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Chapter 533: She has nothing to do

"Huh?" Yan Ruocheng was almost asleep. When he opened his eyes, he saw Huang Fengmo's handsome face.

"Eh? Husband!" She immediately stood up. Looking at the bed next to her, Huang Chenling was no longer there.

"Chen Ling led his troops out again. He asked me to come over and take you back to rest." Huang Fengmo said.

She looked at how dark it was outside and asked worriedly: "What is he going to do if he leads his troops out so late at night? He was hit by an arrow at noon, and he goes out again now?"

"Don't worry, I'm just going to another barracks to discuss important matters. I'll take a carriage there and won't let him ride a horse. He should be back tomorrow," Huang Fengmo said.

After hearing this, Yan Ruocheng felt a little relieved. Then, she looked at Huang Fengmo apologetically. She was worried again and again because of Huang Chenling's matter in front of him, and felt that he must be feeling uncomfortable in his heart.

Yes! Huang Fengmo is indeed unhappy now, but he is just calm on the surface. He knows that his status in her heart is not as good as that of Huang Chenling. When he loses his temper at her, he gets nothing but coaxing from her. This happens every time,

He was also very tired mentally.

"Go back to my place and rest." Huang Fengmo held her hand, stood up, and said.

"Yeah." Yan Ruocheng nodded and followed him.

In the morning, Yan Ruozhen got up early to make some medicine and saw that a common anti-inflammatory herb was missing. This kind of anti-inflammatory herb could be collected in the mountains. She saw that it was still early and it should be relatively safe outside the camp. So,

, carrying the basket on his back, he quietly slipped out to collect herbs.

The sword is still young, and it is extremely sensitive to medicinal herbs. I found several anti-inflammatory herbs at once. I dug slowly with the shovel.

When Huang Fengmo got up, he found that the left side of his waist was tingling. It might be because the bed was too stiff and his waist was hurting. He asked the guards to find Yan Ruocheng.

The guard came back after searching around and reported in a panic: "Reporting to His Royal Highness, the eldest prince, my subordinates cannot find the eldest princess in the camp."

"What did you say? Did you find out clearly?" Huang Fengmo became worried.

"I've searched carefully. I really can't find it. Some soldiers saw the eldest princess carrying a big basket. Maybe the eldest princess went out secretly to collect medicine." The guard said speculatively.

"There may be enemy soldiers around. Why is she acting so randomly? Why don't we take people out to find her quickly?" Huang Fengmo immediately ordered.

Yan Ruoqiao was picking medicinal herbs and unknowingly walked farther and farther.

"Wow, there are even white mustard seeds, Rubesia rubescens?, Pinellia ternata?, and Scutellaria barbata here. It would be a waste to use such a mountain of good herbs for fighting." She picked vigorously.

Huang Chenling returned to the barracks in a carriage. Since he didn't rest last night, the wound on his shoulder was inflamed, causing severe pain, and his head was a little hot. He wanted to find Yan Ruocheng to change the dressing. He asked the guards to find someone.

The guard came back to report that the eldest princess had gone out to collect medicine without authorization, and now the eldest prince had also gone out to look for her.

Huang Chenling naturally didn't trust them, so she personally took the people with her and went out to find the two of them.

Yan Ruozhen came to an area where Western soldiers were infested, and saw a dirty injured person, fainting under a big tree. It was a Western soldier with injured legs. He must have been left here to die by his companions because of his injured feet.


She didn't know if the man was dead. She quietly went over and checked his breathing. Although it was weak, he was still breathing.

Then she checked the injuries on his legs and found that the bones of his lower legs were broken. She picked up a few wooden branches and chopped them flat with a dagger, which could be used temporarily as splints.

Fortunately, many of the herbs she collected are used to treat fractures. She lifted the man's calf, carefully aligned the bones, removed them one by one, applied the herbs, and tied them up with wood.

The man woke up from the pain and saw that she was dressed as a Central Plains woman and her legs were so painful that he thought she was harming him. He picked up his Western knife and struck at her.

Yan Ruozhen dodged a lot, but the knife hit her hair tie and her hair was scattered.

"Don't move around, I'm helping you fix your legs." She explained.

However, this Westerner could not understand her Chinese dialect at all. He held up a knife, pointed it at her, and said in Western language: "What do you want to do? If you come here again, I will chop you to death!"

Looking at his fierce look, Yan Ruocheng must have regarded her as a bad person.

She walked farther away, farther away from him, and told him with gestures.

This person looked confused and had no idea what she was doing.

Suddenly, there was a gunshot. The man was almost killed by a bullet. The bullet hit the big tree next to him.

Seeing this, Yan Ruozhen threw out a few smoke bombs from her sleeves. She had brought them from the barracks for self-defense. If she was discovered by enemy soldiers, she would rely on them to escape.

Smoke bombs filled the scene with white fog, disrupting the enemy's sight.

She took the opportunity to drag the man away. He was about the same size as Huang Chenling, so he was not too heavy to drag.

After the man was forcibly dragged by her, the pain at the broken bones of his legs made him struggle. Yan Ruocheng had to take out the silver needle and stab him unconscious. He was dragged to a big tree far away and slowly died. Stop and continue to treat him.

After burning incense, she finally repaired the man's other calf bone.

"The great princess! The great princess! The great princess!"

She heard someone shouting and looked up, it was Huang Fengmo's bodyguard.

She waved her hand and asked the guards to come pick her up.

After the guards discovered her, they ran back to inform Huang Fengmo. However, Huang Fengmo ran over with the guards.

"Ruocheng! Do you have any brains? It's a war now, and there are enemy soldiers all around. Did you come out to collect medicine to make an arrow board?" Huang Fengmo kept nagging as soon as he came to her.

"Husband, I'm fine. I have the tools to defend myself and escape. I wouldn't be so stupid as to make an arrow board. Don't lecture me yet, help move this man back for treatment. His legs are seriously broken, we can't leave him here. ." Yan Ruozhen pointed at the injured in the bushes and said.

"This is a Western soldier. You want to rescue an enemy soldier? What if he leads the way and attracts people? You can't take him away, let him wait for someone to rescue him." Huang Fengmo disagreed.

"No one came to save him. Someone shot at him just now and almost killed him. Besides, his legs are broken now and he can't bring anyone with him. Husband, please save him. If you leave him alone, It will really kill people." Yan Ruocheng persuaded.

"He is an enemy soldier. Do you know what you are doing? You are saving an enemy soldier." Huang Fengmo still disagreed.

"Whether he is an enemy soldier or our soldier, after all, he is a human being. It does not matter if he has parents, children, or a wife. As a doctor, I must save him." Yan Ruocheng said firmly. .

"Okay. Come here! Move him back." Seeing that she was so determined, Huang Fengmo couldn't help him.

"Thank you, husband." Yan Ruocheng hugged his arm and said.

"If you want to thank me, go back and massage my waist. I feel some throbbing pain when I wake up. I don't know if the bed is too hard." Huang Fengmo said.

"Really? Then let's go back quickly and be careful, I'll help you." Yan Ruocheng was nervous about him and helped him walk protectively.

Huang Chenling led another group of troops, but they didn't know that Yan Ruocheng had been found. He was feeling unwell, and after searching for an hour, he fainted. The soldiers quickly sent him back to the camp.

In the camp, Huang Fengmo ordered someone to bring back a Western soldier. The soldiers started talking a lot. The general was dissatisfied and wanted to arrest the man for trial.

"We can't take him to trial, he is an injured person. You can't do this!" Yan Ruocheng stopped him.

"Imperial Concubine, you are kind-hearted and a kind-hearted doctor. We will not interfere with him, but he is a Western soldier. If you stop him, don't blame us for trying to snatch him away!" General Li said fiercely.

"Who dares to touch the person my imperial concubine wants to save!" Huang Fengmo stood up to Yan Ruocheng and walked out loudly.

"It's not good! It's not good, the Holy Master fainted in the forest!" The guard came and reported in a panic.


Everyone went over together to Huang Chenling's tent.

The medical officer has diagnosed and treated him.

"Yi Zhang, how is he doing, Your Majesty?" Huang Fengmo asked.

"Insufficient blood and excessive fatigue caused him to faint for a while. I need to change his dressing. The arrow wound on his shoulder is inflamed." After the examination, Dr. Zhang said.

Huang Fengmo turned around and wanted to comfort Yan Ruocheng and tell her not to worry so much. However, the person disappeared.

When Yan Ruozhen came in just now, he saw General Li whispering quietly to a soldier, and felt that it would be detrimental to the wounded man, so he slipped out.

Sure enough, she guessed correctly. The soldier wanted to stab the wounded man to death.

"Stop!" In desperation, she threw flying needles at the soldier to stop him from starting.

I thought it was safe here, but it turned out to be even more dangerous. This Western soldier is still in this camp, and I'm afraid she won't be able to go out for a day. Although I am very worried about Huang Chenling, she can't move now.

An hour later, Huang Chenling gradually woke up. In her hazy vision, she thought that the figure sitting by the bed must be Yan Ruocheng. She stretched out her hand to hold the man's hand and said, "I made you worry."

Unexpectedly, the person sitting next to his bed was not Yan Ruocheng, but Huang Fengmo.

"With the imperial doctor here, I'm not too worried about you." Huang Fengmo said calmly.

Huang Chenling saw clearly that Huang Fengmo was the only one there, but Yan Ruocheng was nowhere to be seen.

"Brother Emperor, you are alone here. Where is Ruocheng? Haven't you found anyone yet?" he asked.

Huang Fengmo looked outside the tent and said boringly: "She is here, but she is busy protecting an injured person right now."

After hearing this, Huang Chenling was puzzled as to who could be more important than him or Huang Fengmo. Surprisingly, besides him and Huang Fengmo, there was someone here whom she wanted to protect personally.

"Who is it? How dare you ask her to protect you?" Huang Chenling asked.

"I don't know who it is, but it's a Western soldier she picked up." Huang Fengmo said.

"What?" Huang Chenling was surprised.

"Now several generals have had several quarrels with her over this matter. She refuses to let the generals interrogate the Western soldier and insists on medical treatment. It's up to you to uphold justice. I am caught in the middle, and I can hardly stop trying to persuade them.

It's done." Huang Fengmo said helplessly.

"She really has nothing to do here to find trouble!" Huang Chenling said with a headache as she held her forehead.

This chapter has been completed!
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