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Chapter 327: Prophecy

The sacrificial ceremony started the same as before. After the saint danced, she sprinkled wine as a tribute. The only difference was that there was an extra man. This man was about twenty years old and had a bare head. He was wearing a watery green suit and was sitting on the table.

He was meditating on a lotus seat and was brought out by the tribe. He was holding a piece of green grass in his left hand and a green gourd in his right hand.

After Saintess Lanlan danced, he stood up and danced with Saintess Lanlan. All the clan members knelt down quietly.

It wasn't until after their ceremony that Yan Rongyan went over to ask the clan leader for someone.

"Chief, your people took away a girl from the Central Plains from my house. I don't want to use force. I hope you can cooperate well and hand her over."

The chief of the clan did not take him seriously at all and said: "General, if you have evidence that my people took away your people, please show it. If you don't have any evidence, please leave here. Here.

This is a place of worship for our clan, and outsiders are not allowed to come here."

"Patriarch, if you say this, you don't intend to cooperate. Then don't blame me for using force to find someone." Yan Rongyan flicked the sword on his waist and said in warning.

The patriarch directly glanced at the strong guard beside him. The strong guard had already stood up in a row, saying that he would accompany him to the end at any time.

The patriarch said something and left: "General, don't let my guards ask you out."

Yan Rongyan accepted Huang Chenling's order and must take Yan Ruocheng back. So this time, he had to use force.

As soon as he drew his sword, he started fighting with several strong guards.

The patriarch walked up to Lan Lan and said displeasedly: "Look at the mess you have made, let's go. Tell me slowly when you get back."

Lan Lan nodded and followed him.

Huang Chenling and Huan were dressed in the clan's servant attire, and while Yan Rongyan was there to attract everyone's attention, they successfully blended into the clan leader's servants.

The great clan leader and his party returned to the center of the great tribe in a carriage.

Yan Ruozhen was taken to a large tent, where someone helped her shave her hair and help her change her clothes.

After shaving her head, she was put into white plain clothes, placed on a large disc filled with flowers, covered with a wooden cover, and carried away by several people.

Huang Chenling and Huan quietly slipped out of the ranks of servants and went separately in the tribe to search for Yan Ruocheng's whereabouts.

Yan Ruocheng was taken into a golden pagoda by several people. It was divided into five floors, among which the Lord God they called was located in the uppermost floor for meditation.

"Lord God, here are the tributes." Several people handed Yan Ruocheng to him and left on their own.

Fanxu Lisuotu is what they call the God of Heaven. He is Wang Xiulin's mysterious puppet curser and the prophetic God of this clan. Since Wang Xiulin did not call him into the palace again, he returned to his hometown, because

He was so good at deceiving gods and ghosts that he was worshiped as a god by the people here. He was treated like this.

The so-called tributes are the beauties he uses for fun. However, in the eyes of the tribe, the so-called beauties are the kind of women who are strong, strong, dark-skinned and covered with fat. He is disgusted by the sight of them and is really unlucky.


He opened the wooden lid to see what type it was this time, and considered how to send her away.

Unexpectedly, when I opened it, it was unexpectedly beautiful and touching, and it looked familiar.

The woman lying unconscious was somewhat similar to the doll he made for Wang Xiulin. When he made that doll, he failed many times, so he was very impressed by her appearance.

At this time, someone came up.

"Brother, during the sacrificial ceremony just now, a general and his soldiers came to look for someone. Fortunately, the clan leader sent someone to stop him." Fan Xu Xunguang said as he walked over.

Fan Xu Xunguang is the man wearing the watery green clothes just now. He and Fan Xu Lisuotu are in the same group.

"A general is looking for someone? Who is he looking for?" Fan Xu quickly put the wooden cover back to cover Yan Ruocheng, and turned around to ask.

"I don't know. I'm worried that he is investigating our affairs." Fan Xu Xunguang sat down and said timidly.

"Don't scare yourself. The soldiers won't know about our affairs. Today's sacrificial ceremony will go well. Did you pour all the green powder I asked you to make on the stage?" Fan Xu Lisuotu also sat down and poured a cup of tea.

Give it to him and ask again.

"It went well, I poured it down with a gourd while dancing, no one noticed, and I poured it into the Chinese character Sichuan as you asked." Fan Xu Xunguang nodded and said with a smile.

"That's good, you can continue to the next step. You are tired too. There are some delicious tribute cakes here. You should also eat some." Fan Xuli Sottu handed him the cakes just sent to him.

Fan Xu Xunguang brought it over to eat, and curiously pointed to the big disc behind Fan Xu Lisuotu and said, "What kind of tribal girl are you sending this time?"

"It's ugly, so there's no need to ask." Fan Xuli Sotu said casually.

"Brother, please let me have some fun this time. I'm tired of pretending to be this bald saint." Fan Xu Xunguang looked at the big round disk and said with squinting eyes.

"No! You have to act to the end for me. You can't show your flaws now. If someone finds out, you and I won't even think about escaping from here." Fan Xu Li Sotu patted the table and said in a serious tone.

"Oh, I got it. So how long are we going to perform? Now they really think you are a clone messenger sent by the gods. They believe you to the fullest. I'm worried that when we have to leave, they won't let us go." Fan

Xu Xunguang began to worry again.

"Let's think of a solution then. Take it one step at a time. If it weren't for the fact that you helped the clan leader with some magic without authorization, I wouldn't have to make things bigger and bigger just to save you, and even spread the news that the Holy One wants to separate a piece of land.

, to distract the attention of the clan leader and the others." Fan Xulisuotu said helplessly.

At night, Yan Ruocheng gradually woke up and felt that the top of her head was extremely cold, as if it were naked.

She reached out and touched her head, and found that there was not a single hair on her head.

"Ah! It's not true! Where is my hair? Wow! Where did my hair go? My hair!" She was so frightened that she grabbed her bald head with both hands and couldn't believe that her head had been shaved.


"It has already been shaved off." Fan Xuli Sotu said slowly, sitting on a bench on the side.

Yan Ruocheng heard the reputation passed, pointed at him in panic, and asked: "Who are you?"

"My name is Phan Xu Li Sotu." Phan Xu Li Sotu said it naturally.

"Why did you send people to arrest me here? You also wanted to shave my head!" she asked in confusion.

"I didn't send people to arrest you. As for your head being shaved, it's because they regarded you as a tribute. They need to follow the clan regulations and the tribute needs to be clean and tidy to be presented." Fan Xuli Sotu was very calm.

's explanation.

"Then why do you want to capture me as a tribute?" Yan Ruocheng became even more confused.

"I don't know either." Fan Xuli Sotu said, shaking his head.

"Then who are you?" Yan Ruocheng asked again.

"I am the Lord God they call me." Fan Xuli Sotu said with a smile.

"Where did Lord God come from?" He said it, but Yan Ruocheng didn't understand either.

"That's the person responsible for prophecy." Fan Xuli Sotu explained simply.

Yan Ruozhen looked around, got up from the big disc, stood up, and said, "You don't look like a bad person. I want to leave here, can you help me?"

"I can't help you. You have to stay here for one night before you can leave on your own." Phan Xure Sotu said.

"Why?" Yan Ruocheng asked.

"Because the tribute given to me is equivalent to something given to me. You can only leave after I have finished enjoying it." Fan Xu Li Sotu explained.

"Scared? What do you want? If you dare to come here, I will fight you to the death!" Yan Ruocheng picked up a few branches on the plate and immediately got into a fighting position.

Fan Xuli Sotu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't touch you. I just want to ask you something. Can you sit down and tell me slowly?"

Yan Ruocheng saw that he really didn't look like a lecher, and temporarily believed his words. He slowly sat down cross-legged and asked, "What do you want to ask me?"

Fan Xuli Sotu looked at her whole body, his eyes stopped on her face, and he said thoughtfully: "Have you ever disguised yourself as an ugly woman with a red birthmark?"

Yan Ruozhen hesitated and did not answer him. She was thinking in her mind: How could he know that I used to disguise myself as an ugly woman with a red birthmark? Have I seen him before? No way, I have no impression of his appearance.


"If you don't say anything, I will treat you as that woman." Seeing her delay in answering, Fan Xuli Sotu must have known something, so he directly forced her to admit it.

"Have you met me before?" Yan Ruocheng asked doubtfully.

"I have never seen you." Fan Xuli Sotu said bluntly.

"Then why do you know that I once disguised myself as an ugly woman with a red birthmark? This happened a long time ago." Yan Ruozhen said slowly.

"Oh, so you are the woman who seduced the second prince. Haha, I feel strange, how could an ugly-looking woman successfully attract the second prince. No wonder hahaha..." Fan Xu

Lisuotu laughed as he spoke.

Yan Ruozhen felt that he seemed to know what happened between her and Huang Chenling, and asked further: "Who are you? How do you know about the affairs between me and the second prince?"

After Fan Xulisuotu smiled, his expression returned to a calm look, and he said: "I am a prophet, so I naturally know what you have done in the past."

"Holy stick, there are no prophets in this world, please stop lying to me." Yan Ruocheng said in complete disbelief.

"Just when you were unconscious just now, I saw your past and what happened to the second prince. If you don't believe me, I can tell you what will happen to you in the future." Fan Xuli Sotu said seriously.

"Then tell me what will happen to me in the future?" Yan Ruocheng asked curiously.

"In the future, you will be robbing the second prince with one person, and you will be in many difficulties." Fan Xuli Suotu put his fingers together and said.

Yan Ruozhen looked him over and said, "You are Wang Xiulin's subordinate."

She was sure to hit the mark, and Fan Xulisuo tried to pretend to be calm.

He remained calm and said: "No."

"Stop pretending to be stupid, you can't deceive me. Although I don't know what benefits Wang Xiulin gave you, making you come all the way here to act for me, but you can tell her for me that I will never do it again.

Give in, Chen Ling is not hers alone." Yan Ruocheng crossed his arms and said.

Fan Xu Li Sotu persuaded: "If you are so stubborn, she will not let you go, so why should you?"

Yan Ruozhen asked: "You are indeed Wang Xiulin's subordinate. Is she here too?"

Fan Xulisuotu shook his head and said in a conspiratorial manner: "I am not her subordinate. I just made prophecies to her several times before and know what happened between you and her."

"Have you predicted it to her before? Could it be that you predicted it every time she appeared in front of Chen Ling by coincidence? How is this possible?" Yan Ruozhen was a little doubtful at first.

"If you don't believe my prophecy, I have nothing to say." Fan Xu Li Sotu finished speaking and drank tea by himself.

Yan Ruozhen asked with curiosity: "You said you can predict, but can't you see that someone is coming to save me now?"

"I see it's your second prince. After half a stick of incense, he will come up the stairs to see you. Soon, he will be injured again." Fan Xuli Sotu slowly drank tea and said confidently.

"Is it so accurate?" Yan Ruocheng turned to look in the direction of the stairs, waiting for his prediction.

Fan Xu Li Sotu put down his tea cup, stood up, and said: "If you don't believe it, just wait slowly. I'm going to have a rest. Please be quiet after he comes, and don't disturb my sleep."

After he finished speaking, he walked into the side room and closed the door.

Yan Ruozhen waited quietly, silently expecting Huang Chenling to arrive.

After half a stick of incense, Huang Chenling really came to look for her.

"Ruocheng! You, why are you bald? Where's your hair?" Huang Chenling looked at her and saw that she didn't have a single hair on her head, which greatly compromised her beauty.

"It's a long story, don't worry about my head. Now hurry up and leave!" Yan Ruocheng said helplessly, and pulled him to run away quickly.

The two of them hurriedly came down the stairs. Huang Chenling accidentally stepped on something with her right foot and slipped. Then her whole body seemed to be pushed hard from behind, and she lost her balance and rolled down. Even Yan Ruocheng also

Being implicated by him, the two of them rolled down together.

This chapter has been completed!
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