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Chapter 340: A Busy Night

These people were wearing tribal costumes and flying over walls as if they were carrying some cargo.

"Follow me and have a look." Huang Chenling felt suspicious and ordered.

"Are you sure you want to follow?" Huan asked first.

"Of course I'm sure. If Ruozhen, she will look for her later." Huang Chenling said with certainty.

So, the two of them followed these people to the forest in Beicheng.

They hid in the tree and observed the situation below.

People from two different tribes, both of whom have equal power, each takes sides.

"Feng Keche, we have brought the herbs you need." The leader of the Tupici tribe asked someone to open one of the bags of herbs delivered and let them check it.

"I can rest assured that Chief Tu is doing the work. There is no need to check. Someone will come and transport all the herbs to the car." Feng Keche said respectfully.

"Herbs are the same as before. Don't use too much. You should use them carefully." Chief Tupika reminded.

"Don't worry, we will do things according to good portions." Feng Keche nodded.

Since they all spoke tribal language, Huang Chenling couldn't understand what they were saying at all, so she asked Huan: "Do you understand what they are saying?"

"Actually, I should have reminded you just now that neither of us understands the tribe's language, so what's the use of following us like this?" Huan asked.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Even you can't understand what they said. How do you complete your usual tasks?" Huang Chenling said a little bit grumpily.

"Is there anyone under my command who understands? Now that person has a mission and is not with me. Can you blame me?" Huan said matter-of-factly.

"Who is it!" Feng Keche heard the voice of people on a certain tree and flew a hidden weapon towards them.

Huan suddenly disappeared into the forest with Huang Chenling.

"Those people should have been sent here by the eldest prince. If he found out that you, patriarch, were involved in this matter, he was afraid that he would come to your door tomorrow." Feng Keche said analytically.

"Not necessarily. They don't know the function of my herb. They just saw us delivering the goods, so I can just find an excuse to explain it. You don't need to worry." The leader of Tupipei said calmly.

"That's good, I'm going to move the goods back to see the chief." Feng Keche finished and left with the people.

The leader of the Tubipou tribe also led his people to leave in the other direction, and told his followers, "You should immediately send people to hunt down the two people just now. No one will be left alive."

"Yes." The attendant immediately ran away.

Huan flew back to the city from the forest with Huang Chenling on his back, and stood on a higher roof to rest.

"Luckily we were able to dodge quickly just now. I wonder if they could see us?" Huang Chenling said.

"You probably didn't see it clearly. After all, I dodge so fast. The most I can do is send people to chase us." Huan said.

"Don't worry about it. You shouldn't send someone to chase someone so casually." Before Huang Chenling could finish speaking, a hidden weapon flew over from his ear.

Huan ducked away with his quick reaction and immediately picked up Huang Chenling on his back, saying: "It seems they are really so free. Hold on tight to me. If I start fighting with them, I will let go at any time."

"I know, let's go quickly, I don't want a hidden weapon in my back." Huang Chenling wrapped her hands tightly around his neck and said helplessly.

The other party sent ten men to chase after Huan and the others, and they used vicious tactics to chase Huan and the others. Huan fought ten men by himself, and he also had to carry a huge burden like Huang Chenling, which was really hard to handle.

Yan Ruocheng was lying on the bed, really unable to sleep. I wonder if Huang Fengmo sent someone out to look for her. She must be worried to death if she disappears like this. There is also this troublesome idiot Huang Chenling. I wonder if he is obedient.

of sleep.

She tossed and turned on the bed, looking at the mosquito net. There was a little sound from the roof, as if someone was stepping on it.

Wa "It's hard to get rid of them with you on my back. Why don't I hide you first, and then I'll kill them and then come back to pick you up." Huan suggested.

"Then where did you hide me? They were chasing me so close." Huang Chenling asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, hidden weapons from all directions flew towards them at the same time. Huan cast a move called Lingtian Whirlwind, then took out the hidden weapons on his body and returned them to the opponent in kind of tit for tat.

At the same time, because he suddenly let go of her hand and she didn't hold her tightly around his neck, Huang Chenling fell down with a cry of "Oh!"

His whole body crushed the tiles on the roof, and he imagined holding his hand, but he was entangled by the other party and could not hold his hand.

Just like this, he fell directly from the roof like an immortal accidentally falling to earth.

The bang was so loud that the wooden table was broken in half by him.

Yan Ruozhen was sitting on the bed, dumbfounded as something suddenly fell from above.

"What happened? Miss Yan, are you okay?" Qing Qiufeng heard a strange noise next door, ran in and asked.

Yan Ruozhen pointed at the person lying on the ground and said, "I don't know what happened. This person fell from the roof."

"I'll go over and take a look. Don't get out of bed." Qing Qiufeng walked over and helped Huang Chenling over to take a look.

"It's a man. He fell to the point where his facial features were bleeding. He still has some breath and is not dead." Because Qing Qiufeng lifted Huang Chenling up sideways, Yan Ruocheng didn't know yet that he was Huang Chenling.

"Hold him over here and let me take a look. I'm also here as a doctor." Yan Ruocheng said.

At this time, Huan jumped down from the roof and stood in front of them.

"Huan?" Yan Ruozhen saw Huan, and then looked at the man Qing Qiufeng was supporting. With this figure and clothes, he couldn't be Huang Chenling.

"Chen Ling!" She felt extremely distressed. Biao went over to take a look and saw that it was really him. He immediately took Huang Chenling from Qing Qiufeng's hand into his arms.

"Do you know each other?" Qing Qiufeng asked.

"Yes." Yan Ruocheng was about to cry. Seeing Huang Chenling fall down like this just now, he asked Huan angrily, a little out of control: "Huan! Why did you bring him out, knowing that he is a fool now, and still do whatever you want?

He fell off the roof!"

"It's a long story. He ordered me. He was pretending to be stupid. Don't talk so much and heal him quickly. I still have to deal with the killer who is chasing me." After Huan finished speaking, he jumped up to the roof again.

Qing Qiufeng listened to the situation and said, "Although I don't know what happened to you, the most important thing now is to save him first. I have a pharmacy here, can you leave?"

"Yes, hurry up and get there." Yan Ruozhen pressed the wound on his chest and reluctantly stood up.

Qing Qiufeng hugged Huang Chenling and led Yan Ruocheng to his special pharmacy.

There are all the tools here. Yan Ruocheng immediately checked Huang Chenling's body and found that he had suffered internal injuries when he fell. The situation was not optimistic.

"What should I do? He is bleeding internally." Yan Ruocheng was caught off guard for a moment. She was afraid that if she operated on him, she would make a mistake without Xianjian Nuo by her side.

"What's wrong with you? Help him get rid of the congestion in his body quickly, otherwise he really won't be able to survive." Seeing that she was shaking with fear, Qing Qiufeng shook her shoulders and said.

Yan Ruozhen said hesitantly: "I need to use a knife. I'm afraid that if the knife is not stable, his bleeding will not stop."

"It's so troublesome, why not use my method, which doesn't require surgery." Qing Qiufeng held her chin, folded her elbows, and observed Huang Chenling's injuries before saying.

"What's your method?" Yan Ruocheng asked curiously.

"Using my inner strength to help him force out the congestion was something my master taught me once. Later, after my master passed away, I almost never had the chance to use this trick." Qing Qiufeng said slowly.

"It's such a risk. If you're not sure about it, you'll say you've never had the chance to use it. Why don't you use it as a test now?" Yan Ruocheng said with some disagreement.

"Just because I don't have a chance to use it doesn't mean I will fail. I'm very sure of it. If you don't trust me, you can choose to have the surgery yourself." Qing Qiufeng handed the decision to her and stood aside.

Yan Ruozhen thought for a moment and then said, "Okay, Mr. Qing, please help him force out the congestion in his stomach." She took off Huang Chenling's clothes and showed him the position.

Qing Qiufeng nodded and said: "Okay. Hold him up halfway. When I want to use my power, he will spurt blood from his mouth at any time. You have to be careful to dodge."

"Okay, I understand, you can start." Yan Ruocheng also nodded and got ready.

After she helped Huang Chenling up, Qing Qiufeng concentrated her energy on her palms and struck at the acupuncture points. One soft and one hard, the energy was driven into Huang Chenling's body, shaking the accumulated blood in his body.

Qing Qiufeng struck rhythmically.

Huang Chenling soon showed signs of vomiting.

"It's almost done." Qing Qiufeng reminded him and made his last move.

"Pfft!" With a sound, Huang Chenling actually spurted out a large mouthful of blood, and then his breath became stronger. It should be okay.

Yan Ruozhen put his head on her shoulder and said happily: "It's okay, that's great."

"You slowly bandage his other wounds, and I'll help your other friend." Qing Qiufeng said chivalrously.

"Thank you." Yan Ruocheng thanked him quickly.

After half a stick of incense, Huan and Qing Qiufeng worked together to deal with the killers. They returned to meet Yan Ruocheng.

Yan Ruozhen had already taken care of Huang Chenling's injuries, and Huan asked, "How is he?"

"In addition to being hit on the head and still in a coma, the internal injuries and congestion have been forced out. As long as he gets some treatment, he will be fine.

I just injured my waist and need to stay in bed." She held Huang Chenling's hand and told him about his injuries one by one.

Huan knew that he would be scolded by her, so he didn't protect Huang Chenling well enough. He consciously admitted his mistake and said, "I'm sorry, I was too careless this time and couldn't protect him well. Ruocheng, if you want to scold him, just scold him."

"I can't blame you. Didn't you just say it was his order? When he wakes up, I will talk to him properly." Yan Ruocheng now just wants to scold Huang Chenling for pretending to be a fool to lie to her.

, and he was so good at deceiving him. If it hadn’t been for something unexpected happening this time, he would have wanted to pretend for a while.

"Let's sit down and talk slowly. Don't stand." Qing Qiufeng said with a smile.

After that, the three of them chatted. Huan and Qing Qiufeng got along very well, and they had a good rapport with each other.

"Oh, it turns out that your master is the famous martial arts doctor Dugu Yishang. No wonder your fighting style looks so like Baguazhang." Huan said with interest.

"Who is the martial arts doctor Dugu Yizhang? How do you know him?" Yan Ruocheng tugged on Huan's sleeves and asked in a low voice in Huan's ear. She really knew nothing about martial arts practitioners.

"Thank you for being a doctor. You don't even know the martial arts doctor Dugu Yishang. He is one of the best miraculous doctors in the world. If you have any old problems in your hands and feet, you can cure them with a few slaps. He is very famous. Unfortunately,

He has passed away in recent years. I still wanted to visit him, but I no longer have the chance." Huan said to her slowly.

Yan Ruozhen pointed at Qing Qiufeng and said, "You can visit his apprentice. It was his palms that forced Chen Ling's congestion out just now."

"Hey, how can I compare with Master? I haven't learned all of Master's moves, and I'm still practicing hard." Qing Qiufeng said very vainly.

"I think Mr. Qing, you are already very powerful! If you hadn't taken action, I might have really delayed the time to treat Chen Ling just now. Fortunately, you are here. He is fine now." Yan Ruocheng said with praise.

"I'm just doing it with a little effort. By the way, your injury hasn't healed yet, so you can't sit for too long. You'll be here tonight. I have many rooms here, so you can have a good rest." Qing Qiufeng said.

"Okay, I'm exhausted too, so I'll spend the night tonight." Huan accepted his kindness without hesitation.

This chapter has been completed!
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