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Chapter 518: Beauty is not attractive at all

The news of Huang Fengmo's disappearance suddenly reached Huang Shenhuang's ears. Yan Ruozhen was dragged in by name and given a lecture by him.

"Tell me! Tell me clearly! Why did you quarrel with him and make him run away from the palace?" Huang Shenhuang glared at her and asked.

Yan Ruozhen hesitated, not knowing how to answer, and looked at the silver figure next to him with pleading eyes: Silver Concubine, help!

"When husband and wife quarrel, there must be their own reasons. Don't ask so clearly. Since the stupid maid chased Feng Mo out in such a hurry, he saw that she was very nervous about him. When he found Feng Mo, he would take his time.

Please tell her a lesson." Silver Shadow received her look asking for help and reluctantly helped her.

"It's all because she's not good at serving Feng Mo. If I don't stay around them for a while, something like this happens. I really want to crush her head! If she fails, she will fail!" Huang Shenhuang grabbed the armrest of the chair and scratched out claw marks.


Yan Ruocheng stared, fearfully kneeling and slowly taking a step back.

Huan went out to look for Huang Fengmo and came in at the right time to report the situation to them.

"Reporting to the Supreme Emperor, the guards at the city gate said that the eldest prince's carriage left the city yesterday morning and has not returned to the city. People have been sent to search for it on the hills outside the city." Huan knelt down and reported.

"Going out of the city? What is he doing out of the city?" Yan Ruocheng thought to himself.

"Look for it quickly." Huang Shenhuang ordered.

"Yes." Huan listened to the order and went out.

Huang Shenhuang said to Yan Ruocheng again: "Why are you still kneeling down? Why don't you find someone to pray for Feng Mo's safe return?" This sentence was really useless.

"Yes." Yan Ruocheng nodded and quickly retreated!

Nayi and Xu Xunguang were hiding outside the hall watching the show. When they saw Yan Ruocheng coming out dejected, they followed him and asked, "Ruocheng, why did you quarrel with the eldest prince? Are you so angry that he left the city?"

"You are quarreling over trivial matters in daily life, so stop being such gossips. Where is Fan Xuli Sotu? Hurry up and ask your brother to open an altar to pray for blessings and bless His Highness the eldest prince to come back safely." Yan Ruocheng said as he walked.

"I'm going to ask him to prepare." Fan Xu Xunguang ran to find Fan Xu Lisuotu.

Yan Ruocheng stopped, leaned against the wooden pillar and sighed.

Seeing her like this, Na Xiao guessed that the quarrel between her and the eldest prince was not a trivial matter, so he said, "Don't worry so much, the eldest prince will be a blessing."

"Thank you. Na Xiao, what are your plans? Are you going to stay here as a servant? Don't you plan to come back to the palace with me and seek a full-time job from Chen Ling?" Yan Ruocheng asked. She felt that Na Xiao should be the servant.

Servant, what a waste of talent. He is already a diplomat.

"I'm just waiting for what you say today." Na Xiao said with a smile.

"I thought you only wanted peace and happiness, so I didn't ask you. You should have asked me a long time ago." Yan Ruocheng patted his shoulder.

"After you got together with that eldest prince, how could I dare to say this to you casually? People said that I only got the official position by flattering you." Na Xiao said.

"Do you need to curry favor with me? Haven't I always been a friend? You talk nonsense. I am also looking for someone to come to the palace to help me eliminate the gossip." Yan Ruocheng said.

"Is it possible that the reason for your quarrel with the eldest prince was the gossip in the palace?" Na Xiao asked.

"It has something to do with it," Yan Ruocheng said awkwardly.

"Okay, I will help you solve it so that no one dares to say bad things about you. I will be your most trusted confidant, the imperial concubine." Na Xiao said with a smile.

"Okay, there's no need to flatter him so quickly. I'm still worried about His Highness the eldest prince. Just don't let anything happen to him." Yan Ruocheng looked at the sky and prayed.

Unfortunately, her prayer was the opposite.

Huang Fengmo was beaten with blood by the whip, and fell to the ground in pain, unable to move. He was blindfolded, his mouth was sealed, and he wore a leather sheath with an iron lock. When he woke up, he was whipped with a sharp whip.

Whip him hard and make him crawl like an animal. If he doesn't crawl, continue to whip him.

He thought that he would not be beaten again because he had aggrieved, but who knew that he would still be whipped. The person who beat him kept talking in a Western language. He knew very well that he was being caught and played by a Western noble.

The Western general Petra Tese regarded him as a gift and gave it to his cruel and playful wife, Countess Tebitha.

She has an unstable personality and is cruel. She likes to be whipped with a whip to get a sense of joy. She especially likes to choose handsome men as the targets for whipping.

She stepped on her pointed high heels and walked up to Huang Fengmo. She suddenly stepped on his finger. Huang Fengmo wanted to scream in pain.

Yan Ruocheng stared at Fan Xuxu Lisuotu's movements, and his heart seemed to be telepathically grasped by something.

"I have an ominous premonition, Fan Xu Li Sotu, can you use your crystal ball to divine where the eldest prince is now?" she said.

Her current state of worry was like seeking medical attention in a hurry. She knew that Fan Xuxu Lisuotu couldn't believe it, but she still asked him to do it.

"Okay." Fan Xu Li Sotu didn't care.

Take out the crystal ball and do some random tricks, then ask her to lean her head and look at the crystal ball.

She seemed to see a dark place.

Huan quietly walked up to her and asked, "What are you staring at?" It turned out that it was his shadow covering a crystal ball.

Yan Ruozhen slapped him angrily and said, "If you don't go find someone, why did you come here to join in the fun?"

Huan said: "I found it, so I came here to discuss with you what to do?"

Yan Ruocheng asked anxiously: "I found it, where is it?"

Huan explained: "It is in the hands of the Western general on the mountain. Since there are too many Western soldiers and the guards are tight, I asked the shadow guards not to act rashly and to discuss it with you when I come back."

Fan Xu Xunguang asked in confusion: "Shouldn't you discuss it with the Supreme Emperor?"

"If we go to the Supreme Emperor, we must start a fight. I have experienced the power of Western weapons, and I don't want the guards to sacrifice themselves one by one. It would be best if we can reduce casualties and rescue His Highness the First Prince. You guys think of a way." Huan explained.


Fanxuli Sotu seemed to know something and said: "If he is caught by the Western general Petra Tesse, he will most likely give it to his wife as a gift. His wife specializes in playing with beautiful men.

, I estimate that with the eldest prince’s beauty, his wife should be in the hands of him, and it will be very dangerous. We need to save him quickly.”

His words shocked everyone present.

"What's so bad about it? Please explain it clearly." Yan Ruocheng grabbed his collar and asked nervously.

"His wife is actually very cruel. I once saw how she whipped her own servants. The whip was a hard whip, the kind that could kill you." Fan Xuli Sotu frowned and said.

"No, Feng Mo can't stay in that kind of place and sneak in to save people in disguise," Yan Ruocheng said.

"If we use shadow guards to guard them, their figures will be too obvious. I'm afraid the Western soldiers will be able to see them at a glance and won't be able to get in." Huan said.

"Who said we should use shadow guards? Just a few of us dressed as Persian businessmen and sneaked in." Yan Ruocheng said, having already thought of a way.

"Scared, I don't want it. It's so dangerous, and my brother and I really can't help you." Fan Xu Xun Guang immediately shrank and pulled Fan Xu Li Suo Tu to stand farther away.

"You are so ungrateful and still so worried. Feng Mo should not have taken in your brothers." Yan Ruocheng cursed.

"Let me help you. Xun Guang is timid, don't blame him. I will not ignore the kindness of the eldest prince." Fan Xu Lisuotu gently pushed Fan Xu Xun Guang away, walked back and said


Then, two more people came.

"We will help you too. Imperial Concubine, please order us." Shangguan Moxuan and Miao Xiaoxuan said in unison. They overheard the conversation and felt that they could take this opportunity to make a great contribution.

"Why are you willing to help? It's very dangerous. If you are discovered, you may die at any time?" Yan Ruozhen told them the consequences in advance so that they could think about it carefully.

"The eldest prince was willing to help us when we were in trouble, and he also took us here as servants with food and drink. It's time for us to do our part. The imperial concubine, if she wants to play the role of a merchant in the Western Regions, she still needs followers.

The two of us are very familiar with Persian products." Shangguan Moxuan found a reason to persuade her.

"Okay. Let's disguise ourselves together to rescue His Royal Highness the eldest prince safely!" Yan Ruocheng was in a hurry to find someone to help him. Since they were willing to help, he easily agreed.

Half an hour later, Yan Ruozhen disguised herself as a Persian girl, Na Xiao acted as her companion, and the rest of them acted as followers. They pretended to be grooms, deliberately driving a luxurious carriage, and luring Western soldiers out to rob.

Sure enough, when we reached a section of mountain road, we were stopped by Western soldiers. What tolls we had to pay?

Seeing Yan Ruocheng's beauty, they were not attracted to her at all. She just asked for money and sent them away.

In the forest, "That's unreasonable! My beauty can't attract them. What's the reason for this?" Yan Ruocheng chopped off her feet to vent her anger.

"Western people's aesthetic vision is different from that of us Central Plains people. Imperial Concubine, you are born with a petite figure. In their eyes, you are like an undeveloped little girl, not outstanding at all." Fan Xuli Sotu explained.

Yan Ruozhen became even more angry and said, "You didn't tell me earlier! You just said this now!"

"Imperial Concubine, I'm afraid of being blamed by you, so I don't dare to say anything." Fan Xuli Sotu said helplessly.

Miao Xiaoxuan made a bold suggestion and said: "Imperial Concubine, why don't you let me change clothes with you and give it a try? My frame is relatively thick, and my figure is still okay."

Shangguan Moxuan asked worriedly: "Xiaoxuan, can you do it? Those Western soldiers are difficult to deal with."

"It's okay, just give it a try." Miao Xiaoxuan said firmly.

"Okay, I'll switch with you." Yan Ruocheng agreed.

After a long time, the clothes were changed.

The effect that Miao Xiaoxuan wears is even better than that of Yan Ruocheng. The big frame can match this kind of armless Persian dress, which is very sexy and charming.

On the contrary, Shangguan Moxuan felt that she was being looked down upon, so he let down her long hair and covered her shoulders and arms. He said, "It looks better this way."

This chapter has been completed!
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