ruocheng heard that it was a woman who did it, he immediately had an ominous premonition.

There is a tribe at the foot of the mountain on the other side of the forest, named Kakaba Village. This tribe only makes a living by hunting and raising cattle and sheep. The ancestors of the tribe believe that the forest symbolizes the wind god of their tribe, and no outsiders are allowed.

People destroy every plant and tree in the forest. If outsiders are found by the tribe to destroy the forest, they will be caught and punished, just like Huang Chenling.

"Ka Ba! This man was sneaking around in the Fengshen Forest and dirtying the ground in the forest, so I caught him back and let you deal with him!" The tribe woman handed Huang Chenling on her horse.

One of the leaders of the tribe came to punish.

"Hang him over there on the sky tree to be tortured by the sunlight. This person is full of filth and stinks. Let the sunlight wash away his filth. Lanlan, you are responsible for watching over him until he learns to repent." Ka Ba ordered.

"Yes. I'll do it right away." Lanlan led the horse to the location of the Tianmen, and hung Huang Chenling on the Tianmen as instructed. The Tianmen is made of two ancient and towering trees.

door frame.

As for the punishment of Tianmen, a person is hung above the top of the door and exposed to the sun and rain for several days, so that the person knows how to reflect and no longer destroy every plant and tree in the forest.

After half a stick of incense, Huang Chenling slowly woke up. His back hurt. It was obvious that he had been attacked just now.

"Oh, eh! Who attacked me? Where is this place?" He looked at the environment and was a little horrified that he was being hung from such a high place. If the rope broke, he would surely die if he fell.

He looked down, and there happened to be a woman guarding him below.

"Hey——! Put me down——! Do you hear me?" Huang Chenling shouted loudly from above.

"Don't make any noise! ​​Just reflect on it up there! You have soiled the forest and let you hang out in the sun, which is already an advantage for you!" Lanlan said loudly to him when she came down.

Lanlan spoke with a tribal accent, and her pronunciation was different from ordinary urban language. Huang Chenling had no idea what she was talking about.

He shouted helplessly: "I said you put me down -! Do you understand what I said? I don't understand what you said?"

Lanlan didn't care what he was saying. She was just watching the process of his punishment, so she completely ignored him making noises. She took out cotton from her body, plugged her ears, sat on the grass, and took out her wooden flute to play.

Come and play.

"Hey——! I shouted so loudly and you still played the flute! Put me down——!" Huang Chenling looked at her actions and was furious.

Somewhere in the forest, Yan Ruocheng and Na Xiao were sitting in a carriage, continuing to look for Huang Chenling.

With her alert ears, she vaguely heard Huang Chenling's shout.

"Stop, do you hear the sound?" Yan Ruocheng asked the carriage to stop and went out to listen to the little sound coming from it.

"It's vague, this sound seems to be coming from high places. He should be nearby. Let me take the map out and take a look first." Naxiao found the map in his luggage to see the distribution of the tribes.

The map recorded that there was a tribe nearby, so they followed the map's instructions to find this tribe.

Soon the carriage arrived at the gate of the tribe.

Someone was guarding the door to prevent outsiders like them from entering.

"Who are you? It is forbidden to enter here!" The gatekeeper told them in tribal language and drove them away.

"I don't understand what they are saying? How do I tell them that we are here to find someone?" Yan Ruozhen said to Na Xiao.

"Let me communicate with them." When Naxiao was an envoy, he knew many tribal languages, so he could understand what they were saying.

He went over and chatted with the gatekeepers, then gave each of them a banknote before allowing the carriage to pass.

In Yan Ruocheng's eyes, this is completely an operation that requires money to enter.

"What did they say? Did they say you need to pay to go sightseeing?" she asked.

"Of course not. They said that the patriarch is not here now and they can let us in temporarily to find someone. The money they gave us is used as a guarantee. If we break anything inside, the money does not need to be returned. They also told

I, an outsider just soiled the forest land and was caught and punished." Na Xiao slowly explained.

"Needless to say, this outsider must be Chen Ling. Let's go there quickly, in which direction?" Yan Ruozhen said without hesitation and certainty.

"He is being punished at Tianmen, it should be over there." Na Xiao took Yan Ruocheng out of the carriage and ran directly to find someone.

"Hey! Put me down, am I deaf? Ahem... Do you have any brain problems? Why are you hanging me up? Ahem!" Huang Chenling shouted until her voice became hoarse and she coughed a few times.


He clearly ordered the unreliable leader of the secret guards to send some secret guards to protect his safety, but there was not a single person to be seen. It was so unreliable that he was still hanging here, and was told that he should not respond every day.

The earth and the earth are in ruins, and no one comes to save them.

This chapter has been completed!
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