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Chapter 357: To the point where the water is not clear

Yan Ruozhen gave Huang Fengmo a soothing pill and asked him to go back to sleep first. Then he went to Yan Rongyan and told him about Huang Fengmo's situation.

After hearing this, Yan Rongyan said: "The eldest prince's injury is so serious now. We must send someone to notify Imperial Doctor Li and ask him to come over as soon as possible."

Yan Ruocheng said with some concern: "The Imperial Doctor Li is still in charge of the Holy Emperor's condition. I'm afraid the Queen will not let him come here easily. Maybe I will just send other Imperial Doctors here."

Yan Rongyan frowned and said, "It's better to have other imperial doctors than none at all."

Yan Ruozhen nodded helplessly and said: "That's right. General Yan, His Highness has just woken up now. He is very unstable and in a very low mood. I think you and other generals should not come to disturb him for the time being. I am afraid that he will use this

When he goes to face you, it will affect his mood, so let him rest for a few days until he feels better."

Yan Rongyan agreed with her idea, nodded and said: "Yes, I will order other generals and soldiers not to go in and disturb the eldest prince's rest. Miss Yan, don't worry."

"Okay. I'll go back and take care of the eldest prince first." Yan Ruocheng finished talking to Yan Rongyan and came out of the tent.

Soon, we happened upon Vice General Long Dong, who had just returned from patrol.

"Hello, Lieutenant-General." Yan Ruocheng greeted him politely.

"Not good!" Lieutenant General Long Dong stared at her and said bluntly.

"Huh?" Yan Ruocheng was a little stunned by him.

Lieutenant General Long Dong noticed that his tone was a little stronger and coughed slightly: "Ahem! I caught a cold today and my throat is a little sore. Please give me some medicine to take."

"Sir Lieutenant General, apart from the sore throat, do you feel any other discomfort?" Yan Ruocheng asked.

"My head hurts a little," Lieutenant General Long Dong said.

"Sir Lieutenant General, please go back to your tent first. I'll bring the medicine box over here, and then I'll take your pulse and check it clearly." Yan Ruocheng said.

Lieutenant General Long Dong found it troublesome and said, "Don't bother me. I'll just go with you to get the medicine."

"That's fine. Lieutenant General, please leave." Yan Ruocheng took him to his tent.

Entering the tent, Lieutenant General Long Dong looked around to see where she had placed the cloak he left behind last time.

This cloak was accidentally used by Yan Ruocheng to cushion the medicine bottle, and it was stained with a lot of medicinal powder. Apparently she had not realized that the cloak belonged to him, or she had not even realized that it was a cloak at all.

Lieutenant General Long Dong felt a little unhappy when he saw his commonly used cloak being so ruined by her.

"Sir Lieutenant General, please take a seat. My things are quite messy and I didn't clean them up. I'm really sorry." Yan Ruocheng quickly cleaned up the mess on the only stool and moved it to him to sit on.

"It's okay. You have been taking care of His Highness the eldest prince day and night. You can leave things like packing things to the servant in charge of miscellaneous things." Lieutenant General Long Dong said.

"No need. It's a small matter of your own. Don't bother the servants. I'll help you feel your pulse first." Yan Ruocheng said with a wry smile, and came over with a pillow bag to help him feel his pulse.

"Your Highness, the eldest prince, has he not woken up yet?" Lieutenant General Long Dong asked, seeing the worried look on her face.

"No, he has already woken up." Yan Ruocheng said calmly.

"That's good. You don't have to work so hard anymore and can rest, eh?" Lieutenant General Long Dong agreed. Before he finished speaking, he saw Yan Ruocheng's eyes filled with tears, and the tears were about to fall down.

Lieutenant General Long Dong asked awkwardly: "I'm sorry, did I say something wrong? It makes you so unhappy."

Yan Ruocheng shook his head, wiped his tears, pursed his lips, and slowly explained: "No, I'm just worried about His Highness the First Prince's injury..."

Lieutenant General Long Dong couldn't help but stretched out his hand to touch her bald head, and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, the eldest prince Jiren has his own destiny. Besides, he is the eldest prince of a country, and there is no shortage of talents around him to heal him."

.Unlike civilians, sometimes you really have to accept your fate."

Yan Ruozhen wiped away her tears, feeling that she had just been rude, and said awkwardly: "Sir, Lieutenant General, I was rude just now, I'm sorry. Hey, I checked your pulse, you had a cold, so you took some anti-cold medicine

Finally, remember to wear more clothes and avoid the cold wind."

"Yeah, okay." Lieutenant General Long Dong nodded, and Yan Ruozhen turned around to find medicinal materials to make some anti-cold medicine suitable for him.

During this period, when I was looking for medicinal materials, I found a dark blue cloak on the table.

Yan Ruozhen picked it up and looked at the armor suit worn by Lieutenant General Long Dong. It was obviously missing a wind-blocking cloak.

Could this cloak be his?

After a long time, she made the cold-repelling elixir, took it with her cloak, handed it to him respectfully, lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry, Lieutenant General, I didn't know when I mistakenly used your cloak to hold the medicine, causing you to commit the crime."

It’s cold.”

Lieutenant General Long Dong took the medicine bottle and cloak and explained: "It's okay, it's none of your business. It's just me. After you treated me last time, you were so tired that you fell asleep on the table. I was afraid you would catch a cold.

Now, I took off my cloak and covered you with it. Hehe, it turned into a doily, and I almost didn’t recognize it."

"I'm really sorry!"

"I told you it's okay. Okay, I have to go back to work, so you can do your work."

After Lieutenant General Long Dong finished speaking, he stood up and left cheerfully. He walked to a farther place and put on a cloak. The whole cloak was filled with a strong smell of medicinal herbs, which made his headache even worse.

In the afternoon, Huang Fengmo woke up again and found that Yan Ruocheng was not around.

Even when he opened his eyes, everything was pitch black. His body was heavy, his waist hurt, and his legs felt like they didn't exist. He wanted to sit up. He pushed hard with his hands a few times, and fell back to the bed without success.

Can't he even sit up? He was so angry that he pushed himself up diagonally. A thunderous pain came from his waist. He completely lost his balance and tilted towards the bedside. His wrists couldn't reach the bedside for a moment, and his whole body

The man suddenly fell down under the bed.


After a long time, Yan Ruocheng came in with the medicinal meal. Seeing his embarrassed state half falling to the ground, he almost threw away the plate and rushed over.

"Your Highness!" She hurriedly put down the plate and went over to help him back to the bed.

Huang Fengmo was trembling with pain all over his body and buried his head in her arms.

"Your Highness, don't get out of bed. Doing so will aggravate the injury." Yan Ruocheng felt distressed and gently massaged his waist.

"Hiss, it hurts...where have you been?" Huang Fengmo asked aggrievedly.

"I went to get some medicinal food for you. You haven't eaten for several days. You need to replenish your strength to recover from your injuries." Yan Ruocheng said softly.

"I don't want to eat, I have no appetite." Huang Fengmo said gloomily.

"You have to eat a little even if you don't have an appetite, be good." Yan Ruocheng said in an extremely gentle tone, as if coaxing a child, touching his head.

"Ruocheng, have I become a useless person? I will always be like this from now on." Huang Fengmo tightened his grip on her clothes, buried his head deeper, and said with a sigh.

"Of course not. You will get better. Don't think in a bad direction. Your Highness, I will heal you no matter what." Yan Ruocheng said firmly.

Huang Fengmo didn't answer anymore, he just continued to bury his head on her. She could feel that he was crying, crying hard but silently.

Yan Ruozhen stopped talking and hugged him silently.

At dusk, Huang Fengmo's mood stabilized slightly.

"Your Highness, why don't you lie down and take a rest?" Yan Ruocheng helped him straighten the hair on his forehead and asked.

Huang Fengmo leaned on her arm and said nothing quietly. His eyes were lifeless, but his eyes were red from crying, like a living dead who had lost his soul.

Yan Ruocheng looked at his desolate state, and besides being pained by the blades, he was worried. If even Li Yuyi couldn't do anything, he was afraid that Huang Fengmo's blow would be even greater, and he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to bear it.

, will do unimaginable things.

She thought about it, then gently lowered her head and kissed the tears on his eyes.

Huang Fengmo felt her lips touching his eyes, but it was a pity that he couldn't see her appearance. His anxiety made him selfish.

"Can you keep kissing me?" He said calmly.

Yan Ruocheng hesitated for a moment. He felt her hesitation, showed a desperate expression, and said, "No, just pretend I didn't say..."

Before he finished speaking, Yan Ruozhen kissed him again, gently kissed his lips, and flexibly guided him to match the kissing posture.

Yan Ruozhen knew very well why she did this. It was to appease his bad mood and never let him think in a bad direction. She would do this even if she felt sorry for Huang Chenling.

At this time, the sound of a carriage was heard outside.

Yan Ruocheng paused for a moment, and Huang Fengmo tugged at her clothes and said, "Don't stop."

She didn't care so much and continued to kiss.

Until Huang Shenhuang, Yin Ying, Li Yuyi, and Huang Chenling came into this tent.

Everyone saw how she kissed Huang Fengmo.

When Huang Chenling saw this scene, she yelled: "Ruocheng!"

When Yan Ruocheng heard this, her heart thumped loudly. She didn't dare to turn her head and look. Why is Huang Chenling here? He's still behind her.

"Feng Mo, how are you?" Huang Shenhuang came over, pulled the stunned Yan Ruocheng away, and supported Huang Fengmo on her behalf.

"Father, I, I... am blind and paralyzed..." Huang Fengmo squeezed out each word in pain.

"It's okay, I brought Dr. Li here, he will cure you." Huang Shenhuang said soothingly. Then he turned to Dr. Li and said, "Doctor Li, help me take a look at his injuries."


Yan Ruozhen has been dragged somewhere outside by Huang Chenling.

"What were you doing just now? Could you help but do such a thing while my royal brother was seriously injured?" Huang Chenling asked angrily.

Yan Ruozhen didn't know how to explain it, but when he saw him, he had fallen into the Yellow River, to the point where he couldn't even wash it clearly.

"If I said that I did that just to appease his emotions, would you believe it?"

"Do you expect me to believe it?" Huang Chenling asked.

This chapter has been completed!
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