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Chapter 349: The General Assembly

Lanlan heard his voice shouting to stop, but she deliberately kissed Han Yida easily on the lips, and the angle was so that Anga could have a big close-up so that he could see clearly.

Yan Ruocheng stood beside Anka and could smell the smell of gunpowder starting to burn on his body. She noticed that Lanlan had kissed Han Yida very deliberately just now, just to make Anka angry. Although she didn't know that they

Something happened before, but it seems that their relationship is closer than before.

As an outsider and passerby, she naturally wouldn't ask any questions.

Anga clenched his fist, then unclenched it, and said in a calm tone: "Lanlan, why did you come out? I brought Ruozhi to help you check the wound."

Lanlan said casually: "Mind your own business. Han Yida, let's go!" After saying that, she took the initiative to hold Han Yida's big hand and showed it off to Anka.

Yan Ruocheng thought Anka would definitely step forward and grab Lanlan, but he watched her go helplessly and did nothing.

Seeing Lanlan and the others walking away.

Only then did Yan Ruozhen speak up and ask Anga, who was about to turn into a wooden man beside him: "Hey! Why don't you pull her away? It's not like you."

Anga shook his head and said: "You can also see that she did it on purpose. The more I care, the more she will do these things on purpose. It's better to just watch it first."

Yan Ruozhen vomited and said: "When you two quarrel, sooner or later the strong man will be hurt. And how can I leave? The strong man was dragged away by Lan Lan."

Anka said: "Let's go, I will take you back."

On the morning of the next day, the tribesmen began to build an altar in the city.

The guard came to report the matter to Huang Fengmo, who asked the local magistrate to take charge of the matter and did not intervene for the time being.

Huang Feng Mo Zheng and Huang Shen Huang were discussing this matter.

"They are setting up some kind of prophecy altar to control the minds of the people in the city. If we don't take action, we are afraid that the people in the city will believe their words." Huang Fengmo said.

"Just wait and see what happens. People's belief in God and Buddhism is no longer something that happens overnight. Even if they don't engage in prophecy altars, people will go to temple fairs to believe in those magic sticks and ask for some magic medicine. So let's see what they think.

What to do first, whether to predict that the Holy Emperor will die again, or to predict that the city will die from a plague." Huang Shenhuang analyzed calmly.

"Father, I'm afraid things will never end. When the time comes, the soldiers will have to use force against the people." Huang Fengmo said worriedly.

Huang Shenhuang said slowly and instructively: "Since this is the case, there is nothing we can do about it. People's brains are also very important. Without brains, they will blindly believe in those monstrous words that confuse the public. They will believe what others say and look to the sky to make divination.

It’s time to give them a good wake-up call. When the time comes, arrest all those people and teach them again. Let’s rectify the ideological quality of the people in the city and not stay at this level.”

"My lord has learned a lesson." After hearing this, Huang Fengmo agreed with his idea and nodded.

"Why don't you see that bald maid?" Huang Shenhuang asked after noticing that Yan Ruocheng was nowhere to be seen next to Huang Fengmo.

"Her? Now she's probably looking for Chen Ling again." Huang Fengmo said boringly.

Yan Ruocheng stood alone in the open space far in front of the door of Huang Chenling's wing, walking back and forth but not daring to take a step forward.

"I really want to go in, but Wang Xiulin is beside him. She will definitely beat me if I go in, and I don't want to be beaten!" She said to herself, folding her arms and feeling depressed.

"Silly maid, come here." Silver Shadow was hiding in the bushes on the side, waving to her to come over.

"Yin Fei, what do you want from me?" Yan Ruocheng went over and asked.

"Come with me to the market." Silver Shadow said with a smile.

"Now? Silver Concubine, are you going to the market to buy some wine?" Yan Ruocheng asked.

Yin Ying knocked her head straight and said, "Am I the only one who buys wine in your eyes?"

Yan Ruocheng narrowed his eyes and said with certainty in his heart: It is indeed.

"I want to see the Prophecy Altar." Silver Shadow said.

"Your Highness, didn't you tell me not to go and see it? He asked the county magistrate to take charge of it." Yan Ruocheng said. She just wanted to see Huang Chenling, and she was not in the mood to see any prophecy altar.

"If he says he won't go see it, you won't go see it. I've never heard of the saying, know your enemy and your ally, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger. Of course you have to go and take a look." Yinying retorted.

"The guards will come back and report. There is really no need to go see it." Yan Ruocheng said helplessly.

Yinying said with a straight face: "Then will you follow me?"

"Follow. How dare I not follow?" Yan Ruocheng squinted at the side of his face, his fist was about to approach, and he agreed desperately.

The market was crowded with people. Apparently everyone came to see the altar of prophecy.

"Wow, there are a lot of people here! I didn't expect there to be so many superstitious people." Yan Ruocheng said as she walked, turning to look at the silver figure beside her, she had disappeared.

"Silver Concubine?" She was left alone in the crowd.

The altar has been built.

The prophecy ceremony will begin at 6 o'clock in the morning.

The music was playing, and Fan Xu Lisuotu was sitting on a lotus wooden sedan, being carried out by eight people in front and behind. There were people on both sides spreading flowers.

Fan Xuxunguang was responsible for transporting a large transparent crystal ball. He was dressed in white plain clothes, barefoot, and had eye makeup on his face. The corners of his eyes were bright red, making him look a bit seductive.

The two brothers arrived at the center of the altar one after the other.

The large crystal ball was moved to the position where the rainy sun was shining. Under the sunlight, the crystal ball was very dazzling and reflective, as if it were a sacred dragon ball brought down from the illusory fairyland.

"He's pretending to be a ghost again." Yan Ruocheng said involuntarily.

Unexpectedly, several superstitious aunties nearby heard this and turned to her and said fiercely: "What are you pretending to be? If you don't believe it, what are you looking at? Go away!"

"If you don't believe it, why can't you watch it? I insist on watching it! He is just pretending to be a ghost." Yan Ruocheng glared back angrily.

"Sisters, throw her out!" Several aunts worked together to push Yan Ruocheng up.

"Hey! Don't fight when you talk, don't talk when you fight, don't push!" Yan Ruocheng shouted and resisted.

Everyone looked at the location of the altar, but the noise on Yan Ruocheng's side attracted Fan Xuli Sotu's attention.

Yan Ruozhen was pushed by them and staggered, falling into someone's arms.

"Ouch!" the man screamed.

"You aunts bullied an old girl, and you even crushed me, a disabled beggar!" Nahuang screamed in pain.

Seeing this, several aunties hurriedly hid back among the crowd.

"Na Xiao? How did you end up like this? What happened when you sent your aunt back?" Yan Ruocheng looked at him dressed as a beggar and asked.

"Oh, help me up first, and then talk slowly when we get there." Na Xiao put his arm around her shoulders and said.

"Okay." So, Yan Ruocheng helped him to the corner of the alley.

"Tell me. You and your aunt escaped that day and never came back. What happened?" Yan Ruocheng pushed him to the wall and asked.

"I said it because I was afraid you would beat me." Na Xiao said helplessly.

"If you don't tell me, I'll want to hit you even more." After she finished speaking, she gently pushed his injured leg.

"Ouch, if you really hit me, your legs will still hurt before they heal." Na Xiao felt the pain and said displeasedly.

"Tell me, why didn't you come back?" Yan Ruocheng pressed.

"My aunt and I want to help at the altar. To put it simply, my aunt and I are with them for the time being." Na Xiao explained.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Ruocheng slapped him on the head three or two times.

"I asked you to send it to your aunt, but you followed her to pretend to be a ghost. I will shoot you to death."

"Oh, it's useless for you to hit me. My aunt and I only do things for money. So when my aunt and I go out to show off, can you please stop messing things up?" Na Xiao asked.

"When did you become so motivated by money? Tell me, there must be something hidden. You just won't tell me. Tell me quickly!" Yan Ruocheng grabbed his shoulders and shook him vigorously.

, shake until he is willing to speak.

"Don't... don't shake it, I'm afraid of you. This is actually..." Na Xiao came close to her ear, and while talking, he picked up a small amount of Ma Fei powder and sprinkled it for Yan Ruocheng to smell.

After Yan Ruozhen accidentally smelled it, he gradually lost consciousness and fell on him.

"I'm sorry. I really can't tell you, because I'm afraid you will hate me." Na Xiao whispered in her ear.

After lighting a stick of incense, at the altar of prophecy, Fan Xuulisuotu began to act pretentious.

Fan Xu Xunguang was responsible for picking up some special holy water and slowly sprinkled it on the transparent crystal ball. The water droplets were irradiated by the sun and slowly evaporated, exuding a light and refreshing smell. This smell was mixed with psychedelic

Hypnotic powder. All the people present smelled this fragrant smell and gradually became confused.

"God of the Earth, please save the common people and give us instructions. There is an epidemic of unknown origin in the city. What should we do?" Fan Xu Li Sotu asked the sky.

Fan Xu Xunguang quietly walked to the side and pressed the button. The crystal ball seat cushion frame immediately and automatically vibrated. It looked like the crystal ball was vibrating on its own.

"The God of the Earth has given instructions. Look into these beads. If you see anything, tell me loudly." Fan Xuli Sotu shouted loudly.

In the crowd, someone suddenly shouted: "Son of the God of Punishment, use his blood to sacrifice to the God of the River."

In one fell swoop, everyone started shouting the same thing.

Soon, someone in the crowd convulsed and fell to the ground, and someone screamed: "He has contracted the plague!" The crowd was so frightened that they scattered in a circle.

"Move that man up. Since the God of the Earth has given instructions, he will be saved." Fan Xuli Sotu pointed at the man and said.

The men went over and moved the man to the altar. This man was a beggar played by Na Xiao.

Fan Xuli Sotu suddenly reached into the crystal ball. The crystal ball was not a sphere at all. A bowl of sheep's blood had already been placed towards his position.

He stained it red and showed it to the people.

"This blood is taken from the illusion in the holy bead, and it can temporarily relieve his illness." Fan Xuli Sotu said in a conspiratorial manner.

The witch doctor Qing Yunxia came out, put the blood on his hand into the medicine soup, and made a red medicine pill on the spot.

"Give it to him and he can recover temporarily."

Fan Xunguang took it and stuffed it into Naxiao's mouth, and then quietly ignited the special powder that glowed on Naxiao's body.

Na Xiao's whole body emitted a strong light for a moment, making the people think that he had taken a medicinal pill and his whole body was glowing, as if he was healing himself.

Fan Xu Xunguang quickly tore off the fake sore on Naxiao's face.

After a while, Na Xiao stood up and said theatrically: "I feel much better. It's amazing!"

Their series of performances made the people completely believe it. They all shouted a slogan: "The son of the slaying god, use his blood to sacrifice to the river god."

This time, after the altar of prophecy was completed, the people began to discuss: Who is the so-called son of the God of Death?

Since the Holy Pearl does not clearly indicate that it is the current Holy Sage Huang Chenling, some people have speculated that it was the Holy Sage who was afraid of beheading and did not dare to speak out.

In the outer courtyard of the general's residence.

"Ruocheng, do you want to wake up?" Huang Fengmo shook the confused Yan Ruocheng.

"Eh? Your Highness? Why did I come back?" Yan Ruocheng asked, scratching his head.

"You fainted in the garbage basket at the back door. The guards found you and moved you in. Where is Concubine Yinmu? She told me that she wanted to see you to see the prophecy altar." Huang Fengmo asked.

Yan Ruozhen said confusedly: "I don't know, I got separated from her in the crowd. Hasn't she come back yet?"

Huang Fengmo asked again: "Then what happened to you?"

Yan Ruocheng remembered that he was knocked unconscious by Na Xiao. If he told her, wouldn't he also have to reveal everything about Na Xiao?

"I, I seem to have been robbed. By the way, I couldn't find Silver Concubine. When I returned to the back alley not far away, I was robbed by a thief. He probably knocked me unconscious and threw me into the trash can.

"She tried her best to explain with a lie.

"Really?" Huang Fengmo could tell at a glance that she was lying.

"Really, really." Yan Ruocheng nodded and said.

Huang Fengmo whispered in her ear: "You can explain it to me later."

Wang Xiulin walked towards them and directly gave Yan Ruocheng an order: "Hurry up and help Chen Ling perform the acupuncture. He is working very hard now."

"Okay, okay. I'm going to get the medicine box." Yan Ruocheng hurriedly ran to his room.

"Chen Ling, how is he?" Huang Fengmo asked.

"He's having a breathless reaction now. If the imperial doctor hadn't been here, I wouldn't have let her perform the acupuncture," Wang Xiulin said.

"Ruo Li's acupuncture is more sophisticated than the previous imperial doctors. Don't worry about this." Huang Fengmo said.

"If the acupuncture has no effect after a while, I will definitely punish her severely. Hum!" Wang Xiulin said as he walked.

Huang Fengmo followed her and retorted: "If it works, you must reward her well. You can't have double standards in life."

Wang Xiulin said boringly: "She is the only one I have double standards for. I just hate her!"

This chapter has been completed!
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