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Chapter 313: The patriarch rescued them

"Oh! My God!" Yan Ruocheng exclaimed and ran into the thorn bush to see what was going on with Naxiao.

"Naxiao——! How are you?" She knelt down beside the pit and shouted worriedly. Naxiao fell into the trap and fainted.

Yan Ruocheng was helplessly trapped in the thorn bush, not knowing how to go down to rescue Naxiao. He lowered his head and was helpless.

A hand gently patted her shoulder, she raised her head and looked up, and she didn't know when Anga had followed her in.

"Auntie, don't worry, I'll call someone to come and save him." Anga said in the tribal language.

Yan Ruocheng couldn't understand his language, but he seemed to be comforting her. So, she nodded and said, "Thank you."

Anka took out a whistle-like wooden ornament from his body and blew some imitating bird calls with his mouth. It was extremely loud and high-pitched, and could be heard within a kilometer.

Yan Ruozhen covered her ears and realized that what he just said meant calling for help. No wonder the tribeswoman before was so confident that she could find this stupid guy. It turned out to be this method.

Soon, several figures walked in from the other side of the thorn bush. When he took a closer look, he realized that they were also members of his tribe. These people were relatively thick and looked like they were the guards in the tribe.

They asked Anga gibberingly, and Anga told them truthfully. Then they found a very tough tree vine and asked one of them to go down and rescue Naxiao. They also checked his injuries and found that

His right leg was broken, and after they fixed it with branches, several people carried him away.

Yan Ruocheng naturally followed them. With them opening the way, he could safely avoid the thorns of the thorn bushes. After passing through the thorn bushes, he came to a quiet place, with green trees forming shade, and occasionally a few beams of sunlight coming through.

There is a huge tree in the middle, with a small house built on top of it using trees and vines.

The patriarch came out of the house. He was an old uncle wearing off-white clothes, holding a wooden stick entangled with vines.

Yan Ruozhen frowned, not knowing how to communicate with him. Presumably this clan leader also spoke the tribal language. Naxiao, who was the only one who could communicate with the tribesmen, fell unconscious. She stood motionless and looked at him eagerly.

The clan leader didn’t know how to speak.

"Girl, where are you from? How come you are here?" Who would have expected that when the patriarch spoke, it was in a language she could understand, and he seemed to be quite friendly.

Yan Ruocheng sighed inwardly, the clan leader deserves to be the clan leader. The languages ​​​​are the same!

"Chief, I came from the city on the other side of the Central Plains. When my companions and I passed by here, one of us accidentally defecated in the forest and was caught by your tribe and hung up in the sun. The other

He originally accompanied me here to find you, but he just fell into the trap over the thorn bush and fell into a coma. I came to you to release him." Yan Ruocheng explained everything to him in one breath.

"You can't let people go. If they destroy the forest of the Wind God, they must be punished." The clan leader said seriously.

"He is the current Holy Emperor! If there is anything wrong with him, the people in the palace will not let you go." Yan Ruocheng had no choice but to tell him directly.

"So what about the Holy Lord? In my tribe, the most noble one is Lord Fengshen. This land is protected by him. The Holy Lord you mentioned is just the master you think of and has nothing to do with us." The clan leader walked down slowly.

Say it to her.

Yan Ruozhen finally understood why Huang Chenling wanted to visit these tribes in person. It seemed that the people here did not take the so-called Holy Emperor seriously at all.

"So, Patriarch, how long do you plan to punish the current Saint?" Yan Ruocheng asked helplessly.

"Jiutian. I want him to sincerely acknowledge his mistakes, repent seriously, and not do it again in the future. Then we can let him go." The clan leader explained.

"If it takes nine days, the Holy Lord will pass away. I am actually the Holy Lord's personal physician. His body is weaker than normal. He cannot blow strong winds or be exposed to the sun for too long, otherwise he will go into shock and die. Since your Lord Fengshen

It's so noble, I believe it won't take lives indiscriminately." Yan Ruocheng said slyly.

When she said this, the patriarch thought for a while and then said: "Because it is his first offense and because of his frail body, the punishment will be suspended this time."

"That's great. However, things can't end like this. Another of my companions was injured due to your trap here. I think he needs to rest for a few days before he can go on the road. Chief, I don't know if you can let us stay in the tribe.

How many more days should we stay?" Yan Ruocheng said eagerly.

The clan leader went over to take a look at Naxiao who was being carried by the clan, and checked his injuries. Then he said: "Okay, I will arrange a place for you to rest for a few days. However, you must abide by the rules of our clan. If you violate the clan rules again,

, there is no mercy to speak of."

"Then the clan leader wants to send someone to remind us of the clan rules. We are not from your clan, how can we know the clan rules?" Yan Ruocheng said reasonably in the past.

"I will arrange this." The clan leader told one of the clansmen. After giving him a few words, the clansman nodded.

Then, he watched the clan leader finish speaking and lead several clan members out of this peaceful place.

This tribesman made a simple gesture and asked Yan Ruocheng to follow them back to the tribe.

Soon, Yan Ruocheng and the others returned to the tribe, and Huang Chenling was put down. The tribe arranged for them to stay in a relatively dilapidated cabin.

"Really, I was sunburned all day long, and my face was completely tanned." Huang Chenling looked at her handsome face with a basin and couldn't help but vomit.

"You're just a little tanned. Aren't you a blessing among misfortunes? It's all your fault that Na Xiao even broke his foot." Yan Ruocheng said a little complaining.

Huang Chenling came over to see Na Xiao's injury and asked, "How are his feet? He doesn't know how to have flat feet, does he?"

Yan Ruozhen glared at him and said, "Can you be nicer to him? After all, he did his best to accompany me to rescue you."

Huang Chenling said displeasedly: "He just tried his best to accompany you, and he only did it reluctantly to please you when he rescued me."

Yan Ruocheng said angrily: "No matter what, it's okay. He's injured now. It's all because of you. You have to be responsible for taking care of him every day. It's inconvenient for his feet to be like this. He needs to rest for a few days. We can

If you have to go on a journey, be prepared to take care of him."

"Afraid? I don't want it! Doesn't he have a servant? Of course he has a servant to take care of him." Huang Chenling immediately refused.

"I forgot to tell you that as a condition for your punishment, you have to take good care of Na Xiao. That's what the clan leader just said. Gratitude and repayment are also one of the clan rules. If you don't want to, just let them hang you up.

Let's bask in the sun." Yan Ruocheng deliberately lied to him and said.

"Is it true? Why do I think you lied to trick me into taking care of him?" Huang Chenling asked in disbelief.

"If you don't believe it, if they arrest you to bask in the sun, they will keep you in the sun for nine days. I don't understand the language, so I can't help you." Yan Ruocheng said that it was like confusing the truth with lies. Huang Chenling heard that she was not lying.


"Okay. Let me take care of him these days." Huang Chenling reluctantly agreed.

At this time, a woman came in from the door. She introduced herself and said: "Hello, my name is Nana. I am responsible for explaining to you the rules of the clan."

Nana's language was very standard, and Huang Chenling and Yan Ruocheng could immediately understand what she was saying.

"Finally there is someone here who can speak our language." Huang Chenling said in surprise.

"No, it's not just hers, the clan leader also understands our language." Yan Ruocheng said afterwards.

Nana walked in, looked at their luggage piled aside, and said: "There are regulations in the clan rules that the luggage needs to be packed and cannot be left randomly on the ground. You also need to change the clothes of my clan. I have called

I've prepared it and will bring it to you in a moment. If you still don't understand anything, you can tell me."

Huang Chenling gave a direct order: "I have been exposed to the sun for so long. I smell like sweat and need to take a bath. Please go and make arrangements."

"No. Bathing is not allowed in our tribe." Nana said seriously.

"You're not allowed to bathe, right?" Huang Chenling walked up to her in disbelief, lowered her head close to her neck, and smelled her scent with her nose.

"What are you doing!" Nana slapped him instantly.

"Oh, why did you hit me? I just smelled you to see if you smell bad. You don't smell bad yourself. How could you not take a shower?" Huang Chenling covered her face that was hurt by the beating and said doubtfully.

"In my tribe, there is a kind of bath water called Wuhua Fragrance. If you use it to wipe your body before going to bed, it can effectively eliminate the odor and have a cleaning effect." Nana explained.

"You told me earlier, do you have any anti-swelling medicine after being slapped?" After hearing this, Huang Chenling pointed to the red mark on her face and said.

Yan Ruozhen went over to cover his mouth with her hands and said to Nana: "Then please prepare some non-flower-scented bath water for us to wash. I also need some warm water to help the wounds on the bed."

Please take care of the wound."

"Okay, I'll ask someone to prepare." Nana nodded and went out.

"Uh, uh..." Huang Chenling gestured to her if she could let go.

Yan Ruozhen let go of her hand and said angrily: "She slapped you, it was an advantage to you, you are frivolous about a girl like this."

"How come you treat me like this? I just smelled it casually. Don't be jealous, the fragrance on her body is not as good as yours." Huang Chenling took the opportunity to wrap her arms around her and hug her.


"Who says I'm jealous? I just feel that your reaction has been slowed down. You didn't dodge in time when she slapped you like this." Yan Ruocheng leaned against him and pouted.

"If you're slow, just be slow. She slapped me all over my handsome face, and she didn't even help me breathe out and kiss me again." Huang Chenling said coquettishly.

"Hmph! You're such a real guy." Yan Ruocheng smiled sweetly for a while. He should be pampered, but he still needs to be pampered properly.

This chapter has been completed!
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