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Chapter 466: Whimsical Arrangement

"Bird's nest stewed with rock sugar is delicious!" Xiao Ling said with a smile while eating.

"It's stew for your father. I want you to have a taste and don't eat it all." Yan Ruocheng wiped his mouth and said with a smile.

"Let him eat it. Xiulin always likes to put a lot of rock sugar. It's too sweet and I don't like it." Huang Chenling said.

Yan Ruozhen held the side of her cheek and said to him, "Is it a little strange?"

Huang Chenling asked, "What's so strange?"

Yan Ruozhen picked up her own pink silk scarf and said: "Since she didn't even get angry when she saw this scarf. If it had been before, she shouldn't have questioned you so furiously that you were dizzy and mentally disturbed.


"Hahaha, how can dizziness and mental disorder be so serious? It's just annoying to be asked." Huang Chenling was amused by her.

"Then why do you think she was so calm this time?" Yan Ruocheng asked.

Huang Chenling looked at her and said, "Have you not thought of it yet? You should have met her last time."

Yan Ruocheng looked at his eyes, thought of the reason, and said, "It's because of Huang Fan'er."

Huang Chenling nodded and said confidently: "Yes! It's because of him that Xiulin should put all his thoughts on him now."

"The development of the two of them is a bit incredible, but it's a good thing." Yan Ruocheng said with a smile.

"It can be a good thing or a bad thing. Xiulin's identity is the queen after all. If there are rumors in the palace that she has an affair with the eleventh prince, the idle ministers will go to great lengths to interfere with her.

One copy. Until she is willing to tell me, I will keep it a secret for the time being." Huang Chenling said.

"That's right. What if she doesn't discuss it with you and elopes instead? Wouldn't it be like Princess Tan Yue and General Yan back then." Yan Ruozhen said analytically.

"If that's the case, just do it and it will be easier to handle. What do you think?" Huang Chenling held her little hand and asked as if she was drunk and not interested in drinking.

"Of course that's good. It can preserve their reputation and resolve gossip in the palace." Yan Ruozhen said without thinking too much.

"I'm not saying this, I'm saying that no one is standing in the way between us anymore. How do you feel?" Huang Chenling asked clearly.

"Hahaha, eh? Well, it's not like there's no one in the way." Yan Ruocheng thought of Huang Fengmo alone.

"Are you talking about Brother Huang? He has recovered his eyesight and has feeling in his legs. After recovery, he will be a normal person. Why can't you let him go?" Huang Chenling said.

"He has just recovered. It will take some time to recover. Just wait. Besides, the Westerners' matter has not been resolved yet. We can't leave everything behind and be together." Yan Ruozhen touched him.

With a handsome face, he said.

"Speaking of the Westerners, they are really angry. They have smashed the dragon's veins and destroyed the lifeblood of the entire country. Disaster is about to happen. I'm still worried and don't know what to do?" Huang Chenling said gloomily.

"Dragon Vein? Feng Shui? When did you become so superstitious? What does Feng Shui have to do with it?" Yan Ruocheng asked, thinking he was joking.

"I don't want to be superstitious. My father told me that after one of the towers in Dragon Vein collapsed, there was a big earthquake. You should have the impression that an earthquake happened when you were a child." Huang Chenling said seriously.

"I remember that at that time, it was dark and half of the house was destroyed by the earthquake. It happened to be my boudoir, so I slept with the hens in the shed. I was woken up by the rooster every day. I slept for a full month.

Take me back to my boudoir." Yan Ruocheng thought about it and felt how unlucky he was at that time.

Huang Chenling couldn't hold back her smile as she listened to her sad childhood stories and almost burst out laughing.

"Mother, no wonder you can get up now and get up so early. Is it a habit you picked up at that time?" Xiao Ling said.

"Little lazy boy, this is about getting up early and working early. What does it have to do with habits? You are not allowed to sleep until the sun hits your thighs before you wake up." Yan Ruocheng said.

"Oh, I thought you were hiding in the bedroom all day and were very ill. It turns out that the stupid maid is here." Silver Shadow jumped in from the window and said.

"Master." Huang Chenling said.

"Mrs. Yin." Xiao Ling said.

"Yin Fei," Yan Ruocheng said.

The different names of the three people made Yin Ying couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, you three really never tire of hearing the names you three call me."

"Yin Fei, please sit down." Yan Ruozhen obediently gave up her seat to her.

"Silly maid, are you worried about Chen Ling's health when you return to the palace so soon? However, how come you are so well-informed? Chen Ling doesn't seem to have let the news out at all." Silver Shadow asked.

"It's because mother and father have a clear understanding of each other," Xiao Ling said.

Yan Ruocheng pampered Xiao Ling and said, "Maybe it's the same as what Xiao Ling said. I dreamed that he was feeling unwell and felt uneasy, so he came back quietly. But, Lady Yin Fei, can you not tell me for the time being?

Your Majesty, I brought Xiao Ling back and met Chen Ling."

Huang Chenling held Yan Ruocheng's little hand and said, "Master, she will definitely help you."

Silver Shadow said deliberately: "Not necessarily."

Huang Chenling said: "Master, do you want to have fun with her again? Keep it secret from your father, lest he say that I only care about her and ignore official duties."

Silver Shadow stretched out his hand and flicked Huang Chenling's forehead and said, "Are you so sick that your brain can't move? I mean you may not be able to keep this secret. Your father has already come here."

Huang Chenling looked around nervously and said, "When did he say he was coming?"

"He came earlier than me. If you didn't see him, maybe he has gone back again." Silver Shadow said.

"Since the Supreme Emperor knows it, let's forget it. It's not the first time I've been lectured by him." Yan Ruocheng said.

Xiaoling heard some noise from the secret tunnel mechanism, climbed down from Yan Ruocheng, ran over with an arrow, and pressed the mechanism button. As soon as the door opened, she saw Huang Shenhuang standing there.

"Master." Xiao Ling couldn't help but call him.

Huang Shenhuang picked up Xiao Ling, put it on his arm, and said to him: "I will change my words in the future and call me Grandpa Huang." Then he pointed at Yin Ying and said, "That one will be called Grandma Yin.


Yin Ying said helplessly: "Just call me Master's wife. Grandma is so old and calling me too tacky."

Huang Shenhuang ignored Yin Ying's little nonsense and walked up to Huang Chenling and Yan Ruocheng with Xiao Ling.

"See the Supreme Emperor." Yan Ruocheng knelt down in a panic, knocking her head on the stool. Huang Chenling quickly touched her forehead.

"Don't be nervous, I won't lecture you. Before you make peace with Feng Mo, you still need to maintain your identity as the eldest princess for the time being. It's just that Xiao Ling can call us this way in private. Just settle down." Huang Shenhuang


"Thank you, Your Majesty." Huang Chenling helped Yan Ruocheng stand up.

"Grandpa Huang, I can only call you like this out of fear in private. Do you usually call me master?" Xiao Ling asked.

"Smart. Yes, that's it." Huang Shenhuang said with praise.

"Grandpa Huang, hee hee!" Xiao Ling hugged Huang Shenhuang's neck and felt his kindness at this moment.

"Be good!" Huang Shenhuang touched his head.

A few people chatted for a while. Huang Shenhuang and Yin Ying took Xiao Ling with them and said they wanted to take him to their palace to have fun, so Xiao Ling followed Huang Shenhuang and the others.

Yan Ruocheng tidied the bed and asked Huang Chenling to lie down and continue to rest.

Huang Chenling lay back and pulled her into the quilt.

"Play with me for a while."

"You haven't recovered your vitality yet, why are you playing? Rest!"

"If you don't want to rest, play for a while before going to sleep."

"Stop being naughty, be good, and go to bed quickly."

"Ruocheng, you don't favor me anymore."

"I love you for nothing."

An hour later, Yan Ruocheng tidied her clothes and got out of bed.

Huang Chenling slept very contentedly and fell into a deep sleep.

She quietly walked to his wardrobe, opened it, found some large robes with hidden compartments, and put some safety and health charms inside.

She found a picture of how to make a ghost-drawing talisman in the closet. Although she couldn't see it clearly, the image was used by the Taoist priests to ward off bad luck when she prayed for blessings.

She thought about what Huang Chenling said about dragon veins, which was nonsense. How can Feng Shui determine the fate of a country?

Such a ghost-drawing talisman must have transferred the Phoenix City of this country to her body, which made her sick like this. She began to have whims, and her whims were outrageous.

When Huang Chenling woke up, she held the ghost painting talisman to him and wanted to ask him clearly.

"Where does this ghost painting come from?"

"What's going on?" Huang Chenling just woke up and yawned, but she hadn't seen clearly what was in front of her.

"Look carefully." She asked urgently.

Huang Chenling took a closer look and said, "You painted it for me. Don't you even remember what you painted?"

"Did I draw it? No way." When he said this, she was a little impressed. It had been a long time ago.

Huang Chenling took the ghost painting talisman in her hand and said slowly: "It gives me a lot of motivation every day. Every time I need to change my robe, I look at it a few times and my fatigue is reduced."

Yan Ruozhen said dumbfounded: "It turned out to be my masterpiece. I thought you asked the national master to get a ghost charm that could transfer the country's misfortune to you. Hahaha, I really thought too much.


"No, you reminded me that it might be possible according to this method." Huang Chenling felt that her words were useful.

"No, I'm just talking nonsense, how can you take this matter seriously?" Yan Ruocheng said.

"What are you worried about? It's not transferred to me. I want to transfer it to the West. Find a reliable national master to perform a ritual to reconnect the dragon veins, and the damaged bad luck will be transferred out. Then, the tower will slowly

Build." Huang Chenling said thoughtfully.

Yan Ruozhen held his face and said, "Are you sure this will work?"

"Try Wufang. I'll leave it to you."

"Afraid, leave it to me?" Yan Ruocheng thought this matter was difficult to handle, but he still left it to her.

"Well, I think you are the best candidate. Since you can have dreams and dream that I am uncomfortable, then it is a revelation from God. You may be related to this dragon vein." Huang Chenling said more and more.


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