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Chapter 29 (2): Going to disturb him secretly

After saying that, she wanted to get out of bed as if nothing had happened, but Huang Chenling pushed her back down to lie down. His breathing was very unstable, as if he was angry, and his breath even touched the hair on her forehead.

She asked timidly: "Second Prince, do you have anything else to ask?"

He furrowed his eyebrows and leaned his head down to touch her neck, which was a little itchy. He put his big hands around her body and held her tightly in his arms.

She stretched out her little hand, poked his back, and then asked: "Second Prince, do you want to sleep with the little one in your arms?"

The other party didn't make a sound, and then there was a feeling of teeth grinding on her neck. He was holding her neck to grind his teeth!

It made her itchy and painful, and she had the urge to push him away. She pushed slightly, and he hummed: "It hurts..."

She stopped moving and allowed him to hold her as much as he wanted.

Until the next morning, she was sore all over after being hugged by him, blaming him for half-hugging her and sleeping on her side.

Huang Chenling didn't care where she was going and hugged her just to vent her anger, but his feet hurt so much that he couldn't sleep all night and he was in extremely poor spirits.

Yan Ruocheng stood up, helped him untie his injured leg, put it on his thigh, massaged his calf, and said, "Second Prince, are you in pain all night long and can't sleep?" She was by his side, so she naturally knew that he was there.

Fake sleep.

"Well, it's all your fault." He covered his eyes with his arms and said calmly.

She felt a little sorry for him and was a little gentler. He moved his arm away and stared at her attentively.

Then, the guards came in, reported to him, and were ready to set off.

She put her feet back on his feet, bowed and went out. The guard who was left behind was given a fierce look by him.

After that, the two imperial brothers took Bai Linghuang into the palace to see the Holy Emperor, and she returned to work in the medical hall of Huang Fengmo's mansion.

The Holy Emperor was overjoyed, but he was very partial and gave all the credit to Huang Fengmo, while Huang Chenling was reprimanded for being injured and slowing down the mission.

The more Huang Fengmo tried to speak for Huang Chenling, the more dissatisfied the emperor became with Huang Chenling. He even ordered Huang Chenling to go back to his mansion to recuperate, and he would not leave the house until his injury was healed to avoid embarrassment.

On this day, Yan Ruocheng asked for sick leave because of Huang Fengmo, and then secretly sneaked to the door of Huang Chenling's prince's residence.

That day, after Huang Fengmo came back from entering the palace, he only told her that Huang Chenling needed to recuperate in his mansion for a while, and told her not to worry. There were special imperial doctors to treat her, and he also told her not to disturb Huang Chenling.

Chen Ling.

She really wanted to disturb Huang Chenling because she hadn't seen him for a few days, but she was always thinking about him secretly. Who knew that when the guard at the door heard that she was Huang Fengmo's medical servant, he

Immediately drive her away without even passing the message.

She guessed that Huang Fengmo must have offended Huang Chenling somehow, so she walked around the mansion to see if there was any way to get inside.

She discovered that various ingredients were being purchased at the back door of the mansion, and a cart was pushing large baskets, which were pushed in by the common people. She quietly bribed one of the common people with money, dressed up as a village girl, and did not know what was going on.

Jade also joined the ranks and successfully blended in.

When no one is paying attention, he sneaks into the maid's room quietly from the backyard, finds a maid's dress and changes into it, and dresses up like a maid.

She quietly looked around for Huang Chenling. His mansion was very large, and there were not many servants. The environment was deep and quiet, and the flowers and plants were of single color. Some of the walls had not been decorated, and some moss had grown on them.

, compared with Huang Fengmo's magnificent mansion, this place seems a bit humble and humble. This is probably the difference between the residence of the eldest prince and the second prince.

Until she walked to a corridor and gathered around a few maids to discuss something. Yan Ruocheng hid quietly aside, secretly listening to what they were talking about.

Maid A said: "I don't want to send him there this time. It was me last time, and it's your turn too."

Maid 2 said: "I gave it to you last time and I don't want it either. Your Highness is so cruel that I almost had to drink the foot-washing water."

Maid C said: "How can you two push it back and forth like this? Hurry up and bring it to His Highness. The water is almost cold. If it's a little later, he will curse at people again."

Maid Ding said: "No matter what, he wants to find someone to vent his anger on. Do you think that after His Highness comes back, his temper is even worse than before?"

Maid Wu said: "Didn't you hear the rumors in the palace? His Highness's credit was robbed by the eldest prince, and it seems that he was punished by the Holy Emperor and was not allowed to leave the house, so he has been looking for someone to vent his anger on in the palace."

I saw them talking about Huang Chenling's rights and wrongs while pushing a basin of hot water around, but no one would give it to him.

Yan Ruozhen probably knew what happened to Huang Chenling when she entered the palace to meet the saint. She walked out to the maid and grabbed the basin of water, and said with a smile: "Let me send it over. Sisters, please take your time and chat."

After saying that, he left in a hurry.

The maids looked stunned. Some asked: "Is who the maid in the house just now? Is it new?", and some said: "Don't worry, she is so ugly, she will probably be scolded by His Highness as soon as she enters.


Yan Ruocheng was holding a basin of hot water and visually inspected the main hall with four guards standing outside, which should be his bedroom.

She lowered her head, passed the four guards smoothly, and pushed the door open.

Huang Chenling was wearing a white coat and was soaking her feet in a medicine pot. Her hair was a little messy and she looked a little downcast. He lowered his head and looked at his feet and said angrily: "I asked you to get some hot water.

You can hold it for so long, both of them are useless, they are of no use at all, hurry up and get down!"

She made no sound, lowered her head, followed his instructions, and slowly poured the hot water down.

Unexpectedly, when she was halfway done, he knocked the basin over in her hand and the hot water splashed all over her body.

This chapter has been completed!
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