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Chapter 493: Changes in Research

"Well, good, we finally made peace." Huang Sijing peeked outside the door and murmured to herself quietly.

"Well! It seems that you, the Fifth Emperor, have really good intentions." Yunxi stepped behind him at some point, patted his shoulder and said.

"Huh?" Huang Sijing was startled and quickly took her to the outer courtyard to chat.

"Why are you dragging me out? I'm just talking." Yun Xi said.

"Miss Yunxi, I hope you don't tell Manastasi." Huang Sijing said begging.

"Hehe, you deliberately ate the snacks she made and led her to chase you so that she could reconcile with your eldest brother. This is a bad idea. In fact, even a blind person can see it. I don't know how.

Don't worry, you talkative." Yun Xi crossed his arms and said.

Huang Sijing looked at her with a mischievous smile on her face. She didn't seem to compromise so easily, and asked, "Miss Yunxi, is there anything you need my help with?"

"Hahaha, you are not as stupid and fat as Manastasi said. You can see so quickly that I want to do something with you." Yunxi approached him mischievously and said.

"Well, I wonder if what you want me to do, Miss Yunxi, is difficult. If it's too difficult, I'm afraid I'm not capable enough and can't do it well." Huang Sijing was a little afraid of her and backed away.

"I'm not asking you to do any physical exercise. I'm just asking you to give me a message to the Second Emperor." Yun Xi said.

"Oh, that's easy. What message does Miss Yun want from me?"

"Give him this bottle of medicine and let him take it three times a day." Yun Xi took out the medicine bottle and handed it to him and said.

"What kind of medicine does this come from?" Huang Sijing asked.

"It's a good medicine to strengthen your body. You're not allowed to take it secretly. It's none of my business if you take the wrong medicine." Yun Xi warned.

"Haha, no, don't worry about that." Huang Sijing smiled and put the medicine bottle into the secret compartment of her clothes.

In the afternoon, the second emperor, Huang Guiyuan, was in his mansion.

He was a little depressed during the few days when Yun Xi was away. He promised to come back, but she didn't come back for a few days. He asked someone to inquire about the shadow guard, but they said that she had gone out on her own.

He was slowly pruning a small potted plant with scissors, and the leaves were almost gone.

"Second Emperor Brother!" Huang Sijing came to look for him.

"Sijing? Why are you here? There is something unknown over there where the tower is being built. Come and ask me?" Huang Guiyuan's eyes narrowed.

Huang Sijing sensed that he was unhappy, so she withdrew her smile and said, "There is no problem with the construction of the tower. The process is faster than expected. I came to see the Second Emperor Brother because I have something to give to you."

"Is there something you want to give me? What is it?" Huang Guiyuan put down the scissors and walked up to him and asked.

Huang Sijing took out the medicine bottle that Yunxi wanted to entrust to her from the secret compartment. She said truthfully: "This is the medicine bottle that Miss Yunxi asked me to give to you. She said it is a good medicine for strengthening the body. Take it three times a day."


Huang Guiyuan took the medicine bottle and revealed a faint smile on his thin pink lips from the gloom. It was obvious that his mood had improved.

It was the first time that Huang Sijing saw her second emperor brother smile like this because of a gift from a woman. She thought to herself that it seemed that the relationship between the second emperor brother and Miss Yunxi was a bit strange.

Huang Guiyuan looked at the medicine bottle and then raised his head. Seeing Huang Sijing still standing here, he asked doubtfully: "Why is Yunxi with you?"

Huang Sijing explained: "You are not with me, but Miss Yunxi is staying temporarily in Miss Felix's villa. The two of them want to cooperate in researching anti-plague medicine."

"Oh, so she is there, you lead the way, I want to go there." Huang Gui Yuanzhi said.

"Scared? Do you want to go there now?" Huang Sijing asked back.

"Do we have to wait until tomorrow?" Huang Guiyuan felt that he was asking nonsense.

"Brother Erhuang, are you interested in Miss Yunxi?" Huang Sijing asked out of curiosity.

"Yes." Huang Guiyuan answered briskly.

Huang Sijing was stunned. This was not the second emperor brother he had been before, who was insulated from any woman.

"Why are you so dazed? Walk faster and follow me." Huang Guiyuan knew what he was guessing. There was no need to hide anything anyway. He had only recently discovered that his love for Yun Xi far exceeded his own.

The scope of imagination made him feel that he was living a much more real life. In the past, he stubbornly held on to his feelings and lost too much. Now he wants to grasp it, be calmer, and stop dodging left and right.

Yun Xi shook her feet in the outer courtyard, waiting for someone to come. Asking Huang Sijing to deliver medicine was just to attract people.

"Huh? You are here. I was just looking for you. The patient has been arranged to be in a special ward. I need you to come over and perform acupuncture." Felix Wei came out to find her and said.

"Now? Can't it be tomorrow?" Yun Xi didn't want to.

"The medicine I developed needs to be tried immediately. If the time is missed, the effectiveness of the medicine will not be calculated." Felix Wei explained.

"Okay." Yun Xi followed her in helplessly.

The two first put on medical clothes and protective masks. Then they entered a room with plague patients.

Patients with yellow skin and thin bones are almost terminally ill.

Yun Xi asked: "This person is about to die. Are you sure he can survive?"

Felix Wei affirmed: "It can be done. You need to do the acupuncture first."

Since she was sure it could be done, she didn't ask any more questions, took out the silver needle, and applied the acupuncture as soon as possible.

As she continued acupuncture, the patient began to show signs of vomiting.

Ugh! Yunxi quickly dodged away.

The foul-smelling vomit had an indescribable odor. Yunxi immediately turned around in discomfort.

Felix Wei took out the newly developed medicine needle and injected it into the patient's body.

The potion swam in the veins and into the blood vessels throughout the body. Suddenly, the patient seemed to be stimulated by something, twisting his body on the bed, with his limbs clutching the sheets.

"Ahhhhhhh——!" The person howled in pain.

Yunxi felt that the situation was not good, and asked Felix Wei who was standing very calmly: "What's going on? My senior brother didn't react like this before when you gave me such an injection? How could this person be like this?"

Felix Wei showed a cold look, looked at the experiment on the bed, and said very calmly: "It's just the rejection of the drug. Everyone's physique is different in all aspects, so the reaction is different."

"Why don't you take some other relieving injections and let this person continue to suffer like this?" Yun Xi began to feel that it was very wrong for her to stand idly by and watch.

"Wait, wait a minute, we need to collect data. I need to see how well people adapt." Felix Wei picked up the pen and started writing a record sheet.

The man began to foam at the mouth and his eyes turned white. Yunxi couldn't wait any longer and immediately knocked him out with a silver needle. He said unhappily: "If I knew that you were doing research like this, I would

I won’t cooperate with you.”

Felix Wei wrote the record sheet and said: "We in the West have always done research this way. Without sacrifice, there will be no successful examples. Maybe you Central Plains people are different."

"I'm going to change clothes." Yun Xi couldn't say that she was completely wrong, so she struggled with this issue and left first to calm down.

Felix Wei calmly asked the nurse to come and clean up, and continued to study by herself.

On the carriage, Huang Sijing glanced at Huang Guiyuan, whose face was full of spring breeze.

"Second Emperor Brother, can I ask more, when did you become interested in Miss Yunxi?" Huang Sijing asked.

"It's interesting that it happens naturally as soon as fate comes. I don't know when it started. Do I look weird now?" Huang Guiyuan adjusted his sleeves and said.

"No, he's very handsome. It's been a long time since I've seen the second emperor pursuing a girl so straightforwardly." Huang Sijing said with a chuckle. After he finished laughing, he thought of something, and asked with a frown: "Eldest Brother

It's also there. Will you quarrel when you meet?"

"No. You are thinking too much." Huang Guiyuan said.

The two of them arrived at the back door of Felixvi Villa in a carriage.

Huang Sijing was accustomed to entering through the back door. At this time, someone wearing a protective suit was carrying a body out of the back door. He secretly put the body on a four-wheeled vehicle and was about to transport it away.

Huang Guiyuan saw that the corpse's arms were covered with sores, indicating symptoms of an unknown plague. He covered his nose and mouth and quickly pulled Huang Sijing back dozens of steps, away from the back door.

"Brother Second Emperor, what's wrong?" Huang Sijing asked.

"Are you stupid? Didn't you see that the dead infected with the plague are being transported over there? Isn't this place inhabited by people? How can patients be allowed to come here and spread around?" Huang Guiyuan felt that something was wrong here.

"I don't know, maybe it's for Miss Felixwei's research needs. This is also the first time I've seen a deceased person move out." Huang Sijing said confusedly.

"Let's go in through the front door." Huang Guiyuan said.

Huang Guiyuan walked quickly towards the front door, and Huang Sijing quickly followed.

Yun Xi changed her clothes and washed her body. When she smelled the smell on her body, she always felt that there was still a faint smell of vomit. After smelling it, she felt a little nauseous, and she felt like vomiting while holding on to a tree.

"Yunxi?" Huang Guiyuan called out urgently as soon as he came in and saw her holding on to the tree, looking very uncomfortable.

Yun Xi looked at him, ran over automatically, hugged him and buried her head in his chest.

Huang Guiyuan was a little stunned. It was the first time he saw her hugging her so quickly, so he easily hugged her waist.

Huang Sijing, who was standing next to him, stared blankly at him.

"Yunxi, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?" Huang Guiyuan asked worriedly.

"Guiyuan, I want to go home and take a fragrant bath. My whole body feels very smelly. I feel like vomiting." Yun Xi said weakly.

"Okay, I'll take you back to wash." Huang Guiyuan immediately picked her up and saw her like this for the first time. He quickly took her back.

Huang Sijing was left without knowing what was going on. He paused and said to himself: "What's going on? The second emperor brother just came here and left with Miss Yunxi in his arms?" He looked again.

Toward the door, the person had already left.

This chapter has been completed!
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