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Chapter 509: The Rat Trouble in the Mansion

The mansion was quiet and quiet. Huang Fengmo and Yan Ruocheng returned to the palace overnight. The master was away, so the servants could be lazy again.

Miao Xiaoxuan sneaked into the compounding pharmacy. This was a place where Yan Ruocheng often came and went, and no one was allowed to enter. Could it be that Yan Ruocheng was not here, so she naturally wanted to go in and see what good medicine there was out of curiosity.

Holding an oil lamp, he climbed in from the window with his hands and feet on his toes.

Things are very expensive in the city now, especially medicinal materials. Miao Xiaoxuan plans to steal a little of each medicinal material so that Yan Ruocheng won't find out and it can help supplement her income. She always feels that the salary in the house is too little.


Open the cloth bag and slowly pack the medicinal materials.

At the same time, Fan Xuxunguang and Naxiao also climbed in from another window. The two people had different purposes. Fanxuxunguang felt indigestion, so he came to get medicine. As for Naxiao, he had a rheumatism attack and was also the previous one.

I came to find ointment to apply. Since the supervisor of the house was too cautious, I asked him for medicine and asked questions, but I couldn't get it. It would be better to get it myself, since it is only Yan Ruocheng's place.

Miao Xiaoxuan heard the sound of someone coming in from the other side of the window and hurriedly hid under the table.

Fan Xu Xunguang asked: "Do you know where Yan Ruocheng usually puts the digestive pills?"

Na Xiao took a look at the layout of the room, pointed to the wooden cabinet made of camphor wood, and said, "She usually puts the medicine on the camphor wood cabinet to prevent insects."

"Okay, thank you." Fan Xu Xunguang believed his words and went to look for the wooden cabinet over there.

Na Xiao went to look for black ointment for rheumatism.

Miao Xiaoxuan squatted under the table, vomiting secretly in her heart: It turns out that I am not the only one who makes mice. She waited patiently, hoping to wait until Fan Xu Xunguang and Na Lang left before going out to steal the medicinal materials again.

"Oops!" Fan Xu Xunguang was looking for the wooden cabinet, and suddenly his finger was caught by the mouse trap installed by Yan Ruocheng before, and he screamed in pain.

"Hush!" Na Xiao quickly came over, sealed his mouth, and whispered: "You shouted so loudly, do you want to attract the guards?"

"I pinched my finger. It hurts so much. Please help me get it open." Fan Xu Xunguang said helplessly, holding up the mouse trap in his hand.

"Really, she actually put a mouse trap here. How can any mouse steal the medicine and eat it?" Naxiao said in disgust, and helped Fan Xu Xunguang slowly open the mouse trap.

Fan Xu Xunguang's pitiful fingers were red from being pinched, and Na Li touched them lightly, and he held them down in pain.

"Come here, I'll help you put some ointment on it." Na Li pulled Fan Xu Xunguang over to the medicine box, and Miao Xiaoxuan happened to be hiding under the table of the medicine box.

"Hey, these fingers of yours will definitely turn into carrots tomorrow." Na Li said teasingly while helping Fan Xu Xun Guang apply the medicine.

"It's all your fault. You said you could find the medicine in that wooden cabinet and just found a mouse trap. You can help me find it. After all, you know me well. I don't want to fall into a mouse trap again." Fan Xu Xunguang said.

"You sit down and wait, I'll come find it." Na Xiao went to look for medicine.

Under the table, a little mouse walked around the stool and got directly into Miao Xiaoxuan's skirt.

Miao Xiaoxuan was not afraid of anything, but she was afraid of mice. She naturally shivered and felt something moving around her feet.

Could this furry feeling be a mouse? She pulled open the bottom of her skirt and took a look, "Wow! It's a mouse!" She screamed and jumped out from under the table, scaring Fan Xu Xun Guangyi who was sitting there.

Big jump.

The guards patrolling outside heard sounds coming from inside and came to check.

"Hide. If they catch you, you'll be in trouble." Na Xiao came over quickly and took Fan Xu Xunguang and Miao Xiaoxuan to hide under the table.

The guard opened the door and came in to take a look. He didn't have an oil lamp with him. In addition, the guard was half-hearted at work, so he timidly called out: "Is someone here?"

The three of them hid under the table and kept silent.

The little mouse was still there, and Miao Xiaoxuan almost screamed when she saw it. Fortunately, Fanxuxunguang sealed her mouth with his hand, but Miao Xiaoxuan bit his injured fingers. Fanxuxunguang also

He was about to scream in pain. Naxiao also quickly sealed Fanxuxunguang's mouth and threw the little mouse out.

The guard was startled and thought it was just a little mouse causing trouble. He closed the door and left.

After passing the guards and walking away, they parted ways one by one.

Fan Xu Xunguang said to Miao Xiaoxuan in pain: "You are sick! I sealed your mouth, but you bite me! Hiss! My finger!"

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm afraid of mice and can't control myself." Miao Xiaoxuan apologized quickly.

"Are you here to steal medicine too?" Na Xiao asked.

"Don't use the word "steal", I'm here to borrow medicine." Miao Xiaoxuan said quibly.

"To borrow medicine, you need such a big bag. You are lying!" Fan Xu Xunguang pointed at the big bag in her hand, not believing her.

"You mind me, I just like to bring big bags to borrow, can't you? I think you are the ones who are really here to steal the medicine. You are so sneaky that you even have mousetraps on your fingers." Miao Xiaoxuan said shamelessly, and grabbed

Fan Xu Xunguang pinched the injured finger vigorously.

"Ouch! It hurts!" Fan Xu Xunguang pressed his fingers in pain again.

"Okay, since everyone is here to borrow medicine, let's go find medicine individually. Stop talking so much," Na Xiao said.

"It's better that you understand the truth. Everyone is busy." Miao Xiaoxuan went to grab the medicine by herself with satisfaction.

Fan Xu Xunguang said displeasedly: "She is obviously a thief, and you still help her."

Na Xiao said: "Let's just talk to each other, we're pretty much the same. Don't talk so much, just find some medicine and leave."

Shangguan Mexuan couldn't find Miao Xiaoxuan when he came out, but he overheard the conversation between Yunxi and Huan.

"If you don't tell me, I also know that half of the babies in your belly are Huang Guiyuan's." Huan said sullenly.

"What do you mean by half? He might be all yours." Yun Xi said.

"I don't know who did it. If I don't tell you half of it, what else can I say?" Huan said with a straight face.

"If you don't like it, I can give him to Guiyuan to raise." Yun Xi thought about it and said.

"You! What do you think of my child? How can I let other men raise me?" Huan strongly disagreed.

"Then what do you think? He accepted Guiyuan immediately, but you are dissatisfied." Yun Xi said helplessly.

"Since you are so dissatisfied with me, what are you going to discuss with me? There is no need to discuss it. Just listen to your second emperor. He loves you the most. If you give birth to a child, be his canary willingly. Stupid

!" After hearing what she said, Huan became furious and directly humiliated her.

Bang! Yunxi slapped him directly.

"You're still hitting me?" Huan became even more angry.

After Yunxi beat him, she fell into his chest again, lowered her head and said, "I also have you in my heart. I can't just care about him and not you. I don't want to be a canary. I only love to be with you."

Flying outside together, the child can be nurtured slowly by him. You can also teach the child kung fu when you have time, so that he can be both civil and military, and cultivate a very powerful person. I just want this child to be beautiful from the beginning.

Don’t step on the path of an orphan like me again. Don’t be angry anymore, okay?”

Huan's hand stopped in mid-air, and he originally wanted to give her a slap, but after hearing her suggestion and thinking about it carefully, he thought it was a good idea.

He and Yun Xi were both orphans. They had neither father nor mother since they were young. They had to rely on their own hard work for their future. They wanted a better life and spent their whole lives. Compared to the next generation, of course they didn't want to be like them.

That’s it. It’s a very good thing to make the next generation happy from the beginning.

After thinking about it, he gently touched the top of her head with his hand and said with a sigh: "Although I feel very unconvinced, things have become like this, and I have to give in even if I don't give in.

It really makes me very angry. However, you and I have been here before, and we know what we want and desire. If you want to be good to this child, I will naturally listen to you. However, if you are angry, I have not completely forgiven you.


"Well, please forgive me slowly. I'm not in a hurry." When Yun Xi heard him say this, she already forgave him and hugged him happily.

"Stop hugging her so tightly. I smell of alcohol." Huan felt the smell of his own sweat and alcohol, so he pushed her to avoid soiling her clothes.

"No, no, the smellier you are, the more I like it. This is your unique smell." Yunxi teased him and said.

"Are you trying to make me angry or to coax me? Say I'm smelly!" Huan was amused by her for a second.

"I'm teasing you, go take a bath." Yun Xi raised his head and said with a smile.

"Okay. I don't want to sleep like this. It's too dirty." Huan nodded and agreed. Shangguan Moxuan eavesdropped on their conversation and quietly came to Huang Guiyuan's room. He thought to himself: So this

Miss Yunxi is a master of two things. However, the most surprising thing is that the second emperor, who is the most disciplined nowadays, actually compromises so easily and is willing to be taken advantage of by this woman. What if?

If this matter is used as a basis, maybe the Second Emperor will help him return to the court and become a first-class envoy again.

Huang Guiyuan groaned because he couldn't turn over on the bed.

"Hey...hiss! Ouch!"

Yun Xi was not by his side at this time, so he couldn't turn over even if he wanted to. He pressed his waist and turned slowly, but stopped halfway because of the pain. He couldn't move even if he pressed his waist.

A big hand suddenly touched the back of his waist and helped him turn over.

When he looked up, Shangguan Moxuan immediately knelt down and saluted him: "Subordinate, please see the Second Emperor."

"Who are you?" Huang Guiyuan didn't quite remember who he was and was a little dazed.

"I used to be one of the envoys under your control. Now I have resigned. I am now working as a purchasing servant for the eldest prince. My name is Shangguan Moxuan." Shangguan Moxuan directly reported his name.

"Oh, I know. No courtesy. Why did you come to see me?" Huang Guiyuan looked him up and down and asked. His tone was obviously wary of Shangguan Moxuan.

Shangguan Moxuan did not get up and said: "I was just passing by. I heard that the Second Emperor seemed uncomfortable in there, so I came in and disturbed you. I'm really sorry."

"You can get up now. I don't mean to blame you. Get up. Pour me a cup of tea. I'm a little thirsty." Huang Guiyuan asked him to get up and said with less vigilance.

"Yes." Shangguan Moxuan obediently poured a glass of water for him, but deliberately pretended to accidentally trip and poured the glass of water on Huang Guiyuan.

The tea was poured directly on Huang Guiyuan's shoulders, soaking a large piece of his coat.

"Oh, this villain deserves death!" Shangguan Moxuan apologized hastily.

"It's okay, don't be nervous. Help me empty the cupboard and bring me a coat to change into." Huang Guiyuan ordered.

"Yes." Shangguan Moxuan found a coat from the closet and gave it to him.

When the new coat was brought over, Huang Guiyuan couldn't stand up, so he had to rely on Shangguan Moxuan to change it for him.

"Oh, no, you have to support me like this." Huang Guiyuan couldn't lift himself up, so he needed Shangguan Moxuan's hand to support his waist.

"Okay, please be careful, Your Majesty, I will support you." Shangguan Moxuan carefully supported his waist and let Huang Guiyuan pass his left hand through one sleeve first.

When it came to the other hand, Huang Guiyuan's waist was weak, and Shangguan Moxuan needed to lift up and hold him hard to finish putting on the coat on the other side.

It was a very ordinary action of getting dressed, but in Miao Xiaoxuan's eyes, she saw that Huang Guiyuan seemed to be taking advantage of Shangguan Moxuan.

She stole a large bag of medicine and went back to find Shangguan Moxuan, but she saw something she shouldn't have seen. She had an impulse to go in and push the second emperor away, and was not allowed to touch her husband again.

What made her most angry was that Shangguan Moroxuan was still smiling and didn't know he was being taken advantage of. More misunderstandings appeared in her stupid head. She was so angry that she grinded her teeth.

After Shangguan Moxuan came out for help, she immediately rushed over and kidnapped him.

Pushing Guan Moxuan back to the room, he asked angrily: "What were you doing just now?"

Shangguan Moxuan asked in astonishment: "What are you doing? What are you asking about?"

"It's about you carrying the Second Emperor to get dressed!" Miao Xiaoxuan said bluntly.

"It's not a hug, it's a support. You used the wrong word, idiot." Shangguan Moxuan said.

"I saw it looked like hugging and supporting. Why did you go in there? Didn't you say before that you were guilty and didn't dare to show your face. Now you are approaching him actively." Miao Xiaoxuan asked him.

"Calm down first and listen to me. Here's what happened..." Shangguan Moxuan pulled her into his arms and slowly explained everything in her ear.

After hearing this, Miao Xiaoxuan calmed down and asked: "I didn't expect that the Second Emperor likes this kind of woman. Are you sure he will listen to you?"

"I'm not sure yet. If I threaten him rashly like this, I might be caught and beaten with a cane, so I'll stay close to him first. Let's take our time after we get familiar with him." Shangguan Moxuan shook his head and said.

This chapter has been completed!
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