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Chapter 364: Temporary rain

Yan Ruocheng pretended to cry, and Huang Fengmo felt a little annoyed when he heard it. Finally, he couldn't help but hit her bald head and said: "Shut up! How long are you going to pretend to cry? You see me blind."

, is it easy to deceive?”

"Your Highness, how did you know I was pretending to cry?" Yan Ruocheng asked deliberately, hoping to induce him to scold me.

"You!" Huang Fengmo hit her head again and said angrily: "Can't you see that I am in a bad mood? You are still making trouble like this. Don't think that I will be fooled by you. No.

Yes! Get off me!" and pushed her off the bed with his hands.

Yan Ruocheng let him push her down, but she climbed up again without permission. This time she lay even more boldly on her side and said, "Your Highness, you can't drive me away."

Huang Fengmo's face began to look ugly. He stopped talking to her and called the guard directly: "Here comes someone! Someone comes here!"

Huang Shenhuang had already ordered the guards outside not to go in and disturb them no matter what happened inside.

The two guards poked their heads outside to take a look. Yan Ruocheng made gestures on the bed, implying that there was nothing going on here and that they could just stay outside.

The guard knew about her close relationship with the eldest prince, so he naturally chose to believe her. He pretended that he could not hear Huang Fengmo's cry and continued to guard outside the door and did not go in.

"Your Highness, please save your breath. The Supreme Emperor has given an order. I guess the guards won't come in and disturb us." Yan Ruocheng helped him cover him with the quilt neatly and said slowly.

Huang Fengmo angrily opened the quilt, raised himself up, and wanted to fall off the bed.

"Don't be like this. Your Highness, don't be angry." Yan Ruocheng quickly leaned over to suppress his body and press his shoulders.

Fortunately, Huang Fengmo was so angry that he didn't bite her with his mouth. Instead, he bit his tongue. When Yan Ruocheng saw this, he was so frightened that he desperately stuffed it in with his hand to block his teeth.

"Uh-huh! Your Highness, I know you are very angry. If you want to bite me, just bite it!"

Huang Fengmo had no intention of biting her, but Yan Ruozhen was afraid that he would bite her tongue and refused to take his hand away.

Huang Fengmo pushed her hand away helplessly and said excitedly: "What do you want? I'm going to die, how can you stand in the way? I don't need your sympathy, go back to Chen Ling! The more you act like this

The more you look down on me, the more you look down on me! I feel very uncomfortable, please give me a little dignity."

"I don't want you to die. I want to be selfish and let you stay with me and let me take care of you. Just let me be your wife." Yan Ruocheng said slowly. This time the tears really rolled down her face.

It came down and fell drop by drop on his handsome face.

"I don't want you to be my wife just because of this, you will regret it in the future." Huang Fengmo could already feel the tears falling on his face. Every drop hurt his heart.

"For the time being, I will be your wife for the time being. When you are willing to divorce me one day, I will be your medical servant." Yan Ruozhen wiped her tears and changed her words.

Huang Fengmo was so teased by her that she cried, made trouble, and became mentally weak. He gave up the idea of ​​committing suicide and said, "If I marry you, I'm afraid I will become a lunatic sooner or later."

Seeing that he was finally willing to joke, Yan Ruozhen breathed a sigh of relief temporarily. She leaned back on him and said, "Your Highness, don't scare me anymore, okay?"

Huang Fengmo hugged her waist and said, "You are so brave, can I scare you?"

Yan Ruozhen pouted and said, "Of course I was scared. I even made you cry. That's not all."

Huang Fengmo didn't speak anymore, maybe he was really tired, so he just hugged her quietly to rest.

At night, Yan Ruocheng quietly came to the place agreed with Huang Chenling to meet.

Huang Chenling arrived earlier than her and sat on the rock waiting for her.

"You're here." She said with a smile.

Huang Chenling jumped down from the rock and suddenly knelt on one foot in front of her.

She knelt down nervously and asked, "What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Huang Chenling said with a wry smile: "The first thing you think about is my health."

Yan Ruocheng asked, "Isn't it possible?"

Huang Chenling picked up the back of her hand, kissed it gently with her mouth, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry. I want you to marry the emperor's brother temporarily."

Yan Ruozhen pretended to be relaxed and said: "Didn't we discuss it last time? Now why should I apologize? I had a hard time convincing His Highness today that he would not commit suicide for the time being. I am still worried about how to enlighten him.

negative emotions."

"Brother, I'll leave it to you. My heart will always be with you. Don't forget the agreement you made with me. It's very important. There's still something wrong, eh!" Although Huang Chenling had discussed it with her, she still felt uneasy in her heart.

There are still a lot of concerns, and they will never end once I talk about them, so I need to keep reminding them.

Yan Ruozhen sealed his verbosity with a kiss. The two kissed quietly, looking romantic and moving under the moonlight.

A few more days passed in the barracks.

Huang Chenling and Yan Rongyan went to deal with the remaining rebels.

On this day, Wang Xiulin came to see Yan Ruocheng. Huang Shenhuang told Wang Xiulin that Yan Ruocheng was going to marry Huang Fengmo.

"Queen, please sit down," Yan Ruocheng said.

"There is no need to be polite. Sooner or later, you and I will be related. I will also change my mind and call you the emperor's wife." Wang Xiulin sat down and spoke slowly.

"Empress, since we are related sooner or later, please forgive me if I have offended you in the past." Yan Ruozhen poured a cup of tea for her and presented it to her.

Wang Xiulin took her tea cup, took a sip and said, "Okay, your choice to marry Brother Feng Mo is probably sincere. As for the Holy One, you'd better remember your identity in the future."

"Okay." Yan Ruocheng nodded.

"I'm going back to ask the Holy One what gift I should prepare for you. Hum!" Wang Xiulin snorted and left.

Yinying then came in to look for Yan Ruocheng.

"Stupid maid, are you mad at her?"

"It's best for her to prepare a big and thick gift for me, and don't forget about it casually. Hum!" Yan Ruocheng also hummed and laughed.

Yinying handed the things to her and said, "Open it and take a look, good things are here."

"Yin Fei, what did you give me? Can it move?" Yan Ruozhen unwrapped the small bundle she gave her and took a look.

Wow! So cute! They are a litter of three puppies, two males and one female, who are sleeping.

"Where did you find these little puppies? They are so cute?" Yan Ruocheng hugged them and asked.

Silver Shadow scratched his head and said: "There is a soldier who is greedy. I don't know where he bought it. He is going to take it to the pot. I saw how cute it is, so I brought it back to you."

"How can I have time to take care of a puppy?" Yan Ruocheng said helplessly.

"You don't have time, doesn't Feng Mo have a lot of time?" Yin Ying said easily.

Hearing that he was really defeated by her, Yan Ruozhen held his forehead and said, "Ms. Yin Fei, are you afraid that I will make His Highness angry? You want to punish me like this."

Yinying suggested: "I'm helping you. Aren't you worried about how to calm his negative emotions these days? These little puppies just solve this problem. They are so cute and touchable.

It’s warm, soft and glutinous, just take it and give it a try.”

Yan Ruocheng thought she could give it a try.

So, in the afternoon, she hugged a few puppies and quietly approached Huang Fengmo. She tried to walk as silently as possible.

"Ruozhi, are you here?" Huang Fengmo's nose has been particularly sensitive since he lost his sight, and he immediately smelled the smell of medicinal herbs on her body and said.

"Eh? Your Highness, I obviously walked without making any sound, but you knew it was me? That's amazing. Let me give you a little reward." Yan Ruocheng said with praise.

"What did you bring? It smells so strange. It seems a bit smelly." Huang Fengmo said with a frown as he smelled something else mixed with her body.

After he finished speaking, Yan Ruozhen noticed that one of them was relieving himself, "Wow! No, don't poop on my arm!"

As a result, she hurriedly went to clean up the laughing puppies first. Several puppies were made to make milky and yappy barks.

"Did you bring the puppy?" Huang Fengmo heard and asked in surprise.

"Yes, Your Highness, I didn't want to either. It was Yin Fei who forced it on me. They are three puppies that have just opened their eyes." After Yan Ruocheng cleaned them up, she hugged him and gave him a hug.


Huang Fengmo touched the warm puppy in his hand, and his mood became a little brighter.

"This puppy is very obedient and doesn't move in my hands." He said with a chuckle.

"It's the laziest one among them. It falls asleep as soon as I hold it." The one Yan Ruocheng gave him was the most well-behaved and also the laziest.

"What color is it?" Huang Fengmo asked.

"It's white with some spots on the waist. It comes from a female." Yan Ruocheng said.

"Then it looks like yours. It falls asleep as soon as it lies on its stomach." Huang Fengmo said jokingly.

"I don't just fall asleep on my stomach. There are two males, one black and one white. Your Highness, give them a name." Yan Ruocheng sat next to him and placed the other two on his side.

On the body.

"Name it?" Huang Fengmo thought for a moment and said, "The one I have is called Xiao Bing, and the two males, the black one is called Xiao Feng, and the white one is called Xiao Chen."

Yan Ruozhen held her cheek and said, "Your Highness, why did you name the three of us after each other? Is this okay?" Xiaobing, Xiaofeng, and Xiaochen are all the abbreviations of the three of them.

"Don't you like it? I think the three of us will be involved no matter when and where anything happens. We all care about each other and will not abandon each other. Even if you and I are about to get married.

But Chen Ling is still very important to us." Huang Fengmo said slowly.

"Well, let's just use these names, I like them." Yan Ruocheng hugged him and said with a smile.

A few days later, Huang Fengmo's injuries gradually stabilized and he was able to take a carriage back to the city to rest.

Huang Chenling arranged a carriage to send Huang Fengmo, Yan Ruocheng, Huang Shenhuang and others back to the city, while he and Wang Xiulin stayed to handle official duties.

"Brother Emperor, please wait for me in the mansion. I will come to find you as soon as I finish handling my official duties." Huang Chenling said to Huang Fengmo.

"Well, I'll wait for you. Don't work too hard." Huang Fengmo said with a smile.

"I know. You take good care of my imperial brother. If anything goes wrong, you are the only one to ask." Huang Chenling pretended to face Yan Ruozhen again.

"Your Majesty, I understand." Yan Ruocheng nodded and said.

This chapter has been completed!
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